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> v . | AFTER ^Jl the real secret r LIES IN THE VAU i VICE WE REN l ' We select only the b then show you how to ui GOODYEAR TUBES ARE r jg&X Few pe vfcS&A ment We Have Goodyear Hea< I - - ??? I I ????? SOLDIER BONUS b LL | NOT LiKELY TO PAS' ? Legislation favoring bonuses for j | young men who served in the American army during the World wur has struck so many snags in the house of representatives in the last two weeks that it has become doubtful if such legislation " will be enacted at the present session of Congress. It is evident that the t lawmakers have been hearing from a |^a home, especially on the matter of s additional taxes by which the $2,000,B* 000,000 needed for the proposed bonus . was to be raised, and the measure has ^ suffered a sudden decline in popularity. .The bonus bill, as finally framed by the Republican members of the house ways , and means committee, got no farther than the party caucus. There it struck such a storm of opposition that the bill was hastily referred back to the committee again for revision, especially on the taxation features. The committee is not expected to complete this revision before the latter part of May. It is virtually certain that no bonus bill will be passed through both houses before the recess in June for the national conventions. Whether any bill of this kind can be passed at all during the present session of Congress j appears very doubtful. As soon as one change in the pending measure iB suggested new opposition bobs up, and many members are fast coming to the conclusion that it may be better to risk losing some soldier votes than to face the protests of the majority of the American people at this time. The whole fight centers around the revenue provisions, although considerable objection is being raised to the land settlement features of the measure. It now seems probable that in revising the bill the wave and means committee will eliminate the one per cent, tax on retail sales which was to raise more than half of the money necessary to carry out the soldier bonus program. What levies will take its place and raise $40,000,000 the sales tax would yield no one Beetns to know. Just at that point the whole revenue fight comes to the front again. QUEEN'S GIFT TO AFRICAN CHIEF ON HIS GRAVE Condon, May 10.?The massive ehdh made of popper, which natives believe WAS given by the late Queen Victoria of England to an Ashanti chieftain and 11uAit hv tiim aki liia I lis. Iiaaii 'II- I .?? ? " * .?? Wl.t , eovered in the midst of a jungle fat from Intmnn habitation in the fiohl Coast Colony, West Africa. According to native legend, it wait placed over the grave of the chieftain who had occupied it when alive. hT'+beh' superstition, they believe he i atill sits upon Ilia old throne in spirit at certain time* and, for this reason, k , they have never tried to move the chair. I which, they declare, has now rooted it). self in the ground, says a dispatch to The Daily Graphic. A Gold Coast surveyor first stumbled across this curiosity. A search party returned to the spot and found the Ll jungle so dense that the natives had to | hack a path with cutlasses through the I In spite of Inquiry, uo confirmation of I ths native atorv as to the history of the c*'*'r been obtainable and how it I came to be in the jungle remains a my"Pv ,?.y . Ifi ?! i [ '-T ' r.iv ' T / -5 .-.^-JJJkV , ' .*>' ', V. / : k" . ^ - * ' jfc ^ ' s 1 , - L ALL OF OUR SUCCESS* JE OF THE SERDER YOU , est merchandise and se it properly. TIRES AND THE BEST! ople 'question this stateau seen our line of these i quality tires in the sizes? t is not high?no more u pay for ordinary tires. a ? you are sure to be d. les Motor Co. ORT MILL, S. C. vy Tourist Tubes Too FOR SALE-"FORU CARS," New tnd Rebuilt. Also carry in stock Ford Roadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. IVe do high grade painting and top luilding on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS, i.nariotte'8 Keliable Car Market, 26 Eaat 6th Street, Charlotte, N. C. It' you think The Times worth he money, $1.25 a year, your subscription will be appreciated. Cott And any qu at the sight of we are showir Crepes, Suitin cales, Etc. Select your rial Review Pa You will also 1 are necessary i Mid-S New shipments Trimmings, Etc. Saturday. Hats n Spring Coat PAT The Shopping Cei i&r '? ' ' ' ' WE ARE A< "KL The original Powd< can be used for i milk is used for. I leady a "Klim" u: glad to have you cs you about it. Indorsed by the n where an absolut desired. L Uiitnhinonn'c IIUIUIIIIIOUII Phone I i ?<? ? | Bread is I Best Foo< ; There sn't an on the markel i wholesome 1 ; body building ' i isn t to be hac Rock Hill E | Bread. Eat il 1 Rock Hill SI ROCK HILL,! ? ' on is Ki teen would rave the Pretty Cottoi ig in Voiles, Orga ers. Gincrhams. 1 ?_-? ' o ? materials here ai tterns. You car lnd here the litt] n making up gar: ummer Mill every week of the Place your order earl lade to order. Suits at About TERSC nter F( : I > . I I I GENTS FOR " " I] I M " ?.'*/. ? - fc "* ' ered Milk. "KlimM% any purpose that f you are not alser, we would be ill and let us tell aedical profession ;ely pure milk is # i Pharmacy, to. 91 I: Your i i i < > ? i' iy article of Food ; t as cheap as good $ Bread. The real y value in bread % 1 in any other food. I iread is the Best | t for pvprv mpal f I -?J ?t earn Bakery S.C. ' : ing! with pleasure i Fabrics that indies, Lawns, Vlariras P#?r_ nd use Pictol't go wrong, ie things that ments. ; 3 ! Imery Newest in Hats, y in the week for Half Price )N'S J )RT MILL, S. C. 9 What Good is a Dollar? It s largely up to pends 011 how you the value to you of for it?on your al where that value is Come to this stor< and freshest of e ! n"nrv/^"m\xTirt Ill UHUUUiJtllHiS. THIS STORE SAVES YOl Telephone 29. B. C. FERGl ?gj??MBggg" | ii i i > The Palmetto HOCK HILL, S "Whore Every body Moot % Hear That PALMETTO O n: ?: o- ? r /> E/iicvuuii rror. rrartK L. From Generat to Generation A Bank you can B; THE SAVINGS of Fort Mi "V I W Cl_: __X : new ampiuem > We have received another shipmei ? Slippers this week for men and ladie: I We will be glad to show you our line. \ line to be first class, and also the price > you to see us. Summer Under > Is going fast, but we still have a good > you to select from. Buy now what yo * summer. Men's and Boys' St > We have a line of these that we fe< > pleased with. Prices are very reasona > If there is anything you need, call > If not in stock, we will gladly get it fo | The Cash 5 I S. A. LEE and T. F. LYTL1 The cost of The Timers on ' 'v " # ! f you. It despend it?on what you get rility to ?nd to be had. p for the best verything in [J MONEY JSON. Theatre >. c. ts Everybody" RCHESTRA Williams ? 1 I Ion ank on BANK ill. <? Slippers j it of "Star Brand" s, misses and boys. We guarantee our <? i right. It will pay < wear j; assortment left for < u will need for this < I < raw Hats el sure you will be < ble. < > on The Cash Store. \ \ r you. ' < . M jtore, ! SP Mgra. I ily $1.25 a year.