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F . InvcifcltH Agalwt Gasoline. The Rev. W. R. Knuknight requests The Times to publish the following excerpt from a speech recently delivered to a Texas audience by the candidate of the American party for governor of that State: "Gasoline, since It has been apI plied to transportation, is the greatest agency for evil the world has seen In the same length of time, time not including liquor. "It has ruined more women, debauched more girls, bankrupted more men and put more mortgages on the homes of the people than liquor ever did. It has made of our plcnsant parks and groves and road sides disgraceful houses of assignation. If I become governor I will see to it nt least that the public ofllcials do not use automobiles belonging to the State, for which the State pay* the upkeep and buys the gasoline for joy-riding. I will keep the ofllcerB of the State of Texas from sending Texas to hell in an auto." ANNOUNCEMENTS. J CLERK OF COURT. * ] I hereby announce myself as a candi- J date for the oflice of Clerk of Court for 4 York County, subject to the rules of < the Democratic primary. . i WALKER R. LATIMER. \ 1 hereby announce myself as a candi- < date for Clerk of the Court of York ? county, subject to the choice of the J Democratic voters in the primary elec- < tion. F. ESS CLINTON. < 4 The Times Is authorized to announce T. E. McMaekln of Kind's Mountain township as a candidate for Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. STATE SENATE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the action of the voters at the Democratic primary. JOHN R. HART. F<)R REPRESENTATIVE. I am a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives of South Carolina from York county, and wish to say that i will appreciate the support of the friends who have so loyally supported me In the past. My record Is open to the voters < ami if they see tit to return me to ! tllf* flnilMt* 1 nrmniup to irlvn llunn 1 i best service In my power for another teun. W. It. BRADFORD. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection to the House ei Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. KM MUTT W. PURSREY. FOR SHERIFF ^ I hereby announce myself as a candelate for re-election to the office of * Sheriff of York County. Subject to the choice of the Democratic voters In the primary election. F. R. QUINN. I hereby nnnounce myself a candidate for the ollice of Sheriff of York county, subject to the action of tho voters in the Democratic prlmnry. J. CAD STEEDE. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Supervisor for York County, subject to tlie choice of the Democratic voters In the primary election. HUGH O. BROWN. i 1 hereby announce myself ns n ean- , didnlc for reelection as Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary 1 election. THOS. W. BOYD. I hereby announce myself ns a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Supervisor of York county, subject to the rules of the primnry election. CI.KM F. OOKDON. I hereby announce myself as a eandidate for nomination as Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. ItdBEKT F. LEE. FOR SOLICITOR Title friends of J. K. Henry announce him ns candidate for renomination as Solicitor of the Sixth Jadieinl Circuit, subject to the result of the Democratic primnry. FOR MAGISTRATE, The Times Is authorised to nnnounee J. R. Halle ns a candidate for the office of Magistrate for Fort Mill TniLXikln ? ??. - of I ho Democratic primary. I I hereby announce myself n candidate for renomlnntlon for Magistrate of Fort Mill township. E. S. PARKS. usr? 1920 HIE COLI.RT.K OP CHARLESTON Co-educational. Entrance examinations, and cxnm^ Illations for tho free tuition county scholarships at all county seats Friday, July 9, at 9 a. m. Four-year courses lend to the It. A. and It. S. degrees. Special twoyear pro-medical and pre-tei.l;iilcal ! courses are given. Spacious buildings and athletic ' grounds, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled library facilities. Two dormitories for men. Expenses moderate. For terms and catalogue, ad dress, HARRISON RANDOLPH. President. < A*. ? | Hon. A. F. I will address the 1 I community on July est of the Americ; | ciation. | This is a part o. \ campaign in the i Cotton Association I that all our farmer ; at this meeting. M 1 the latter part of | Congress, was ch J III ii _ t cuiiutiiiicc uii cignti I ably helped put thi | islation for the ben* I ing interests than 1 ever sat in Congres I will no doubt be vc I This bank belie I 1 the American Cot t and urges all its fa | be present at this i I \ First Natio | CAPITAL AND Sl'RPLI'S f RKSOURCKS OVER I The J. B. I ====== | HEAVY and FAN( \ HARDV f FEEDSTUFFS \ ALL KI | IF WE HAVEN'T [ WANT WE'L rm v i\ I I he J. B. ! Our Battery FREE R8 We will be pleased to inspect you aften as is necessary, free of charg kind, and our experience is always pairs be necessary we will make th Recharging, Repairing all Service Batteries for Use Wl ROCK HILL BATT The Battery Specialist* Dppotite NmIt'i Stable E. Rlac fort mill time! LEVER j :armers of this I 23 in the inter- i in Cotton Asso- | ! p *i c?._* :j_ i luc ijiaicwiuc 4 I interest of the | i and we hope I I s will be present | r. Lever, during j his service in I | airman of the <* ulture and prob- ; rough more leg- ^ efit of the farm- t ? any man who \ ?s. His address *ry interesting. \ < i A ves strongly in ton Association t irmer friends to \ neeting. I nal Bank : % $ r>o,ooo.oo ^ $500,000.00 4 Mills Co. I :y groceries, | ^are, | SEEDS of | NDS. | ' what you | ,l get it- | Mills Co. I . . Service is :ardless of Make of Battery r battery at any time and as e. Our service is the expert at your disposal. Should recm at a moderate charge. 1 Makes of Batteries. hile Working on Yours. EUY COMPANY, - Rock Hill. S. Clc St. Phone 624 I B, FORT MILL, S. 0. ~ FOR] FORD C stock at < line of Gei cessories < mechanics Bring your Repair Wc Bailes IV Foir psasasamsasa sasasasasesas in 1 |i ! How is 3 K J. E. Healen, co in land Four 238 mil jj Carolina, using 9 jj of oil. S This establishes K jjj per gallon of gaso In | Canyou b eat it E cj n i t v ROCK n B ROCK 11 P The Rock Hill Overland Hi sasaesasgmsasasasasasas Cut Price Shoe Sale. PoRinnlnK Saturday. June 12. I . will sell all my Shoes at Cut Prices. I nlways sell for ahout one-third I less than others for the same nualltv Shoe. I may not have the kind or the number you want, hut it will pay you well to come in nnd look them over before you buy. I may k<> out of the Shoe business, but if I do not I expert to sell Shoes as cheap, or cheaper, than ever. All Shoes sold for Cash only. I cannot charge any at the price I sell for. Call in to see ire. It. M. linon, The low l'rlce Sins- Man. JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting Ettim.tri Cheerfully Given Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. DP AT kR owners will fi Dur garage a coi mine Ford Parts ai and a corps of < ready to install th car to us for Firs >rk of any kind. lotor Con r MILL, South Carolina. iS5H5asa5PalEll5S5a5B5a5H5H5B5aSE This for a Rec ntractor, of this city, dr les, going to the mountc gallons of gasoline an s a mileage record of line. ? :n iv/i-a. in iyiului v^ii: % I ILL, S. C. ? Phone No. (?li Dealers. Corner Trade a iia5H5H5zsasa sa mzsHsasasagasHS The Increased Cost i son: 'ini: i>irri-:i{r.xri: ix cost or SIX YlvXICK AI.O AM) wiiai Km mini;, per 1, ><?(? f i??-t Car|>ontern, per hour laborers, per hour Flooring, per foot Shingles, per 1,000 I .at lis, per 1.000 Nails, per keg... liriek, per 1,000, lni<l Heady mixed paint, per gallon I.inseed oil, per gallon foment, per barrel Plaster, per square yard I.ime, per barrel iiwi: vol i\< m:\sr.ii tiii-: insi 11 i irrv nritivb tiii: past rr.w v f.aks? IF NOT. IN Till-: F.VFXT OF A MICF. AS YOl' fOFI.I> NOT HFPI.ACF. ANYTIIINO 1,1 KF. WHAT IT POST IN Mil. HO NT PIT IT Ol S KF. J. L. SPRA FIltF. IN SI ItAN \ 1 ITS ind in nplete iid Acexpert tem. t Class lpany 15H5H5a5a5asa5g5H5a in l orar j ove an Over- ? lins of North 3 d one quart 3 26 5-9 miles jj] p'ny, i nd Black Streets jfl of Buildina I.AIlOlt A\l? MYIFItl\|.S r IT IS TODAY. I'M I $IS.o? $ lSi.110 . . . .10 .??? HO .If. . . . . .".o.oo I | O.oo .... a.r.n i o.oo .... j. no iij.r.o ... L'.r.o 7.f?o ... I k.oo ; f. oo . ... 1.7.*. If.o . . . . ,7f. 2.f>(? ... i .7*. i. 7 r. "0 l.oo .'.hi 2.3ft e\n<i: o\ voni ritop. vor win i.i) m. A iicavy \ iti ii.him. inn.w roic t. I TT, CK. -