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r i - _ i Established 1891. SHORT NEWS STORIES FROM MANY SOURCES A reward of $100,000 for the death or capture of Francisco Villa has been offered by the government of the State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Officials of the United States navy department have admitted that the J navy ordnunce bnreau hus completed a big gun capable of carrying 110 miles. Alleging that he was bitten by a "wild, untrained monkey" on board ship, Andrew Nisson, a sailor, has filed suit in New York city against the owners of the vessel for $25,000 damages. King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Rumania, who planned to visit the < United States during 1920, have post- | poned their visit until 1921, because of grave problems facing their govern- j ment. The house of representatives, by a vote of 33 to 101, has refused to give up j the free seed distribution plan, which permits each congressman to send out annually u certain amount of vegetable an flower seed. Attorney General Palmer has ruled that the practice of some grocers in requiring that a certain amount of other com mini i ties be purchased with each pound of sugar is a violation of the Federal trude commission act. Six thousand arrests have been made in 15 lurge cities of the country under ! the Volstead prohibition enforcement act since January 17 and more than j 25,000 arrests have been made since the ' prohibition amendment went into effect, j Prohibition enforcement is paying for itself, according to Congressman Up- . shuw of Georgia. President Wilson has asked Congress j for authority for the United States to j accept a mandate over Armenia. The president said in his message to Congress that he thought the wish of the hk American people was that the United States become the protector of Arme^ nia, whose people have for centuries been ruthlessly persecuted by the Turks. Henry Payer, a farmer, has confessed to the killing of Jacob Wolf, his wife and five children and a chore boy, Jake Hofer, on the Wolf farm, three miles west of Turtle Lake, N. D., late in April. Ill feeling of long standing, culminating in a quarrel over injuries administered to Layer's cattle by Wolf's dog, was responsible for the crime, according to Layer's confession. Congressman Kreider of lVnnsylva imi, a snoe manuiucturer, strolled into a shoe store in Washington where he noticed some shoes from his factory. He tried on a pair and asked the price. "That shoe costs you $7.50," the clerk replied, and added, "It cost us $6.75." "You're a liar," Kreider said, i "and your store will never buy another shoe from my factory. That shoe cost you $tf.95." The question of harvesting the nation's wheat crop during 1020 is causing farmers in the wheat belt, particularly in Kansas and Oklahoma, more than usual concern, the labor shortage this year being very acute. According to Wade H. Skinner of the United States employment service farmers in the wheat belt have agreed to pay a minimum of 70 cents an hour to harvest hands, in addition to food and bulging. Women will occupy all positions in the government of Jackson, Wyo., as a result of their defeat of men candidates by a two to one vote in the recent city election. There were two tickets in the Held, one composed entirely of men and the other of women, the only issue in the campaign being the ques- j tion of sex. One of the women candi- I dates for councilman, Mrs. Rose Crabtree, defeated her husband, Henry Crabtree. rorvy-six vn'inmns, ranking from n prince and an army corps commander to ji private, figure in the allies' first list of specified war criminals to lie arraigned in the l.eipsie supreme court, j Among them are Prince Ernest of Sax- i ony and General Huelow, commander of j the Second army corps, who. together with a number of their subordinate of- ! ficers, are accused of cruelties in Bel- 1 gium. Germans charged with abusing j prisoners of war, murdering captives, ! spreading typhus among prisoners and i committing atrocities in French villa- ; ges will also be placed on trial. H Chicago, home of The Tribune, black Republican newspaper that never tires , of abusing the South for alleged lawless ness, is maintaining its record of "a W murder a day." One hundred murder ' cases ?the biggest homicide calendar ever given a criminal court in America has just been placed in the hands of six Chicugo judges. Two jurists, who in L. the past have heard nothing but murder W cases in the Chicago criminal court, have had to appeal for help and four additional judges have been assigned to the work. I Fhe i METHODIST WOMEN HOLD MEETING FOR MISSIONS I Froni 50 to 75 women are expected j to attend as delegates the annual meeting of the Rock Hill District Woman's Missionary Society of the 1 Upper South Carolina conference at St. John's Methodist church in Fort j Mill on Tuesday and Wednesday of i next week, June 1 and 2. An interest- | ing program upon subjects of timely interest to mission workers has been | prepared for the two days' meeting j and practically every church in the Rock Hill district is expected to be represented by one or more delegates, who will be entertained in the Methodist homes of the town. The first session of the meeting will be held at H o'clock Tuesday evening. A circular letter has been sent out by Mrs. W. P. Smith of Clover, secretary of the Rock Hill District society, urging that the president and two delegates from every auxiliary society be present for the meeting. Delegates from the various Young People's and Junior societies also are urged to attend the meeting. Mrs. Duncan Wolfe of Fort Mill is chairman of the entertainment committee and those expecting to attend the meeting as delegates are requested to send their names to her. WANTED TO BE ELECTROCUTED ON BIRTHDAY; WAS REFUSED Ossining, N. . Y.. May 25.?Walter l.evandowski. a prisoner in Sing Sing ileathhoiise, has asked Major lawvis E. I .awes, the Warden, it was announced i. .1,1? i..? - i--? .. . ... ...... ... I lit- I'llliir Oil Wednesday. "Put my execution a iliiv ahead," lie wrote,. "ami l*-t me die on May 20.* wliieli is my t went v-sixth Itirt Inlay." Kxeention of 1 lie deatli sentence litid lieen set for May 27. The condemned man's request will not In- granted. For one reason, two other p-isouers, ami possibly six, are to go to the eliair May 27. ami the prison ollieials prefer to have executions of the death sentence together, rather than one .lay apart. Presbyterians Agree to Union. Charlotte. May 24.?Contrary to general expectation the Southern Presbv erian lieneral assembly meeting here, .vitiont debate today adopted the plan of union with other Presbyterian and Reformed church bodies .submitted by the i lint committee Saturday. The vote was by acclamation ami but few N..V were heard cor a moment the assembly was taken i I' its feet as it were by the surprising suddenness of its own action. Moderator \V. L. 1.ingle had called for li.-ciiss'i ii. with .lit response. The ipie-tion was called warning given the \ itc was niton to be taken, but none oil", red objection. Kxpecting pro longed .it iiate on '.lie ipic-tion., it \\n. -aid '?ii mlit. nicii'i... outside tli? iiu'.m ing wi'ii | I a ii it i' g 11t** tni'tii's ?. In lollnwi'i' in tt|t|iiM ' ''?u wlifii 1 lit*v l?:i?i' i'il : 'In' voto hi'i'ii t iki'ii. Soon ti?r tin* iM'inlily Inn! taken i'-t inn. a ri'ri'ivt'i1. from tin' Xor'l.erii I'- e-liy; ' tt it (ii'iii'iitl it hhi'iii lily nt l*':il lil|'V.i a telegram ollieiully '111..01111 in:* 1 in- i.i t ion o.* i 'i-it hotly in itpprov inu 1 !? ' -I'me 11la it >' union. Sdmol Building Contract Awarded. The board of trustees of the Fort Mill graded school has awarded to a Hock Hill concern the contract for completing the school auditorium at a cost not to exceed $lf>,(MMl. Work is t<? be begun on the building, the foundations for which were put down about a year ago. as soon as the necessary cement can be secured. The contractors agree to have the job completed if possible in time for the use of the building at the oDeninsr of the fall session of the school the first of next September. The auditorium will be an imposing structure and will coat altogether in excess of $25,000. It will seat about 7(H) people and in the , basement will be located five class j rooms. The trustees have not yet j awarded the contract for the installation of the toilets and lavatories which j will be put in the main building and : auditorium during the summer. Talk for Sunday School Children. A feature of the children's day exercises to be held at St. John's i Methodist church Sunday morning, be- ( ginning at 11 o'clock, will be the talk on a subject of especial interest to the children of the Sunday school by Mrs. j Mattie Stewart of Charlotte. Mrs. ; Stewart is a former member of St. John's church and is a cultured woman, greatly interested in religious work, and her visit is looked forward to with much eleasure by the congregation of the church. Mrs. Stewart was reared I in Fort Mill and before her marriage , to Mr. Stewart was Miss Mattie ; Hotchkiss. ORT; FORT MILL, S. C., THX3 LAST TEN YEARS SHOW BIG GAIN FOR INDIANS After a century of slowly slipping int> oblivion, the noble Redskin, through the efforts of the United States government, is "coming back," according to statistics recently made public. The Indian population today numbers more than 307,000, as against 230,000 in 1890. These possess a combined wealth approaching $1,000,000,000, which brings them in an interest of more than $75,000,000 annually. The average Indian today is six times as wealthy as the average white of this country. The record of the American Indian in the World war is one which shows him to be 100 per cent, patriotic. More than 10,000 Indian youths entered the American army, while more than 2,000 joined the navy. The Indians hold more than $25,000,000 in Liberty bonds, or approximately $75 per capita, which is far above the showing of the whites in many States. They also own more than $1,000,000 in war savings stamps. The Indians today cultivate more than 700,000 acres of land, and the total value of their livestock is$48,000,000, an increase of six-fold in 20 years. Indian reservations total 60,000,000 acres of land, an area as large as Pennsylvania and New York. The standing timber is easily worth $75,000,000, the annual income from forests being $2,000,000. On their farm lands alone, they produce more than $11,000,000 worth of crops each year, while they make $5,000,000 annually from their white brothers as rent money for land. WESTERN YORK SUBSCRIBES TO SALVATION ARMY FUND York, May 25.?Aland $500 has Iteen subscribed toward the drive of the Salvation Army for funds in this county, according to .?. Steele Bri?*ei formuir state senator from York county, who is directing the drive. Sharon, little town of not more than 450 inhabitants, subscribed $101 to the cause a* the result of a two-hour canvas* made Friday afternoon by Misa Susie Hartness. daughter of John S. Hartness. banker of Sharon. This town has up to date raised alsuit $300. Clover and the conn tv around lias rt<i?c<l altout $l(<0. Sheriff Logan Again Candidate "Sheriff Logan, the people of this section hear one day that you will offer for reelection as clerk of court and the following day along comes a report that you have decided not to enter the race. If you do not object to letting the people know through The Times what you intend to do, your decision will make interesting reading," said a reporter to the well known county official a day or two ago. "The most direct reply 1 can make to your observation," said Sheriff Logan, who is still addressed as "sheriff" by most people, although it has been many years since he held that office, "is to authorize you to put in The Times this week a card announcing my candidacy for reelection." Sheriff Logan was in Fort Mill Tuesday morning and while here announced positively that notwithstanding rumors to the contrary he would be in the race ' this summer for reelection as clerk of | court. Candidates (or Postmaster. Thus far there are two candidates for postmaster of Fort Mill to succeed B. H. Massey, resigned. Joseph M. Belk, veteran of the World war, announced several days ago that he was an aspirant for the office, as did S. R. CJook, cloth room overseer at mill No. 2 of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company. Mr. Cook moved to Fort Mill from Monroe, N. C., about two years ago. School to Give Ptay. The current session of the Fort Mill puouc scnooi win end tomorrow evening with u piny, "Son John," to be given in the town hall by student* of the high school department. The play is said to have been given successfully by other schools and is represented as tilled with mirth producing scenes. Walker la timer Seeks Clerkship. Among the political announcements carried in The Times this week is that of Walker K. Latimer, well known citizen of York, who has entered the race for clerk of court. Mr. Walker is now deputy clerk of court and as such has had several years' experience, having tirst tilled the position under J. A.Tate. Salvador ia Control. \Vs*hingtnn. May 2<r?. ? According to reports received here today, the government of Salvador has complete eon trol of the recent revolutionary agite tion against the government. Quiet now prevails, it ia stated. Mill BSDAY, MAY 27, 1920. ??????? FORT MILL BALL TEAM TOWS IN GREAT FALLS Baseball fans considered the unusual amount of cheering emanating from the park in Whiteville Saturday afternoon very much in order, since it lent encouragement to the Fort Mill boys to extend themselves to win from Great Falls one of the hardest fought games ever seen on the local grounds, the score standing when the last man had been turned back. Fort Mill 7, Great Falls 6. Not until the end of the ninth did Fort Mill have the game sewed up and salted down. Great Falls came I to Fort Mill expecting to win and fought hard to that end, but in baaeKoll >/> 111 miuintr popular pastime that I everybody's Uncle Samuel has just about called off since the 18th amendment became operative, there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lid. Until the sixth inning the visitors ^?ld Fort Mill to a series of little round digits j that, standing alone, don't help much in paying grocer's bills. Then the home team came to the front with a rush, putting six men across before Great Falls waked up to what was happening. The Chester county lads added two to i their total in the seventh, tieing the score, and that was the best they could do In the ninth the one run necessary to return Fort Mill a winner was forthcoming. Great Falls has a fast team that is not easily beaten, as the Fort Mill boys first learned on a trip to that place a few days ago, when they barely managed to nose out, 9 to 8, the boys that live close to the banks of the muddy Catawba. In the game Saturday the batteries were: Fort Mill, Yarborough and Hawkins; Great Fails, Waring and Webb. Umpire, Capt S. W. Parks. For Fort Mill there were in the game three Smiths, one of the trio being "Whacker," who caught flies in centerfield with as much ease as he caught Germans in France. Friday afternoon at 4:4f? the m.ii team will take on the strong Cole Manufacturing company bunch from Charlotte and at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon has an engagement to meet Aragon mills that is apt to keep everybody awake. Both games will be played in Port Mill. TROTZKY SAYS LABOR MUST BE ORDERED ABOUT Washington. May #5.?The state department has made public a re|>ort on the militarization of labor in soviet Russia, made by Leon Trotsky, the bolshevist minister of war. at the ninth congress of the Russian Communist party. The rejmrt was published in the Izvestia. the official soviet organ in Moscow, on March 21. I The report. in dealing with the neees| sity for the mobilization of Russinn laI la?r on a military Imsis, confirms reports received here recently of the progress of oisimi t-grni ion WIIIIIII SOViei KUaslU 2* 11?I consequent <ltw?se of soviet authority through the failure of the system to work. Trotxky, in the report. refers to what he characterizes as the "conditions of starvation and disorganization existing today" in justification of ex trenie measures considered in well-informed circles here a vain etfort to prevent ultimate collapse. The opinion was expressed in a high quarter here today that Trotzky's report of the manner in which the Itolshevist authorities shuttle the working classes alaoit as they see tit. with scant regard for their rights and lila>rties as individuals, should have a salutary ef feet njain the elements of American lalair who are inclined to look with ay in pathy upon the ladsheviat Russian |*?Received Ambassador. Washington. May 2d.?President Wil son t < slay received the Brazilian am Itassador, Augusto Cochrane Alencal and the British ambassador. Sir Auck land tieddes. They arc the last of the Id waiting envoys to la* received by President Wilson within the past two weeks. There was placed in the safe deposit vault of a New York bank a few days ago the jeweled and otherwise richly embellished crown of one of the Spanish rulers of the 17th century. The ornamented relic of former days is an heirloom of great intrinsic and historic value belonging to the Moncado family of the City of Mexico. It was taken to New York by Lorenzo Mancado. The crown is of beautiful design, richly engraved and set with huge diamonds. It was taken to Mexico from Spain in 17f>0 by Marquez de Moncado and has passed down the family line. Washington. May *>.?The food pro diiction in the United States is decreasing so rapidly that a commission of rightly trained farmers from the farms should l?e organized to immediately formulate a constructive policy of agricultural readjustment. Herbert Hoover declared in a letter to Representative Roddick, of Montana. **E" * TIME! FEDERAL AID APPROVED FOR FORT MILL STREETS L. A. Harris, chairman of the Port Mill street commission, is in receipt of a communication from the acting State highway engineer, F. H. Marray, stating that the commission's application for $10,000 of Federal aid for work on the Rock Hill-Charlotte highway within the town has been approved: Mr. Murray's letter follows: "I beg to advise that the State highway commission, at its meeting held on May 8, approved the expenditure of $10,000 Federal aid for hard surfacing the Rock Hill-Charlotte highway within the limits of the town of Fort Mill One of our engineers will come to Fort Mill in the next week or ten days to make up the necessary papers to be forwarded to Washington for the approval of the secretary of agriculture." Yesterday when asked what the nros pects were for beginning the improve- | ment of the Fort Mill streets from the proceeds of the $30,000 bond issue authorized by the voters of the town and the $10,000 of Federal aid, Mr. Harris said the work would be begun as soon as the bonds could be sold at a satisfactory price. He explained that there is very little demand for bonds at present, but is hopeful that the street issue soon will be placed. The commission already has employed an engineer to survey the streets. AGENT BLAIR SAVED THE FARMERS LOT OF MONEY fleinaon College, May 25.?An interesting illustration of liow farmers save money by buying supplies cooperative j ? o-"?" - "' 111mi loliii K. Hlitir. county agent of York county. Mr. Blair writes as follows: "On Tuesday I delivered a car of nitrate of soda that had been ordered cooperatively by farmers. This was the of a total of III cars so ordered. The III cars contained 4(10 tons of .-.imIu, which was laiught at a saving of $!.? average per ton compared with local prices." Four hundred and sixty tons of soda at a saving of $1,7 per ton means $7.IMM) in the pocket* of the cooperating farmers, which otherwise would have gone to middlemen dealers. This is a good answer to the quest ion, "Does cooperative buying pay!" Offers for Stale Senate. Among the first York county citizens to offer for office in the Democratic primary this year is John R. Hart, who this week announces his candidacy for the State senate to succeed Senator J. E. Beamguard, retired. Mr. Hart was elected to the house of representatives two years ago bv a Battering vote and is now asking that he be transferred to the upper body of the General Assembly. Another York county citizen who is sad to have an eye on the seat Senator Beamguard is vacating is Representative E. Gettys Nunn of Rock Hill. Mr. Nunn has served three terms in the house from York county and his friends sav has made a record for careful, painstaking work which entitles him to consideration in selecting the successor to Senator Beamguard. Will Improve Property. At the clerk's sale Tuesday morning in front of the First National bank of the old Hoagland livery stable and lot on Academy street the property was bid in by J. B. Mills for $6f>() The only other bidder was W. B. Ardrey. Following the sale Mr. Mills announced that it u/ou kio 4 ..... .. .. u.> mo iiiicii i'1*711 WUII u> rrfri it new sales barn on the property to take the place of the old stable and the adjoining barn he is now occupying, which will be torn away and a warehouse erected on the site. Economy in Cooperative Buying. An interesting illustration of how farmers save money by buying supplies cooperatively is given in a recent report from John R. Blair, county agent of York county Mr. Blair writes as follows: "On Tuesday I delivered a car of nitrate of soda that had been ordered by farmers. This was the last ot a total of 16 ears so ordered. The 16 cars contained 460 tons of soda, which was bought at a saving of $15 average per ton compared with local prices." Columbia. siav 2"?. Op positinn to in creased demurrage charge* i* voiced bv the South Carolina Railroad commission in a statement to the American Railroad association, addressed to ,?. K. Fairbanks, agent of this association, at Chicago, and to the Southeastern demurrage bureau in Atlanta. The railroad commission also whitewashes South Carolina shippers of any hlame 1 for the congested freight situation throughout the country. fp WEm s. <1.25 Per Year MANY BIG ELECTIONS TO BE HELD THIS YEAR Thirty-five governors ami 32 United States senators are to be elected in November at the same time that a new president and vice president are chosen. Twenty-two of the governors whose terms expire next year are Republicans and 13 are Democrats. Seventeen of the senators who are to succeed themm selves or be succeeded by other incumbents are Democrats and 16 are Republicans. Among the governors whose terms expire are Frank (). Lowden of Illinois, the highest paid governor in the country, and S. R. McKelvie of Nebraska, the poorest paid. Mr. Lowden receives $12,000 a year during a four-year term and McKelvie $2,600 annually for two years. Onlv 12 of the 36 State executives to be elected will receive more than $5,000 a year, and live will be paid $3,000 or less. Governor Coolidge of Massachusetts, who receives a $10,000 a year salary, is the only governor in the country elected for one year. All other States have either two or four-year terms. Carhartt Mill Again in Operation. A considerable part of the machinery at Carhartt mill No. 2. at Carhartt Station, between Fort Mill and Rock Hill, is again in operation, following the strike several weeks ago of the union operatives over the refusal of the mill management to reinstate an employee who had been discharged for alleged objectionable activity among the other operatives during work hours. Several days ago notices were posted in the mill village ordering the operatives on strike to vacate the cottages they were occupying. Since the posting of these notices a number of families have moved away, all going to other mills in this section. A corresponding number of families have been brought into the village and immediately put to work in the mills. There has been no disorder due to the strike, so far as The Times is informed. Short Local Items. Mrs. Wintield S. Hanson of Boston, Mass., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fish. Mrs. J. C. Hunter and children of Liberty are guests at the home of Mrs. Hunter's father, L. J. Maasey. Marion Mills left yesterday afternoon for Detroit, where he will tuke a three months' course at an automobile school. Yesterday Sutton Kpps, lti year-old son of Willium Kpps, who lives in the upper section of the township, was operated upon at a Kock Hill hospital for appendicitis. The young man stood the operation without difficulty and is expected to recover speedily. The condition of W. H. W indie, well known farmer of the upper section of Fort Mill township, who was taken to a Charlotte hospital a few days ago to be treated for an organic trouble from which he has been suffering for some time, was reported slightly improved yesterday. The Fort Mill Presbyterian church will not be in conditiou for use Sunday on account of the installation of a pipe organ and the Sunday school classes will hold their exercises in the town hall at 10 o'clock. Sunday evening at 8:15 o'clock the congregation of nit* cnurcn will meet With the congregation of St. John's for union services in the Methodist church, at which the Rev. J. B. Black will deliver the sermon. The Kev Dr. J. W. II. Dyches writes to The Times front Farmville, Va., under date of May 24, to say that he expects to return to Fort Mill the latter part of the week, after attending the Southern Baptist convention in Washington two weeks ago, and will fill hid nulnil ul 1 V>.. 11 - , r-.- ?v >i>r tmpimi eniircn r?UIIday morning. Sunday evening he will deliver in the church a lecture on foreign missions, to he illustrated hy stereoptieon pictures. hlram Johnson to Speak in Charlotte Hiram Johnson, senator of the United States from California, who ran on the Progressive party ticket with Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 for the vice presidency and now recognized as one of the leading candidates for the Republican nomination for tht presidency, will speak in Charlotte Friday evening in an effort to capture the North Carolina delegation to the Chicago convention. Senator Johnson is widely known in national politics, particularly as an opponent of the League of Nations, and is attracting much attention as the ? principal opponent of Ceneral Wood for the Republican nomination. i MM