University of South Carolina Libraries
It < THREE YEARS* p A Mary ef ftftekaesa ni ttatafr |r Ho matter how long ner.hov and Mtmd, He not gtSe up Hope. Dp P, ian la no help for yon. There ja> poer mind to get well. Ton caar emlily In which yoh may Woe/* [. as did Mrs. Rosalia Kanla of IP fid ? ;. Maw Britain, Conn. This la what *T had cramps for three years sad ? . would narer he any better. I con without distress. Slept with my !- and conld hardly breathe. No.medU 1. m 1 had catarrh of the stomac bare no cramps and am feeling healthy. I wish every suffering pei take PE-RU-NA." Catarrh effects the mucous men any organ or part. FB-RU-NA, by the digestion and aiding elimination, and nourishment to the sick and It jror coughs, colds, catarrh and "PK-RU-NA Is recommended. If you The sooner you begin using Dr. E the sooner you may zpect to be wei: ?f your health. A bottle of PB-RU-] to-take remedy to hare in the houi jv.y. mention and protection. Sold everywhere in tablet or 11qu1< I. Where Can I Find I Itching, Te p Question on Lips of Afflicted, i There Is harrassing discomfort ! caused by Eczema that almost be- < comes a torture. The itching is al- 1 most unbearable, and the skin j seems on fire with the burning ir- s ritation. A cure from lochl appli- j Cations of salves and ointments t is impossible, because such treat- i ment can only allay the pain tem- ; pprarily. The disease can only be i WANTED IM . Commissionc ! Thousands of unmarked graves, an have an elaborate collection of Marble beauty and endurance, recommend Elb ble. Essential qualifications, perseverai ,lted local territory which we offer subj Stately tor particulars. COGG1NS MARI ?0 MAIN STREET Minht Have Been Worse. I The man who .sometimes spoke his thoughts aloud hud been more concerned with tlie things of the world < than with things spiritual. One day fty chance his hand fell upon a hook containing the catechism of n certain Protestant church, and he was soon ' " earnestly engaged In reading tlie Ten Cosnmandmun'ts. For some time he pondered over the "Thou slialts" and "Thou shait nots," which had been forgotten almost since childhood. Then. My lug down the book with a sigh, he (uttered: " Well, I've never killed anybody, anyway."?Exchange. " Cut I curs Soothes Baby Rashes. That Itch and burn with hot baths ?f Cntlcnra 8oap followed by gentle | anointings of Cntlcnra Ointment. . Wothlng better, pnrer, sweeter, espe. dally if n little of the fragrant Cntlenra Talcum Is dusted on at the flnHl 25c each everywhere.?Adv. , Ita Present Use. "What's a menu, pa?" "It is a printed paper with the i prices of food to show you what you , can't get." $y.- Many a man says he is nervous I ? when he Is merely ill tempered. 11 Bk ~ , 1 " * 1 , . . . f.FDU RO A 4 FEI V r \ <( ' Y. </?" !%* ?%* git^ ' ' ' -* *% , 3fc* . : * * \ vi * . ' W . + - 'A* N v. . \Ve have i enable us oV- i * furnish'al r V; ' "- ^ * Potash Sa *are prena: other grac KAINIT J " KAINIT. * .. .. ' -* .' A - * MANURE SALTS MURIATE OF P< 2liSe?. your Roysf r. s. ro V" Norfolk, Va. Richmond,k . .Washington, N. C. Colui Columbus, Ga/ M *. , 5*' " | vy " ... * * ' * ' if 75' ? yflPi HTHOUT HOPE ?w*k Ital MM t? HwKk M<?nl> k you hnvo X?Ot d?dH S *$3 ltete *p 1 Thero l? ill mitao# m street, ah* says:-; thought I ^ HXP^^Pb Id not est ^ ^9yP|HP 5 louth open S due helped . I Now I ^HHL S well and SKW 5 -son would ^HMBHHHHHB / .> '; <P??3 ibranes in regulating ^ sends a rich, pore supply of blood inflamed membranes and health catarrhal eondittons generally, 1 are sick, do not wait and suffer, tartman's well-known PE-RU-NA, 1 and strong and In full possession MA is the finest emergency, readyle. It is fourteen ounces of pro1 form. Relief From rnfying Eczema? reached by going deep down to its lource, which is in the blood, the lisease being caused by an infec:ion which breaks out through the ikin. That is why the most satisactory treatment for all so-called ikin diseases is S. S. S., which acts >v cleansing the blood. Get a bot:le to-day, and you will see results :rom the right treatment. Medical idvice free. Address Medical Di-ector, 48 Swift Bldg* Atlanta, Ga. MEDIATELY id Salesmen id hundreds improperly marked. We and Granite designs, and for quality, erton Blue Granite and Georgia Marice and integrity. We have only 11mect to prior acceptance. Wrlto Imme3LE COMPANY CANTON, GA. I His Favorite Place. "Ho is a man of extremes in his moods. He is either up in the garret or down in the cellar." "Well, If lie was prudent enough to lay in a private stock I bet most of the time he's down in the cellar." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of waterfedd 1 oz. Bay Rum, small box of Barbo Compound, and M oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the de*:xed shade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streakea, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off.?Adv. Lucky Accident. Mrs. Towne?"How did you sleep last night?" Towne (father of twins) ?"Accidentally." The Reason. "Press ngents rarely go Into bankruptcy." "No wonder. Their lle-ubllitles are also their assets." Tou never can know how superior to other preparations Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" le until you have tried It once. A single dose Bleans out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv. The fact that his wife uses a little powder Is no excuse for a man's coming homo shot. AN PO * YSTEi UTILIZE TRADE MARR RA0I8TCRK0 , imple supplies of German Pota to say to the trade we are p 1. grades of mixed goods wi Its EXGMTSTVRT.Y nnH in ari red to sell Genuine German 1 Jes of foreign potash Salts. I > . . 1TASH er dealer and place; VSTER GU> V*. Lynchburg:, Va. Tarboro, nbia, S. C. Spartanburg:, S. C. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, A ' TfflCrORTM] THE "BLUE8" Caused by ptehptomacH MUltooa of #?H>| who wony, ?n Hmn itu. b?w spoil* of mental dsprssslon. foot Mm m< or* often melanaholy. bellev? that thsae ONttlna sis 4m to outatda infiuencea jw *Wob thay ten UttW or so oontroL Nearly always. kovtm, (hoy eu ho Inete to sa internal eourna a eld Bioiib. Kor to It to bo woadored ot. Aeldtstomacb. heslnnlat With oBoh wall dsflned symptMna as |a> dlsostlon. bslcbln*. bom ft bar*, bloat, eta* will, tt not checked, la tlmo affect to oomo doproo or otbor all tho vital ore ana. Tbo nervous system boeoaos dersnxed. Digestion suffers. Tho blood la Impoverished. Health and etrensth aro undermined. Tho victim of I acid-stomach, althoush ho oar not know tho causo of hi* ailments, fools his hopo. courapo. ambition and energy sllpplns. And truly Ufa Is dark?not worth much to tho man or woman who has aeld-atomach! wet rid Of It! Don't lot acid-stomach hold Son back, wrack yonr boalth, mako your ays miserable, mako yon a victim of tho "blues" and Bloomy thonsfats! There Is a marvelous modern remedy called BATONIC that brings, oh! such quick relief from your stomach miseries?sets >our stomach to rlshts ?makes It strons. cool, sweet and comfortable. Helps you set baok yonr strensth. visor, vitality, enthusiasm and sood cheer. So many thousands noon thousands of sufferers have used ATONIC with such marvetoualy helpful results that wo are sure you will feel tho same way If you will Just glv* It a trial. Get a bis 50 cent box of BATONIC? tho sood taatlns tablets that you eat like a b!t of candy?from your drusslst today. Ho will return your money if results are not oven more than you expect. FATONIQ mm (JftSWWt ACii^sWSHAgB $L? KODAKS & SUPPLIES DjUraT Wo also do blfhest class of finishing. moK Prices and Catalogue upon request. l'^!3 s. Gslexki Optical Co., Rklaoad, Va. FRECKLES HKUMTITCH1NU to PICOTINO ATTACH MKKT, nUHKM UM AM. NKW'ISd HA* CHINES. $1.60: full fnatructlona. Addrou J. P. I.lRht. Box 127. Blrmlnihtiri, Alabama. J Reduces Strained, Puffy Anklet, Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula, Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked* Pleasant to use. $2.50abottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 R free. ABSORBING, JR.. antlaeptic liniment for mankind, reduce, Strain,. Painful, Knotted. Swollen Vein*. Concea* trued?only a few drop* required at an application. Prion $1.2$ per bottle at dealers or detlrrred. W. F.YOUNG. P. D. F..S10Tt?|l? St.. Sprlnofleld. Mast. I When Stomachs do their work.?' I and Bowels more naturally. | a BS. TCTTS OYER FILLS I I make the atonsafh digest food I | and Bowdi more an they ahoukL | Keep Stomack and Bowsls Right | By ctvtnsr baby tba haimlasa. puraly I TMTltlW> infanta'mndehildran'sin ulatnr I I MRLWMUOW3 SYRUP I brlnrs astonishing, gratifying raaulta I 1w baby's stomach dlgsst Blood and bowals mora as thay should at tssthlnc C tiroa. Guaraataad fraa r ; from narcotics, opU _ Av ataa. alcohol and alt W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 9-1920. TASH t'S RS sh Salts to repared to th foreign idition, we [C&init and N ..12.40% Potash ..14.00% Potash ..20.00% Potash . .50.00% .Potash your order now \NO CO. , N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Id. Toledo, Ohio % \ vy \ / . ? nx tims, tort mix, sotn PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE ? t ' ; ( " ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN BY A HOUSE* BILL MAY INHERIT FROM EACH OTHER. WIFE'S DOWER EXTINGUISHED j The Elector Must Prooont Himself in Person at the Polling Places Aa the Absentee Bill Was Killed. * Columbia. Feb. 13.?The satiate, besides passing the salary bill and discussing at some length the proposition to license hunting clifbs exceeding 10.000 acres | in extent, ordered enrolled for ratification 11 bills, sent to the house an- j other 11 and passed from second to third reading 56 uncontested and local j bills. The House. The house adjourned for the weekend after a brief session, when only a few local and uncontested matters were considered. Members of the j bouse will r'eturn to Columbia for a session Monday night. The bill proposing a state highway system and a two mill levy tas provide funds with which to begin the construction of this system remains a I second reading bill on the calendar. The Senate. P'eb. 17.?The seuate held a short session, and contented itself with pass| lng upon only uncontested matters. auu aujuui ucu. The following bills passed tseir third reading and were Bent to the house: To provide additional labels to be placed on packages of fertilizer, show- ' lng source from which ingredients come. Extinguishing dower where a wife secures a divorce and marries again during life of first husband. The House. Members of the house of representatives returned to Columbia for a brief session, when many matters were considered. Nearly all measures were of a local character. The Winder bill to allow brothers and sisters of illegitimate children to inherit from each other was read the third time and - ordered sent to the senate. The Senate. Feb. 18.?Senator Pierce pleaded earnestly that the 5,000 traveling men and several thousand railroad men who each year are deprived of their votes be granted that privilege, under a bill similar to the statutes of North r?niin? ir?? ? vhiuiiiiu nuu Tllgiu ia, UUl lut) OCUUIO by a vote of 25 to 10 killed the bill. The House. The lower house passed to third reading the general appropriation bill, carrying total appropriations of |5.828,448.62. This 13 only 82,628.54 below the amount recommended^ by the ways and means committee. The house passed and sent to the senate the Joint committee's highway bill as amended. This is one of the most Important measures of the session and thus clears the calendar of one of the biggest tasks the legislature has had to complete. The Senate. Feb. 19.?The senate ordered enrolled for ratification 17 bills, sent to the house eight bills and passed from second to third reading over 50 bills. The senate has a full third reading calendar among which may be mentioned: Senator Laney's bill providing for a board of agriculture. The highway bill as prepared by a special committee. The House. Strategy to restrict the volume of business yet to come before the lower house was begun when a resolution was adopted to allow no more bills introduced, except through committees. The bill to cause prolonged debate was that by Mr. Oliver of Georgetown to prohibit animals from running at large in the state after March 15, 1921. The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority. Returning Books to Sate. Approximately 4,500 of the books which were provided through the gen eroBiiy or residents or South Carolina for the army, nary and marine corps during the war are being returned to this state by the American Library association after having seen service literally in all parts of the world. The board of trustees of the University of South Carolina at a recent recent meeting accepted the custody of the books ana suitable storage houses for them are now being provided. 8tudents Form Masonic Club. The first college unit of Masops in South Carolina was organized in the University Masonic club. The organization is entirely social and all members of the student body who are Masons are entitled to membership, about' 25 students being enrolled as charter members. Officers of the club re: Ouy A. Gullick of Greenville, president; Benjamin Haile, marshal of the UnlTPraltv ?l/>? ?-~-iJ * " * <iv? coiuoiu; u. 1. I Rentz of Branchville, secretary, and T. O. Sease of Little Mountain, treasurer. Checks Received by 8oldiers. Director R. O. Chomeley-Jones of the bureau of war risk Insurance announces the mailing of checks aggregating $23,562,424.97 covering retroactive adjustments up to and including December 31, on compensation for disabled former service men in accordance with the increased amounts provided for under the new law which went into effect December S4. All checks are being mailed out to men all over the United States on time now, very little delay being experienced in sending the needed help. > _ T>- . Ti. V - .: .v . ' I ? PH CAROLINA influneza Conditions Improving. Influenza conditions or the state are generally better, judging from reports .which are reaching Dr. C. V. Aiken, assistant state health officer. Confirmation at Postmasters. Washington (Special.)?The following South Carolina postmasters have been confirmed by the senate: Howard A. Llttlejohn, Belton; Cecil S. Rice, Denmark; Edgar B. Poag, Rock Hill. Trip to Rifle Range. University students taking the military training course will hold their rifle and pistol practice on -the Camp Jackson range, May 2 to 6, according to an announcement of Capt. W. E. Durall, professor of military science. The entire corps will march out to the range, the march giving them an opportunity to practice minor tactics problems. To assist In this fleld work the Camp Jackson authorities are furnishing the student corps with a number of trained soldiers and non-commissioned. officers. Promotions In the Navy. The navy recruiting station in the Arcade building has been informed by thd nary department in Washington that the following South Carolina lads have recently been promoted: Clar ence W. Sherbert, Spartanburg; John Henry Poston of Lake City; Joseph E. Reider of Woodford; Jack D.'Fisher of Anderson; Warren L. Smith of Easley. Protest Against Bonus Bonds Irvine F. Reiser, chairman of the South Carolina delegation to the national convention and adjutant of the American Leglbn of South Carolina, has written to Col. Franklin D.Olier, national commander, protesting personally and officially against the reI cent action of the national executive committee in asking for a bonus hond 1 ef $50 a month for every discharged ' soldier. ? "In my opinion, the national exeout've committee had ?no authority to take such a step," wrote Mr. Belser. Stevenson Condemns Railroad Bill. Washington (Special.)?When the railroad bill was before the house Representative Stevenson stated that t lere were a number of objections to the bill, but it was sufficient to say t it the hill nnthorized any railroad to acquire, control and operate any obher railroad, notwithstanding any laws of any state to the contrary. "The bill also provides." said Mr. Stevenson, "that the Interstate commerce commission can permit an? railroad corporation to consolidate under the law of any state or the decision of any atate authority to the contrary. Notwithstanding the constitution of South Carolina forbids the ' consolidation of competing or parallel lines in South Carolina this authority absolutely and expressly overrides that power and allows them to consolidate In defiance of the organic law ot my state and I decline to vote to repudiate the fundamental law which, h written in wisdom for the protection of the people of South Carolina, and to thereby slap my state in the face." Farmers Are Exporting Hogs. oprmg cooperative HinpinoniB or hogs by South Carolina farmers have begun with shipments of one car each from Sumter, Winnsboro and Fergulon (Berkeley county), the totel number of hogs shipped being 220. Other shipments will be made. The shipment from Sumter, made l'ebruary 4, contained 59 hogs, furCished by seven farmers. The Winnsboro car contained 65 hogs shipped by 11 farmers. The car from Ferguson contained 96 hogs, shipped by three { farmers. All three cars were shipped to Richmond, with the aid of the county gents and the extension service agent li marketing, F. L. Harkey, because of tie fact that local bids obtainable . Vere several cents under the Richmond market, which at time of shipment was around 16 cents. Bids from local buyers were hard to obtain and i t.iose obtained not sufficiently high to j compete with Richmond. The net gains will be around two cents over > the local bids. I Dial For One Cent Postage. Washington (Special). ? Senator Dial of South Carolina succeeded in rbtaining from the committee on postcffice and postroads a favorable report en his bill for the restoration of the old one cent rate on drop letters. The 'lhcommlttee, which held hearings, unanimously recommended favorable report, but the Republican majority ; ucceeded in postponing action. Senator Dial has filed with the committee several hundreds of letters : from business interests indicating tht I demand for such legislation. To Discuss Important Matters. "The annual convention of the American Cotton association to be held at Montaromerv Ala will handle a multitude of questions of national Importance," said J. Skottowe Wannn riaker, president of the ossacitoln. | Indications, he said, pointed to a hi* attendance .from this state. "Special consideration will be given t > the business side of production. : Legislation necessary to be enacted to jut into efTect and force greatly needed reforms will receive the most care IjI attention and consideration. Big Qalna for Pythlsne. The order of Knights of PythiAs la S6 years old and subordinate lodges In 11 parts of America will celebrate the vent. Pythianism has 'grown and rospered and now the membership rumbers 720,000 among 7.000 lodges. The Pythian sisters, uniform rank. Knights of Khorassan and insurance department have developed Into strong mtts. and the order ranks among the leading fraternal orders In the counry. The order has 10,000 members in South Carolina and lodges are located n every nook and corner. Abh 1 Instead of kahom ^ ^ Gtnuieu | ^ We Hand You the Pad and Cheerfulness Smoked, grimy, papered, pair menace to health and offensive to th Alabastine is to economical, to dun apply that it is universally used in securing Alabastine Is used in the homes, schoo surfaces, whether piaster, walluoard, over p that is solid on the wall and not printed in Alabastine is packed in dry powder only pure cold water to mix, with dircctio appreciate the economy of Alabastine ov< used in the finest homes ant where. Be sure you get A lab TWxoTonT'T cannot or will not supply you l^oLD^vvr?t?| card and color designs with ZZjm New walls demand A BMgfr HhI pre rial* Alabastine. Alabastine < 1040 GrandviU* Arc. Rare as Radium. "Contentment Is better than wealth, t my boy." "It ought to be. It's a bluuie sight harder to get." PUT CREAM IN NOSE * AND STOP CATARRH Telia How to Open Clogged Nostrils '' and End Head-Colds. n You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold In head or catarrh will he gone. Your clogged nostrils will open, t The air passages of your head will c clear and you can breathe freely. No e more dullness, headache; no hawking, ? snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a smnll bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this frngrnnt, antiseptic ' cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air passage of the hend ; . 3oothe and heal the swollen, Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes Instantly. It Is just what every cold and cn- ^ tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable.?Adv. Not Nutty. " We were riding In the country last fall when some distance down the road l> we suw a girl standing watching her 'l companion in a ear. We, too, watched ' as he hacked the car up several times ' and drove heudlong Into a tree at the side of the road. Being curious, we drove up and nskcd?thc girl what the man was doing. "Why, he's shaking nuts out of the tree, of course," | " *ne repneu. Uf course!?Exchange. " s Consolation for Mother. n Tack went to tlie bathing beach one M day with bis father nnd mother, the u latter being very stout. He went In ? bathing with the other boys and after be had agnin Joined his parents he told n them of the fun he bad had, adding " that the boys had made a lot of fun over a big fat woman they had seen in c bathing at a distance. Then he lidded, consolingly: "Hut you bet I didn't tell them you were mv mother." e The Retort Courteous. ft "I went to cnll on that newly rich upstart, Mrs. Allcash, at the refined * nnd artistic apartment she has leased. and she had the Impertinence to send n mo word she was not at home." "What did you do?" fl "I sent her word back by the maid that I did not suppose she would be Sl In such surroundings." b Novel. 11 "I have a novel Idea for a film piny." It "What is It?" . a "The husband and wife In the plot p have no serious marital difficulties." It Hard Wen muscles am arid then to ' with, coffee, dru? caffeir a had matt< POSTUM I is a drink fc that contain but furnishes vored beverage and robust, p former coffe TWa/sizes Usually sold Tlade Po^tum Cereal .Co., B I , WbL I ine or wallpaper TAi^rtimt tage That Puts Health in Your Home ited or kalsomined walls are a e discriminating housewife, ible, to cmnitcrr, to easy to m'? and t>iup? mu conditions. Is, churches and on all kinds of interior aintcd walls, or even orer old wallpaper aniline colors. in full five pound packages, requiring ns on each package. You will readily tr other methods, and remember it i? I public buildings everr? astine, and if your dealer i, write direct for sample Tp^oH^TOOL name of nearest dealer. ItttBBTOWW iabastine, old walls apCompany ( Grand Rapids. Mleh. Some folks would mthor waste time hun make good use of It. Oood health depends upon sood digestion. Vrlght'a Indian Vegetable Pills safeguard our dlgostlon and your health. A medicine s well as a purgative. Adv. A New Department. "How's your meat department comng on?" "Women don't rush for the reminnts as they do In other lines." How'i This? We offer J100.00 for any case of catarrh hat cannot lie cured by HALL'S ATARRH MEDICINE HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is takn internally and acts through the Blood n the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty years. Price 7!>o. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Sampling the Cellar Stock. "Has Itiil changed much since he got lit of the army?" "Not much, lie still spends n great enl of Ills time In u dugout."?The ioii'ie Sector. Oh, Dear! She was going down in the elevator. , I ler voice had a touch of sadness that ' linost approached emotion. "Hardly a hit of use for me to go ut to lunch." she said to her plrl rlend., "Kverythlnp I like 1 can't at?turnips or sauerkraut?well, 1 In't so crazy about boiled cabbage, ut It does taste kind o' pood. Oh, ear!" Not a Flirt. A friend of mine while motoring in lie Bast had an amusing experience ditch he related to me recently. I)rivig through New llaini>shlre he topped pityingly when he saw a woinn beginning the climb of a mile-long pgr a <le. My friend Is considerably nder thirty and the woman was sixty r more, sallow, squirrel toothed, rooked and bony. He raised his hat ml asked: "May I give you a ride, mdam?" She glared and snapped: "No, sir, you can't. I'm none of your ity flirts, I'd have you know." '' I Mr. Carnegie's Advice. "In considerable fear," said a hankr. "I once consulted Mr. Carnegie bout n new venture. The business oked as If it ought to be profltuble. 'here seemed to be a public need of ;. Still there was some risk luvolved, nd I was afraid. "Rut Mr. Carnegie laughed at my pars. " 'If It is a good thing plunge In,' he did. 'Fear Is old womanish. Fear Is hat keeps untold millions from maklg fortunes. When Rcnjnmln Frankn thought of starting a newspaper i Philadelphia ills mother, greatly lartned, tried to dissuade him. She ointed out that there were already ,vo newspapers In America.* " u ?^^^1 ric lires a nerves, whip them S with its Le. makes er worse., [CEREAl rr* tA/nnlr/rrc 'jl r v/jl xvv/i. u , s no drug, a finely fla* !, full-bodied ileasini to e drinkers. At grocers it 28*&is+ *cr attle Creek.MicH, - - - - ! ' * *' fib vSfec /AV? ?jl> >