University of South Carolina Libraries
CROP CONDITIONS IN THE STATE DURING LAST WEEK ^ Saliula. May 31.?B. B. Hare, field agent of the bureau of crop estimate*, make* public the following report as to crop conditions in South Carolina for the week ending May 29: Conditions favorable for all farm activities, though cool nights and east winds have retarded growth of all crops. Corn?Planting practically completed in southern counties but a large perc? lit age of the acreage remains implant ed in northern half of state, though much progress has been made during me past Week. Stands are 1111 atisfac tory. (irowtli very alow ami there i considerable complaint of injury by bud wiirniK. Wheat?Condition fair to good. though there is sonit> complaint of rust. Oats ?Prospects generally satisfaotory. Harvesting well under way in southern half of state. Ki.-e?flood stands prevail with in creased acreage in coastal counties. Rye?Condition good to excellent. Cotton?Crop late, stands poor, plant ing ami replanting still in progress in central and northern counties. Cool nights with east winds retarding growth and causing many plants to die. On red lands prospects are more favorable. Potatoes?Irish potatoes very promising. Sweet potatoes are being transplanted with a reported increased acreage. Hay?First cutting of alfalfa was fair to good, but next cutting gives promise of a better yield. Tohucca ? Plant making slow growth. L' ? i> - ? rruns?1'ciiciies goon To I'M el '111. shipping will begin in the Ridge Spring ( nlioii within tin* noxl week. Apple crop promising;, l'ears suffering from blight. IViiins in full lilooni. Livestock All classes of livestock in | fair to pood condition except farm horses and innlcs arc showinp the <f I feet of a -hortape of corn and hay on many farms. HOUSE PASSES THE BILL GIVING FARMERS DESIRES Washington, Miij .'fl.? By a vote ol to f?H tin* house today passed and sent to the senate the hill permitting farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, or fruit prowers to combine for the col lective marketinp and sales of their own products not wit hMnmlinp anti trust laws. The measure was drafted by Chairman i Volstead of the house judiciary >om I r lnittee as a substitute for the Cauper j Ilersman bill and similar measures, to j legalize collective b.irpaiuinp by apri cultural producers. Debate developed sharp division of opinion. Supporters of the bill declared that it would give farmers anil other producers an oppor tunity to nepotiate a fair price for their products. Opponents of the measure asserted that it would increase the cost of living ami that it was class lepisla t ion. <p >? $ x* j Attentio 4 Wo have just received 4 Brand" Shoes, in mahogany ai 4 toe, ranging in price from $0.2 4 remember, every pair is guara ^ stitutes. Try one pair. We a I WORK PANTS 4 We have a good assortmen 4 colored Work Pants, all sizes, 4 heavy dark blue Work Shirls, j ? "Carhartt" Overalls, too Everything we sell is guar * in and see us. I = 1 tl. r-_ . I 1 ilC V^tlS I S. A. LEE and T. F i Quality I With Ecc > That's why our 1 NESS continues to to montli. Our patrons 11 u upon receiving li "good tilings to oai B. C. FER A < * . tttPCtaipen / JcD Brand Our tire service covers more than merely selling tires. We can tell you the best tire equipment to use ? show you how to cut tire costs and get full tire value. We make this Dfnfomonf Uam.H we stake our money and our reputation on McClaren J & D Tire Service. Let us help revise your tire bills. Young & Wolfe FORT MILL, S. C. I If you think The Times worth the money, $1.25 a year, your subscription will be appreciated. n Men! j; a bijo: lot of Low-cut "Star x \ id black, English cut and box ^ 5 to $12.00 per pair. And. ^ I nteed solid leather. No sub- 1 * re sure you will be pleased. ^ i . ; and SHIRTS |, t of Mens' and Hoy's Khaki ^ $2.50 to $3.50. Also good 1 ' ill sizes. i , HiK line to select from. T t anteed to please you. Come J h Store, | * T> i . LYTLK, Mgrs. ' linked |. ; inomy (iHOCKRY BU8I- * i arrow from mont h ? t a ly ill ways depend 2 i ere the best in j . ? r I i t 1GUSON. : ^. * y i ' TOKT MM, TOSXB, WHICH? | pURC I CMIAt OCVOC ADULTCI^tfii paint I|paint J It's foolishly ex* travagent to pay out good money for cheap paint. A gallon of good paint will cover twice as much sur- . face as a gallon of cheap \ adulterated stuff. j DEVOE | Lead and Zinc j Paint i is good paint. The guar- j an tee formula on every j can shows that it is absolutely pure. And we guarantee DEVOE to wear years longer. Lytle Drug Company Remember?Paint Devoe Paint NOTICE )F OPENING OF DEMOCRATIC ENROLLMENT BOOKS. Notice is hereby given that the books if enrollment of voters for tl e approaching Democratic primary eh ctions ivill open for the various precincts in Kork County at the places and in charge if committees hereinafter namid, the mid books opening on Tuesday June 1, 1920, and remaining open until Tuesday, Fuly 27, 1920: Bethany ?W. B. McCill, C. A. Mcf'ar:er, B. R. Smith; book at McGill's store. U..?L^I 1 as n ? * ? ucuin-<i. in. roru, J. ivi. Harnett, Will Adams, at Barnett Bros. store and tlso at J. M. Ford's store. Blairsville?J. C. Blair, K. M. Niitch 11, H. J. Sherer, at residence of J. C. Blair. Bullock's Creek ?F. H. McCarley, H. L. Vinson, L. L. Dowdle, at Porter B. Good's store. Clover ? F. H. Jackson, S. G. l.ocklart, I. J. Campbell, at F. H. Jackton's store. Catawba W. B. Simpson, H. A. Waters, H. C. Simpson, at Simpson's ttore. Ebenezer?T. A. Barron, J no. F. Williams, Matthews, at Matthewa' ttore. Filbert ? W. L. Furslev, E. L. Wood, W. E. Land, at Wood and Pursley's ttore and also W. E. Land's store. Fort Mill-J. K. Haile, W. B. Meachtm, Sr., Arthur Lytle, at Lytle's drug ttore. Hopewell? B. W. Sherer, L. T. Dowile, K. D. Howell, at residence of B. W. Sherer. Forest Hill ?J. D. B. Currence, W. I*. Boyd, W. J. Glenn, atW. P. Boyd's ttore. Hickory Grove?J. T. Smith. C. H. VlcGill, Eugene Hood, at Hood's drug ttore. McConaellsville C. E. Porcher, J. M. riandifer, J. O. Moore. Jr. Newport?J. A. McFadden, T. W. . utrxauu, narvey aukiiis, at Jackson's | itore. J Lesslie J. T. Spencer, J. A. Glass- 1 ock, K. H. Cornwall, at Lesslie and ' i lass cock's store and also at Neely's j itore. | New Zion ?M. S. Carroll, Meek 1 Smith, E. A. burns, at residence of M. ] S. Carroll. J Ugden?W. H Dunlup, K. C. Cav- j Miy, T. S. Kidd, at K. C. Caveny's j itore. J Kock Hill No, 1?G. A. Moore, Lind- J lay McEadden, W. M. Dunlap, at i Lhehl-Moore Shoe company. Kock Hill No. 2?J. L,. Phillips, David j death, J. B. Creighton, at Phillips' Jrug company. Sharon?J. S. Hartness, K, L. Plexi o, J, H. Saye, at First National bank. Smyrna?S. S. Caldwell, W. L. Whitetides and J. N. Quinn, at Smyrna Drug H?"J "lirzah ?W. S. Cordon, F. E. Smith, t. C. Jackson, at F. E. Smith's store. York No. 1 ?J. L. Houston. W. K. .atimer, F. (J. Black, at ottice of Prolate Judge, Courthouse. York No. Z.-C. H. Hart, J. W. Marhall, Ceorge W. Williams, at HartGro:ery company. Club District Hock Hill No. 1 includes all that portion of the city south >f East Main street and east of South rn Railway Co. line, Columbia division; took Hill No. Z includes all the remainter of the city with adjacent country, fork No. 1 includes that portion of the own west of Chester road, Main street uid Lincoln road, with adjacent counry. York No. Z includes the remain-; ler of the town with adjaeent country. Voters residing in these club districts oust enroll in their respective clubs, n all other cases the voters must enoll in the club nearest his place of resdence, calculated by the nearest practicable route. A new enrollment of ail voters is retired and each applicant for enroll- I nent must in person write his full j i mine upon the rolls. J. A. MARION, County Chairman. J. H. SAYE, Secretary. [CREEP 1 fflfllfe Trip-Lc A 1 r i IIH Another ot the w products. A safe Crib for your I Safety Crib with the Trip Safest for Baby I Easiest for Moti I I Just a "tip of the toe" r jw is lowered quickly and c |j| hooks to pinch baby's finj QK MntKer* dope not uui iiavc iu lower the side. Let us show you how coi Trip-Lock Cribs are?anc more for the trip-lock featur Greenpoint Trip-Lock C brass and true-to-nature v elusive period designs. YOUNG < FORT MILL, S( I EAT ALL YOU WANT! No More Gas on the 8tbmach or 8oui) Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling After Meal* or Constipation! ^ ^ If you have rout stomach, conBtf- + pation or gas on the stomach ONE ? BPOONFUL slmplo buckthorn bark, ' glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-l-ka, L t :wlll bring you INSTANT relief. y ] Adler-l-ka draws all the old foul * matter from the system leaving the + * bowels and stomach fresh and r ' CLEAN, ready to digest anything. * 1 Guards against appendicitis. + J JONES DRUG COMPANY, | Exclusive Fort Mill Agents A. L. PARKS, I DQ| UNERAL DIRECTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT MOTOR HEARSE FORT MILL, S. C. IMMMi IPO IN I y> ick CRIB ell known Green baby. The on ly Higf -Lock feature. r her eleases the lock and th ]uietly. There are no gers or to tear mother's lay baby down to ra nvenient and safe Gree I remember you don't p< es. ribs may be had in en food finishes, in plain a & WOLF )UTH CAROLINA ead is Your st hood rhere isn't any article < Dn the market as cheap wholesome Bread. 1 3ody building value ir sn't to be had in any oth Rock Hill Bread is tl 3read. Eat it for every sk Hill Steam Be ROCK HILL, S. C. it] 1^4 i I jl . point i Side I e side catch gfe gown. H| ise or knpoint ly any ^ lamels, ^ nd ex- ^ rE,i ? of Food \ as good f he real 1 bread $ ler food, t lie Best meal. ; ikery j