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l ' i????y^ii The honor roll of the Port Mill graded < school for the month of April follows: First Grade?First honor, Sarah Arm- < strong, Beverly Bailee, Tillie Black, < Harriet Carothers, Maria Culp, Jennie * Loo Garrison, Arnell La than, Retell < Hammond, Sally May Hammond, Annie < B. Lee, Louise Maasey, Geneva Lipe, \ Mary Morris, Evelyn Robinson, Cordell < Catoe, James Allen Ferguson, Rochelle ? Patterson, Cleveland Lytle, Broxton J Shaw, Frank Stamper, Joseph Ross, a < Second Grade ?First honor, Helen < Roes, Rosa Heal, I on a Montgomery. < Guy Reeves, Elizabeth Wright, Ethel < Wright, Louise Wilson, Elizabeth Parks, < Vada Presaler, Emma Lee Gordon, 1 Howard Patterson, Robert Wolfe, Lucy 4 Ayers, James Elliott, Clement Potts, a Sarah Barber, Eva Dell Dycbes, Beat- | rice Ferguson, Josephine Hood, Nancy | Harris, Myrtle Wallace. Mary Starnes, ^ Franklin Allen, Gussie Hammonds, Wil- < Htm Harkey; second honor, Eleanor * Shaw, Zisa Mills, Charlie Carter, Mel- < ton Walden, Elliott Wilson. < Third Grade?First honor, Ruth Hal- * lifted, Roaalie Robinson, Jane Starnes, ' Everard Armstrong, Parks Bradford, ? Randolph Carothere, Albert Taylor, J Haxel McKibben, Allie Bradford, Mel- ; Yin Car ter, Garland Dyches, Pansy Gam- 4 ble, Luis Parks, Evelyn Mills; second { honor, Myra Bell Kimbrell, Helen Fer- < guaon, Sarah Ferguson, Beatrice Smith, < Joe Broom. J Fourth Grade?Fixst honor, Mary Gar- < rison, Finley Lee, Maidee Wallace, < Idelle St. Claire, Mary Barber; second * honor, Juanita Brown, James Massey, * Mabel Kimbrell, Gregory Dyches, J ames < Black. , Sixth Grade?Second honor, Cora Mas- * aey, Willie Bradford, Hattie Parks, Inez ? Wolfe, < No reports were made for the 7th, \ gth.Mh.ndlOthgrmde.. ; (COUNTIES CAN BUY SETS HARNESS VERY, VERY CHEAP I < Columbia, May 3.?Twenty thousand < dollars worth of harness is being dis- ] tributed among the counties of South < Carolina at practically no cost, by tho ' state highway department. The de- < partment Saturday received a ahipment [ of 260 double sets of wagon harness < <the equivalent of 620 double sets, from the federal government, shipped ' from JefTersonville, Xnd., harness that I was purchased for army mules. The harness is valued at $80 a double set, ^ the total value being $20,800. " The first set to be delivered to a county was turned over to Richlfend 1 road authorities Saturday. Every coun- J ty in the state is to be given some of J the sets, at a cost of $6 per set, this to cover transportation costs. EX-KAISER SELLS HARNESS GIVEN HIM BY POPE The Hague, May 4.?Horses, carriages and harness belonging to the former German emperor, including a set of goldmounted harness presented to him by the Pone, are offered for sale in a dis play advertisement in tonight's Handeisbbtd. The advertisement is signed only with a number, but it is agreed to furnish photographs and further information. So far as the Associated Press is able to learn no doubt exists that it is Count. Hohenxoliern himself who is disposing of the goods. For some time past rumor at Amerongen has had it that the former emperor's financial condition ha? not. been thriving. Emphasis is laid upon the historical value of the articles in the advertisement, which declares that documents will be furnished to prove' they were genuine. RICXLAKD DELEGATION IS IN FAVOR OF DEMOCRACY Columbia, May 3.?The Richland I county democratic convention this afternoon adapted resolutions endorsing the Wilson administration and rejected resolutions urging an amendment to the Volstead act to allow the sale of light wines and beer. There was strong sentiment, though is the minority in favor of amending the present prohibition laws. The principles of Jefferson and Jackson were also endorsed in resolutions adopted. VIEWED ECLIPSE FROM AN OBSERVATION BALLOON New York, Mav 3.?The eclipse of the moon last nignt was observed here by Lieut. J. II. Tilton and W. H. Cashing, of the Rockaway Beach Naval Air Station, at a height of nearly three nil raj.-h.lf mil.. Th. ? I / sembled b a naval hydroairpiane, remainlng in the air one and one-half ^ khoura. The observations were made at ^^Btbs direction of the -navy department. I^KDK. HURCHISON ELECTED j^B AS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Columbia, May 6.?Trustees of the j^^R'rehhy.orian seminary met here today ^^Bnd elected Rev. .). i>. Murehison, for |^^Bierly of Lancaster, as permanent exeeHHtir* secretary and director of religious H^Krork of the theological institution. The ? ^B^kommenrcment exercises are to bo held Upton's Yacht Coining. B^R London, May 5.?Sir Thomas Lip^^Hon'a yacht 8hamrock sailed yesterday ? |^Kon Dartmouth for New York, where HHw actual trial and tuning up of the H^Bhamrock for the international races m^iU ba held. + HP^ r? I Livestc Divei Fan ; (Extract from lettei The National Union Bank, Rock Hill, S. C. Gentlemen: We have hea success with which you m raising: and diversified farm: through your bank, under y of obtaining the same end i pleased to receive from you the success with which thei; (Sign? This bank 5s <?< know that its effc are being recogniz even beyond our o It is always a pi to come in and ta ness affairs whenei OUR SERVICE li The National Rock H Cash Capital of $300,000, Progress an< A community can show no ty than improved churches, rtlUi riKSi JN ATIU.M AL ] of the recent issue of bor Graded School and also of t streets. We were very much please odist friends in raising l'unc $40,000.00 church building, tends its congratulations to t The First N? Capital and Surplus. Assets ---y Ice Cream F We have opene Parlor for the s mer season and ronage of the di ?- A ty of flavors in t delicious Cream ways ready to b The Cand' a H. CARRQS, SEND YOUR < JOB PR TO THE TO >ck and 'sified xiing ' received last week). ird frequent reference to the < et in encouraging live stock <> ! tr ?- n a- ? n ing in iorK bouncy; tnat is, j? our direction. With a view <; n our county, we would be < a statement of your ideas and <; r execution met ;\ fours very truly, {> d) srtainly pleased to \\ >rts along this line H ed and appreciated, <> wn community, \ \ easure to us for you .;; Ik over your busirer you wish. \\ :: i HERE FOB YOU < > < MM Union Bank, | [ill, S. C. < 00 "Absolutely Safe" ; > 1 Prosperity ?__ better evidences of prosperischools and roads. 3ANK was heartily in favor ids for improvements at the he bonds for improving our d at the success of our Meth1s which will give them a This progressive bank exhis progressive church. &tional Bank $50,000.00 $500,000.00 'arlor Open I d our Ice Cream pring and suml invite the patublic. A varie:he purest, most i to be had al- I >e served. 1 Kitchen Proprietor. ORDERS FOR INTING ilES OFFICE : ,i- A- W '^r -.- *? : * . ' ' *v/ ... >- ?,>- - . - ' rr,.. ;X if" V. fVv.: 4- %' ? 1 > <w ( V r , : , - ' v ' . ' 'JrttZ'-"'frY ;7 YOUNG ? tn<c J6D &t READ THE TIMES FOR HOME NEWS DON'T FORGET THE Cash and Carry Store in nittiunK your purrnas- r es. Come a-runnin' with ^ your nickels and dimes for choice Fruit, Candies, Fancy Groceries, Etc. D. A. LEE, Prop. DR. A. L_. OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p, m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Beik Building, Fort Mill, S. C. JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting ChewrfaBy CtvMI Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. NITRATE OF SODA We have for arrival May 15th a ear of Nitrate of Soda. If yon are going to need any, place yonr order with me at once. R. F. ORIER, Jr. i> jOTp^TrjR ?*- * . J J*"1 /-V *i*" ' " ' ' '? ' . ? , >. % ' Hf' " i. s ~ r^' -. dlTf \*J ">W- ^ kX '**: ' " Pnorth-\ mm nconor \ You should know the worths of McClaren J C&? D Tires. Wc have faithfully tested thes< know their full economy value recommend them to our friend: Our experience in selling tires field. We know, from repeated t McClaren J D Tire measu standard of trouble-saving, mo economy. One trial will convince you of Equip today with these worthtires. k WOLFE, Foi ?T.a CTit The Important Fe; if ROCK HILL CYCLE SHOP. - H. M. ROBERTSON 23 Hampton Street Opposite Citr Hall pppuii V Starting &Iightin; IT /I a quality product. Ii J >3 the factory and stays r has built into it real, dej [JlgSBA service-proved durabilit factors which insure sati tery service. Q9B We've an *' JExihC " that i 1 IT w for your car. Come in and oca _ \ a M 4 construction really means. M q Our Battery Service is indisi lflk it regularly?no matter what ti aPJBft] Rock Hill |15SpD. A^?1 OpfKMit. ' * J I; * * v> ; ;?f " " *' ' * . fs I. Virile . ay while economy * i X % ; tires and now :?we strongly i. i covers a wide ests, that the res up to your ney-saving tire f this. while economy t Mill, S. C. I 'C7J? atures :ycle are sometimes orerby the uninformed purgood tires, a strong and bearings. In our > you need have no hesin accepting our word rer their merit, for we sell naranteed bicycles, Our ire astoundingly low compith others. - - Rock Hill, S. C. Ttlephoat No. 42 5-J iilllllliiffl g Battery 8 t is made right at V jftht in service. It 1 jendable power and 1 y?the two impost?! sfactory automobile bat* li correct in size and osoaikv mine it; see what " ??C sensible to the ear owner; asa be make of Battery on yoar aw. Battery Co. ry Spaolaliats, U - Rock Hill, S. C.