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SHORT ITEMSOF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN j W. B. Meacham. Sr. attended laat ^ week a meeting of the grand lodge of < Knights of i^.hiaa in Greenville. Miss Idelia Hayes of High Point, < N. C., is the guest of Miss Elma ^ Bradford at her home on Hall street. A special meeting of the Eort Mill | post. American Legion, has been called J for Sunday afternoon in the Red Cross , room. Mrs. .1. I'. Timmerman and little som of 1'renton are guests in the home : of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. ileliliett. Mrs. (). T. t'ulp and little daughter have returned home after a visit of several days to relatives at Suntuc, Union county. file Rev. W. R. Bouknight will preach at the Massey school house, ! four miles from town, Sunday afternoon at o'clock. The woman's missionary conference of the Rock Hill district, Methodist church, closed a three-day session at < t I...1 i- ilf i i ? I * i mil i n i) miicstmy evening. k Miss Mary Spratt. daughter of Mrs. Jennie Spratt, was the only Fort Mill, \ouiig lady to graduate from Winthrop ' college at the eomiiieiicernent exercises | which closed Tuesday evening. The explosion of a kerosene lamp caused the destruction by tire Sunday ' night of a tenant house on the farm of 1 \V. It. Ardrey, four miles south of , town. The house was occupied by a negro family who lost all their house- j hold goods. Miss llattie Huntley, bookkeeper for the Hailes Lumber company, was called to her home in I'heraw Monday by a message announcing that her father had suffered a stroke of paralysis and was in a critical condition. Miss Huntley returned to Fort Mill yesterday, but expects to again go to Clieraw Friday. A tisticutf Saturday afternoon between two white men over a crap game near Main street netted the town $.'10 in tines Monday morning. One of the men, dissatisfied with the i result of the light, is said to have gone to his home and secured a rifle with which to shout the other man, but was disarmed by an officer before he had a chance to use the rifle. Tho Ft * i >o 1? t nt* tlt??! - v..? ...iMuviai ai uviut'b ^ since Hit- first of last September of the Parent-Teacher association of the Fort Mill graded school has just been com- " piled by the treasurer. Miss Minnie tiarrison. The report shows that ( $1M1.I1 has been expended by the association in the last nine months in behalf of the school, leaving a balance of only $2.Ul in the treasury. As will be seen by a notice published in The Times this week the books for the enrollinc. of voters who wish to participate in the Democratic primary next August have been opened at the various precincts in the county. In Fort Mill the books are at the Lytle drug store. Two years ago there was a light vote polled in the Democratic primary in York county, due lurgely to the absorption of public interest in the World war. The unsightly condition of Main street Tuesday and Wednesday probably did not give the many visitors in town those days a favorable impression ot the place. The practice seems to be to sweep Main street once a week, every Saturday night. What would be thought ol the home that was swept only once a week'.' A lf?-year-oId boy ohserv iiij? th?' condition of Mum street yesterday r? marked thut he hoped to live to see the day when Fort Mill would do things in a more genteel way. ('hildieii's day exercises that drew an audience which tilled St. lohn's Methodist church were held last Sunday morning. There were son^s alid recitations hy little hoys ami jfirls of the Sunday school and un address hy the Key. \V. K. Itauknight, who took the place on tin- program assigned to Mrs. Mat tie Stewart of t'hurlottc, Mrs. Siewart beinji detained at her home hy illness. In the course of his address Mr. Itauknighl stated thut it was the purpose of the Sunday school othcials to supplant the present method of instruction in the Sunday school hy departaineiital classes. If the plans of llii' Sunday school otlicials are carried out as contemplated St. John's will he the lii'st Sunday school in the Kock 11111 district to begin depart mental work. Mr. liauknight stated. A feature of the children's day exercises wan the haptisin of a number of children by Mr. Huuknight. last DeterioratingAlthough tin* macadam section of the county highway between Fort Mill and Rock 11111 has been open to the use of the public less thun two years, , holes already are beginning to come in " the road and in many (daces the top . dressing is worn away ami the layer of rough stone is protruding. I'eople who use this road are frequently heard to remark that unless it is repaired . within the next few months the expense of putting it in its original con- i 11 dition will be very heavy. ?' More than kOO young woinen were a graduated from Winthrop college Tiles- ' ^ day evening. g f ' ? i. r 1 Do You Wa j Happy and | Independen \ STEADY SAY I Guarantee. Mone; usually goes the sai The safe and easj a part of your salai larly, just as you or mont hly. Our records sho\> are saving money 11 fore. It is your opporti The National Rock H Cash Capital of $300,000.( J. M. CHERRY. V-Pres. IRA B. DUN LAP, Pres. ACME Q, FLOOR Look at that worn place on your ki Soon the hare hoards will ahsorh moi and decay. Then the repair man! A few cents now for Acme Quality F later on. Save the surface and you .? Acme Quality Floor Paint is a wear-i It serves a double purpose. It prote most im(H>rtant. And it beautifies making cleaning so much easier. Nt; sink into the floor when protected by ing of Acme Quality Floor Paint. JONES DRUG FORT MI) THE ROY Traih* Street. Hutchison Built Desires the patronage of t year and will strive to deservi before that ever since we hav Call and let us know your v tfood will and continued patro New Loan to Belgium. New Viirk. Mi\ :tl. \ new liiiiii telgiiiin. te priMci iU ni wliiiii will !?? ! l-?'il In 11?| 11 itlit I f -VUI.IMMI.IMMI Hi'<*|||it IIII it' riilitu unit in iiii; in June. \vh-> iiiitiiiiuii'i'il re tonight l?v .1. IV Morgan Ch., mi tin- (iinirunty Tru-t iiiui|iany ut" >?*m Nurk fiscal agents for the Belgium overnuient. r* v*. '* ** FORT BOLL TIMES, nt to Be II ! i t t I t? | : N(j is the only v that comes easily me route. j | i . ' way is to deposit y or wages regn At it, either weekly * that more people + H iow than ever heunity, too. ^ I Union Bank, 11 ill, s. c. || )0 "Absolutely Safe" S. R- SPENCER, V-Pres. 4 I (1EO. A. BEACH. Cash'r 4 v*. ; I uauty TAINT to hen floor. The paint is gone, sture and dirt, then warp, splinter 'Moor Taint will save you dollars iave all. o.... i~ ???..VII.K, r.ui inir-pmirruii^ pailll. cts the life of your floors. That's your home and saves work by > need to scrub as the dirt can not the smooth, hard, sanitary coat; COMPANY, LL, S. C. ^ j | AL CAFE I iinvr. - HOCK HILL he people of hWt Mill this e it as we tried last year and i e heen in business. vishes and we will win your nuge. | -1 I II DR. A. I OTT , Ot NTIST Other hours, S a. m. to ;*> p. in. (Dr. Spratt'a ottuv) He Ik Building, Fort Mill, S. C. 'i TOUT MILL, 8. 0. lA Ovei Are now arri Ilf you want o riding, economic in at once. These cars ar can make prom] Rnnlr 1-15 HOC Lasting the / a "W, as* _____ i PATT The Shopping Center < J - T -I. -V ?' * r rland "4s" ving. ne of these light, :al cars, get your c e being shipped an it deliveries. 11 Motor C :k hill, s. c. style?thai :_j_i : punu: cardbc arcl suitcase look* s a leather one?but time "Show window style" is much e<i dure than the sort of style th? style that weathers hard service showers. Schloss Baltimore Clothes have the style t!iat conies from c inr? style. I liev look as well n as the (I ay you purchase* them. I hev are economical clothes h render a dollars Service lor evei put into thein. uy The Best ^ "MAKES LI FE'S W ~-ajan36^5 rr-a-'-cjzasu ERSON' FORT MIL HHflllMaMHHaiM ? ET1 easy- y >rder I rl we I t's " 5 as well tells! isirr to proit lasts; tin and many * ! p -j |ualit y?last- y nnntlis lat#*r N ffause tlipy v dollar yon ETT J moe a UK EAST" 0 S L, S. C.