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SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN A Methodist Sunday school, of which N. L. Carothers is superintendent, has been organized at the Massey school, a few miles south of Fort Mill. Friends of Dr. T. S. Kirk patrick will be pleased to lcam that he probably will be able to leave his room within the next day or two aftor having been confined indoors for the last fortnight from illness.Miss Es telle Massey has gone to Hampden-Sydney, Vft., for a visit to her brother, the Rev. J. B. Massey. Before returning home Miss Massey also will visit her other brother, Dr. S. Eugene Massey, in Roanoke, Va. The Barberville school, three miles from Fort Mill in Lancaster county, closed the snrirnr unoninn PriHuu oimn. ing with interesting public exercises in which most of the children took part. Mrs. E. W. Russell was the terfcher' of the school. ' , Mrs. Elite Hunter of Lancaster was a guest for a day or two this week in the homo of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Boyd. Next week Mm. Hunter expects to leave for an extended visit to another sister. Mrs. Jas. T. McGregor, in Huntsville, Ala. Hon. S. H. Epps 'returned to Fort Mill Friday evening from a visit to the bedside of his son, the Rev. G. C. Epps, who was a patient in a hospital in Florence. The Rev. Mr. Epps was so lar recovered from his illness the latter part of the week that he was able to return to his home in Darlington. The automobile of L. A. Harris was OAnaiJoxnL 1?? ??~ ? 1 - ' wiioiuci auij uauia^eu 111 ? I1UUUOH COlliBion with another automobile on the concrete roud near Winthrop college Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harris' nephew, Hope Harris, was driving the car at the time and says that the young man driving the other car made such a wide detour in turning the corner where the accident occurred that he could not g?t out of the way in time to prevent the collision. None of the occupants of. either car was hurt in the accident. Visitors from Fort Mill to the Democratic county convention in York Monday who had not passed through Ebenezer for some time were impressed with the apparent prosperity of the village. .Recently a number of attractive brick homes have been built in the place, others have been remodeled, paint has been used freely in making till other homes more attractive and yrithal the village is one of the prettiest in the upper section of the State. " . W. H. Windle had an exciting experience at his home, five miles north of town, early Monday morning with a mad dog. After firing twice with a revolver at the dog, both shots going wild, Mr. Windle, assisted by a negro laborer, succeeded in killing the dog with a piece of cordwood, but not until after it had bitten two dogs belonging to Mr. Windle. The dog, a shepherd, managed to get into the dining room of Mr. Windle's home before he knew of its presence. After attacking Mr. Windle's dogs, it undertook to bite him, even after he had felled it with the stick of cord wood. ! - I' THE RO\ Trade Street. Hutchison Buil Desires the patronage of year and will strive to deser before that ever since we ha Call and let us know your Rood will and continued patr ' GET IN T JK|m | 1 kTho small boy is n< overlookod either. His k'u of equipment is here als Fit him out, turn him loot in the backlot; it's tl finest "food" you can gi\ see us f6r all kind Lytle Dru T" ' | CHESTER DEMOCRATS MEET | AlfD NAME DELEGATES ?? Cheater, May 4.?The democratic convention of Chester county convened at the courthouse this morning. The convention passed off quietly and was minus any notable events. Delegates to the state convention were elected as follows: H. W. Miller, D. S. Hcllis, E. W. Gibson, Col. Arthur L. miKiuii, iv. u. AiKinnun ana oainufi Wright, with six alternates aa follows: Wulter Simpson, W. Q. Dye, A. Q. Weatl>rook, S. T. MrKcown, J. R. Reid and Senator John Hardin Marion. The administration of President Wilson was endorsed by a rising vote and he convention extended its sympathy .o him on neconnt of his indisposition. P.. B. C'nldwell was re-elected as Che* or county member of the state demoratio executive oommittdo. John M. Wise was etected county chairman. Save the surface and you save all. And to do this economically use nrvAr 1/1^ T VC? Lead and Zinc Paint We know that DEVOE takes fewer gallons and wears years longer because it's pure. It contains no worthless adulterants but is made of pure Lead and Zinc, pure Turpentine Dryer, pure Linseed Oil?and nothing else. Lytle Drug Company Remember?Paint Devoe Paint SPECIAL NOTICES. _ FOR SACE?One bay mare, aix years old, fat and in good order; also kind and gentle. Will weigh 900 or 1,000 pouuds. Price for quick sale, $150. Alex. Barber. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SERVICE? I have two registered Holstein Bulls whose services are offered the public; one at Wateroak Farm and the other at my home in Fort Mill; fee $3; Osmond Barber. 4t FOR SALE?One Holstein Cow and Calf, four Jersey Cows and Calves. 50 bushels Cook's Cotton Seed, machine cleaned and graded, at $2 per bushel. C. B. Kimbrell. 2t - - ^ * 'AL CAFE I dins, - ROCK HILL the people of Fort Mill this /e it as we tried last year and ve been in business, wishes and we will win your onage. I HE GAME I To put pep and speed I A * - n mc game you need all g he equipment, this store | iae it?regulation?and at I he light price. 1 at | S OF SPORTING GOODS I g Comp'y I ^ ' ~ ' 4 *' */ % ^ hmmk22 - - _ ..." ^ - '. , % A the fort mill tmag,r< sasass3BSssa=s i r I / ^ * , . -* H, m* v>-# 'S Boys t \ " ? ? ? II? 11= Clothe % The young mar just the atmosphe the youthful spirit man in his twenti tinctive personality Ro< a_n r>?-it- 2?? - * i lu J?** v.iuuiing or v*n THRILLING TALE OP BATTLE FOR LIFE IN OPEN BOATS Wilmington, N. C,, May 3.?A thrilling tal? of shipwreck and subsequent battle for life in open boats was recited today by nine member* of the crew of the American steam tug Admiral, which went down 22 miles off Topsail Inlet early Saturday morning. The seamen came to Wilmington by train after liav| iqg been picked up by fishermen off Topsail and taken to Edgecomb. The men continued their journey tonight for their home station at Phi lade)j phia. j According to the master of the Admiral, Capt. E. W. Day, the crew hat-' tied for houra after the ship had been put out of commission, being finally forced to take the lifeboats. The vessel went down five minutes after the last boat had pushed off. One of the boats was dashed to pieces in attempting to make a landing. Baltimore, May 4.? Maryland republicans are to send a solid Wood delegation to the Chicago convention, J* >RT MILL. SOUTH OUtOUNA ^ ^ jjji I T^VUBBEL] DakMMii * J are rein! stand roughes And this i by tlie famous Six montl wrrilt ?ionn ? rrui ' 11 O 4 The matte vigorous, Am all boys like t All the st? $14 75?$1 XlBBE Guaranty PARKER-SI s that R the Sp i of business and the co re they seek, both in fal : and their smart styling es. They are clothes tl 7. ddey-Poe M iaracter. " ?? " ? 'i- H nr-7?H , TAKE , at our New Spring SI smart as can be an wearing quality. Be of little leather and s< buying his summer fo procrastination. Fort Mill W- ( i " -y-i - g . -"V ,' isSfbii^ BILT Clothes wear longt forced at all wear points, it handling. idded wear is so certain 3 Dubbelbilt guarantee: 7S' wear, without rip, holt lit free. ;r of style is taken care of. erican-boy style in Dubbel o have. indard colors and mixtures 6.75?$18 75?$20.75?and u ELBIL1 ^ed for 6 Mont MOAK GL0THIN6 GO., Rock Hill, =" ~t \r? eveal nit ot : liege man will find G Dric and fit. These g; reflect the jaunty bu lat will give the young ercantile C RC A GOOD L iocs for men and wome id have added value tter take the look todaj oaring prices the perse >otwear will have to pa Cooperative ! G. GRIFFIN, Manager. * ^ ^^ "? ' % " V . ; ' " - -, ? <K? ' ? jo;4$M?; - : " < ' . . * . i * * v ': * ^ ? ? % : i . 4 ' ', r> % ; ; : * f : V < .v* I ' ;r, because they They are built to that it is backed 5, or tear; or wo too. There's the Ibilt Clothes, that ipwards to $36.75. * Tclothes hs Service s. c, ==s~?.ssl Ill Spring iriffon Clothes arments are for oyancy of the [er man a diso. >CK HILL, S. C. OOK sn. They are as in their extra r. In these clays >n who puts off I y for his or her St101*69 I