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?==--====^?===--==^=B=?5? MISSIONARY MRKTINO ENDS Nlcthodlst Wuiuen Close PtoAUble Session . at St. John's Chuivh. The annual meeting of the Wo' man's Missionary society of the Rock Hill district conference. In session at St. John's church, Fort Mill, ' last week, closed Thursday evening what many considered one of Its most profitable meetings. The presiding officer was Mrs W. P. Smith of Clover. district" secretary. Encouraging reports of the work done during the year hy the various missionary societies of the district were heard and the attendance of delegates was gratifying to the local society. Extensive plans were laid for the work during the coming vear and Friendship church, near Rock Hill, was selected as the next meeting place of tnp district society. Mrs. 1j. K. j Brown of Chester. Mrs. O. N. Bourne j of Bander college and Miss Belle Simril of Chester. nil officers of the dhtrlct society. were In attendance upon the sessions. Wednesday evening J. T. Mangum of Charlotte, who accompanied the first missionaries to Africa 10 years sfo. In an eloquent address told a large audience of the trip and eavo much valuable Information regardm* the Dark Continent. His address was Interspersed with wit and good humor. r>r. J. H. Boyer, presiding cider of the Charlotte district. Western North Carolina conference, was also present and made an Interesting talk. The Methodist homes of Fort Mill were lavish In their hospitality for the delegates and visitors, who , also received many courtesies at the hands of the local society. RAIN HELPS COTTON Seasonable rains fell throughout the entire upper section of the State last Friday night and Saturday, breaking the three weeks' drought that promised to curtail the cotton crop. In already none too promising condition to the late spring and ^ 4.1 re luck of moisture in the ground. Many furmers had heen heard to remark recently that unless ruin soon fell their stands of cotton would ho very poor this year, hut with rainfall the latter part of the past week conditions are much improved and the c? tton seed that had heen in the ground unable to germinate are now coming up and good stunds are piomlsed generally. Handy Fire F.xtinguishcr. A lire which water has no power to extinguish is soon cuused by the overturning of a kerosene lamp. In every house where kerosene is burned a bucket of sand should be kepi in a place accessible to all the inmates. for it will instantly extinguish burning oil. Head llie fusii Store's Ad this week. A First Cl< Grocery St Our experience of in the Grocery Bus] how to buy goods < our customers get knowledge. Your ited and appreciate O- or rr.?"?? Ice Cream E , Sunday Noi We are now p Sunday morning Cream for housef Let us have your or The Cand H CARRQS, Mm Meactem at Home. Mr*. M. A. Meacham returned to Port Mill a few day* ago after being ul the home of her daughter, Mrs. E W. Reeves, in Union for several months and is now at the home of her son. S. L., Meacham. Mrs. Meacham was accompanied to Fort Mill by her granddaughter. Miss Marie Reeves, who has since returned to Union. During her stay in Union Mrs. Meacham was critically ill,, hut het health la now much improved. Save the surface and you save all. And to do this economically use DEVOE Lead and Zinc Paint We know that DEVOE takes fewer gallons and wears years longer be- ; cause it s pure. It contains no worthless adulterants but is made of pure Lead and Zinc, pure Turpentine Dryer, pure Linseed Oil nrtfl nnihina o/t? vm *?> ? f ?vr#? ClUVt Lytle Drug Company Remember?Paint Dcvoe Paint IW20 KOAI> TAXES NOW l)VK 1'ayilH-iils Must lie Made on or Before July 1. The attention of nil concerned Ik j culled to the fact that the Commutation Road Tax of THKEE DOI.I ARS Ik now due, and puyahle on or Jicfore JUDY 1, 1920, after which date no Commutation Tax money can he accepted under the law. In renuttlnK hy mail always indicate the Township In which you live. Persons failiiiK to pay the $:t Commutation Tax on or before July 1. will be liable to KIVK Days' service on the roads. H R VP1I Treasurer of York County. June 10-17-24 ISS ore over thirty years mess has taught us of first quality and the benefit of this patronage is solic*d. ONES 1 delivered I rnings >repared to make deliveries of Ice lold consumption, ders on Saturdays. y Kitchen Proprietor. V FOBT MILL TIIOB8. FOB MM???? < j ?>*& * i >< . < M > < M > Make :::, < M < H < M < M II Rock Hi! ' H > i < < H > < < > Unci > ( X > < :< > oo < M > < M ?^ _ _ m 1 Kock JH If Thursd I J' it jj THREE WO if The merchan i > + i >& the Season wit! < >?> < I? in various lines < || tion. This sale if portunity to seci | Mark T1 II j| and let nothing p if BASS FURNITURE CO. BEACH IHRIE JEW'L'Y Co I+ CLOUD DRY GOODS CO. \l Rt W. CRANFORD CO. I? DEIHL MOORE SHOE CO. EFIRD'S DEP T. STORE $ A. FRIEDHEIM & BRO. J W. H. HOPE MER. CO. \ LADIES SHOP + +($ - *>^* V+ > <?> "'$> *. < Courtesy, Coope J \ 7* _ anu vision, Controlled and direct born ot long cxperici this hank, year after increasingly valuabU public upon whose growth depends. THE SAVING i of Fort A W. Bl MEACHAM, J. H. McMURRAY Pre tide nt V ice - Preside at T MILL, 8. 0. Your Arrangei to Attend tl 11 Merchan ler the Auspice [ill Merch ay, Friday an UNE 17, 18 a NDERFUL VALI ts propose to make t t special and unusiu merchandise by m offers to the buying are their wants at a r hese Dates on Ti prevent you from beir LONDON PRINTERY JOYE JEWELRY CO. GILL & MOORE GRO. CC MUTUAL DRY GOODS C J. L. PHILLIPS CO. REID FURNITURE CO. ROCK HILL FURNITU1 CO. ROCK HILL DRUG CO. *?> ?. !> ?> <*>? ?? j ^ration I C la :ed by knowledge nee, has enabled year, to become ; to the business patronage its G Vi S BANK /fill. L\ W. B MEACHAM, Jr., Culuir Ik..,? * t ^ nents Now <? lie If I'c' Inn a CaIa id juncodir :: 4 * ? t & of the ?? ants' Ass'n ; * V ? V td Saturday, :: ? md 19 DE-GIVING DAYS S his the Trade Event of ? ll values being offered ;; lembers of the associapublic a solendid nn. 1 ? nost substantial saving. ;; 'our Calendar It lg here. It will pay you i ? rock hill hardware co. * ). rock hill supply co. ;; 0. roddey poe mer. co. ;; rock hill grocery co. ;; standard drug & mfg. re co. % parkersmoak cloth- % ing co. ? . <*> <& **** i <>.. <& * . '., < *"* ' # 4 > A N D Y] Fresh shipment of JunnaU'y Candies Received by express each week. ? I ive us your orders ior uut r\luWFKS. 1 re are agents for Scholtz, the Florist, id Tile Flower Shop. >'tle Drug Comp'y Phone 16