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? Ml- ^ --yaj * ' - . ' * / SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN James T. Young, Jr., spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Cheraw, returning to Fort Mill Tuesday morning. Mis; Louise Parks was ill for several days last week at her home on Hall street, but was able yesterday to re- ] turn to her duties in The Times office. George Fish, manager of the Fort Mill cotton mills, is in Richmond, Va., this week attending the annual meeting of the American Manufacturers' association. ' A rejtort industriously circulated in ' Fort Mill Monday to the effect that a 1 considerable part of the Lancaster ! cotton mills were destroyed by fire j Sunday seems to have been without ' foundation. ? An oddly formed chicken was brought < to The Times office Saturday afternoon ! by C. T. Crook of the Gold Hill section. ] The chicken had two bills and three < eyes. It lived only a short time after < being hatched out. * Mr. and Mrs. Emmet W. Pursley < and sons of King's Mountain town- < niiip were visitors in rori mill ior a short time Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pursley is serving his second term as a member of the General Assembly. As yet he is undecided whether he will enter the campaign this year for reelection. Announcement is made by N. L, Carothers, superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school at the Massey school house, four miles south of town, that immediately following the Sunday school exercises next Sunday afternoon, the Rev. J. B. Black, pastor of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, will preach in the school house. At the regular communication this evening of Catawba lodge, No. 56, A. F. M., the committee appointed some weeks ago to secure estimates of the cost of certain repairs to the lodge rooms is expected to report and it is thought that the work of improving me- ante ui me rooms will De authorized. Catawba lodge is one of the oldest and most substantial Masonic i bodies in the upper section of the State i and within the last year has initiated \ members into the mysterieB of the J order. ' Eugene Hutchinson, secretary to ^ Congressman Stevenson, was a visitor to Fort Mill yesterday and while here stated that Mr. Stevenson has a few copies of the 191t>, 1917, 1918 and 1919 agricultural yearbook and books on diseases of horses and cattle, all issued by the government, which he will be pleased to send to his Fort Mill friends who will make use of them. TheBe publications are valuable and some of them are out of print. While here Mr.. Hutchinson ulso stated that he thought the Democrats had an excellent chance to elect the president and congress next November. The Fort Mill friends of Fred E. Long, who was severely wounded in the uttuck of the HOth division on the liindenburg line in France on Octo- j ber 8. 1918, and who has since been liracticallv fVrvm >?n?i' I . ? , ?- ?I will be pleased to learn that the I government has granted the compen- I nation claim of Mr. Long for total disability arising from the injuries he received while in action. Mr. Long was a private in Company G (Fort Mill Light Infantry), 118th regiment, and has an excellent war record. His home is in the village of mill No. 2. Fort Mill Manufacturing company. At an interesting meeting of Fort Mill post, No. -13, American Legion, held Tuesday evening in the Ked Cross roams, plans were perfected for semimonthly meetings of the post hereafter and for a moonlight picnic on the hanks of the Catawba river on the evening of June 8. French memorial pamphlets were given the two score members of the post present at the meeting Tuesduy evening and the adjutant, Arihur C. Lytle, explained the 1 natures of the new form of insurance offered former service men by the government. At each meeting of the post, the names of new members are beiliur added and thi< nHhum ? ' v...vvio v.\j?i rna On- hope that the membership soon will include every former soldier or Bailor in the bounds of the post. "The receipts of the Fort Mill freight office have trebled in the last two years," yesterday said K. T. Whiteseil, local agent of the Southern railway. "Due would not think that the high cost of living had struck this section, judging from the volume of freight now coming into this office," continued Mr. Whitesell. "i'eople order all kinds of articles to be shipped in by freight, articles many of which a few years ago they either did without or brought in otherwise than by freight. Much of the increased receipts of the office, however, are due 10 the volume of feedstuff and farm implements now arriving, along with the heavy shipments of flour and other food for man. Freight is now received in Fort Mill from all over the country, some of it coming thousands of miles, and it ( would open the eyes of the average citizen here to know just what it 1 amounts to in a month's, time." ' ' I SECOND 2 I First Stept Second Sb \> How best to i iE of many conside | the good investmc \ Class Securities 1 T\ l * * ? Konus wnicn are I rates of interest. I If you wish j; services and expe I you. Any officer of I glad to talk with | investments you 1 l no matter how lai I mm i The National j Rock F Cash Capital of $300,00( j> J. M. CHERRY. V-Pres. I IRA B. DUNLAP, Pres. ACMEC w Hons i Look at the eaves of your house, those shutters and window-sills. T Acme Quality House Paint. It is cheaper to paint than to rep Save the surface and you save al should protection. You insure youi cay! Take out a little paint insura Have your painter provide you w can j?et it for you here. JONES DRU< FORT l\ THE RO Trade Street. Hutchison Bt Desires the patronage 0| ! year ami will strive to dese before that ever since we \ Call and let us know you good will and continued pa No Trace of Beigdoll. Washington. May 24. -Dwpile th rfKiinl offered by attorney* fo the <-a|dnre of drover Cleveland Berg doll, no word ha* heen received tha would constitute ever; a slight clue a to hi* whereabouth, it wa* stated a the office -of Anaell and Bailey. FORT MILL TIME8, 5TEP | N SUCCESS 1 ^ ! | -Saving I ep?Investing | I invest is a problem J rations, and among | ?nts today are High and Government | yielding attractive t I to buy or sell, our | rience are here for | <2* I I this hank will he you in regard to any i nay wish to make, ? ge or small. * Ummm f I Union Bank, \ lill, S. C. | ).00 "Absolutely Safe" 11 S. R* SPENCER. V-Pres. f ' GEO. A. BEACH. Cash'r ? | Ill '-. . - ? duality I <: PAINT there around the ruin-spout?K?ok at 'hey should be protected at once by air. I. Decay starte at the surface. So r house against tire. What about deince. ith Acme (Quality paint insurance. He G COMPANY, All i < n iJ* i YAL CAFE i I lildinR. - HOC K HILL f the people of Port Mill this rve it as we tried last year ui.d ?ave been in business, r wishes and we will win your tronage. DR. A. L_. OTT, DENTIST r Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. n>. t (Or. Spratt'a office) t belk building, Fort Mill, S. C. ? POET MILL, S. 0. IOverla A /I W*yV*AT r? mc uuw CXI I IVII1J If you want one < riding, economical < in at once. These cars are b< can make prompt d ? ?-11 ixucii in in UOCk II Lasting st the f A car i nc n 1# M 1\ Buy T PATTE The Shopping Center / * ?# ^ ' /* 4; .* t0s?*\ ??' . ffl] nd "4s" I g' I f these light, easy- y cars, get your order B eing shipped and we 1 eliveries. R Motor Co., I ILL, S. C. SHK2H yle?that's J joint! dbc ard suitcase looks as well rather one?but time tells! 3how window style" is much easier to prouce than the sort of style that lasts; the vie that weathers hard service and many lowers. Schloss I Baltimore \ PlntliAc WAVT VAAV/U ave the style that comes from quality?lastlg style. 1 hey look as well months later s the day you purchase them. hey are economical clothes because they m nder a dollar s service for every dollar you ^ ut into them. heBeSI ^?^olioc Rfy "MAKES LI FE'S WALK EASY" RSON'S FORT MILL, S. C. ? l \ 4