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Tlic "Swan Soiik." >4 There Is an old superstlttion that 1 the swan breaks Into souk at the approach of death. Hence the expression "swan song" Is often used to ( refer to a last poem or musical work written Just before the composer's 1 death. The expression has also been extended to apply to the last speech of a politician before beinK forced < into obscurity. i There are now several metals, not to mention priceless radium, which are valued at much more than their 1 weight in gold: iridium at $170 an 1 ounce, palladium at $130 ami platinum at $105. Gold is $25 au ounce. OUR confidence in McClaren, J & D Brand Tires is the result of years of tire knowledge. We have sold many tires and we know that the McClaren J & D Tire delivers full tire value. Know these tires and you will know good tire service. Young & Wolfe FORT MILL. S C FIRST NATK 1917Comparative Statem and May Condensed from Reports to C< Resources March Loans $ I U. S. Bonds and Stocks Furniture and Fixtures Other Resources.. CASH Total $1 Liabilities March Capital Stock paid in $ Surplus, Profits and Reserves Circulation Due Federal Reserve Rank Deposits (Cash and Bonds).. -Total $' These Statements show an i the past THREE YEARS of PER CENT, and an increasi THAN THREE HUNDRED P We cordially invite those w join this strong, progressive with us. FIRST NATIC Capital Surplus and Profit Ac Resources \ ANNOUNCEMENTS. CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court for York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. WALKER R. LATIMER. The Times is authorized to announce JOHN R. LOGAN as a candidate for reelection to the office of Clerk of Court, subject to the pleasure of the unluro in *1 ?vmt*o wir uriiiuciaiit* (.miliary. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Court of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. F. ESS CLINTON. STATE SENATE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the action of the voters at the Democratic primary. JOHN R. HART. FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce myself as a canhdate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of York County. Subject to I lie choice of the Democratic voters In the primary election. F. K. QUI NX. Ft Hi COUNTY SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself as a i niulidute for the office of County Supervisor for York County, subject lo the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. HUGH C,. BROWN. Folt SOLICITOR Tide friends of J. K. Henry announce hi in as candidate for renomination as Solicitor of the Sixth .t idicial Circuit, subject to the result r.f the Democratic primary. SPECIAL NOTICES. (Advertisements inserted in this column must be paid for in advance; minimum charge 30 cents.) W ANTED?Colored laborers for sawmill work near Bly the wood, S. C., 13 miles from Columbia, $4 per day and board. Apply to J. J. Bailes, Fort Mill, S. C. Hra<l llM' Ciish Store's Ail tills neck. IIOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SERVICE I Have two registered Holsteio Bulls whose services are offered the public; one at Wateroak Farm and the other at my home in Fort Mill; fee $3; Osmond Barber. 4t 1-H>k SALE?One grade Jersey Cow nil Calf. In good condition. Second air. See Jobn M. Spratt. FOR SALE?"FORD CARS." New uiul Rebuilt. Also carry in stock Ford Roadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. We do high grade painting and top building on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS. Charlotte's Reliable Car Market, 26 East 6th Street. Charlotte. N. C. )NAL BANK 1920 ents March 5,1917 ' \ A <? W 4, i yzu. [>mptroller of the Currency. 5, 1917 May 4, 1920 109,628.31 $352,162.34 25,900.00 113 800.00 2,375,00 2,850.00 95.28 2,324.69 36,969.12 39,624.59 74,967.71 $510,761.62 5, 1917 May 4, 1920 25,000.00 $ 40,000.00 6.584.78 29,594.34 25,000.00 40,000.00 NONE 40,000.00 118.1 12.93 361,166.28 174,967.71 $510,761.62 ncrease in resources within almost THREE HUNDRED e in DEPOSITS of MORE ER CENT. ho do not bank with us to National Bank and grow )NAL BANK, $ 40. (XX). 00 count . $ 29,594.34 $510,761.62 FORT MILL TDflt The Palmel ROCK HI "Where Everybody TOD First National o Mildred Bar as "Pollyop" in Gr "POLLY OF T1 STOR Hundreds have read hundreds who have claim for it wonderful Also PATH That PALMETTi NOTE?We are always glad people. Come over more oftei acquainted. Announ * Our new building i pleted and we wish t T are now equipped to i | of Automobile Paintir | We also make Seat Cc I Curtains and Signs. \ Pyramid P t rock: hi * ----I Overhead Bridge | You Can't B Real Tir ?seems to be the agr< Chevrolet and Maxwell who have the new G Clincher Tire on their rii ^_____ tin* I'nili of T?iIm? IVrfmlo 1 ???_____________________ ROCK HILL CYCLE SHOP. H. M. ROBI 23 Hampton ShrMt Oppnih Ci 8, TORT MIL, 8. 0. tto Theatre [LL, S. C. ! Meets Everybody" AY ffers charming ! ris Chaplin ace Miller White's IE M COUNTRY." I this story ? the few < seen this production ' success. ? E NEWS. : 3 ORCHESTRA to WELCOME you Fort Mill n to see us; let us ^et better cement j ; is now about com- | o announce that we l Jo the highest grade | ig and Top Building. | >vers, Cushions, Side | 'aint Shop j LL, S. C. | Look for the Sinn. ? f eat 'Em for e Wear eed opinion of Ford, owners around here oodyear All-Weather mi. r certainly must mean It beter they've liouirht om> of f It's usually just a question until they're hack for more lllli' for tlw-if tkiluMi lo ? :w Goodyear Clincher er, better and stronger e to start unr of your car. les Motor Co. ORT MILL, S. C. . - it?4.<Mxiv<itr lli-uvy Tourist BUY A BlCYCLEj; or healthful exercise/*nd to get to and :rom work. You will ind here a complete jtock. j If your wheel needs 1 repairing let us do it. ... - Rock Hill, S. C.' ERTSON iT Hall T?l?phon? No. 425-J I Big Red \ On House I | For Friday and | HOUSE DRESSES, WORTH s it HOUSE DRESSES, WORTH s ! > I > ! > I || BUNGALOW DRESSES, WOI I; PRICE \\ BUNGALOW DRESSES, WOI | PRICE f | BUNGALOW DRESSES, WOI < > PRICE < O BOYS' BLOUSES, WORTH $: : O J 0 5: BOYS' BLOUSES, WORTH $1 < > : < > ( Millinery H< OUR MILLINER S LAST E | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1 1* HATS GO AT HALF PRICE. Kimbr f 1 The J. B. I k I I I HEAVY and FANCT | HARDWj* 1 FEEDSTUFFS, | ALL KIN I IF WE HAVEN'T 1 | WANT WE'LL ? f = ! The J. B. I * ' | THE CITY A CLEAN. COOL. COP ; TAURANT for LADIES .1 ? Quick Service, Food o t Polite attention. It v \ for SERVICE dine her ft I Mrs. E. L. HUGHES Our Battery I FREE Rei"f We will be pleased to inspect your b >ften as is necessary, free of charge, dnd. and our experience is always at pairs be necessary we will make them Recharging, Repairing all fi Service Batteries for Use While ROCK HILT. RATTE1 The Battery Specialists Opposite Neelv's Stable E. Black S uction I )resses f I Saturday | $5.00, SALE PRICE f $3.48 $4.00, SALE PRICE | $2.98 t rni $3.50. sale ? $2.48 7 irrn $2.1 sale $1.98 | RTII $2.50, SALE | $1.79 | LOO, SALE PRICE t $1.69 i 1.5(1, SALE PRICE | $1.15 | ilf Price \ AYS WITH US ARE ^.ND ALL TRIMMED ? T r ^ 119 c I * .1 Hills Co. I f { GROCERIES, | S,RE, | SEEDS of | ,DS' I WHAT YOU \ GET IT. fiiiis Co. i I CAFE * WENIENT RES- I md GENTLEMEN ? f Best Quality, f on arc looking c. >, Proprietress. Service is lies* of Make Battery attery at any time and as Our service is the expert your disposal. Should reat a moderate charge. lakes of Batteries. Working on Yours. HY COMPANY, Rock Hill, ?. C. t. - Phone 624