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JUNE WEDDINGS. M#sk' y - X Uns. , ^ The wedding of Miss Mamie Jack Massey and Frederick Nlms was sol- J emnlzed Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride's; i parents, Mr. and Mrs. I... J. Massey. 11 the Rev. James B. Black, pastor of! Fort Mill Presbyterian church, of- j' delating. The Massey home on Hall street was beautifully decorated for 1 the occasion. Miss Mary Spratt prosided at the pinno, accompanying < Miss Margaret Spratt In singing "Be- < loved. It Is Morn." Just before the i vows were taken Miss Spratt render- I ed Mendelssohn's wedding march 1 for the entrance of the wedding ' party, the march continuing with 1 pianissimo effect throughout the 1 ceremony. Miss Isabella Mnssey. maid of hon- 1 or. entered first. She wore georgette 1 over sntin and carried a bouquet of 1 white carnations and asparagus ferns. I Mamie Hunter, tiny niece of the i bride, was ring bearer. She carried ' the ring in a single pink rose. The I bride and her sister. Mrs. J. O. Hunter. maid of honor, came next, Mrs Hunter carrying an armful of pink roses and wearing a white georgettr , dress with headed trimming. Thr I bride wore her golng-nwny suit of ( blue tricotine with dark blue hat and carried a shower bouquet of bride j roses. The bridegroom entered with bis brother. Willie If. Nlms. I A reception for the relatives and i close friends followed the ceremony ( Receiving wth Mr. and Mrs. R. J i Mnssey and the bridal party wen iMrs. Sue Spratt, Mrs. Fred Ninis Mrs. Miibp'l Stewart of Charlotte Mrs. Allan Graham of Greenville Mrs. J. P. Spratt. Mrs. Murray Mack Miss Rntli Meaeham. Mrs. T. 15 Sprntt nml Mrs. William White P.inch was served in the hall hy Misses Katherine Massey and Klizn hcth Ardrey. Ice cream, cakes and mints were served hy Misses Irfina Parks. Rsther Meaeham. Ruelah ami Pert ha Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Nims have gone foil hridal trip north. Many present; attested the popularity of the youni couple, among them several chest of silver and checks. out of towi guests were: A. C. Harness, Pr. .1 P. Massey, Mr. and Mrs. Juliai St-irr, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dunlnp Mr. Ileese and Miss Margaret Mas sey of Rock Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Graham of Greenville, Mr. am' Mrs. K. G. Gaither of Statesvile. V <' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson, Mi nod Mrs. J. M. Oldhatn, Mrs. Ma he' St'wart, Mr. and Mrs. Fusrene Pov stoc, Mr. and Mrs. llenry Heath, Mr and Mrs. John M. Massey and Mis Tsahelle ^Massey of Charlotte; Mis; Bessie Rankin, Misses Frances aiv' Flizaheth Spratt of Mount I lolly, N C., and Pr. and Mrs. J. C. Hunter of Liberty. Smith-Wlmlell. Miss Mahel Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith of Fort Mill township, was married, Wednesday evening. June 2. to the Rev. Gary Windell, the ceremony being solemnised tit Flint Hill Baptist Church. About 200 guests were present including a number of the bride's friends from Cliffsitle, X. C.. and tin bridegroom's friends from Fnrmnn university, Greenville. Just before the entrance of the hridal party. Miss Garden of Antlersonvllle. Tenn., sang "At Pawning" and "(J Protpise Me." To the strains of the wedding inarch played by Miss Harden, the bridesmaids. Misses l.illian Hallos. Nora Freeman, Mary Harrison, Mao Bridges and Johnnio Frook entered carrying baskets of roses and sweet peas. They were escorted by Maxtor Hallos, Bratton Kpps, Mrlce Wlndell, William I,. Hoggins and Willnrd Wilson and proceeded down the aisle to the pulpit where they formed a semi-circle under an arch of Dorothy Perkins roses. Next came little Vernon Waldrop bearing the ring in a white rose. Then the dame of honor. Mrs. I.. F. Waidrop, sister of the bride, entered and took her place in the circle. The bride entered alone and was met tit the altar by the bridegroom with his best man, Jerome Morris. The Rev. Mr. Morris of ] I'nion officiated, using the Haptist ceremony. The bride wore a pretty sown of white duchess satin, daintily omiKht up on either shle with orange blossoms, while the veil hung in graceful lines over the long train of white satin. A wreath of orange blossoms crowned the bride and harmonized well with her shower bouquet of bride roses and sweet peas. The dame of honor wore flowered georgette combined with rich yellow si tin, and carried roses and sweet peas. The bridesmaids wore organdie dresses of green, pink, blue and vdlow, giving a rainbow effect. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Windell left for Charlotte whence they -went to Asheville and Hendersonville, N. C., for a short stay. The bride Is a prominent young woman of her section, always taking a lending part in the social and religious activities of the community. She is a graduate of YVlnthrop College and for two years has been teaching at Cliffside, N. C. The Rev. Mr. Windel Is a graduate of Furman university and student of Furman University and for the past year has been a student at the Baptist Theological seminary, | l-cujsvllle, Ky. He Is an earnest worker and a young man of fine qualities. Ikip. Kat Church. Undoubtedly one of the queerest churches ever known was that constructed by a missionary on Blacklead island, in Cumberland sound. The missionary found that- the Kskiir.os had no place in which they could meet for religious services, whereupon he started to build a church of the skins of seals, no wood or other suitable muterial being [bailable. The skins were sewn together, and stretched over "girders" r?f whalebone, entity provision tins serving as seats. Unfortunately, the i-old hecume so intensa that for many lays .the Kskimos were unuble to , iut inemneiVM or for their animals. t ?ne night dogs made Micir way to the strange editlce and began consuming it, with the result I hat when morning came there was not a skin left, the whalebone ribs ilone remaining to show that there had ever been a church. Chinese Soldier llobs for hiving. Soldiers in China don't do much of Anything except when they take to banditry, which is about two-thirds itf tho time, for most of the Chinese triny, according to Nathaniel Peffer, in The Home Sector. t tf the numberless bandits that infest the interior of China, the larger proportion sire soldiers, sometimes discharged. sometimes on self-granted rurloughs and sometimes still in set*j Your Op t ===== V ^ To buy your summer slippers a y have :i large stuck of brand new & ladies, boys. girls and children, w ^ want to net you started on "Star < want thein if you ever try tlieiu 4 every lioine, if possible, we give y get what you need for the suiuuie ? SoI,ll> 1 .KATI I h*It. No substitut |x Kridny, June 11th, through Satu pay you to see us now. t Men's $12,110 Mahogany Slippers, ^ Men's $11.00 Mahogany Kngllsh t & Men's $9.00 Itroad toe. dark tan. S J Men's $9.(10 Knglish toe. dark tan fr Men's $8.r?0 Tan Hox toe Slipper Jk Men's $S.fi0 Itlack box toe Slipp ^ Men's $ tan with rubber heel 5 Men's $7.00 black box toe Slippers I LAD (> (> i > T.adies' dark tan Oxford, military i > > I .adies' dark tan. high heel, oxt ] * I.adios' Idaek kid Slipper, milltarx <> I.adies* black kid Pump, high lu I.adies' black kid pump, with inlli x i.mnvs .uanogaiiy I ixfortl. low lu l.ailies' black kill i ixfnrd, high In X I.ailics' Mahogany kid Oxford, mill & T.ailles' black kill Oxford, soft cap, & I.allies' black kill Oxford. mllltar> jr 1.ailics' black kill Oxford. high hf I Iaulios' black kill Pump, high lie I.allies' black kill Oxford, low he 1 T> per cent off all Misses. Hoys' lliese for boys in black ami tail, a blacks, tans ami white. Also a bl Oxfords, which will also he redii take advantage of this offer anil Itemember these are not old stock, you in this sale cnitie in this sp something that is good. Come I i The Cas | I " S. A. LEE and T. I i I Quality 1 I llf.i r1 witn That's why our NESS continues t< to month. Our patrons mi upon receiving \ "good things to ea B. C. FEF FORT MLL T1 vice. The Chinese soldier Is not by i nature a robber, but he has to rob 5 to live. His salary is generally 1 grafted by officials of the ministry 1 of war and the higher officers before 1 it rptfl down to him Puiumi ora 1 known of soldiers who have not been j paid for a year or more. They are j forced to turn to loot until it be- j comes a habit with them. About a j year ago a certain rich town in An- j hui province had been plundered J several times in swift succession by I robber bands. The elders of the vil- j lanes called on the district magistrate | for relief, the masgistrate sent to t the military governor for troops, and | the governor sent the troops. Three 1 weeks later the town elders again J called on the magistrate. They ask- J d thut the troops be withdrawn. 1 The prohibition national commit- | tee has Indorsed Senator Arthur J t'apper of Kansas for the Kepub- 1 lican presidential nomination and 1 S< nator Morris Sheppard of Texas ? for the Democratic honors. j Mrs. I). K. I<ee of Chester was the j guest of Mrs. J. T. Young yester- 1 day. | FOR N.\I.K?Three and half-gal- | Ion Jersey Cow with four weeks' old j culf. See W. It. Bradford. j Sweet Potato Plant*?$1.50 per i,000, express collect. $1.75 per 1.000. postpaid. All varieties prompt shipment. IKIUUIS-KENSEY PLANT C<?. S'-June 10-18-25 Vuldosta, On. portunityj t a greatly reduced price. We "STAR Brand" slippers, for men, f hlch we are going to let. go. We J ' Brand" shoes, as you will always x once, and In order to get them in <$> on this reuiurkalde opportunity to ? r. Every shoe is OllAHAN'TEEl> 5 es. This special offer will he from & rdu.v, July .'Id. and it will certainly T medium broad toe 9KMMI i oe Slippers IH.OII ' Uppers $7..Ml ? Slippers $7..Ml T s 97.0(1 X ers #7.(Ml X and rubber bottom 96.75 < i 95.75 % 1ES! heel. $11.00 value 90.95 ord. $10.00 value 9H.5U ? ' heel. $0.50 value 9H.25 T el. $0.00 value 97.50 % itary heel, $o.oo vaue 97.5(1 T el. $8.50 value ... .97.25 el. $8.50 value 97.25 X Itary heel. $8.00 valup 99.75 X . $7.50 value 96..Ml X I heel. $6.50 value $5.7.% & j el, $5.75 value $4.??? j el. $5.75 value $4.?0 X j el. $5.25 value $4.40 ? | 'anil Children's Slippers. We have ^ 1 ,nd for Misses and Children in J ? iK line of Indies' white Shoes and $ j cod 15 per cent. We hope you wll* ? let us llx you up for the summer, x j , hut everything we are offering 5 ' 'ring, and you are sure to get J I o see us. i = I | h Store, 11 T. LYTLE, Mgrs. 1 \ r ft #i ft #i ft >^ ^ ^ ? , J ? [ UUJ I' Liinacu I momy GROCERY BUSI- ' ) grow from month i c ay always depend * lere the best in. * tr ZZZHZZZ2 * tGUSON. !. BUS, FORT MX, 8. 0. iGrtftTti (Out of Thos Evenings H with music?every k ^ sic?the finest operatic favorite orchestra, and bar the songs of long ago, t foot-teasing dances of th and the Broadway hits of You get them all whei a Pathe Phonograph. ' what the music is, its pla; real as if the artist himsel The M as ?though its peerless tone IB that of the average pho IP permanent Pathe Sapphire I It's a Path YOUNG. FORT 3ut Price Shoe Sale. ? Br DrKinninK Saturday. June 12. 1 + till sell all my Shoes at Cut Prices. always sell for about one-third $ ss than others for the same ?iuallt.v ^ x#*> noe. I may not have the kind or ^ . lie number you want, but it will pay ^ on well to come in ami look them I ver before you buy. I may ?o out y f the Shoe buginess, but If I do not expect to sell Shoes as cheap, or y heaper. than ever. All Shoes sold e , i i>r Cash only. I cannot charge any ? J t the price I sell for. Call In to see ^ ] R. M. HOOD, ^ ^ The l,ow Price shoe Man. X aa u._ m ? | Dni If you think The Time* worth X he money, $1.25 a year, >our ubscription will b? appreciated. T m* aBSBtiBaBSB^teaEuaiKfii mt ie Most e U~ at iiuiite i>U 11 lei I It* I ying'is as vivid and lifelil f were right there. tr Costs No ^ More Than the y j Ordinary Phonograj i is not to be compare* nograph. Equipped wi n 11 ii ' Dail?no needles to c ha Hit It's on a le Record & WOLr MILL, S. C. o5!L rruxi<jiA. of ead is Your st Food There isn't any article c on the market as cheap< wholesome Bread. T body building value in isn't to be had in any oth Rock Hill Bread is tl Bread. Eat it for every ck Hill Steam Ba ROCK HILL, S. C. III ce and | | ~~v >h I i with 11 th the n?e- 8 i! *| ss <v f >f Food ^ as good t he real bread f er food, t \e Best f meal. % kery j