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. CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES J NOW BEING CONSIDERED Washington, May 31.?Opinion as to the ultimate etTeet on the country of the ^ disclosures of expenditures in the presi- t dcntial primary campaigns has not crystallized sufficiently in Washington to justify any prediction concerning the .1 course the political leaders will take in ? dealing with the question. So far there ^ are only surface indications of the sentiment prevailing among senators and (j representatives over the disclosures in c the in vest iirutiiui l?v flm h?ih>I? 1 in it lee engaged ill the effort to ascertain ' how and why so much money was spent in the interest of the various aspirants for nomination as President. ^ It seems to bo clear, however, that ( t lie information obtained lias caused a c marked impression that promises some sort of action in the year future. One < tiling that stands out is the evidence of ^ the conviction of a large number of members of Congress that the presidential preferential primary system has not produced the results its advocates laul j predicted or expected. There is talk I already that the system should he radically reformed, dust how this reform should he accomplished is not put in ^ concrete form bv anv of those whose in terest iii tin' subject has Wen aroused, Imt tlie comments heard here suggest r that agitation is eertniu and that ru- r suits may he expected. No presidential preference primary ' law is on the federal statute hooks, and . so far suggestions that the national Congress should take a hand in an attempt to adjust present unsatisfaetorv conditions have not caused much discussion. General Wood has put forward the idea that all presidential preference " primaries should he held on the same day, hut this has not aroused any particular interest here, probably for the; reason that it is only within the last I day or two that representtntives have y given any definite thought to the ques- I tion of presidential primaries. ci One suggestion advanced in an otT- a hand way is that the states should a adopt a uniform primary law. Senator 1 Itoruh has proposed that expenditures t in presidential primaries should lie limi- i 1 ted to $IO.(HH) by a candidate in one c Minr. 11 is urn 1'iiriy, nowever, in say c wlnil is likely to be tin' sentiment of Congress as to remoslics. t 'l'liat remedies are necessary appears a to l>e in the minds of senators and representatives. Many of them are eon- t vinced that the present system, or multiplieity of systems, is a failure if for no other reason than it compels men of the highest standing ami ability to seek large sums to advance their candidacies or to go heavily into their own private purses to the same end. There is a feel a ing also that a man fitted l>v education, i experience ami character to he president y of the United States should not he j, forced to resort to the undignified procedure ??f attempting to influence the electorate to indorse his ambition to live in the White House. FIRST NATK f 1917 ? Comparative Statem and May Condensed from Reports to C< Resources March Loans $1 U. S. Bonds and Stocks furniture and fixtures Other Resources CASH T otal $1 Liabilities March Capital Stock paid in __ $ Surplus, Profits and Reserves Circulation Due Federal Reserve Bank Deposits (Cash and Bonds) Total $1 These Statements show an i the past THREE YEARS of PER CENT, and an increas< THAN THREE HUNDRED P We cordially invite those w join this strong, progressive with us. FIRST NAT1C Capital Surplus and Profit Ac Resources ANNOUNCEMENTS.! CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself as a candi- J late for the office of Clerk of Court for fork County, subject to the rules of he Democratic primary. WALKER ft. LATIMER. The Times is authorized to announce 'OHN R. LOGAN as a candidate for eelection to the office of Clerk of )ourt, subject to the pleasure of the 'oters in the Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself as a candilate for Clerk of the Court of York ounty, subject to the choice of the democratic voters in the primary elecion. F. ESS CLINTON. STATE SENATE. I hereby announce myself as a candilate for the State Senate, subject to he action of the voters at the Demoratic primary. JOHN R. HART. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted in this column must be paid for in advance; minimum charge 90 cents.) FOR SALE?A pretty, light-colored ersey Heifer, about one year old. ... A. Harris. ROCKING HORSE?For child two to hree years old; in good condition; cost i4, sell for $1.75. B., The Times. w aim i rjiJ ?m. oioreu laoorera ior sawnill work near Blythewood, S. C.. 13 niles from Columbia, $4 per day and >oard. Apply to J. J. Bailes, Fort dill, S. C. lOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SERVICE? 1 have two registered Holstein Bulls whose services are offered the public; one at Wateroak Farm and the other at my home in Fort Mill; fee $3; Osmond Barber. 4t Notice of Administrator's Sale By virtue of the powers vested in me >y law, and pursuant to an order of lale by J. E. Stewman, Probate Judge, -aneaster County, S. C., dated the 18th lay of May, 1920, I will expose to sale it public auction to the highest bidder it the home place of the late William *. Norman, deceased, Lancaster couny, on Friday, the 11th day of June, 920, the following personal property ?f the said William P. Norman, debased: Household and kitchen furniture, one lorse, one mule, farming utensils, tools md machinery. Time of Sale?Between the hours of leven a. m. and two p. m. Terms?Cash. J. L. SPRATT Administrator. May 2i? 1920. 2t FOR SALE?"FORD CARS." New md Rebuilt. Also carry in stock Fort! toadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. rVe do high grade painting and top tuilding on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS. Charlotte's Reliable Car Market, 20 F.ast Uth Street, Charlotte. N. C. )NAL BANK 1920 ents March 5,1917 4, 1920. >mptroller of the Currency. 5, 1917 May 4, 1920 09,628.31 $352,162.34 23,900.00 113,800.00 2,375.00 2,850.00 95.28 2,324.69 36,969.12 39,624.59 74,967.71 $510,761.62 5, 1917 May 4, 1920 "->c f\r\r\ r\r\ "> $ 4U.UUU.UU 6,584.78 29,594.34 25.000.00 40,000.09 NONE 40,000.00 118,112.93 361,166.28 74,967.71 $510,761.62 ncrease in resources within" almost THREE HUNDRED ; in DEPOSITS of MORE ER CENT. ho do not bank with us to National Bank and grow >NAL BANK, $ 40,000.00 count.. $ 29,59*1.34 $510,761.62 row MILL TOB8, v, . ?'* The Palmet ROCK HII "Where Everybody 1 TOMORROW The screen's celet Norma Ti In "A Daughter of We are sure you wi That PALMETTO NOTE?We are always glad t people. Come over more often acquainted. WE THAN! Annount Our new building ^ pie ted and we wish to t are now equipped to d< ; of Automobile Painting We also make Seat Co^ T Curtains and Signs. | Pyramid Pi t ROCK HIL Overhead Bridge 0 If You Knew of Tire Cor You wound understani for GOODYEAR to build You would accept them a Let us s these F I j| full wor We Have Goodyear HeaT] ROCK HILL CYCLE SHOP, H. M. ROB El 23 Hampton Sfr*?t Opposite City FO&T MILL, 8. 0. to Theatre * '* A, S. C. Meets Everybody" ' (FRIDAY) trated beauty, almadge Two Worlds." II like this one. ORCHESTRA o WELCOME you Fort Mill to see us; let us f?et better I K YOU. iement ! <* | is now about com- | > announce that we | > the highest grade | ; and Top Building. | >ers, Cushions, Side 4 lint Shop j 1-, s. c. I Look for the Sign. | ?%-a ?--a.-xa. a.a. ^ r the Facts istruction -T< . ' A why it is possible 1 BETTER TIRES. ls the BEST. how you our line of amoui Tires in the 10x3 1-2?31x4 sizes Clincher Type RV1CE assures you ~ th from your tires. es Motor Co. |RT MILL. S. C. ' 1 Tourist Tubes Too iUY A BICYCLE >r healthful exercise Ind to get to and om work. You will nd here a complete :ock. I] your wheel needs'1 ^pairing let us do it. - - - - Rock Hill, S. C J ITSON Hall Telephone No. 425-J < SPEC! i For Friday am I At Kiml L ? | Ladies' Middy Suits, rose, copen | $7.50, for Friday and Saturc New Kimono Crepe, yard | Pink, white and blue Longerie ( ? Cretone, brown, blue and green f Ramie Cloth, blue, white, rose, | yard Light Percales, splendid shirt p; Fancy Plaid Gingham, yard | One counter of Silk and Georgel | REDUCED PRICES. { Kimbi The J. B. I HEAVY and FANC | HARDW | FEEDSTUFFS | ALL KII | IF WE HAVEN'T | WAIN 1 Wfc LJ t I The J. B. ? I THE CIT1 t A CLEAN, COOL, CC I rr A I T 1 A A r W A 1V1 ^ i AL U/\i ior LAumr> ^ Quick Service, Food t Polite attention. If ^ for SERVICE dine In I Mrs. E. L. HUGHE Our Battery FREE R" We will be pleased to inspect your ?ften as is necessary, free of charge kind, and our experience is always a pairs be necessary we will make the Recharging, Repairing all Service Batteries for Use Whi ROCK HILL BATT1 The Battery Specialists Opposite NmIt'i Stsbls E. Black \ < > < > S2SS&SSSS lALS! d Saturday | ! brell's | i. green and white, worth lay, ...$5.75 | 75c | >epe, yard .. 60c + I , yard 50c T purple and brown, per 50c ? # ( * attorns, yard 40c i 50c ?> i tte Waists at GREATLY + < > % I ? mmrnrnm < > 6> r ell's I | i ?? i I <$> Mills Co. | | -- - <% | :Y GROCERIES, J ARE, I , SEEDS of | MDS, | wrr r a ?n ? r <i WHA1 YOU 4 L GET IT, | ====== * Mais Co. I f CAFE I NVEN'IENT RES- I and GENTLEMEN ? of Best Quality, ? you arc looking ire. 5, Proprietress, * Service is irdlen of Make of Battery battery at any time and as i. Our service is the expert it your disposal. Should rem at a moderate charge. Makes of Batteries. ile Working on Yours. ?RY COMPANY, - Rock Hill. S. C. St. - Phone 624