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Let Us OjKi We want to t<9 yoi accomplisl TL _ r* l . ' ine uooayear Com in the Production for the ?in Tire Sizes 30x8gp W# Have Goodyear He \ ' r ' t* ????? . ,~?GREEDY CLOTHING MEN CUT GARMENT PRICES Many clothing dealers in New York ty, fedling the effect - of the drive gainst high prices that .has been gainig momentum for the last month in ariotts sections of the country in the rganisation of "overall clubs," "celiloid collar dubs," "cotton stocking *uba" and in other ways* within the v st week or ten days have been mak?g material reductions in the prices of the garments they are offering for - 'toale, according to press dispatches > - *from Iftiat-dty, the reductions in some instances -being as high as from 88} to 60 per cent. More than 90 of . the largest department stores'.in New York city bfcve voluntarily taken this course, -asserting they are accenting the cut in profits as their share in the national tnovement for reduction in the coet of living. ' Vlirthor than thia fVio M?fiAnol n?? ment Retailers' association, with head; quarters in New York city, has -taken bognisance of the movement and has mailed questionaires to more than 10,000 dealers throughout 'the United States to learn merchants' opinions on ...jvhat constitute "necessity" and "luxi.ury" apparel within the meaning of >*! the Lever anti-profiteering law. It is ''asserted this investigation may serve to "clear up the entire situation. " * ? ? ? * t. in.i I'M ? FAMOUS POOR BOYS John Adams, second prfarfdent, was '' the son of a grocer of very moderate ( means. * . t \ Andrew Jackson was born in a cabin , ip the back woods. . James K. Polk spent the early part of his life digging a living out of a farm to North Carolina. He later was a clerk ^to a store. * Millard Filmore was the son of a New York farmer and his home' was an hum' hie one. He learned the business of ctbthier. James Buchanan was borrt in a small ... town In the Allegheny mountains. His ... father cut the logs and built the house " in-what was then the wilderness. Abraham Lincoln waa the son of a wretchedly poor farmer in Kentucky ' and lived in a log cabin until he waa 21 years old. "Ulysses S. Grant lived the life of a viilago boy in a plain home on fhe'banka jpf the Ohio river until he ft as 17 years - At the age of 10, Andfew Johnson au apprenticed to a tailor- by his widtnred mother. He never attended school ?hd pinfeed up all the education he had. 1 James A. Garfield waa born in a log Wbln. He worked on a fdrm until he >i as atrong enough to ua^carpenter's r t tote, when he learned thd> trade.' Ee t n fterwarda worked on a canal. Grove* Cleveland's father was a , Presbyterian minister with a small aalr hry and a large family. The boys t earned their own Hving. v William McKinley's early home was plain and comfortable, and his father Was able to keep him in school. ii ???H&Mrs. Saltte.Mendenhall and children re~nt "u"su ^ -% '* * -Wy^>,; -? :** , ' ^ :?'' ' - - - * - : '' V" *' ;. - * " ' r*i Your Eyes > i about the notable lunents of Tire & Rubber q n pany ' rH : of Clincher Tires taller cars 80x3 1-2?31x4 re going to want these ' or your car when you their value. y Cost No More ban Ordinary Tires iles Motor Co. 'ORT MILL, S. C, vj Tourist Tabes Too FOR SALE?"FORD CARS," New and Rebuilt. Ah*o curry in stock Ford Roadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. We do high grade painting and top blllldinir on nit molroo PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS. Charlotte's Reliable Car Market, 26 East 6th Street, Charlotte. N. C. If you think The Times worth the money, $1.25 a year, your subscription will be appreciated. Clothes tha anywhere are Ladies' Suits I CrN/< C ?^uiuo L V/Ud Ladies' Dresses ?. - Ladies' Middy Sir! > X Ladies" Blouses / v - > *' > Ladies* Skirts Ladies' Oxfords ai PAT The Shopping Ce I WE ARE AG _ K L ' The original Powde can he used for a milk is used for. II v ready a "Klim" us glad to have you ca yx < 4- 4 jruu auwui 14. Indorsed by the m where an absolute desired. Hutchinson's Phone K * +&+<&+ 8v?i? ?? ? ???< | SUGAR t x As a special inducement tc t FURNITURE, for the next te May 7, and ending Tuesday + SUGAR to .Furniture purchase $ 100 lbs. Sugar Free w ? chase of $200 worth c 50 lbs. Sugar Free 1 chase of $100 worth < 25 lbs. Sugar Free w t chase of $50 worth of i But whether you take adva ? secure a supply of Free Sugai ? us for Furniture. + We will save you money. rrs: n _ - ci ; roits su f JNr. s. POTT / 4r Jfc > RE CLOTHE^i t are right in ? the clothes we se "Schloss" ts Men's Sui Youne M its Stetson H Crossett 15 Ide Shirts id Pumps Ail-Star Is TERSC inter FC 7m" red Milk. "Klitt" my purpose that f you are not aler, we would he 11 and let us Ml . y ; ' ledical profession ely pure milk is Pharmacy, o. 91 ??^ I <.? ?' 1in 4 1 FREE! | ) prove the value of our & . n days, beginning Friday, & May 18, we offer FREE !rs on the following basis: Z ith each cash pnr- | >f Furniture. | vith each cash pur>f Furniture. ith each cash pur- I Furniture. I ntage of this liberal offer to , now scarce and high, see Z pply Co. I < > S, Manager. o < ' < > Jl ^ I ' my company >11 i mm*** * its . en's Suits [skfc IUIO < )hoes 4eckwear )N'S I ' 4 { )RT MILL, S. C. j \ % II * * 1-ra What Gooc is a Dollar? It*8 largely up U ponds on how you the value to you ol for it?on your ti where that value is Come to this sto and freshest of iu GROCERIES. THTS STYYRTT. QAVTTC V< Telephone 29. B. C. FERG1 ____________ Ttie Palmetto ROCK IIILL, trVVhere Everybody Me '"V *. v**''*: 1 I TP | . nil at >-x. near inai rALiVlLI iu Direction Prof. Frank ( MONEY TRAN BY WIF Arrangements have just been cor ern Union Telegraph Company, ap Bank of Fort Mill a Transfer Mone; Mill and the Community. This means you can step in the B you would a telegraph office in Itocl have your money delivered at any 1 in the United States immediately. T T 4.V O Will ?MI f?con-iii u11iiiii nri mill will This service is in addition to our re Order. Regular Western Union Tr ing, we make no charge for our ser THE saving: j of Fort IV 1 . . , , i Dress V< > t Til ? . * *?! <1 ?-? , i ney are going last. wny7 Bee. \ Come in and see for yourself. 36 inch Voile, assorted patterns. 36-38 in?h Voile, plain and fancj I 36-38 inch Voile, asstd. patterns I This goods retails at most places Specials for Friday a ; White Skirt goods, 75c and $1 value? 59c and 79c p< Bigvjine of all kinds of Underwear Come to see us. i The Cash : S. A. LEE and T. F. LY1 * KW-gT1 - - The cost of The Times is - '? i i 3 you. It de- ^ i spend it?on % what you get H ibility to find 3 to be had. re for the best everything in 3U MONEY v USON. | i Theatre s. c. cts Everybody" ORCHESTRA Wi ll m? ~r. SFERRED fcE npleted with the Westpointing The Savings y Order Office for Fort ank, just the same as c Hill or Charlotte and Western Union station All moneys wired by be handled thru us. gular Bankers Money ansfer Rates prevail vice. 5 BANK lill. oiles < iuse our price is right. 't 1 ? > per yard, 50c ? r, per yard, 65c X , yer yard 75c, 85c X fn?* 41 r\n? "ft ^ ' jaiu < > ind Saturday ?, Friday and Saturday {\ ;r yard <> < Shirts, Hosiery. Etc. ? O , Store, PLE, Mgrs. \ \ * > rynly #1.25 a year. '1 ' . *:T V,V ' * '*r ? ' ' * . ?>Jf- y -i tfL.jkx