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' SHORT ITEMS OF NEWS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN \ An enjoyable concert, attended by about 200 people, was given under the auspices of Fort Mill pout, American Legion, in the town hall Tuesday even/ ing by the Davidson College band. The spring term of the Gold Hill school will close Friday evening, April 30. Lester Therrell has been the principal of the school for some time with Miss Marie Epps assistant teacher. William D. Rod gem is now at his home in Fort Mill after completing a term of enlistment in the regular army of the United States. Recently Mr. Rodgers has been stationed at Camp Jackson, Columbia, but the outfit to which he belonged saw much hard service overseas. "One of the pressing needs of this town," observed a Fort Mill citixen yesterday, "is a brick plant. There is a big demand for brick throughout the country and profitable sales are easily made. There is plenty of clay hers for brick-making and I hope some of the town's progressive citizens will start such an enterprise." * ? The average assessed valuation of automobiles for taxation in the various townships of York county, exclusive of Fort Mill township, is $192, and for Fort Mill township $202, according to a statement of L. A. Harris, member of the board of assessors for Fort Mill, who was in York a few days ago and read the figures for the entire county at the auditor's office. The movement for the erection of a new Methodist church for the congregation of St. John's is expected to receive considerable impetus as the result of a conference the church officers will hold this week wi h the architect who has submitted tentative plans ot the new building. The Rev. W. R. Bauknight, pastor of St. John's, says that as soon as the plans are approved committees will be appointed from the congregation to solicit building funds and that he is confident the erection of the new edifice will be under way in the next two or three months. Housewives and their husbands, who in most cases furnish the go-out-andgit-it-with-which-to-fetch-it, doubtless will sigh for a return of the good old days when they learn that in an advertisement printed in The Times on Wednesday, July 23, 1902, L. A. Harris, "Manager for the Company Store," announced an offer for lawns, piques, percales and duck, that were 6 to 12 cents, now 4 to 9 cents." Goous ' similar to those offered by Mr. Karris 17 years ago now sell for about 40 cents per yard. Hope was revived a day or two ago that arrangements may yet be made by the South Caiolina railroad commission for the accommodation of the traveling public to and from Fort Mill on passenger train No. 32, northbound, due here at 6:45 p. m. Chairman Shealy of the ! commission has just written the following letter to Fort Mill citizens relative to the matter: "The commission is still handling the proposition of Southern I railway train No. 32 stopping at Fort Mill. Mr. McGee, division passenger agent, stated to the commission yesterday that he would have a reply in a very short while. The comnrission is doing its best to bring results for Fort Mill " One of the hardest rains that has fallen in this section in years was thatj of Monday evening between 8 and 8.30 o'clock. The streets of the town Were flooded, the roofs of many residences and business houses leaked for the first time and, out in the country Borne damage was done farm lands by . the Heavy downpour. The rain came down as if from a cloudburst and was accompanied by considerable wind, hail and lightning. For a few minutes during the storm the power supplied the town by the Southern Utilities company failed, leaving the streets, homes and business houses in darkness, except in the cases where coal oil lamps or tallow candles were at hand for house lighting. The rain of Monday evening also had the effect of further delaying farm work in this section, adding to the general apprehension that the weather conditions which have obtained for the last two months, added to the general labor shortage, will make it impossible for most farmers to put in a full crop this year. GAMBLING FEVER SEEMS TO HAVE HIT COLUMBIA Columbia, April 12.?Columbia police raided a skin and crap game late Saturday night and arrested 42 negroe.. Frightened sports dropped eight razors and a 45 calibre arinw pistol on the lloor, and no one claimed the weapons. Seven white men were surprised earlier 1 in ?the night while they shoved the pHHtelstard and rolled the hones on the canal Imnk. Ten negroes were s|>otted at the fertilizer mill in another game, and early yesterday morning the police pulled seven negroes while they enjoyed the national game within a 1 stone's throw of the eity prison. Melvin Tallon, desk sergeant, was | guarding $725 last night, and of that nmount, $4110 wns deposited by 01 men who are charged with gaming. The army pistol ami ratois were numbered among the list of unclaimed articles. Military police will take the gun. I ^ ; SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE OR TRADE-Two fresh young Milch Cows, with heifer calves. W. H. Wkkdlft. MILCH COWS?Two fresh' young grade Jerseys, one with heifer calf. L. M. Maasey. SIR CHRISTOPHER III?Registered Shorthorn Bull now ready for service. Fee. $5. Phone 41-B for engagements. Fork Shorthorn Association. FOR SALE? "FORD CARS," New and Rebuilt., Also carry in stock Ford Roadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. We do high grade painting and top building on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS, Charlotte's Reliable Car Market, 28 East 6th Street, Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE OF OPENING OF BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION Notice Is hereby given that books of subscription to the capital stock of the Bailee Motor Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina, will be opened at the office of the Fort Mill Lumber Company, at Fort Mill, S. C., on Saturday, April 17t)i. 1920, and remain open until the capital stock of said corporation has been subscribed. J. J. BAILES, E. M. SMITH, Corporators FERTIIJZERS We will have a car of Fertilizers by the last of this week or the first of next week. If you need any more for this year's crop, you had better see me. Robert F. Grier, Jr. DON'T FORGET THE Cash and Carry Store in making your purchases. Come a-runnin' with your nickels and dimes for- choice Fruit, Candies, Fancy Groceries, Etc. D. A. LEE, Prop. HEMPEAtWINTHROP The World Famous Freida Hempel will sing at Winthrop Cnllaore. Rnp.W Hill on Frirlnv night, April 16th. Reserved seat tickets, $2.00. They will be mailed out upon receipt of a check to Winthrop College. DR. A. L_. OTT, DtNTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. JESSE L.HOWIE General Contracting ErtliMtM CfceerfuUr GW?n Phone 168 Fort Mill, S. C. Bargain From Ap Between the al $3,000 to $4,00< 25 Pei Linseed Oill wi . 1 - you intend to p to save big mor Fort Mi v< yr v . ft .? ; ?, - %:- ^ ' ' ' WE ARE AG "KL The original Powde can be used for a milk is used for. If leady a "Klim" us glad to have you cal you about it. Indorsed by the m f where an absolute desired. Hutchinson's Phone N - ? -i. - What Go is a Dolla It s largely u pends on how the value to yo for it?on you where that vah Come to this and freshest in GROCERII THIS STORE SAV ITelepho B. C. FER Poultry and I Just received a shipment 01 * Wire and 58 inch P. and R. Wii t the old price. If you want son go in a hurry. | Spring Shoes f More new S ippers and Shi | Come in and let us fix you up f< I Shoes Are Better." All sizes t r young and old. 11 | uress Caps Big assortment of Men's f Hats in ail the different styles i f at medium prices. It will pay anything: in this line. ^ Satisfaction guaranteed. | The Casl | S. A. LEE and T. I Sale of ill 8th to A] ? ?? ? bove dates we ] 3 worth of High ( Cent. Red 11 be included ii aint this year this V ' ley. f y ill Lumber Co ENTS FOR IM" red Milk. "Klim" ny purpose that r you are not aler, we would be II and let us tell edical profession ily pure milk is Pharmacy, 0.41 -? od I r? p to you. It deyou spend it?on u of what you get v ability to find le is to be had. store for the best of everything in :s. ES YOU MONEY ne 29. GUSON. Fence Wire j < > < F 4 foot Poultry and Fence J > e which we can sell you at % le phone us quick, as it will <? < < > \ and Slippers :[ oes coming in every week. or the summer. "Star Brand % ind many different styles for $ and Hats | and Boy's Dress Caps and a and colors, good grad 8 and X you to see us if you need h Store, I ?. LYTLE, Mgrs. | Paints >ril 17th oroDose to sell b a jrade Paints at * /* ^ . * ? *' V* j > uction 11 this sale. If is your chance ** *' " * A J* . / * v impany j April Shov I Special Be I X For I Saturday and ; Dress Vc Plain and Figured, the yard, from Vorv Special prices on Children's ? ? 1 a ? ? it y ctti n. 5,000 yards best quality Bleaching ^ 32-inch Dress Gingham at ? 40c Percales at. | Ramie Cloth, all colors, at ? Marseilles Bed Spreads, special pr ? 40-inch Colored Nainsooks in pink t yellow at + $3.50 Silk Hose at t $2.50 Silk Hose at - We have a splendit Dresses and Bungalo * range in price from $! t > < When in town ma jL I quarters at our store > I ways glad to see you. I ? : Kimbr t MONEY TRAP BY WI] Arrangements have just been ci ern Union Telegraph Company, s Bank of Fort Mill a Transfer Mor Mill and the Community. This means you can step in the you would a telegraph office in Rc have your money delivered at anj in the United States immediately. Western Union to Fort Mill wil This service is in addition to our Order. Regular Western Union ' ing, we make no charge for our s THE SAVING of Fort I THE ROYAI Trade Street, Hutchison Building Desires the patronage of the ] vear and will atrivn to Hmppup ii before that ever since we have hi Call and let us know your wish good will and continued patronag Our Battery ; FREE Reg" We will be pleased to inspect your t often as is necessary, free of charge, kind, and our experience is always at pairs be necessary we will make therr Recharging, Repairing all ] Service Batteries for Use Whik ROCK HILL BATTE The Battery Specialists Opposite NSteblo E. Block I rers of urgains Monday ; I <.?> riles ; * 50c to__ $1.50 w Wash Dresses, sizes 2 f, r at.. 29c ^ .45c | 35c <j> 50c <ii> ice. $4 50 ? , flesh, light blue, and 1 .... _45c I $3.00 . - -$2.00 f 1 line cf House | w Aprons that 2 to $5. | t ke your head- I We are al- | t i | ell's | __________ 1 4SFERRED RE ampleted with the Westippointing The Savings ley Order Office for Fort Bank, just the same as >ck Hill or Charlotte and r Western Union station All moneys wired by 1 be handled thru us. * regular Bankers Money Transfer Rates prevailoi*vn/?n IS BANK Mill. ? CAFE ROCK HILL people of Fort Mill this as we tried last year and *en in business. es and we will win your e. Service is dies* of Make f Battery >attery at any time and as Our service is the expert your disposal. Should rei at a moderate charge. Hakes of Batteries. i Working oo Yours. RY COMPANY, Rock Hill. S. C. St. Phone 624 4 v?, J.'