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- :4 \ I m ' f t - f r ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mrs. Bessie Massey left this week for s visit to her son, B. F. Massey, i in Hastings, Fla. i Mrs. L. Ross Lynn of Clinton was a guest during the past week in the home of Mrs. Hattie Mack. Dr. W. H. Martin has been in Green ville this week attending a State meeting of Rexall dealers. Miss Sadie DesPortes of Ridgeway visited her brother, Dr. J. R. DesPortes, for several days the past week. . Mrs. J. A. Boyd returned to her home here this week after a visit of three months to her daughter. Miss Florence Boyd^n Montevallo, Ala. i Harry Bradford is expected to re turn home this week from Newport News, Va., and will be employed at the Hutchinson pharmacy. A. L. Parks is the only Fort Mill man drawn on the petit jury to serve at the approaching term of the general sessiohs court which meets in York on April 12. Miss Bess Spratt of Columbia spent the past week-end visiting her mother* Mrs. Jennie B. Spratt, in Fort Mill. J. ' She was accompanied by Miss Leila Evans, Dr. R. B. Durham and A. J. Bodenbaugh, all of Columbia. The Rev. W. R. Bouknight is expected to return this evening from Clover, where he has been for the past week assisting the pastor of the Methodist church, the Rev. H. A. Whitten, in a special meeting. The Rev. R. T. J. Mainr. nmnlHinff elder of the Hock Hill district, Methodist church, preached twice in this section Sunday, at the morning hour in the Belair church and in the afternoon for the congregation of Pleasant Hill church, in Pleasant Valley. The differences between the authorities of Clemson college and the student body having been adjusted, the half dozen or more Fort Mill boys who came home a few days ago have returned to the institution, at which class work is said to be moving along smoothly again. J. J. Bailes expects to begin soon the erection in Rock Hill of two residences on lots he bought some months ago near Winthrop college. Mr. Bailes has a third lot opposite the Winthrop campus on which he will later erect a more pretentious residence than either of the two he plans to begin work on in the near future. Miss Carrie Spencer of Rock Hill has accepted the position of teacher of the fifth grade in the Fort Mil! public school and began her new duties Monday morn inc. The school authorities are said to have had considerable | trouble in securing a permanent teacher for this grade daring the present session and changes have been frequent. Decided improvements have been . made to the grounds of the Presbyterian , church during the last ten days. The | work was done largely under the ( direction of members of the church living near lo vn who brought their , teams and laborers from the country , and did considerable grading on the , grounds. Particular attention was paid , to beautifying the grounds immediately surrounding the new manse which the church has had erected during the last few months and which is considered by many the most attractive residence in town. H. E. White of Gastonia N. C., spent lust Sunday at his old home near Fort Mill. Mr. White is now in charge of the Gastonia office of C. C. Wilson & Co., Columbia aichitects, being a member of the firm, and is himself an architect of years' exp.-tience. Until recently he was for many years connected with the supervising architect's office of the United States treaaurv d... I . partinent and while in the federal ser- , vice had charge of the construction of ] a number of postoflficc buildings in im- , portant Southern cities. Mr. White's , last service with the government was in connection with the construction of the postoflico building in Columbia. - Usually at this season of the year , peach trees are full blown in this sec- ( tion, but the backwardness of the spring has prevented the buds from , bursting up to this time?which is held by old residents to be an augury of ( a good crop, as later on when the ( trees put forth all danger of killing ( frosts will have passed. It is stated . in this connection that many nurseries , in the South shipped great quantities of peach and other fruit trees to this section last fall and if all goos well the fruit crop hereabouts promises > to be larger in the next few years than ever before. , Although America has not been at . war with Turkey and this country has i no part in the European negotiations < regarding the Near East, the United * States will make a strong effort to have the Turk driven out of Europe. . The United States government feels , that the interests of international ( civilisation require that Ottoman pow- f er be driven forever from Constantinople. This includes the expulsion of t the sultan from the Bosphorus. * NEW CHURCH EDIFICE PLANNED FOR ST. JOHN'S Unlets the plans of the congregation of St, John's Methodist church miscarry, there will stand on the site of the present frame church building on Hall street in Fort Mill within the next year a beautiful brick church edifice which will be. the pride of the congregation and an ornament to the town. Recently tentative drawings of the proposed new building* to cost about 136,000, have been received from the architect who is preparing the plans and specifications and these are now in possession of one of the officers of the church. It is the purpose of the congregation to erect a building considerably larger than the one now in use to care for the growing congregation for several years ahd to make the building modern in every respect. The tentative plans call for a number of class rooms, pastor's study and other smaller rooms on the floor with the auditorium, designed to semt obout 600 people, with arched ceiling and ample lighting facilites and ventilation. A dais immediately in front of the pulpit will be used by the choir. Provision is made for the installation later on of a choir loft and the choir would then be tran fei red. The plans also call for a commodious basement, eontalning the heating plant, additional class r.ioms, lavatories and a well appointed kitchen, an adjunct provided in recent years in many modern church buildings. The front of the building will have an especially attractive appearance, with a row of gothic columa extending across the facade and reaching to the ceiling, somewhat lower than the ceiling of the auditorium. The Rev. W. R. Bauknight, pastor of St. John's, is enthusiastic over the prospects for the new building and is confldent his congregation will respond with liberal contributions when the canvassing committees begin their rounds for subscriptions. There is the best of feeling between all the churches of Port Mill and it is expected that numerous gifts to the building fund will be made by members of other denominations. Mr. Bouknight is serving his second year as pastor of St. Jotn's, during'which the membership of the church has grown rapidly, now being considerably above 300. Legion Post to Meet Members of the Fort Mill post. American I.egion, expect a busy session at the regular monthly meeting of the post in the town^hall Friday evening at eight o'clock. Among other matters of interest to come op at the meeting, plans will be laid for an intensive campaign to induce every former service man in the?community to become a member of the;?post. The adjutunt of the camp, Arthur C. l.ytle, will present to each member of the port present at the meeting a French souvenir in the shape of a pamphlet telling of the principal engagements in which American forces took part in the World war, the pamphlet beingdedicated "To the Homewardbound Americans." At its last meeting the post went on record practically by unanimous vote as favorin? the nro postd bonus for veterans of the World war. Y. M. C. A. Luncheon. Several representative Fort Mill :)tizens were the guests of the Rock Hill branch of the Young Men's ChrisIan association at a luncheon Tuesday light served in the graded school luilding by the members of the domesic science class under Miss Mamie lack ^asaey. R. E. Mell, community lecretary, presided, and introduced 1. E. Johnson, student secretary for Jie two Carolines, who addressed the quests on the subject of the general work of the association. He was folowed in a short address by Mr. Mell, who spoke more definitely along local ines. The affair was enjoyable and it was regretted that so few were present to participate. Blease to Rua for Governor? The following is taken from a letter .AAn?tl "? ?' ? ^ " ICVCII ujr v*rilUMl **111 LiSUOOn OT An- I del-son by former Governor Blease: '.'I still stand by my friends, and while personally I am not a candidate for any position, if my friends think I can Herve them by going into the race, either for the senatorship or the governorship, I am at their command. Therefore, I am in their hands. If they think 1 should run for the senatorship, [ shall make the tight; if they think I should run for the governorship, I shall make the fight, and I shall fight as I have never fought before, not for myself, but for economy, in the expenditure of the people's money, the abolition A useless jobs, personal liberty, states' rights, freedom of thought, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom ?f action and the worship of God as iach man should for himself decide." Mayence, March 24.?More than one houaand communist* were killed in rinlent fighting in the region* of Wesel, iotha and Henncr*dorf, according to liapatche* received here today. Fighting between Belgian troops and ho (lerman red* ia alao reported in . he Duiaberg dintrict. i TORT MUX TUflBB. SHEET WORK PLANS PUSHED BY COMMISSION F. H. Murray, assistant State highway engineer, came to Fort Mill from Columbia Tuesday afternoon and for some time was in conference with the street commission of Fort Mifr relative to the improvements which the commission, in conjunction with the town council, hopes soon to have made on the streets of the town with ,the proceeds of the proposed bond issue of 930,000, supplemented by federal funds. After inspecting the prineipal streets of the town, Mr. Murray gave it as his opinion that the $40,000 which the commission hopes to have in hand soon would assure a smaller number of square yards of permanent paving than the commission had in mind to have put down, but added that it was not improbable that additional federal aid could be secured for the project after the new federal appropriation for road projects becomes available subsequent to July 1, next. ^ Meanwhile the street commission is receiving many inquiries from contracting firms anxious to bid on the street work. It is. said to be not improbable, however, that the commission will buy the paving material and with the assistance of expert engineers have the work done under the supervision of Mr. L. A. Harris, chairman of the commission, whose good work in connection with the paving of the improved sidewalks of the town some years ago while he was raavnr is evi dence of his ability to superintend acceptably the larger undertaking now proposed. Following a conference in Laurens between Governor Cooper and Solicitor Blackwell, it was stated that a special term of court will be held at Abbeville, Monday, April 5, for the purpose of trying Kenneth Gossett and Jonn Gossett, the two young men who are charged with criminully assaulting two young women near Abbeville about ten days ago. HEMPEt At WINTHROP ,3 . / " * ' f 4 I t - r% 0 The World Famous Freida Hempel will sing at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, on Friday night. April 16th. Reserved seat tickets, $2.00. They will be mailed out up^ji rt ceipt of a check to Wintnrop College. . DON'T FOBGET THE Cash and Carry Store in molrinn WAim > "ft /vu? yuiruoo" es. Come a-runnip' with your nickels and dimes for choice Fruit, Candies, Fancy Groceries, 'Etc. D. A. LEE, roprietor Majestic Mary P ' y< ; . I!> "The Heart < From the famous nov Until Mavis Hawn was sent awi anyone dressed in city clothes. S a tigress, until her loyal friend of sistancc. You will fall in love wit of her foyalty to "Pap" in the fc mountain^ Ma|estlc One day Only" | OPEN 4 P. M. THE ROY Trade Street. Hutchison Buil< Desires the patronage of 1 year and will strive to degerv before that ever since we hai Call and let us know your i good will and continued patrc TOST MILL, 8. 0. ^ CITATION. The State of South Carolina?County of York. T By J. L Houston, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. Whereas J L. Spratt has applied to roe for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, Tights and credits of Mrs. D. C. Norman, late of the County aforesaid, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our noxt Probate Court for the said County, to be holden at York Court House on the 30th day of March to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 18th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty and in the 144th year of American independence. J. L. HOUSTON. Probate Judire of York f!nnntv. CITATION. State of South Carolina?County of York. By J. L. Houston. Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. Whereas J. L. Suratt has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and' singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of W. P. Norrraq, late of the County aforesaid, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be anu appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said County, to be holden at York Court House on the 30th day of March to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. % Given under mv hand and seal this 18th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty and in the 144th .year of American independence. J. L. HOUSTON, Probate Judge of York County. CITATION. The State of South Carolina?County of York. By J. L. Houston, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. Whereas A. L. Parks has applied to me for Letters or Administratioa on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of W. F. Hyatt, late of the county aforesaid, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said County, to be holden at York Court House on the 8th day of A II a. -1 - - ? n^ini w anew cause, 11 any, wny me said Administration should not be granted. Given under mv Hand and Seal, this 23rd day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty and in the 144th year of American independence. J. L. HOUSTON, . Probate Judge of York County. ? .... . - .. - ! FOR SALE-*'FORD CARS," New and Rebuilt. Also carry in stock Ford Roadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. We do high grade painting and top building on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS, Charlotte's Reliable Car Market, 26 East 6th Street, Charlotte, N. C. n CP A l ?r ; DENTIST ' Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. : Today ickford I )f the Hills" el by John Fox, Jr. xy to school she had never seen he fights both boys and girls like the mountains comes t> her asth her all overaorain in thia a nrv (udist battles of the Kentucky Theatre DAY It \DMISSION?15c and 25c AL CAFE iing, - ROCK HILL the people of Fort Mill this e it as we tried last year and re been in business, wishes and we will win your mage. STATE Of the Condition of the F Mill* S. C., at the Close 28* 192O. Condei to Comptroller < RESOl Loam and Discounts Overdrafts .*.T. "... United States Bonds andSiocks Furniture and Fixtures Redemption Fund with United States Tr Other Resources (interest earned but no CASH and due from other banks LIABI1 Capital Stock paid in Surplus Fund Undivided Profits (less interest and taxc Reserved from Profits for unearned inte National Bank Notes Due Federal Reserve Bank for U. S. Ce Liberty Bonds deposited with us by cust Deposits The First Na FOttT MI (Operated under strict euperv T. B. SPRAT J. L*SPRATT, V.-President and Cashr. OSMOND BARBER, V.-President ?> <$> ?> <? %> ) I I Insure Youi f I Against thi I t Statistics show that 1,1 | where one burns. Insure I am local agent for the 1 pany's Paints and handle I found on the market. 1 ci I man's profit Goods shipp i at Savannah, Ga< if I can't save you monej I KARL G Z Local Sa Brighten Up / Consult us about the quality and prices of th^ Paint we sell before be ginning the spring painting at your home. beautifhl, permanent stain. Wi face can be varnished and staine number of colors, such as Maho* We believe in it thoroughly you once try Floorlac, to we are coupon below. FREE FLOOR 0 Ftn In this coupon with your nan J with Ten Cents and you will receive * and a Fifteen Cent Varnish Brush. $ Sign your name and bring the coup 9 J IT? | Addr?m ____________________ FORT MILL LUM FORT MILL, S M M MM MIM | DOES 1 \ Automobile Ni | Does it need a 1 1* Covers, Cushioi the "Pyramid Pyramid F ROCK HI JAS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. The cost of The Timei " v ' " v.l : % memBBBBsemi i MENT Irst National Bank, Fort of Business February used from Report ^ of tHe Currency JRCES $805,264 64 192 16 100,050 00 ... 2,860 00 oafcurer 2,000 00 t collected) 80000 50,139 92 $461,396 62 itiitc _?? M ILMtJ ... $ 40,000 00 10,000 00 s paid) 10,17110 frest 6,600 00 - 40,000 00 rtificaten of Indi-btednesn.. 10,000 00 omere. 15,060 00 829,576 62 $461,396 62 itional Bank, LL, S. C. ision of U. S. Government) T, President W. T. BARRON. Asst. Cuahier R. H. AUDREY, Teller ?L- ' I r Buildings jj i Weather < < 200 buildings rot down ! against this by painting. ;; <? Southern Cotton Oil Com- ! I every kind that's to be in save you the middle- < | ed promptly from factory S r 1 don't want your order. ^ I; > u FARIS lesman. _ ; ; < > i Your Home Have you been wondering how you were going to reftnish that worn chair or table? Has the dull appearance of the livingroom floor or the stairs been worrying you? You probably are saying, "Yea," and here is your answer?Reflnish it with Sherwih-Wiluaus FLOORLAC I Which is a scientific combination of a durable, waterproof varnish of fine quality, and a th this excellent material, a surd in one operation?stained in a gany, Oak, Cherry, etc. and know that you will too, if , making you a special offer in tht ' t LLAC SAMPLE ' ye and address, bring It to our stars f a Twenty-Five Cent can of Floorlac, 9 This introductory offer Is limited? ? on to our store today. ? f BER COMPANY outh Carolina IfOLJR i; ted Painting? ! New Top, Seat is, Etc.? If so, Way" is best. 'aint Shop, i i LL, S. C. ; I "Ask the Mam Who Knows.** | I !!A s is only $1.25 a year.