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" - ^0 AVvW, k 1. y" ' *4.*^' "A "tV/./! , SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS I * PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN | \ Mrs. George Brlce t>f Elisabeth City. N. C.. is a guest In the home of tho Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Black. Miss Julia Boyd returned a few days ago from a three weeks' visit to her sister. Mrs. J. J. Stewart. In hit. Holly. N. C. Miss Catherine Armstrong returned to her home in Fort Mill township Friday after having taught in the public school of Mehane. N. C.. for the last nine months. F, H. Dixon, superintendent of the Pleasant Volley school. will deliver A un address to the Mussey Sunday 1 school next Sunduy afternoon at 3 :!:S0 o'clock. Mr*. C. E. Graham and children of <' Greenville und Mrs. E. G. Galther of * [ Stutesville. N. C? have been recent < i < i visitors at the home of I>r. and Mr*. ,, T. S. Kirkpntrtck. <| John M. Jeter has come to Fort j | Mill from Santuc. Union county, to < nil ke his home with his brother-ln- < law. t>. T. Culp. and ha* accepted a < position at Mr. Culp's store. < < Practically all of the Fort Mill boys < and girls who have been student* at < various college* In this section dur- * Ing the 1919-20 session have return- < cd home for the ?ummer vacation. J I t Because of a misunderstanding <|> with the contractor, three negro brick- 2 layers from Hock Hill, who had been V at work on the auditorium of the Z graded school for the last week, quit T \i ork Tuesday morning- They were being paid $11.35 each per day. 2 The registration book for the en- Z t'ollment of Democratic voters who y wish to participate In the primary <> election next August is not at the l.ytle drug store as was erroneously O slated In The Times last week, due i > to misinformation given the pa|>et'. J > but is at the store of J. R. Halle. < Robert Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. t > I>. O. Potts of Pleusunt Valley, Lan- <> caster county, was this week gradu * * < > ated from Clemson college with the < degree of A. B. While a student al \ ] Clemson Mr. Potts made a record In * college athletics, having for several ? > years been a member of the football * * > > teum. < < > hast week Miss Florence Rnu.l < > spent a few days with her mother. Z Mrs. Mantle Boyd. For several year.C f Miss Boyd had been connected with ?t> the Alabuma State Normal school at Montevalo, Ala., but removed a few _ days ugo to Florence to become secretary to Dr. F. H. .McDeod, proprietor of the McI,eod Infirmary. After un absence of several yean F. H. Phillips and family have re turned to Fort Mill from Sailsburj K. C., und will again make theii home here, Mr. Phillips huving ac cepted a position with the Halle;1.timber company. Miss Zelnta Phillips, Mr. Phillips' daughter, has recently been elected a teacher In the Fort Mill graded school. Sheriff F. 10. Quinn was among th. visitors in town Monday. In Th< Times of this week Sheriff Quinn an nounces his candidacy for re-election Other new announcements In Thi Times are those of Solicitor Henry for re-election. F. Ess Clinton foi clerk of court and former .Sherifl Hugh Brown, who is seeking the office of comity supervisor. b \V. I-. (.Ferguson on Tuesday sold to W. I,. Ware of Itock Hill his hoim in Sprattvtlle and following the sale bought another home for himself and family from Dr. J. L. Spratt In the same section of town. It is under- df fiocxi tnai Mr. Ware will soon move into the house he has Just bought A front Mr. Ferguson. pi "lie of the candidate!* for State of" V flee who will go before the people in the Democratic primary this year seeking votes Is Hon. D. I* Smith ol t'olleton county, who was a visitor in Fort Mill Tuesday In connection with his duties as feed Inspector for 1 the agricultural department. Mr. Smith is a candidate for railroad ^ ^ commissioner to succeed Cyrus W. Shealy. Two years ago he was in the rnce for railroad commissioner and lacked only 47k votes of getting in tiie second primary. Mr. Smith Is a former mnntber of the legislature ? end saved severul terms as auditor of Colleton county. Heal Instate Changes Hands. Recent real estate transfers in Fort Mill that have been recorded in the orhce of the county auditor are: James It. Halle to Mrs. Rulu Knight Huile and Miss Alice II. Knight, one lot; $2,000. K. It. Kngland and wife to J. K. Kroades 61 1-4 acres. $1,230. Bill winkle Known in Fort Mill. MaJ. A. L. Bulwlnkle of Oastonia. \ C? who apparently has been nominated by the Democrats of the Ninth North Carolina district to succeed Congressman Hoey, is pleasantly known to a number of Fort Mill citizen*. Major Bulwlnkle served In the 30th division overseas and was ruistered Into the service with his home company by Col. T. B. Kpratt. He ar?* in the field artillery branch of the service. Head |Im Cash Store's Ad this week. A Every Fai Should Kr M?8 HANKS In over 3.000 i-ltles every State, are furnishing uniqu< Tor the free use of all who open of $1.00 or more; and the nunihei vice Is increasing daily. This enterprising action constitu hution ever made to TUltlFT. as lions of these modern Imnkn in tl providing them, with the most prt ever devised. Head what The Nati perfection home snvings hanks; SOMETHING NEW I (From The Natio Solomon said there was nothing had lived in the present age. he w statement many times. Every nian, speak, has seen the ordinary metu not seen the iatest matchless self-i money known as the Recording Sj has separate compartments for thf surface is beautifully perforated at ister all coins inserted, so that the Just what he has saved, always.: its structure is a marvel of Inuut yonu tne question or a doubt any Every home should have one of I beauty and high quality will n.akc Any lof our tellers will be glad to They Operate with Almoi and More Than Human MAKE SAVING If The National Rock Hil Cash Capital of $300,000.00 J. M. CHERRY. V-Pres. IRA B. DUNLAP, Pres. >+$+<6 > <$ >>" >*(> > -+<? ja4 : 1-? ajrvu -?; VARNOMore ahal?l?y. surface worn furniture atroyed by lire. You insure your furniture again st ti good piece of furniture will last i> otected. nee a desk, chair or table loses i ?it travels a fust road to the Junk ith Acme Quality and you I 'ice of a desk, chair or table, and e nba ?me. Bjr saving the surface you save Aente Quality stains an d t icing handsome imitations r.f exp ensi irntture and woodwork. Being In the business, we can pi obul lout painting. JONES DRUG FORT MILL THE ROYA Trade Street. Hutchison Buildin Desires the patronage of the year and will strive to deserve i before that ever since we have Call and let us know your wis good will and continued patrona IOB PRI iT THE TIMES OFFICE TORT MILL TDtMB, nily 1 low This i and towns. representing 9 self-registering home hanks savings accounts, in nmoun's f r of banks rendering this ser- f tes the most effective contrl- ^ It has resulted in placing mil- 4 le homes of the country, thus 4 ictlcul aid to systematic saving 4 onal Hanker says of these ^ I JNDER THE SUN nal Banker.) 9 new under the sun. If he ^ ould have retracted that <? woman and child, so to ^ 1 savings hank; hut all have 4 reglsternlg device for saving 4 ife. This modern home hunk 4 > various coins, an?i its outer 5^ id Indexed to expose a.ul I'cg- T depositor may actually see ? Its adjustment is perfect and T y and simplicity, excelling he- $ suvn/s t.ank a.iv 11. us.- 4 these model <1 hunks, their ^ s meni prizeii n any niome. supply you with one of these. & Kt Human Intelligence * i Accuracy. THEY | 4TERESTING. Union Bank, t i, s. c. I "Absolutely Safe" | S. R- SPENCER. V-Pres. | GEO. A. BEACH. Cash'r $ 'ALITY LAC s Is discarded each year than Is. ire. Is it Insured against wear? lifetime if it surface is properly ts newness?begins to look shabhenp. Henew its surface renew Its life. You've saved the need the appearance of your all. rarnishes at one operation prove hardwoods. Cood for floors, I lily give you some helpful hints 1 Pm/ID A MV \_wmr rtiN i, i '^=4 L CAFE It, - ROCK HILL | i people of Fort Mill thin t as we tried last year and heen in business. j ihes and we will win your iRe. ' I ?i - ' NTING - - PHONE 112 lafej ft^-: TORT MILL, 8. O. I Big Handic; L^enl. L erythi Men's and Bi I ON ACCOUNT OF TH STORE HAS NOT BEE* EXPECTED WE ARE ( LINES, AS WE HAVE ] HANDICAP OF OUR BU ISNICE THE STORE WA GIVE THE PUBLIC TH] TIONS BROUGHT ABO ALL NEW STOCK, B( SIX MONTHS, HIGH C] GOODS, WITH NEW SH! - EVERYTHING IS NOW SALE. I Palm Beach & Mohair Su Regular Price Discount Pri $35.00 $28 40.00 32 . 47.50 38 52.50 42 1 55.00 44 57.50 46 60.00 48 67.50 54 . 70.00 56 ' '75.00 60 8000 aa | Silk ar.d Madras Shirts .Regular Price Discount Pri $ 3.00 $ 2 5.00 4 6.50 5 9.50 7 10.00 8 12.50 10 13.50 10 15.00 12 Wool Suits Regular Price Discount Pr $18.50 $14 20.00 16 25.00 20 2*/.50 22 30.00 24 PARKER-SMOA I ROCK I Home of Hart Sci | ROCK HILL B East Main Street ? Oppi IBB ip Sale Now On er at 20 Per d )iscount Ev- I ing in Our I oys' Clothing and I ie Stock I E FACT THAT OUR NEW I FINISHED AS SOON AS WE !>V ERSTOCKED I N T H E S E SEEN WORKING UNDER THE 1LDING OPERATIONS EVER S OPENED. AND WE WILL E BENEFIT OF THE CONDI UT THIS HANDICAP. 1 )UGHT WITHIN THE PAST LASS, UP TO THE MINUTE fl ** [PMF.NTS STILL ARRIVING. BEING PLACED IN THIS uts INo Udds and Ends in 1 ice Our Store S Ujj THE MOMENT YOU ENTER THE .00 til 00 STORE YOU CAN SEE FOR YOUR 00 SELF THE HIGH GRADE NATION QQ ALLY ADVERT1SD CLASS OF \ 00 GOODS WE CARRY. THEN PICK .00 OUT THE BARGAINS YOU NEED. J? FOR YOU WILL FIND THEM ON i loo ALL SIDES. . Goods at Prices Less Than ce We Are Now Paying 40 WE STATE POSITIVELY AND UN RESERVEDLY THAT A GREAT [\ 90 DEAL OF OUR STOCK IS GOING AT .00 ACTUALLY LESS THAN WE ARE NOW PAYING FOR THE SAME 00 CLASS OF GOODS A R R I V I N G DAILY. ? ? - ~ - 10 Per Cent. Discount t on Shoes. f .80 i.oo 10 Per Cent. Discount i nn - 'oo on All Hats. | iK CLOTHING CO., jj HILL, S. C. | haffner & Marx Clothes ; SO UTH CAROLINA 8 :>sitezens Bank ? Phone No. 430. ^