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PALMER GETS THE ENTIRE VOTE GEORGIA DEMOCRATS Atlanta, May 23.?Hiram L. Gardner, secretary of the Georgia Democratic executive committee, forwarded today to the national executive committee headquarters at Washington the official certificate of the state committee issuing the credentials of the state committee to the full Palmer delegation from Georgia to the San Francisco convention. The record was endorsed l?v sixtv-six of the sixty-seven members of the committee. - The certificate contains the regulations for the presidential primary as issued on February 10, in which it was provided that all of the state delegates to the national convention shall be chosen from iimoinr flu, f 11 ,,,..1 " r* v"v 1- i??r supporters of that candidate for vresident receiving the highest county unit vote." It showed that Palmer received 14H votes. Watson I:t2. and Smith 1(14. WILL URGE PRINT PAPER TAX TO CUT DOWN CONSUMPTION Washington. May An excise tax on print paper to curtail consumption will he one of the recommendations of the senate manufacturers' sub-committee investigating the print paper short age. A Jiill for that purpose is being drawn by the committee, assisted by the federal trade commission. The amount of the tax and other details remain to be worked out. Amendment of postal regulations to permit small <|uantitics of print paper to be shipped to any part of the country at a (hit rate of one cent a pound also will he recommended. The present maximum weight of 7<> pounds would be retained. Senator Walsh, democrat, of Massachusetts, who is preparing the commit iff repon, sum m> e\peeled in complete it this Wffk. SOUTH ATLANTIC POUTS WILL GET THEIR SHIPPING Cincinnati. May i"i,~Tlif cluimher of commerce here IinIiiv received n lftlfr from \V. K. Taylor. assistant director of opi> rat ions of tin* I'nitcd Staffs Shipping Imard, advising tin- local organization that therf would positively he no eurtailnifiit in service or the allocation of vessles of the shipping hoard to he operated from South Atlantic ports. The letter answered the definite and forceful demands of the larger Central States cities' shippers setting forth their intention to prefer South Atlantic ami Gulf ports instead of New York and Baltimore and Philadelphia in foreign trade and insisting on proper consideration and adequate service from the ports mentioned. Definite assignment of ships and like naming of foreign trade routes was included in the demands answered liy Assistant Director Taylor. These were assured. [ FIRST NATII 1917 -Comparative Stateir and May Condensed from Reports to C Resources Marct Loans $ U. S. Bonds and Stocks Furniture and Fixtures ^oni i f*/>oo CASH Total $ Liabilities Marcl Capital Stock paid in $ Surplus, Profits and Reserves Circulation Due Federal Reserve Bank Deposits (Cashand Bonds),. Total $ * These Statements show an i the past THREE YEARS of * PER CENT, and an increas THAN THREE HUNDRED P We cordially invite those v join this strong, progressive with us. FIRST NATIC Capital Surplus and Profit At Resources ANNOUNCEMENTS.' ' CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court for York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. WALKER R. LATIMER. The Times is authorized to announce JOHN R. LOGAN as a candidate for reelection to the office of Clerk of Court, subject to the pleasure of the voters in the Democratic primary. STATE SENATE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the action of the voters at the Democratic primary. JOHN R. HART. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE?A pretty, light-colored Jersey Heifer, about one year old. L. A. Harris. FOR SALE?Nice Jersey Milch Cow with young calf. John H. Withers. ROCKING HORSE- For child two to three years oldHn good condition; cost $J, sell for $1.75. H., The Times. FOR SALE?Choice lot of 10-weeks old Registered Poland-China Pigs at I $15 each. Monroe White. WANTED?Colored laborers for saw- L mill work near Blythewood, S. C., 13 ? miles from Columbia, $3 per day and board. Apply to J. J. Bailes, Fort V Mill, S. C. | ? 5 FOR SALE?One bay mare, six years old, fat and in good order; also kind ^ and gentle. Will weigh 900 or 1,000 T pounds. Price for quick sale, $150. Alex. Barber. ^ HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SERVICE? f I have two registered Holstein Bulls ^ whose services are offered the public; T one at Wateroak Farm and the other 4 at my home in Fort Mill; fee $3; Osmond Barber. 4t T 4 Notice of Administrator's Sale By virtue of the powers vested in me v by law, and pursuant to an order of % sale by J. E. Stewman, Probate Judge, 4 Lancaster County, S. C., dated the 18th ^ day of May, 1920, 1 will expose to sale s at public auction to the highest bidder T at the home place of the late William 4 P. Norman, deceased, Lancaster coun- 4 ty, on Friday, the 11th day of June, < 1920, the following personal property % of the said William P. Norman/ de- ^ Household and kitchen furniture, one x horse, one mule, farming utensils, tools T and machinery. T Time of Sale Between the hours of <?. eleven a. m. and two p. m. ? Terms?Cash. J. L. SPRATT, Administrator. May 21,. 1920. 2t If you think The Times worth the money, $1.25 a year, your subscription will be appreciated. DNAL BANK - 1920 lents March 5,1917 4, 1920. ' a__ 11 f - ^ ompironer or me Currency. i 5, 1917 May 4, 1920 109,628.31 $352,162.34 25.900.00 113,800.00 2,375.00 2,850.00 95.28 2,324.69 36,969.12 39,624.59 174,967.71 $510,761.62 15, 1917 May 4, 1920 , 25,000.00 $ 40,000.00 6,584.78 29,594.34 25,000.00 40,000.00 NIONP >IAIUIA AA . . ^ -tu,uwu.uu I 118.112.93 361,166.28 174,967.71 $510,761.62 ^ increase in resources within almost THREE HUNDRED e in DEPOSITS of MORE ER CENT. rho do not bank with us to , J < ! National Bank and grow | )NAL BANK, $ 40,000.00 R ?count-_-$ 29,594.34 $510,761.62 2: ) TOM mEt TBH88,y The Palmetl ROCK HIL "Where Everybody H TODAY( Louis B. Mayer presents? ANITA ST in her very latest "Mary R< Seven reels of swift action from novel of big pleasur A First National That PALMETTO NOTE?We are always glad to people. Come over more often t acquainted. WE THANK Annnnnn IIIMVUMV Our new building i pleted and we wish to are now equipped to do of Automobile Paintiug We also make Seat Cov< Curtains and Signs. Pyramid Pa ROCK HIL1 Overhead Bridue If You Knew of Tire Con You wound understand for GOODYEAR to build You would accept them as ?' Let us sh these Fa Our SER full wortl Baile We Have Goodyear Heavy :OCK HILL CYCLE SHOP. H. M. RGBER1 ) Hampton Shad Oppocita City 1 V. Jt" yyt MTT.T..a. o. to Theatre ] L, S. C. ] leets Everybody" jj Z>NLY | EWART j production 2 egan" j Leroy Scott's sensational 5 e in New York. Attraction. t ORCHESTRA \ WELCOME you Fort Mill j o see us; let us j?et better j ; YOU. | j ement I * > ? < > is now about com- V < > announce that we 1 < the highest grade " and Top Building. ^ ers, Cushions, Side 4 * i 4 : < I < ; 4 > lint Shop S. c. 3' 4 > Look for the Sign. j> < X i ____ -1 < 1 the Facts j struction ] < * why it is possible < BETTER TIRES. < . I ?>r?r?rr? ^ tne Dt5l. ow you our line of mous Tires in the I )x3 1-2?31x4 sizes | lincher Type j .VICE assures you | 1 from your tires. i s Motor Co. j IT MILL, S. C, i i : . H. |j Tourist Tubes Too \ ' UY A BICYCLE] r healthful exercise d to get to and >m work. You will id here a complete >ck. I your wheel needs p pairing let us do it. . . - Rock Hill, S. C. "SON tali T?l?pkoM No. 425-J 0 > > I Extraordinary \ At Kimt y y [ I 1,500 yards of Lad Lassv Suitings, I 50c, Special for Friday and Saturd E 44c Per \ [ Crepe de Chene Waists in severe i values, while they last? $3.48 Ea Georgette Waists, flesh and white ^ $6.50 Sale Price $3.98 | House Dresses in Chambrays and i patterns, nicely made? ; $3.25 and ! Bungalow Dresses, pink, blue, str real value at? : $2.00 and J > > ! Kimbr > * i> TL? I D 1 i me j. d. i \ v [ HEAVY and FANC^ | HARDW/ | FEEDSTUFFS, ! ALL KIN | IF WE HAVEN'T > | WANT WE'LL i The J. B. n THE CITY E A CLEAN, COOL, CO> I TAUHANT for LADIES ;i Onick Service I'oeul t\\ Polite attention. II v ^ for SERVICE dine her * | Mrs. E. L. HUGHES Our Battery I FREE R""J We will be pleased to inspect your bi ften as is necessary, free of charge, ind. and our experience is always at airs be necessary we will make them Recharging, Repairing all ft Service Batteries for Use While ROCK HILL BATTEJ The Battery Special lata Opposite Neelv's Stable L Black. Si Bargains f >rell's 1 1 I regular price per yard ay? I rard | d colors, regular $5.(X) ^ i ^ .ch J >, worth every cent of and $4.98 | Ginghams in all sorts + < > < M-75 ! ipes and and plaids, a ? M.oo I | ell's 1 I i ? | Hills Co. | I v%? I r GROCERIES, I ^RE, | SEEDS of f DS. | WHAT YOU f GET IT, I Hills Co. I r i -" . # + 9- + S + I + * * CAFE I IVENIENT RES- I nd GENTLEMEN ? t Host Quality, ? ou arc looking c. t i >, Proprietress. m - service is llesa of Make Battery attery at any time and as Our service is the expert your disposal. Should reat a moderate charge. fakes of Batteries. Working on Yonrt. IY COMPANY, Rock Hill, S. C. U - Phone 624