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I! t ; The Tractor The Mother, Son or ; Granddad Can O 25% More ** This new E-B 12-20, S. A. E. r ing, Tractor pulls as much ai 15-25. Fulls a full 12-20 load w 4 4 ample reserve for emergencies 4 4 The Most Power for the Wei{ and Money ever offered. ? All gears are enclosed and du ? proof?running in oil. Onlj liHUnfimTiW f UiManffM mm jj i This mower is as easy on your hors i v ?t hay iu every iuihj the horses travel < 9 SHOOTING AT ROCK HILL I1 FATAL FOR M, S. BU I LER | i luM-k Hill. May :tl. M. S. Hntler, uged tin. was shot ami almost instantly killt-il Saturday night in a | pistol duel Iiy <>. N. Dawson, while t Dawson receivml hullet wotnuls in tlie ' It'll arm ami hatal. liutler died a few 1 minutes later, lie fore he eouhl lie placed on the operating tahle at a loeal litis|>itid. The funeral of ltutler was held Siiittlny afternoon, following which the hotly was sent to lilen Alpine. N. for interment. Dawson gave himself up shortly after the shooting ami is now hciug liehl in the York jail on the charge of killing Hntler. The shooting; Sat unlay night began aliout ! o'eloek in the meat market of S. II. I'hillips, West White street, hut il is helievetl that the fatal shot was lireil after the principals hml gotten outside. The market was crowded customers at the time and it is considered remarkable that none of the hy slanders were wounded. Six shots ' ur??ii i?y Maw-son wore effective. ( ornner 1'nill l . Mcl'iiikli1 convened 4 n jury Snmliiy morning ami an inquest was held. I In' verdict of tin- jury lieing lliat M. S. Butler came to Ilia death ' as tlu* result of gunshot wounils inflictivl !>y O. N. Dawson. A ntitular of 1 wit nesses \\ i>r?' examined to I'stahlish ' tin' fact that Dawson iliil the shooting ' ami bv these witnesses tin* fart was e?- 1 tahlishcl that Butler also engaged in shoot "ilg. Thr testimony indicated that wlnli1 Dawson tired the initial shit that ] llul !i i laul his hum! on Ins pistol. .-van if aa oil not lira siiniiltanaoiisly. ! '. Mt Dow has haaii reteine.l l y ] Daw;on ami was present to n?ar lla t testimony at the iiuiwcst. It is -ax I peeled that tlia solicitor will ha asked ( to allow hoiul for tlia prisoner, panil ^ iug tlia trial of his rasa at tlia next I arm of York court of general sessions. From the testimony introilueail at the inquest it would upptar that the 1 trouble arose when Butler entered the place of business and tendered Dawson a <|iiarter. which the latter had given Butler's son. Butler informing Dawson that when his son needed money he had plenty to give him ami that he ohjeited to Dawson giving his son money. Dawson replied that nq, oftense was meant. A little later Dawsou told Butler that if ha was looking for trouble he could get it. Itutler replied that he was not looking for trouble, but if Dawson wanted it lie could oblige. 'Ihe shooting began, *ev era I shots being tirisl while the men were inside the market. latter shots were tirisl on the outside. A witness testified that as Dawson went out and around a standing automobile, he was followed by Butler, who tired at ; Power, To< at- grease caps to be filled daily, i a 1th It's a four-wheel tractor ? all wheels out of furrow. jht The engine is standard B-B 4-cylinder Kerosene Motor.' ist- This is the tractor for your work, r 3 Come in and see it. HERE is the only succtssi wide-cut mower. Itsav ^ 50% of your mowing cost I cutting twice as much in the sat time. Compensating lever a: spring carries the cutter bar on t drive wheels instead of dragging on the ground. This increases trt tion, does away with side drt and weight on horses' necks gieatly lengthens life of machii jr e-b les as plowing corn, and will cut two aci 1. Come iu and see it. Bring your boy aloe i+ $ 9 *+ + *> < Dawson. Tin* hit I it then turne<l and lidding his gun in both hands tired liree times. As the third shot was iris I Butler staggered and fell. Dawnhi then walktsl away, Butler got up iiiii started along the sidewalk, when e fell. lie was piekisl up and rushed 0 a hospital, hut died la-fore he could i' placed on the operating table. He 1 ul three bullet wounds in his hand, mother iu his arm. one in his side and mother pierced the alslomen, the last me being the cause of death. None >f the other tive wounds would have iroveil serious, according to Dr. Fenie11. who made the examination. Dawson is the man who some weeks igo engaged in a tight with S. P. napiuan. while Butler is one who vere on opposite sides during the trike at the Carhartt mill. Dawson re uining to work, while Butler was one if those eject isl from the villain* hv <>m t proceeding* last week. None of liese facth were introduced at tlie hearon, luit it is expected that this phase ?f the matter will he fully aired when he ease eomes up in York, the provnee of the jury of inquest heiny limply to determine at whose hands hitler met his death and not to pass ipon the question of intent or provocaion. It is reported that Dawson has l>een lireat cued on several invasions and tail suffer ill a drubbing reeentlv. The actional lines are still sharply drawn, mil each faction is seeking to uphold I ts member in the shooting. MOJICK OF 'APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. Notice ia hereby given that the First Mational Rank of Fort Mill has filed in his court its final return as Adminia rator of the estate of A. O. Anderson, deceased, and has aimlied for a final lischurge, and that Tuesday, July 6, ias been fixed for the hearing of said petition. J. L. HOUSTON, Probate Judge. May 29, 192U. 2t-2-24 DON'T FORGET THE Cash and Carry Store in making your purchases. Come a-runnin' with your nickels and dimes for choice Fruit, Candies, Fancy Groceries, Etc. ! Dc A. LEE, Prop. ~~ TORT MILL TIMES, 3 SOLID C \ FA! TRAC1 / 117E call the attention of \ the car load of the o Famous E-B which we have just receivec for immediate delivery. T1 ica's best tractors as has 1 competitive trials with othc a medium priced Tractor e< of every substantial farmer, trials proved the claim of si eg Tractor. oy This tractor, 3,000 miles f ad service, led the field of Amc r" Realizing the importance of lc* ufacturers entered more tha itt ? land's best engineers, unbia any concern, conduct* d the port. The plowing done wa soil and in medium light loai !|? Quoting the judge's repor ful tractor of medium wei ing the trial it did good woi and light land. It also did disc harrow." Come to sea Lt ami Ut ?? |] many supeiior qualities of tl We also carry a complete ery manufactured by the E-l > Bailes Mc I* FORT MILL ? *+&+&+? # jC A IN ??? Fresh shipn NunnalVy Received by expre Give us your orders for We re agents for Scl and The Flower Shop. Lytle Drug Phone t Courtesy, Coop and Vision. 7 Controlled and dire horn ot long experi this hank, year afte Increasingly valuati public upon who; growth depends. # THE SAVIN* of Fort W. I. MEACHAM, J. H. McMURR President Vice-Preside n I POET MILL, 8. 0. AR OF m roRS =?= our farmer friends to Tractors 1 . , 1 1 and which are readv J he E-B it one of Amer- for >een proved in many thi ;r tractors. It is also asily within the reach to The recent English jperiority for the E-B rom home and expert trican made machiner. the trials, several manin one machine. Engsed and unattached to j tests and made the re- 1 s in heavy, wet clay m. I: "The E-B is a uicght and power. Dur- H rk on both the heavy good work with the | s explain to you the le E-B Tractor. H line of Farm Machin3 Company. ? MM tor Co., 1 _' ^ exi .. S. C. rui a a ^aea eaaa a aa aaaaaaaaae a-a ?a*a *a ?a ?a?a ' aaaaa^ a$ <s> \D Y lent of Candies bs each week. CUT FLOWERS, aoltz, the Florist, ; Comp'y 16 aeration i cted by knowledge ience, has enabled i i r year, to become < ile to the business se patronage its BANK Mill. i AY. W. B MEACHAM, Jr.. t Cashier - \. Si,. -B NO. 104 SELF-I IF rHE E-B No. 101 Self-Lift Disc Plow, A pull on the rope starts the discs in travel puts them into the depth set dry, hard land or for land 111 perfect condition d as the entire weight of the frame, discs and tl 9 three thoroughly lubricated wheels, light dral it wide. The discs may he quickly adjusted s soil. Discs have hall Itearings, in-uring lighti show you this excellent disc plow next tune yoi * Z-B(Newton) Waj Why It is the Lightest Runnl r*HE skeins of this wncrnn art* ? ? r,- ? ~..v. uiuc ^ cast on end and seamless, makin? thera ir than can be obtained by any other methc re the axles the exact amount of "gather and a pattern for the axle which is to fit it. Thei :b wheel will play against the shoulder and i ic mechanical precision used in setting tires < i proper amount of dish so wheels will track icturer also tells us that in boring hubs for b ichine as do the knives which cut out the lull act center and the wheels run true. Here is nning quality. Let us show it to you. 1 The June Pal I Men's Shirts I Go on Sale T About this time ev< we bring in new as of men's siiii ts as < Victor brings out 11 To-day the June 111 sale?all live lyric* will sing theniselvt into your heart?e> they are to he won outside. Designs that you h seen before but th;i want to see again <1 solo, duet and trio Jazzy xylophone 1* the young men of d Intw nf ci 1 t *??.' < ' I Oil V VI I I t anions the gold for t seniors. It's a fine, exclusjv and even the price: $2.50, $3 a * ' Maryland made tlu j W. H. Hope Me * Gastonia, N, C. * "The Stores that Kee| e> The cost of The Times i Send in Your Si ?> > ft I j T DISC PLOW fl ft eilher four or five discs. to the ground, 24 inches of by the levers. It's made 4* It's built strong and sturdy lie earth they turn is carried on j- f 1. u ilwctlriwl It ftlllu nl -* 'I i 1 to meet vnryiug conditions of ? less of draft. Would be glad * a como iu. <? gon |j Ing Farm Wagon S rently than any other wagon, ' . lore nearly round and smooth . id. They are perfectly set to * 1 I pitch." Each skein is used t T .? me sci so precisely mat " mt freely without binding. ? ^ in K-B Newton wagons gives 1 on plumb spokes. The manox, the wheels are revolved in * js; thus the box is placed in 41 a wagon unexcelled for light * . *4 $<+?>4-'?>-4\?.-4^i 4-^ ^" ^-4*: 4,; 4 4*4 V-V 4 4 4?-4?4?4.e'4x??.<? 4 ?4 4 4 4 4 ?4 4 :terns in i oday j .jrySpiing t sort men ts iften as cw records. nnhers 1*0 on % that * ;s rielit * ..... !... * i Wll 111(1 ii on the ? ave never it yon will ire here in stripes. enderings for lanee habits breads the settled e display - s arc popular lid $^. :ui. rcantile Co., j Bock Hill, S. G. \ p Prices Down." s only SI."25 a year, inscription.