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? i. .i = REVISIT ALMA MATER. local Clemson Men Interested In Big Z Home-Coming Event. 1 4 A number of local Clemson alumni , '2 are planning to attend the gathering ! ? of the former students for the big 4 home-coming which Is to be hold at 4 the college Friday. Saturday and < Sunday, July 30. 31 and August 1. J All the old boys will be taken rare 4 of In the barracks and It will be nee- 4 essary for each man to take sheets. ^ pillow cases, towels, etc., thus re- 4 minding him of his cadet days. 4 A feature of the home-coming will *> be the sermon to be preached on Sun- 4 day morning to the boys by the Uev. 4 B. R. Turnlpseed, a graduate of the first class (1895) and now a proini- * nent member of the South Carolina 4 Methodigt conference. There will be 'V various things to entertain the for- ^ mer students and give them a good 4 time, hut the "big idea" is to get to- 2 get her. ^ Ordinance Produ<*es ltollar. ^ A fine of $1 was collected Satnr- < > day morning by Police Otllcer Wug- 4 staff for violation of the tratllc ordi nance recently passed by the town <?> council of Fort Mill. The offender ^ parked his car on the wronK side of 4 Main street after beinir warned by the $ officer. J ANNOUNCEMENTS. | CLERK OF COURT. 1 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court for L York County, subject to the rules of ^ the Democratic primary. T WALKER ft. LATIMER. | The Times is authorized to announce 4 JOHN R. LOGAN as a candidate for e .reelection to the office of Clerk of Court, subject to the pleasure of the 4 voters in the Democratic primary. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Court of York f \ county, subject to the choice of the 4 Democratic voters in the primary elec- V v tion. F. ESS CLINTON. * I STATE SENATE. # F I hereby announce myself as a candi- 1 date for the State Senate, subject to .> the action of the voters at the Demo cratic primary. JOHN R. HART. 4 FOR UKPJIKSKNTAT1VK. f 1 am a candidate for reelection to 7 the House 01 iicpreseniauves 01 w South Carolina from York county, % ntul wish to say that I will appro- > eiate the support of the friends who have so loyally sup|iorto<l me in the 1 past. My reeord is open to the voters y and if they see lit to return me to v the House I promise to aive them the ft host service in my power for another f term. \V. It. BRA DF< ?RD. FOlt SII10RI FF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of York County. Subject to tlie choice of the Democratic voters in lite primary election. F. K. QUI NX. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tlte otllec of Sheriff of York county, subject to the action of the voters in tlte Democratic primary. J. FA I, FOR COUNTY SUl'KR VIS? >lt 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Supervisor for York County, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 111 'I; 11 c. I'Mnu'v a. V I hereby announw myself :is a r:indidate for reelection as Supervisor of "" York county, subject to the choice of .. the Democratic voters in the primary > election. f Titos. \\\ ItoYD. 1 I hereby announce myself as a can- ^ dldate for the Democratic nomination * for Supervisor of York county, s"!>- f jeet to the rules of the primary elee tion. t'liKM l'\(loi:Dn\. ? I hereby announce myself as a can- Z, dblate for nomination as Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice i ol the Democratic voters in the pri- T niary election. 4* RORERT IV LHH. ? FOR SOLICITOR Title friends of J. K. Henry an- + nouneo bim as candidate for re- 1 nomination as Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, subject to the result T of the Democratic primary. FOR MAGISTRATE. + The Times Is authorized to an- ? nnunce J. R. llaile tis a candidate for T the otllce of Magistrate for Fort * Mill Townshin. subject to the action + of the Democratic primary. 1 I hereby announce myself a candi- T date for renoniination for Magistrate of Fort Mill township. 1 E. S. PARKS. 178R 11*20 G HIE COIXEGE OF CHARLESTON Co-educational. Entrance examinations, and examinations for the free tuition county scholarships at nil county scats Frl? day, July 9, at !> n. in. Four-yenr courses lead to the It. A. and It. S. degrees. special twoyear pro-medienl and pre-te. l.nical ? courses are Riven. | " * Spacious hulldtnRs and athletic ; P grounds, well equipped lahoratorics. I unexcelled library facilities. Two' dormitories for men. Expenses modcrate. For terms and catuloRue, address, HARItlSON KANIX >1.1-11. l'resident. C I |/* ' . .?* ,J, ! Hon. A. F. will address the f : community on July : est of the America : ciation. This is a part of campaign in the i Cotton Association that all our farmers at this meeting. Mi the latter part of Congress, was chc vuiiiiiiuicc un agi ill ably helped put thr islation for the bene ing interests than ever sat in Congresi will no doubt be ve This bank belies the American Cotl and urges all its fa be present at this n First Natio CAPITA I. AMI Sl'ltri.l s lii.soriK i:s ovr.ii The J. B. HEAVY and FANC HARDW FEEDSTUFFS ALL KL ; IF WE HAVEN'T want wet: (i The* fl. B. > ?r ? Our Battery FREE R8 We will be pleased to inspect youi ften as is necessjy^, free of chargt ind, and our experience is always ; airs be necessary we will make the Recharging,' Repairing all Service/Batteries for Use Wh ROCK HILL BATTI The Battery Specialist* Ippoiite Neelv'* Stable E. Rlacl FORT MILL TIMES LEVER j armers of this | 23 in the inter- | X n Cotton Asso- $ I i the Statewide * I nterest of the | <? and we hope | ? ; will be present f r. Lever, during <b | his service in t lirman of the % < ilture and prob- I j ough more leg- | ; if it of the farm- I any man who * s. His address | ry interesting. I ires strongly in t ton Association rmer friends to \ meeting. nal Bank ! $ .10,000.00 + $.100,000.00 4 $> <?. Mills Co. I i :y groceries, ] ARE, j , SEEDS of \ NDS, 1 .WHAT YOU.:?:J< l GET IT, 1 ? I Mills Co. j I Service is irdlesi of Make of Battery battery at any time and as! i. Our service is the exDert it your disposal. Should re-! :nci at a moderate charge. Makes of Batteries. ile Working on Yours. BUY COMPANY, - Rock Hill, S. C. c St. - Phone 624 i . FORT MILL, S. C. FOR] FORD CA stock at c line of Gen cessories < mechanics Bring your Repair Wc Bailes IV FORI H sOasagesasa sasasasasasas 1 art., I | How is ft J. E. Healen, coi I land Four 238 mil ft Carolina, using 9 I of oil. | This establishes | per gallon of gasol ft Canyou b eat it; | Rock Hi S ROCK II The Rock Hill Overland Cut Price Shoe Sale, ^;&XUV^nK SiVLiinluy, Juno 12. I > will sell all my Shoes at <'ut I'riees. I WJWttVs sell for ahout one-third less than others for the same quality % Shoe. , I may not have the kind or the number you want, hut it will pay you well to oome in and look them oxer before you buy. I may ko out tVf the-Shoe business, but if I do not I expert to sell Shoes as cheap, or cheaper, than ever. All Shoes sold f?xr VitfKi 4xitlV. I -foinn/xt i-ltu eirii ?? it v* at t^io jjricn ] soil Our. full in to sop no. fx It. M. HOOD. , Tin* l'rloo Slioe .Man. vT-7 ? : I JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting Eatimatr. Cheerfully Givrn Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. DPAI R owners will ] >ur garage a cc tuineFord Parts ? md a corps of ready to install t car to us for Fir >rk of any kind. lotor Cor V MILL, South Carolina islsasararefalsisHSBsasBsaiasB This for a Re ntractor, of this city, d es, going to the moan gallons of gasoline a \ a mileage record ol line. ? ill Motor Cr ILL, S. (1. ? Phone No. < Dealers. Corner Trade HsasasHsasH sa szsHsaszsHSEi "asi The Increased CjsI idTF, TII 10 i>nnoiti:\< r. IN COST <> ni\ vi:\ks \<.<? \ \ n w I Framing, por l.ono foot . . nirppulers, per hour l.a1>orors, por hour Flooring, por 1,000 foot SIiIiikIoh. l?or IWillis. per 1.000 Nails, per ke>j Itriek, per 1,1100, laid Heady mixed paint, per >:alloii. . . Linseed oil. per gallon Cement, per barrel Plaster, per square yard Lime, per barrel ii w r. v<>? i\< in:xsi.o tiii: ins riitv in uimi tiii-: i?\st ir\v v i\i IF NOT. IN Till: I .VIA I OF \ II It, AS vol- I 'Ol' I.H NOT Itlll.X XNVTIIINt. I.llii: WIIX'I II (i?sr IN It imin I 1*1 | IT s I .I . J. L. SPR ii it ! : in si i: * % * ' iTS Find in >mplete ind Acpvnavf hem. st Class npany o SZ5H5a5E5H5H5B5a5B5Hp j cord? I Irove an Over- B tains of North B nd one quart B r 26 5-9 miles | J s np'ny, 1 m | and Black Streets jjj : ol Building. I' I.XIUMC XND MATI'ltlAI.S I X I IT IS TO|?.\V. I ! I I I !iJi> S.llll $ | X.llll Ill ."Ml I'll .4 f> ::ii.imi l I it.(mi it i ii.II (i j.r.n i c r.u ::.:.n 7.r>u i s.IMI i r?.oii it:. i.r.n .7.*, 2.r,n 1.7.'. 4.7". ::u I mi . <Mi .l ie x\( i: o\ vol it I'ltoi'|S i: Mil xxin i.D hi-: x ?ii:.\xy ( I. \ KI II OINt; TOIIW IOK I t. ?H I '. I I ATT, win.