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w jjjf f ff 'V ' - v: If SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN Miss Azilee Harris is visiting relatives In Shelby. N. C. Mrs. James L>. Fulp and sons are visiting relatives In Fort Mill. Miss Kr.miu Kennedy of Itidgewax is the yu< vt of Miss CJeorgie < >tt. Miss Florence I.oe is the guest of i er sister. Miis Fair la*e, in fhar lotle. F. Rodgers, .lr., of Hadin. N. t'.. is spending the week in Fort Mill \isiting relatives. Misses olive and Kdna Harris lef" Saturday for a fortnight's stay tit Wrightsvllle 1 teaeli ami I.uinberton. N. C. Mr and Mrs. \V. II. (ioodson and children ?>f Allendale are visiting Mrs. Hood son's parents. Mr. and Mrs C. F. Rodgers. Mrs. Sallie Amiek and daughters Mary and Kathleen of Ashcboro, N C*.. are guests of Mrs. Barbara Mose: in Fort Mill. .V.r. and Mrs. T. \V. t'nlp left Tues day afternoon for Asheville, N. C where Mrs. C*til|s expeets to remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John Itatteree and son. Charles. ?<f lioek Hill were week end guests at lite home of M r. and Mrs. \V. II. Windie in the Hold llill The llov. J. 1Itlaok. pastor of 1h.* Kurt Mill I'fcsliylcrlaii ohitroh, xva*conlinnil to his room SevernI days last week l>.v illness. l>nt was able to till his preuvhit?K ointauomi'iits Son ilny. Mi:s llleeker bee of Charlotte. <1::iiKhtor of Mr attil Mrs. .1. ! *. 1.00 ot I ort Mill. Krida.v joined a tourist parly in Washington for a several weeks' visit to Now York, <'amnio tin*! other points. Mrs. Alex Harbor ami daughter Miss Aline, expert to leave I'ort Mil this aftornoon for a month's x'isit to Mrs. Harbor's sons. Kilwln Harbor in Tobalo, < ?hto. ami Womioll liar I.or. in Knowillo, Tenn. Tin l!e\. \V. I!. Itaiikniuht am family lift Tuesday niornim; by anto mobilo for Newberry, whom Mr* ltuiikiiight anil ohihlron will spom rrveral ?lays visilitiK rolalivos ami wiP thin go to Salinla before returning homo. Mr. HankniKht oxpeeled in re t tni n to Kort Mill yesterday. Miss Mary t Joodwhi of t'cutr:il, wh ir attending Hu1 summer school foi Iciirlicrs :il Winthrop college. was tie week-end kki'si of Miss Marjorh Mills. Miss (Sooilwin is a daughter of I ho Iti'V. XV. S. liiiiiilwln, who wa. pastor of St. John's Methodist ehttrel in Kort Mill several years ago. J. Iv Wilson of < reenville. Stat deploy organizer for the henetieiar> degree of t li?' .Ittnior < tfiler. t'nited Ameriean Meehanies. spent several days iti Kort Mill last week in tin interest of the order* Mr. Wilson tie liveretl an address to tip' local conn eil of the 'Junior Order last Wednes day evening. A nnniher of Kort Mill household ors have complained recently of tip loss of chickens hy incursions m weasels and minks. A few nights ng< Jchn Hoke heard a racket among his chickens and getting a Inntcn and revolver went tti the hen lions to investigate conditions. lie diseov erctl that a mink had killed tiv? chickens and was still at work anion; them. The first shot from his revolv er was not well aimed and killed three more of the chickens instead ot the mink, which, however, was do stroyed l>\ a second allot. pun*\ici\<; rou i'\iu. (Mllcliils \\ orklim (? Miikr Count \ Itt'Sl Yet Ill-Ill. The dates for tin- I'.'HO Yor eoii'dx lair arc u-tnher 22-2-t anil this prob alnv will In- iIn- last year the uruun-r In lloi-k Hill will In- availahli- for thipurpose, unless purchased outriulit 'I'lu- otllcers anil ilirei-tors of the I'ai. err lending every efl'orl tow.-mi in <1 ii.g this year's event the lies' in the history of the assoeiation :nui it is hoped that the people of evi r> see tlon of the county will cooperate with thent. The iireniliini list will he ready foi distribution some time in August and nil who are interested in putting on r kind of exhibit at the fair nr. i ed to drop a card to the seeretarv Mul a premium list will he sent a? corn as possible. I let ol ve to make the 1920 fair yoiu t ir. saVs I'rorlif-nt l'oe in his to the pnplc of the county. Miss I'otts to Hi- Married. Mr. and Mrs. I>. <'. I'otts have issiii -1 invitations to tlte marriage of danulitiu'. Marv l.otiise. to l!oh crl I.iii'uslc Kirvcn of St. I'harbs, 1 .? ? county. Ilio wedding ti take plac, at tho lMonsa"! Valley Itaptist church sit s;.n o'clock Wednesday evening .inly "1. Mellowing the wcihi'm; the voting couple will leave for sin ex;< .let) tlip Miss I'otts is i>n attractive utu! |iop. tlitr young lady, the aunmitii ement of 'v liosr engagement will he read with interest hy her many friends. Since (the finished her college course a few >enrs ago she has taught with sue- i cess and it was while she was en- I gaged as a teacher in the school a* . >1. Charles that she hceaine sic yuaintcd with Mr. Kirven. w ho I a well-to-do farmer of that coiniuu I tnty, ri.KillT TO \I.\SK\. I'our I'liincs Start Today on Might Tlioilsaiul Mile Trip. I'our I >e llnviland airplanes are setieduled to "hop off" from Mitchell held, I,. I., today, starting an x.titoi tulle thght across northern l'nitc.1 Stalls and Canada. The Might will he in the interests ol commercial air service, with tho particular objective of determining whether air i tail routes to Alaska are practicable. If the trip is ton-cos ful air service will he established, which will shorten to less than a work the ttlne necessary for mall transportation. ' -?f V" H \ ^ : < XV FOR LANCASTER FARMERS. tgl Four Mwtliijpi Ploniipd to CowMrr mm Cotton Situation. 50*2 Gatherings of farmers and business KM men of Lancaster county are called for the purpose of discussing problems affecting the warehousing of GBS cotton, the proper grudlng of cotton. f>? and the adviaubllity of getting the HRe ' otton association at work in the ' The meetings are to be held at Ker- jCJK slaw on Saturday. July 17, at 11 a. in ; at Heath Springs on Wednesday. July i! 1. at 11 a. m.: at Van W.vck it 1? a. in. and Lancaster at 2:20 p. in. on Thursday. July 22. fjSEj The meeting at Kershaw will be gW] one of three general meetiiiKs to be j helil in the State and the farmers and CwKj business men will be addressed by J SJj&j vkotttowe Wannainakor. president of EEE 'be American Cotton association; A. K. I.ever, member of the federal farm Ssf 'onti bonrd: J. A. Kvans. chief of ex- i w-35? ii nsion work in the South; W. 11. Mills, expert In rural organization. uS mil A. A. McKeown. district demon- 8? ration agent. HG At Heath Springs. Van Wvck and MQ i.aneaster ,1. A. Kvans. John CJ. Itlcharils. IiQwndes Krowning. W. H. Mills mm iim! A. A. McKeown will he present. OpK The object of these meetings ts threefold: to arrange for the grad- GBR inn of the farmers* cotton by a disin terested p.arty who will he an ap- feRg pointee of the State and federal kov- mw eminent: to arrange for building the Kraij necessary warehouse space to take JtfflS cure of at least r>0 per cent, of the normal cotton crop, and to increase KflH the membership of the American Cotton association in order to make it a potential factor in the economic \ I'fe of the State. Tlin-e Hundred Ktirnll. Although there are only 12 days bl't in which I>eniocrats who wish to vote in the party primary to lie held in August may enroll, only about SOU list<I sipaed llie Korl Mill elnh roll up i In last night and il begins to look iis if I'leetion day will roll around and ' ! | liiul that many of those otherwise en titled to vole ill the election have disfranchised themselves by failing t< register. The last date on which the club rolls will be open is July 27. It is thought that Kurt Mill could vote in excess of 500 in the primary with a full enrollment. I.ail's Ann Itrokcu. Ilochelle Patterson, 1-J your ol?l son i>i Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Patterson, h:nl i liis loft arm liuilly lirokou at the el- i | Ikivv Saturday afternoon by falling | fioni a foneo at the home of his par iits on llall street. He was immeil-ately taken to a hospital in Hook Hill, whore the injured arm was sot. \t tirst fear was entertained that the inn was so badly broken that it night not alow together properly, but I Mr. I'atterson was assured by tin' hospital authorities a day or two ago ! j hat burring aeeidents the arm would 1 ventual'.y eome around right. Ilnnl 1st MiiIIiik (loses. The revival rorviees which had boon I onductod at the Fort Mill Haptisf hurch for the last ton days by the Itev. 'IV Mct'aul of Honnottsville I wore brought to a close Tuosdav veiling. Mr. Met'uul is an able preacher whoso sermons are believed I to have done 111n> i good in the community. I lis solos wore a feature of i In meetings and were greatly en- i oyed. Murrb .1 Sunday Xfteriuion. ! g n .\'iss Itosie Itayne of I'harlotte, X. QEk and J. I. well known farm r i I fort Mill township, wore mar- eagfcV ud Sun.lay afternoon at t? o'clock t*y the Itev. \V. It. i'.anknight, pas- | or of St. John's chureh. at fie Meth- i eist parsonage. Mrs. Ki/.er formerly iveil in ia.i t Mill, hut has made her ! 1 aiue for se\.'r:?l years in i'harlotte. I 'lie is a sister of I'larenee Itavne, who wSF formerly made his home here, j 2$C Mr and Mrs. Itayne are at their gGsf 'vine, uhoiit a mile from town, on the Lancaster road. wjig O 1 I Pure to the last drop m in the can! That's why tSj DEVOE ? Lead and Zinc ? Paint takes fewer gallons and wears years longer. * TKm'c u,k? nc\/nc - ?? " ?T?ijr JLVI?i V WL1< * costs less by the job or * by the year. And that's why we guarantee if DEVOE without re- ? serve. Come in and let 4 us tell you more about DEVOE. Lytle Drug Company FORT MILL. S. C. * flWHHHHBiBIRHI ^ Remember?Paint Devoc Paint If you think The Time* worth the money, $1.25 a year, your subscription will be appreciated. .1 JORT MILL Tima, foi BSBSSS?9Btt9MBiSS8&9 i""? | You ! XT I IN' I ! C F< H G Fl H T A T A Fi F. i I c \ \ i _ \ \ ! You \ \ +* +*+*'+*>+* +*>+*>+V+* + '*?'! THE CITY A CLEAN, COOL, CON^ TAURANT for LADIES an Quick Service, Food of Polite attention. If yo for SERVICE dine here Mrs. E. L. HUGHES, be etist of The Times is < Send in Your Subi IT MILL, g. 0. mmmmmmm sbskbsbsm tosrwswwwwswnii <w ubjuiuwuuiubjjiiu ing & T o one onnected with Drt Mills ome of OOD URNITURE as time o write an dvertisement his week. 11 are busy lling orders dt satisfied ustomers. ing & M FORT MILL, S. C. xmtmaatmtm rm tmxmtmmsxmm CAFE {I *av< .'ENIENT KKS- i Bliy id GENTLEMEN | 5<K) Best Quality, | 1,01 u are looking Pric?i without ? il * ?+?? > ?????? >nly 81.25 a year. JOB! 9f riptiou. at the timi Volfe | w I \ II r IV Eli ! I ! \ < < ! j ! ? ^fv* m Volfe 1 b Money by Ing Ice Books Pound Books, $.*$.00 K) Pound Book, $(>.00 : books, 70c per 100 lbs; effective June 1 O. T. Gulp PRINTING ?S OFFICE - - PHONE 112