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m _____ gg 1 in" f GOVERNMENT AIMS At LOWER SUGAJtflJQCXS f, The shortage of sugavdahteh is hainff* felt in every home in York county as in wellnigh every other hssm in the land, and the rapid advance m priee, which bids fair to take an addithmal *1,000,t . 000,000 from ihe pockets of the Aisaerican people this year,, have recently; been the subject of a series of conferences in Washington, fcotwecn department of justice official* andaspro* sentatives of the big sugar greweire, importers and refiners of the country. The government, it is understood* asked cooperation from the refineries in eliminating sugar profiteering and hoartling. The unnecessary middlemen and sugar speculators also are said to have been a subject for discussion. Department of justice agents in the meantime are beginning a vigorous campaign against sugar profiteers among the wholesalers and retailers of the larger cities. s Nineteen retailers have been arrested in Philadelphia for making undue pipfits on the article, six wholesale and four retail dealers are under arcast in New Orleans, and one wholesaler and two retailers are in custody in NewYork city. Some of these men are alleged to have sdld sugar for cents a pound for which. they paid 14 aents. Sugar prices have been rising steadily since last autumn until today it is difficult to get the article for less than 26 cents a pound. It is freely predicted that it reach the 80-cent mark by the time-the canning season opens, and there are some who even declare that sugar will be selling for 50 cents a pound before the end of the year. Charging a corner in .sugar. Senator Capper of Kansas in a speech in the senate a few days ?go said that at "this moment the most brazen challenge we have had in this saturnalia of greed comes Jfaom the gamblers in sugar. A comer has evidently been formed right under the eyes of the department of justice. The canning <?> < > Summc 2 i. < r o ' > , ? < > Men's Straw Hats that pleas 0 in all shapes, Panama, each. Athletic Union Suts, also the | prefer them in cool weight ment, 1 Beautiful assortment of Shir from < Neckwear, Belts, Silk Sox, C \\ season requires. >' < > < \ *, Our Millinery department ha 1 week with many New flats :; SPECIAL PRICES. < > < <! Beautiful patterns in .Dark o prices, per yard, from < > * * * > <; Ramie Cloth, all Shades, per . < > ; Beautiful quality of New Pla at, per yard | New. White Goods for Skirt* | Ladies' separate Skirts, fit \ \ from...-. < < > < > . x < :: < > . : .. Kimb SHOES! Wh?n you question the high prto* ?f SI I nan.anuo UAII cwNmo ~ . J?? |UWI IKJWB. You can profit thereby or use it aa you Money ia plentiful, I know, but it doea You can buy from me if you want to 01 But remember what I tell you, money < Our boys gave duty on the border and But my prices are about the same, whi So torn ft up all together and come to 1 For-it is not me, but the other Yellow t Now I think it atxnda to reason that y< And quit your patronising the other re R.M. Hoc. ' " 'i ' WMon raid is on. For years the sugar Jateraats have annually and openly and shinisisstly robbed the American h?swi vss rthMng the canning season." ROCK MUX SXSBCTED AS B1S1SZCT HEADQUARTERS Columbia, May 4.?Rock Hill is to be one of the tea district headquarters of the state-wide campaign of the South Carolina Development Board. The other headquarters will be in Greenville, Spartanburg, Qreenwod, Columbia, Orangeburg, Charleston, Florence, Darlington and Sumter. State headquarters will be in Columbia. 1Mb division of the state was announced today following a general conference at which a program was laid out tor one of the nost carefully planned oasspaigas ever conducted in South Carolina. White the state headquarters ii prepuiig mi" material, hw amrici leader* will be setting up their lecal "machinery." On the opening date of the drive, Moaday, May 24 everything will he eo well arranged that every eitlsan of the state 'will know all about the South Carollha Development Board and than -will he given opportunity to cooperate with It if he thinks it worth while. The conference was attended by Governor Robert A. Cooper, Jeeae M. Jones, of Norfolk, Vs., development agent of the Seaboard Airline railway; G. A. Card well, of Wilmington, N. C., industrial agent of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad; J. C. Williams, of Washington, manager of the development section of the Southern railway; V. L. Collier, of Augusta, Ga., agricultural agent of the Charleston & Western Carolina railroad, and Clomcnt 8; Ueker, of Baltimore, executive vice president of the Southern Settlement arid Development Organisation. The ten men who will be in ahasgc of the several dieLrictfl WAM O loA {** wxr <u n v vcnuaut'C. French ttnris" desert husbands in america Pari*, May 4.?Of the BD$00 French girk who married > Americas* husband*, during the stay of the United State* troop* in* France, and wdioi aeturned with them to America*. 12,000 have already returned to France, le Journal said today. < < irwear! i > < < > !: * e in quality, looks and price, \ \ $3 to |8 , !: s separate piece for those who ? > materials, prices per gar : 75c to $1.50 * ts at very reasonable prices $1 to $6^0 ' ? dollars and such things as the j * > s been replenished the past trimmed and untrimrned at * \ A' i > Colored Voiles, all colors, ;; 1 80c to $1.50 ;; yard. 50c \ ! < l O | id Ginghams, 36 inches wide, < 50c o ; i? i, per yard, ___50c, 00c, $1.50 ;; ( > ? Ik uratl on/) 1/wvl* ?1 ? J n vii auu iWIV WCII) pi 1C6Q y $6.50 to $16.00 | ' r eir*<sii onoooo3?ao???o-.? #? ioes choose. not grow on trees; ? n buy where you -please, ioes nst grow on tones, busily went lo-Pmnc^ la others have entranced, ne to buy, hat sells shoes so high. >u give me all the praise How's ways. J The Low Pticftd Uf Shoo Man TfflirOKttMU IWWbXM (From the Fort Mill TI .A? o. o~c la the place where you can buy BE cheaper than any other place in tl and the best that money can bn money refunded on anything we e Also bear in^mind that I hav< ever brought to this place. Eva full stock of LADIES' and CHILI If you want a STRAW HAT ia ailing them out at cost. Yoi A. o. J< It is a far cry from June 14 intervening years have brought m the public '.'the best $3.00 men's a nor do I now sell ladies' and child I still am supplying my customer through all these vears. with "H< "are always fresh and the best thai Farm Ma ... We carry a comj Dere farming implei erything from a sm to a large tractor. . Just at this lame we cure. Cotton Planters and Two* Let us show you. We are ing until you are satisfied ? Service is what we want* J. C. HARE ROCK HI || Bread is1 I Best Foot H :: There sn't an \l on file market \; wholesome E body building isn't to be had :: R/^-ir ucn D ( ( A VVA^U. A 1111 U ;; Bread. Eat it | Rock Hill St HOCK HILL, 5 < ICE - IC Our plant is now run are prepared to furnish 1 quantity. Phone your orders to 1 o. t. I TftEGIT | A CLEAN, COOL, C )| TAURANT for LADLI <; Qutck Service; Foo < > Polite attention. 1 0 for SERVICE Bine the err 1 < nm JoM*l4t 1693.) < DISHES' AVY and FANCY GROCERIES ] le city. They are always fresh i y. Satisfaction guaranteed or 4 ell. e the best $3.00 MEN'S SHOE A ry pair warranted. Have also a 3 )REN'S SHOES. \ fou can get one cheap as I am 4 irs truly, < DNES. j 1 [, 1893, to May 6, 1920, and the ^ any changes. I no longer offer < hoe ever brought to this place" j ren's shoes and straw hats; but i s, some of whom I have held <j ;avy and Fancy Groceries" that <j t money can buy.'*?A. O. Jones, i ichinery ilete line of John i ments including ev- \ all one-horse plow ' h featuring the Corn and J hone Riding Cultivators, never satisfied with sellnth its use. | to give you. J ] m & co. | LL, S. C. i < < " < four 1 1 y article of Food | as rK^an ac rrnrvr] I <MW UW gV/V/V4 ? head. The real | c [ value in bread | r in any other food. I read is, the Best I for every meal, i; earn Bakery f 5. C. I i E - ICE I ning regularly and we the public ICE in any ^ Ho. 15. 1 ^>..1^ imtmnnniMoxHm Y GAFE 1 < CONVENIENT RES- | IS and GENTLEMEN | d of Best Quality, [f you are looking | at .... \\ Y GAFE y $ I The J. B. 1 t j HEAVY and FANCi [ HARDW/ [ * FEEDSTUFPS, ( AT I KTN IF WE HAVEN'T > WANT WE'LL j The J. B. [ : * <* "* ;> v^v ? * -* ; * <! 5> Announcf i ; Our new building is ; pleted and we wish to a ; are now equipped to do > of Automobile Painting j ? We also make Seat Cove ; Curtains and Signs. | Pyramid Pa I ROCK HILL, Overhead Bridge Our Battery l FREE R""i We will be pleased to inspect your b >ften as is necessary, free of charge. cind, and our experience is always at >airs be necessary we will make them Recharging, Repairing all 1 Service Batteries for Use While ROCK HILL BATTE] The Battery Specialists Ippoaite Neely'* Stable - E. Black S LWM?????? SI I II Buy paint by th not by the coloi It is important that your h the eye, but it 19 more 11 impervious to the weather. SW is used. S W P is made materials. When propcrl) crack, blister or peel. Item does it gives permanency to 1 Wee irrjracompletelinco Sroducts, including Flat-T lar-not for your floors an< ishes for refinishing all sun your home. FOBT MILL LUM ^ \ Fort Kill, S. ? Aids Co. j . ? ? i r .. 4 * C ? I '? U ? r GROCERIES, *| ^RE, SEEDS of : ! DS. !i X^HAT YOU :i GET IT. k. A . SSS- V < '? ;?#H A Hills Co. I * ^ ? 1 sment \ now about com- <\ * ? > in 11011 nee that we/j; % . < > the highest grade and Top Building. j> rs, Cushions, Side .!> int Shop j ,S. C. 111 Look for the Sign. Service is | diet* of Make f Battery lattery at any time and as Oar service is the expert your disposal. Should reat a moderate charge. flakes of Batteries. Working on Yours. RY COMPANY, Rock Hill, S. C. t. Phone 624 bC~L _il e label? . t I V { ousc be beautiful to mportant that it be It will be both if P [fl or weather^resisting r applied it doei not fl| iures, and because it .18 the colors you select. Si fSherwin-Williams* one for your walls, d Brighten-Up Pin- Hj laces in and around BER CO. ffjgf . ' ' c. ?*% ' ^9 & ?i' i