University of South Carolina Libraries
SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS j I" PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN Col. R. W. Hamilton of Jonesville1 is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Osmond Barber. Miss Elizabeth Thomas left yester- | day afternoon for her home in Baltimore, after spending the spring season in Fort Mill as milliner at Patterson's. Maj. James 1). Fulp, superintendent ot tlie public schools of Abbeville, spent the week-end visiting relatives in Fort Mill. Miss Florence Boyd of Montevallo, Ala., is spending her summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. J. A. I'oyd, in Fort Mill. Mrs. W. (!. Henderson of Mobile. Ala., was a guest for several days of the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Icorge Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Wintield S. Hanson icturned to their home in Dorchester Mass.. Saturday evening after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. deorge Fish. \\\ 1!. Meaeham. T. H. Spratt and I Ii. Spratt are attending the annual mooting of tlie State Bankers' association now in session In fJreenville. Mrs. John J. Bailes, with two of her children, and Mrs. R. F. drier ? have gone to All Healing Springs. N*. for a vacation of several weeks. *' A cotton warehouse, the storage a opacity of which will he about 1 <ui | bales, is being erected in the rear of v<e the ollices of the Bailes Dumber com- ^ puny. Mr. and Mrs. D. A., who have a been away from Fort Mill for several ^ w? eks visiting relatives in Binning- ?e ham, Ala., have returned to their . home here. <\ S. Dawrence of Florence is a * iii mis sisicr, .mis. ! . ! ;. Anliov, T Mi. I.awreneo returned only :i few days ago from Paris, whore, for the ^ last year, ho had boon a elork in I ho American embassy. A l'"?>rt Mill men who will serve <>n T I lie petty Jury during the first week ? of the July term of the general se. ss'ons court for York couity are: A. j < ?. Jones \V. I'. Wolf, W. W. Warren. < T. i 'uIp and J. < I. Smith. hiring the absence of her husband,! . who is a delegate to the Hcinocratic ^ convention in San Krani'lsco, Mrs. Pdwin S. Ueid of t'hathum. Va? and J ^ her children are quests in the home ^ of I?r. and Mrs. J. It. Klliott. IJain which was said to have been ? worth thousands of dollars to the farmers of the Port Mill contmunitv fell Saturday and Sunday. Voidable gardens along with cotton and corn ?rops also were greatly revived by the showers. Miss Weece Wlngate of Hudson. Mil., has been the guest of Miss Jnanita Prwin for the last week. Miss Wingatc made her home in Pott Mill for several months during; 1 !H !> and has many friends here who were pleased to welcome her to the town. Joe M. I'.olk and II. <1. lingers were the only contestants in the exaiulnation held in IJock llill on June If. by the civil service commission to select ;i postmaster for Port Mill to succeed I'ost master I'. M. Masscy, v lut resigned some time ago, his rt'slcnntion to take effort about the tirst of .Itily. It ts understood that Mr I felk probably will be a ppointed temporary postmaster pending the selection of a permanent |>ost master. ?'o| 'P. It. Spratl, Arthur l.ytle. II. II. Ardroy and \\*. M. Itelk were th. delegates front the Kort Mill post. American Legion, who attended the meeting; of the South Carolina tlivifion of the legion in Spartanburg last Tuesday. The proposit ion, recently advanced. for the Slate division to withdraw from the national organisation because of tile attitude of the parent bony toward the bonus for World war veterans was overwhelmingly defeated at the Stale meeting. The Kort Mill post some lime ago nt on reeortl as favoring the proi :ed bonus. WOl.r KILI.S MANY C VITLK. . hi .troys Thirty Thousand Dollar-. Worth in Texas. Ilanchmen of western Texas feel relieved over th< kil":or of the giant ai d most notorious loLo wolf that ever ran at the head of a pack. The animal was killed on the Lazy S. ra;..!;. t ? < ochran couiiiy, t?y It. L. I'aulk. predatory animal hunter in the employ of the I'liited States government. It is said by ranchmen tnat this wolf has been committing depredations upon their livestock fori more than 1 years and that, during! that period. it luid killed rattle to tile] value of more than $30,000. March 1. hy order of the governi.ii ill, I'aulk was sent to catch the p animal. lie was mounted and! fi|tii|i|ied with Idoodhounds, traps 1 and guns. Muring his stay in thai I Sim lion, he succeeded in kiliin:; no- rl tiierous coyotes, hut was always ill | t: search of the arch enemy of the cat - j | tie in that vicinity. , ('lie day i'aulk rode into a thicket j of tall sago hrush and up Jumped I the loho. The dons fought until they ' ware knocked out hy the large ani- I n t nil before a shot was tired hy the i .j. hunter. The lirst sh$?t from a re- | volver failed to hring him down. The j second shot from a 30-30 ritle llnislted the famous loho. The lihle, after ' h? ing dried, measured si\ feet and six ' inches in iengtlt. and it Is helievevl that the loho weighed more than IhU / pounds. . The Palmeti ROCK HIL "Where Everybody J TODA Realart Pictures offer the "39 East Gonstancc in a most delightful rom; "The Stolei A picture which it is a Also PATHE That PALMETTO NOTE?We are always glad tc people. Come over more often I acquainted. Announc Our new building pleted and we wish to are now equipped to do of Automobile Painting We also make Seat Cov C urtains and Signs. Pyramid Pc dopit LIII i IVWV^IV I tlLi Overhead Bridge You Can't Be Real Tire - seems to be the agree Chevrolet and Maxwell < who have the new Got Clincher Tire on their rim I "he nev Bail Tlio IVaU of Tulw I'crfcctiaiiKO.\l> TAXF.S NOW I UK a> iih-iiO Mii>( lie Made (in or Itvt i< i.. i. < * II The attention of all concerned is f(| Il??l to the fact that the t'oimiiu- w t ioii lloail Tax of TIII.KK I "'I.- 'n AIIS is now iluo, and navahle on or s< k . , l?l clore .11 I.N I. lUl'a, after wlueh ta ate no ?'oinniiitat 1011 Tax inoicy can I e accepted under the law. In re(ittiiiK hy mail always indicate the ownship in which you live. l'er... -t us tailing; to pay I he $.'> t omuiiiistion Tax on or before July 1. will o liable to h'lVK Mays' service on j ( ic roads. j , 11. K. NKIU Treasurer of York County. June 10-17-24 fort mill times, f to Theatre I l, s. c. i fleets Everybody" 9 ; dainty little star of ? tt n : Binney I antic comedy-drama H i Kiss. mi l pleasure to offer ; ! NEWS ORCHESTRA 1 > WELCOME you Fort Mill to see us; let us get better ement j| is now about com- | announce that we ? S the highest grade gj and Top Huilding. ; K ers, Cushions, Side I lint Shop 11 L, S. C. S Look for the Si^n. ? at 'Em for 1 : Wear | d opinion of Ford, owners around here adyear AH-Weather H-rluiiily must mean It l>er they've ImhikIiI one of it's usually Just II question Mil they'll* liuek Tor more ie for tlieir other wheels. r Goodyear Clincher \ better and stronger to start one of your ear. es Motor Co. >RT MILL, S. C, Kg ?(itHiilycar llenvy Tourist SCHOOL TAX KI.KCTION. E Notice is hereby given that an elec- Bj >n will l>e held at Hold Hill School (, ease on Wednesday, June 30, 1020, i the purpose of determining BS hether an additional ta\ of eleven U ills on the dollar shall l>e levied for I hool purposes In Hold Hill School 15 istrict No. Voters will exhibit 9 x receij?ts and registration certili- H W. II (' I:? >< ?IC. H J. J. Fol/rHAItP. K AI! I, (i. FA K IS. I -jtine 17-24 Trustees. Q Sweet l*otato Plants?$l.f>0 per I i**hi. express collect. $1.7f? per Q )00, postpaid. [f All varieties prompt shipment. ffc ddhkis-kensey pi.ant hi. ? June 1U-1K-25 Valdostu, Ha. B PET MILL, S. 0. ~Wi In Sheer Fairnes: Don't Buy Clo til You dei We've Kicked der His c_ Save $10 to By a Ten to One Shot This is Rock Hill's Greatest Clothing Event Note 1 Good f These suits will gi\ from the first stitch tc clothes wide-awake m< T1 . - r 1i ne wpporiunity or Never be Duplicated. Nothing Reserved, E Do fairness to yourse ing here first, while the COLUMBIA T ROC1 J. B. WHITTEN, Mgr. H. s io Your Pocket Book 1 thing Anywhere Un- jj See These Won- jl *ful Values. I the Prop from Un- jj ?li Prices. is $20 oil Every Suit J "hese Prices ^ $19.75 If I $22.50 I Suits $25 | I $30 g and $35 i re full measure of satisfaction i the last button?the kind of en buy. a Life Time---Values that Will H Lvery Suit Must Go. If ancl your pocketbook by cornlast shipment is fresh. noBrnmn iS3 AILORING CONim it HILL, S. C. I D. CONRAD, Asst. Mgr. 105 Trade St. j||