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Potts-Klrven Nuptials. A wedding of much Interest in j South >Curollna nnd North Carolina was solemnized at Pleasant, 11111 Bap- I tist church in Lancaster couuty. near Fort Mill, Wednesday. July 21. at 8:30 > ^ o'clock when Miss Mary I^ouise Potts became the l>rl?le of itofert I^aCoste Kirven of St. Charles. Leo county. The ceremony was performed by the Itev. J. W. H. Dyches, Th. P.. pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church. The church wus artistically decora ted with ferns, ivy,* and pink crepe myrtle. Mrs. J. W. Potts of Cunninon. Miss., presided at the piano, rendering "To the Evening Star." The ihrldul chorus from I^hcngrln warused as the prcessional and Mendelssohn's wedding march as the recessional. During the? ceremony Mrs. Potts rendered "Kur I .a ltomaVicc de 1'Eclalr." Just l>efore the ceremony Mrs. Maxwell Jenkins of St. Charles, sang "The Sea llatli Its Pearls" and "I*ovc at Dawn." The ushers were Robert <7. Potts, brother of the bride, and Robert Harris of Charottc, N. C. The maid of hon or was Miss Pearl Jones of Eufaula. Ala. The ring bearer was little Anna Hoiiinc Klrven of St. Charles. Tlte bride wore a lovely creation of whllo mitin 11 ml ironrircttn hoe veil floyving. from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bou. quel of )>ride roses, her only ornament being pearls. She came in on the arm of her brother, Capt. George W. Potts. The bridegroom was attended by Kd win Wilson of St. Charles. After the ceremony the guests retired to the home of the bride where the same color scheme of green and pink was carried out in the decorations, The broad staircase was entwined In Ivy and at the foot of the stairs the punch howl was presided over by Miss Verda Wolfe. The ices anil cake were in pink and white. The many beautiful and costly presents, attesting the popularity of the collide, were displayed in the dining room. While refreshments were being served, Mr J. W Scot! of St. Charles sang "Just ltecause" and "Nuthlo," accompanied by Mrs. J. W. ANNOUNCEMENTS. CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court for York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. WALKER R. LATIMER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Court of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. P. ESS CLINTON. l'ho Times Is authorized to announce T. E. McMacktn of KInp' Mountain township as a candidate for Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. STATE SENATE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the action of the voters at the Democratic primary. JOHN R. HART. Ft>H REPRESENTATIVE. I am a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives of South Carolina from York county, and wish, to say that I will appreciate the support of the friends who have so loyally supported me lit the past. My record is open to the voters ami If they see tit to return me to the House I promise to Bivc them the best service in my power for another term. W. R. BRADFORD. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection to the House or Representatives, subject to t ho action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. KMMETT \V. PFRSLEY. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a ran >v> n-l'inmill III I ll?? Oil ICO or Sheriff of York County. Sul>jort to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. F. E. QUI NX. I hereby nnnounoe myself a candidate for the otlioc of Sheriff of I York county, subject to tire action of ^ the voters In the Democratic primary. J. CAD STEELE. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR I hereby nrtnounce myself as a candidate for the office of County Supervisor for York County, subject I to the choice of th" Democratic voters in the primary election. IIUOII O. DROWN. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection as Supervisor of York county, subject to the oholce of ! the Democratic voters in the primary j election. TIIOS. W. DO YD. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Supervisor of York county, subject to the rules of the primary election. CI.EM F. OORDOX. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination as Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the prlmnry election. ROBERT F. REE. ? . FOR SOLICITOR Thle friends of J. K. Henry announce him as candidate for renominntion as Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, subject to the result of the Democratic primary. ' FOR MAGISTRATE. The Times is authorized to announce J. R. Untie as a candidate for the otllce of Magistrate for Fort Mill Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for renomination for Magistrate of Fort Mill township. E. S. PARKS. Pott*, who also rendered several selections. Mrs Kirven Is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Potts. Mr. Kirven Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. K. Kirven of St. Charles and Is a prosperous farmer. After their return from a bridal tour to the summer resorts In the mountains of Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Kirven will make their home with his parents. Among the out-of-town guests were: Misses Pearl and Mabel Jones and Rebecca Reaves of Eufaula, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Kirven. Misses Adellc Kirven. Norine Kirven. Lawrence E. Kirven, Julian I... Kirven, J. ??. >->vuu, I'jiiwin >viit?>n. jr., mr. anci Mrs. Pa til Wilson of St. Charles: Mrs. Cozy Swindler of Memphis, Tenn.; Harry C. I tangle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfe, Mrs. Agnes Harris, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Itradhurg, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. <$" <? ll A Cordial I t I The United States t posits its funds w j I the State of Soutf ; posited here. We ? pository for the fui ty. The Town ol its account here. ; School District anc t Buti what we are ] the fact that M I TWO THC I the people of nity are satisfi I of this strong, | tional Bank. We cordially invite f and find out the service these frier ? ; of yours are gettin i First Natii I t i o 1..~ \ <i|iiicii mm oui piilh * Profits and Reserves., i * Resources Transfei I am prepared t< service, with splend at reasonable rates. Phone 104 i The J. B f II || HEAVY and FAr \ HARD | FEEDSTUF1 \ ALL I i IF WE HAVEN WANT WE ~ ! The J. B. It FORT MILL TOPES Jones of Charlotte, N. C.: I^adson F, Montgomery. Jr.. of St. Charles; S. L?. Viiuxlinn of Van Wyck; Wilton Shaw of Sumter: Robert and Olln Harris of Charlotte, N. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown of St. Charles; Mr.' and Mrs. V. D. Potts of Rock Hill, Mrs. O. P. Heath, and Miss Helen Heath of Midland, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Blck tt of Chester; Mrs. J. W. Potts, J. \V. Potts. Jr.. of Gunnison, Miss.; Miss Carrie Hue Wilson of St. Charles. Married tn Jacksonville. Friends of Or. Reroy McMurray. son of J. H. McMurray of Kurt Mill, were surprised to hear of his marriage In Jacksonville. Kin., Monday to M iss Nellie Kennard of Kernandina, I Flu., where Dr. McMurray has made his home since 1SH4. Miss Kennard was returning to her home front a visit to Washington She was met In Jacksonville by Dr. McMurray and they were married a few hours after she reached the Florida metropolis. > <4 f i I nvitaion \ $ 5 Government de- | ith us. Funds of ^ I 1 Carolina are de- j j are an active de- t ids of York coun- | : Fort Mill carries ? We finance the j 1 handle its funds. + proudest of is | ORE THAN t )USAND of I | this commu- I ted customers | j growing Na- *i * > * > ) others to come in | kind of banking I ids and neighbors | g here. I i onal Bank jj $ 50.000.00 I 17.415.67 f 523,299.70 | r Service 3 give you prompt lid new Haynes Car i. N. N. JORDAN L 1 *> >- .* . Mills Co. j ; vlCY GROCERIES, WARE, t : =S, SEEDS of i CINDS. I ' T WHAT YOU i: ' LL GET IT, Mills Co. | >, FORT MILL, S. C. ~ ford] men pad ? jl v/ivjl/ vrki\ u w stock at our g< line of Genuine F cessories and a mechanics ready Bring your car t< Repair Work of Bailes Mote FORT MILL, lsBsasasasPB sasasBsasBsasBsasasasBs; 1 | How is This ^ J. E. Healen, contractor Jj land Four 238 miles, goinj u K Carolina, using 9 gallons | of oil. a jjj This establishes a mile I per gallon of gasoline. In jj Canyou b eat it? Rock Hill M jjj ROCK HILL, S. C. jd The Rock Hill Overland Dealers. J 5E5gg5g55B55 Sa5g5E5H5a5B55Sa5a5?-5Z5i Cut Price Shoe Sale. The PrRinnlnR Saturday, Juno 12. 1 NOTK Till-'. I?I SIX Kill soli all my Shorn at f'ut I'rioos. I always soil far aliout one-third KraminK pi loss than others for tho same quality Carpontors, Laborers, pi iMioe. I may not have tho kind or Flooring, p tho number you want, but it will pay Shinnies pi yon well to oomo in and look them Laths, per ..... ..nun- yvn "Miy. i may no <?m .Nans. per r?f the Shoe business, hut if I do not I .nek, per ...... . I toady in lx< I export to soil Shoes as chonp, or l.insood oil. cheaper, than ovor. All Shoos sold f oniont, pf for Cash only. I cannot charge any Piaster |i*?> at the price I soli for. Call in to see I.inio. per rrc- . iiwi: voi It. M. llotil>, FHTY IX'ltlNt Till' hat l'rlco Shoo Man. II-' NO'I". IX f - I.OKKR, AS VO ????????^??? ANYTHING I.II JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting Eatimatn Cheerfully Given Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. PART! rners will find in irage a complete 'ord Parts and Accorns of exnprt t-_ ? K to install them. ) us for First Class any kind. >r Compar South Carolina. iBEBSBSBSaSBSBSBS % for a Record? , of this city, drove an Ov< y to the mountains of Nos of gasoline and one qu< age record of 26 5-9 mi otor Cmp'ny, ? Phone No. <i? Corner Trade and Black Strer ! H 5H5Z5H5H5mirH5Hg55B5a5B5Z.?r ?T_ ! Increased Cost ot Building. n i:i:i:\( i i\ II?ST in* i \iw.i- wi? M YlsAllS A<;o AND WHAT IT Is TODAX. I !?l I i*r 1.000 fort 11 s on per hour I" lt hour no er foot :;o.oo or ::.:,o 1,000 _V .">0 krk o 1,000. laid I s oo <1 paint, per gallon 1.7.*. per mil Ion 7.'. r barrel. T 1.7 7. H<|)iaro yard :;o hnrrol on i imkIsXkIsD Tin. ivsiitwn: on \<?i i Tills PAST I I AV Y I Alts.' , Tills isvi:\T or \ i-ilea: vol \vm i d r.i: ?' COI'l.D NOT His I'l.At Is \ lit II.dim; t?i \Is WHAT IT tOST IN 101 I. DON'T ITT IT OFF. S Is Is J. L. SPRATT, FiitK ixsrit xNris. i y* 1 31 IV i J ! I rBSHSH.D i . ' 1 s I er- S th I irt J les | ? S iil L'l &1 i Ln ts H h dSEs^trj \ i i i:i \i.s I : i> I S.IMt .!'< . ir, 11 <i on 1 11.011 7. 7. o i r.o i'. r.o 1.7*. 1.00 i: i'i:or\ iii \\ % H?.\ X I'OK