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^KHMU'.v'-(, ill j[p3^p I' I f jfflr nervous or t wwrefreshes!' Flavor M^IGLEYSJ m TwtPER FFCT SSffiyji^r^ Overalls a zIti ma^* ?f ?n^ ftt\ attractive blue fi ill I 1 wLl \T\I break in tha nrii b^^^r^rmTm?: ?? A Miniature "Holy Land." Upon the hills of southern California will arise a replica of Jerusalem, with k Its pates. Its sacred places. Its par- f< dens; and Bethlehem, Jericho. Nazareth and all the places nst.ocinted with " Christ wllhbe filmed with the greatest o fidelity to truth that It Is possible to k achieve. TJhe program will be a huge one, for r It Is Intended to cover the whole his* tory of the Bible. The world will await these Alius with more than ordinary Interest. 44 Aold Stomach. Heartburn and Kaott* quickly disappear with the use of Wrlghfe Indian Vegetable Pills. Send for trial box to 17i Pearl St.. New Tork. Adv. I Utilizing Waste. f A new Industry Just introduced nt c M'lnn, Italy, consists of the inntmfnc- h ture from wnste leather cuttings of c hfofes f??r collars, cuffs and carpets, furniture coverings and wallpaper. t r Untl gave*U9 our relatives but, thank 3 <5od, we can pick our friends. It Is only the truthful man who f knows how much he lies. e ? ? ? ; i* f | ASPIRIN < * .? Take Aspirin only a Wei < > fbe MM "Bayer" UtttiflN tba I true, world-famous Aspirin pre* j scribed by physicians for over i ! J eighteen years. The name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prosed safe I ! \ by millions of people. < In each unbroken package of i "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" yon ; are told how to safely take this 1 genuine Aspirin for Golds, Head- | atfMs I* M?S Mia ?( a?sw Mwe*M(?i ? 8hP^ ^ ? jrw ILE ^KH^Shi&s ' PI P:yr -\ W^r W^L father, the bow| and elrfs. It's J te sweet for all J ^Sealed P TightKept Right md Coveralls ^B|K ligo Cloth are the moat V$j nta for farm work. The ^ VH pattern* of this sturdy VI rbric positively will not U the cloth in your work I ves the wear?so look *-r ZrVJ emark on thm bach of M) Jffi y i inside FRESH-CRISP- WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS TM? SANITAaY MIT HODS MMIID IN 1MB HAMINO OS THROB BISCUITS HAK1 TM1M TNB STANDARD *f EXCELLENCE W DssUr hs* Rua. or/tn hi sbtli. A*k bum or writs as qlvtaj his name. :hattanooga rakery ****#???** Mother's Knee. "Stories first heard at your mother's nee," said the niorallzer, "are never srgotten." "Yes," rejoined the demoralizer, and It Is the same way with some ther things you felt at a mother's nee." IYED HER BLOUSE, SKIRT AND A COAT Diamond Dyes" Turned Faded, Shabby, Old Apparel Into New. Don't worry about perfect results. 7se "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to :lve a new. rich, fadeless color to any abrlc, whether It be wool, silk, linen, o'ton or mixed {roods,?dresses, ilonses. stockings, skirts, children's oats, feathers?everything! Direction Rook 1n package tells how o diamond dye over any color. To natch any material, have dealer show 'ou "Diamond Dye" Color Card.?Adv. Read not to contradict and to conute nor to believe and tuke for grant>d, but to weigh and consider. A T-ll. I ?A laxtt | is told by "Buyer" J | < i <? * i iche, Toothache, Earache, Neural- ' J [la, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu- < i ritis and for Pain. J | Always say "Bayer* when buytag Aspirin. Then look for the * lafety "Bayer Cross" on the paskige and ea the tablets. * Bandy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few esnta. Druglists also sell larger packages. * m mt S>M>|Wmll ? Hgj ? PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE ?4 NO DISCRt Rfl I NATION ALLOWED AGAINST MEMBERS LABOR UNIONS AND OTHERS. * ' M IS TO PRACTICE LAW VMnmlMion to Survey Field of Public Education and Report Findings > to the General Assembly. Columbia. Feb. 6.?The general assembly convened at the usual hour and transacted considerable business before adjourning for the week-end. The following are among the Items of general interest attended to at the session: The Senate. Mr. Young: To amend an act entitled "An Act to amend Sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled 'An Act to encourage the erection of adequate school buildings' approved February i 23. 1905," approved February 24, 1910. The House. Mr. McDonald: To prohibit persons, Arms or corporations from discriminating in favor or against persons who are members of certain organisations. Mr. Hamilton: To prohibit the charging of interest and discount both on a note and to make the doing so usurious. The 8enate. Feb. 10.?Mr. Laney: To encourage the teaching of agriculture, industry and domestic science in public m-iiuun. iu iiiiuiu nu ui>i?ropruiuon therefor and to repeal an act entitled "An act to provide for the teaching of agriculture in the public schools of this state and to place the saire under the supervision of the state." A select committee, appointed bv the president to create a state highway department. The House. Mr. Winter: To permit Arthur Harold Eutanks, a minor, to apply for admission to practice law. Mr. Bradford: A Joint resolution to provide for the appointment of a committee to make settlement on behalf of the state with the Catawba Indian tribe. Mr. Cary: To require employes of female help to provide seats. The 8enate. Feb. 11.?The following bills were passed by the Benate and sent to the house: Proposing an amendment to the constitution authorizing debts for constructing highways and bridges. To authorize municipalities containing more than 10,000 to levy taxes ti 35 mills. Columbia being excepted and limited to 27 1-2 mills. The House. The house gave the Barnwell bill t"> regulate the practice of medicine In the state third reading and ordered the measure sent to the senate. The ways and means comm'ttee reported by a substitute the Fulmer bill, proposing tc abolish the state pension commission and to have all pensions paid as customorily up to last year through the comptroller general's office. vides $000,000 for pensions as does the Fulmer bill. The Senate. Feb. 12.?Senator Johnstone's salary raise bill passed Its second reading with an amendment offered by Senator Young that members of the general assembly receive a salary of $500 instead of a Der diem nf 110 The bill of Senator Balles allowing trustees of country school houses to Insure in local mutual companies or In the sinking fund at their option was passed by a vote of 22 to 12. The House. The bill by R. M. Cooper, Jr., of Lee county to regulate the practice of veterinary surgery and medicine was eant to third reading. The house without a dissenting vote passed to third reading the Mims resolution proposing to appropriate ffiOO 000 for new buildings for a greater Citadel. Eight Distilleries Destroyed. Eight Illicit distilleries were destroyed by deputy collectors of the internal revenue department during the past week, a large quantity of beer dumped out and some popskull whiskey seized. While ralnv weather interfered seriously with the movements of the raiding squad, the blockaders were not able to detect anv dim""' tion of energy on the part of the officers, and by the end of the week much beer thfct would have brought fancy prices when distilled was soaking into swampy lands. Market Attacked to Halt Export. "The recer.t attack on the cotton market represents the dying efforts of the 'shorts' to prevent the export- i ing of cotton by the American Cott ?n association to the idle European mills," said J. S. Wannamaker, president of the Atnerlcan Cotton association. Mr. Wannamaker says that the American and English mills know that the starting of the Europan , mills will mean the restoration of a parity between cotton and cotton goods. 7 000 Is Estimate of Flu Cases. Health officials estimate that at the present time there are not more than 7,000 cases of influenza scattered broadcast over South Carolina. This estimate Is based on reports which hare been received from day to day, and while these reports are necessarily incomplete they giro an idea of the extent of the disease. Re ports indicated that there are fewer cases of the disease In many sections than there were a few days ago. In Bpartenburg, however, the number of new cases. St cases pneumonia. / ".V \' ^ T. TTMBS, FORT MILL. 8CTT I The New Approprtetione BUI. Carrying a total of 15,830,827.16 mad t 12-mtll levy the general appropriations bill was introduced in the house of representatives by the ways an?f means committee. The bUl Increases the appropriations siren in 1919 $1,728,476.14 and Is- $264,196.61 In ezeess of the recommendations -of the budget commist n, which appibved a total of $5,466,621.66. The appropriations for 1919 aggregated $4,102,361.02 and levied nine and one-half mills on the taxable property of the state. The total from the ways and means committee was $1,246,177.78 less than the requests from the various governmental departments, institutions and agencies, which desired 97,177.004.94 to finance them for the fiscal year. In round numbers there were increases given over the recommendations of the budget commission of $100,000 for the; governor's office; $18,000 for the university of South Carolina; $5,000 for the Citadel; $20,000 for Clemson college; 56,000 for Vinthrop college; 14.000 for the Medical Colege of South Carolina; 32,000 for the John de la Howe industrial sohool; $200,000 for the state hospital for the insane; $26,000 for the state board of health. Increase under the recommendations for the budget commission of $55,000 for the s ijutant general's office were made by the committee; $25,000 for the refor matory for negro boys and $45,000 far the state electrician. More State Highway Equipment. The state highway department has been notified that 200 sets of leather homnaa Amtlnr\n/1 vtr i tK bIaoI eohle UUI IIOOO ?4U1|/|A3U V* ku ?7LCt I UtkUlO traces and 100 escort wagons would shipped by the war department to South Carolina for use on the highways in this state. The equipment will arrive within a few weeks. Eleven Accepted for the Navy. Eleven men were accepted for the United States navy by the central recruiting office in Columbia during tho week. The total number of applicants was f>2, all but 11 of these being rejected. Of the men accepted Rock Hill f\irPisbed three. Greenville four." Spartanburg one. Columbia two and Charleston one. Competition Affects H. C. L. Competition has an appreciable effect on the high cost of living even in these troublous days as was clearly evidenced at the State Hospital for the Insane when bids for three months supplies of foodstuffs were opened (. <d it was found that the lowest bid for breakfast bacon was 29.47 cents , p-tr pound. The lowest bid on fresh heef was 11.94 cents per pound. The ( lowest on best creamery butter was , i 65.29 for March; April 60.?9; May \ 57.75, which would indicate that prices muy soon begin to fall somewhat. No Nurses Answer Call. Ten callB for community nurses on account of influenza have been made upon Mrs. Ruth A. Dood. Red Cross representative for South Carolina. It I has been impossible to respond to j these calls for the simple reason that | the nurses are not available, Mrs. ? Dodd says. \ ^ Calls for nurses have come in from ! ( Lake City. Florence. Glenn Springs, j ( MulllnB, Calhoun. Orangeburg, Ches- ' ( ter. Woodruff and Judson mill village. ( near Greenville. f t For Minimum Woman's Wage. A hill intended to relive what Is felt ' by many to be a serious evil in our c state has been presen-ted in both the ' senate and house. A survy recently made in Columbia showed that a number of girls and women are working in various estab- < lishments at a wage of $8 and in some ' instances $7 a week. At the present cost of living it is impossible for a woman to support herself properly at such a wage. It has been demonstrated that both employer and public are benefited by the increased efficiency and the better class of help obtainable when a higher wage prevails. TMs bill would fix a minimum wage of $12 a week for all female workers in any mercantile establishment, or In eny cotton, wool, paoer. wood, leather or metal manufacturing establishment. Dial on Commerce Committee. Washington (Snecial). ? Announcement was made here that Senator Dial had resigned from the District of Columbia committee and had been as r'"-"?rt to a nlace on commerce committee. This is good for South Carolina. inasmuch as the commerce com mlttee of the senate corresponds to the rivers and harbors committee of % n It takes cognizance also of flood control legislation n>n-' and shinning matters and all commen clal affairs of the senate side of con gress, Including water power. Read Gets Lion of Be'fort. f5-?n W Reed. commanding Camp Jackson, has been presented with a reproduction of the Lion g\9 t W* ci?? . - L ? ? ? ? a UVIKMI HT me r inilvII miveriimn'T in recognition for his valiant services rendered while commanding the Second army corps in Prance dnrine the war. The renl'ca of the fomnne lion has already arrived and is of the finest oxide silver. It bears Geoer-' Read's name and an Inscription reciting the part he nlaved in winn'ne * <war while commanding the Second army corps. Smallpox Epidemic Increasing. Ronorts rn*e?v~d at the state health office during the past several days indicate there is a considerable number of smallpox cases scattered over the state, the disease havlnr been reported from York, Union. Orangeburg. Cherokee and Charleston counties. "To several instances, smallpox made its apnearance in these counties among school children." said Dr. James A. Wayne, state health offl cer. "This was true with regard to York, Cherokee and Orangeburg. ( , 1 TH CAROLINA . I R0 W) p? POYSTElSj | / Noc |FECTILiizER| Spa' Rubbing It in. "Mrs. Blank Is positively tactless." "Tuetless! Why, that woman wouhi t ivnke her husband out of an afternoon t anp to show hltn her dressmaker's bill." ? f t YOUNGSTERS! Need "Cascarets" when Sick, * Bilious, Constipated. i When your child Is bilious, eonstl- f >ated, sick or full of cold; when the ' ittle tongue Is coated, breath bad and itomach sour, get a box of Cnscarets ind straighten the little one right up. Children gladly take dhls harmless andy cathartic and It <*>nnses the lit- ( le liver and bowels without griping. ^uscureis contain no calomel or dnn;erous drugs and can be depended upon o move the sour bile, gases nnd Indltestlble waste right out of the bowels. \ 3est family cathartic because It never < 'ramps, sickens or causes lncon* , renlence.?Adv. < The Difference. "Our men went overseas In uncerralnty." "So they did, but they came some in transports." 1 B;.'; :j 4 ?t y 4 ' A " > '-'.i le Fish to the b INTO THE NAMI % \ \1l^ UJCK^I m% O O Guaranteed. by INO?? rSTEl RTILIZI TRADE MARK IUOI8TIR1D vho want fish in their fertilize 3y insisting on Roster's, the 01 /e have been successful in secu i and will be able to fully meet or this popular ammoniate. A' he Fertilizer th* Fish Scrap Fa F. S. ROYSTER GUA folk, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchburg harlotte, N. C. Washington, N. C. tanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, ( Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore. Md. K V J( ? - Christian Church History. With much diversity of opinion on nlnor points, there Is a general agree neat In dividing the history of the hurch Into three great periods: tin irst. from the birth of Christ to the inie of Constantino; the second, from hat epoch to the reformation, and hlrd, from the reformation to the >resent time. RECIFE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, i small box of Barln> Compound, and % >z. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a veek until it becomes the desired shade. \ny druggist can put this up or you can nix it at home at very little cost. It will ' [radually darken streaked, faded gray hair, ind will make harsh hair soft and glossy, t will not cc'or the scalp, is not sticky or ;rcasy, and does not rub off.?Adv. An Instance. "The war bus put many u lowly one >n unexpected heights." "Sure It has. Look at the prune." How'? This? We offer flOO.OO for any cose of catarrh :hat cannot be cured by HALL'E CATARRH MEDICINE I HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak- 1 sn 'nternally and arts through the Blood 1 >n the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty years. 1 Price 75e. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Yes, Alfred, a kiss In the durk is one j cind of an electric spark. ' RfSl j n^^tum^j.? !a NO CO. MB ,Va. Tarboro.N.G, ) Teamster's Life Saved "Peterson Ointment Co.. Inc. I'had very severe sore on my leg for y-ars. X am a teamster. I tried nil mcdlcii es and Bulves. but without success. 1 tryd doctors. but they failed to cure me. I /ouldn't sleep for many nights from pain. Doctors . said I could not live for mure than two ? years. Finally Peterson's Olntriwwt woo recommended to mo and by Its use tho soro was entirely healed. Thankfully yours. William' Ilanse, West Park, Ohio, care P. Q. lteltz, Box 199." Peterson says: "I am proud of tho above letter anil have hundreds of other? that tell of wonderful cures of Kczema, Plies and Hkln Diseases." PeterBon'3 Ointment Is 60 cents a box. Mall orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co.. Buffalo. E Ta.koRHEl'MACIDKtor^moTe thwcanao 5 an J dtlTo the poison from Uioajateiu. I -ajununna on tii* inaira f h ri'ts mututiaa oa thi octbub* ,, At Ail UniKRlit* j I Ju. Baily ft So*, Wholesale Diatribalora W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 8-1930. (^OOD IDEA! vypv#i j v/ui Luc?y Strike package thiaw^y?tear off part ol the top 9 the Lucky Strike elicious real Bur* co. It's toasted* A yoUATio ' ? . * if Jt'vy ,.^ H ; *' J) K \ iw ;