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I ' 1 IteEFOBT MILL TIME H nil III IU? FmblhhlTharlw. : :: )< ?>**? W. R. Buoroao, Editor and Mtnacw. ^B I^RI *JL n UM( ji I B Jw B^UHVL^B^^y^Sla KM&' | mowmoM KATM: m, H' omt?i -n K*?pS Ms Month* ? < ?? ? _ YHoTlmoainrltoacoiitributloncon lireaabjo ; f fc/t doc? not ocroc to publish moro than 100 wot su ' *nr *nbjeet. Tba right la i aaanad to ?? communication lubmltUd (or ooblicotli Oa application to tha pnbllshor. adrartiai rata* ara made known to thoaeIntoraatod. foloohdna.loealand Ion* distance. Mo.Ill S; Sntarad at tha ooatoflleo at Fort Mill. 8. C.. Mall matter of tha aocond claaa. THURSDAY. FEB. 19. 1920. | No one perhaps regrets moi 1 than President Wilson himse the circumstances which promp ed him to request the resignatic ^ . of Secretary Lansing. Mr. Lai f* sing filled the post of secretai of state with distinguished abilit and his retirement from th cabinet creates a vacancy to fi which with a man of equal a tainments will require the exe cise of much discrimination. Bt . With ^all his ability, Lansin showed inexcusable weaknei when he imagined he could bio hot and cold with the presiden 'when he thought he could "g< away" with his effort to usui the president's prerogative t calling cabinet meetings durin the president's illness last yea He should have voluntarily r< signed some time ago when 1 found his views did not accoi with those of the president an saved himself the humiliatic of being forced out of offic* President Wilson is hard to mi lead, as Lansing and others no know to their sorrow. Di loyalty is one of the things sui to lead up to the undoing of tl official who attempts it on tl president. Man cannot live without foo< air is no more essential to h wellbeing. If it be admitte that this is a fact, will it n< also be admitted that all men c not find it necessary to eat i the same time and that it unreasonable to expect them 1 do so? No sane man is apt 1 rise up and ask to be quoted I the contrary. Therefore we ai wondering by what sort < reasoning the town council < Port Mill reached the conclusic that it was in the interest < orderly government for it 1 undertake to deny men food c undertake to regulate their ai petites for food. Governor Cox of Ohio doub less would make a good pres dent and The Times hopes h will be elected if he iB nom nated by the Democrats, but hi boom is not apt to made muc headway in South Carolina wit John Gary Evans sponsor-ii chief for it in this State. May Lengthen Hunting Season. South Carolina sportsmen ma get some more time for hunting if the legislature passes the garr b|H now on the calendars. Th mea8nre has been passed by th House and \yill likely get to th Senate for consideration th Week. The bill would postpone th opening and closing dates of th South Carolina hunting seaso for one month, making Marc l?th instead of February 15t the closing date for huntin qaail. The season would ope Thanksgiving Day. If the bill passes within th next week or ten days and i signed by the governor, it wi allow hunting again between th date on which the governc signs the act and the 15th c March. Sportsmen among th legislators are anxious to see th bill become an act. The above measure was passe yesterday and signed by th governor, extending the huntin season until March 15. < tithing Campaign for Presbyterians The Southern Presbyteriai church will seek to enroll 100,00 tithers?men and women wh< pledge themselves to give one tenth of their income to Christiai causes?on Sunday, February 22 The gigantic movement wa launched at campaign head quarters in Chattanooga las Every Presbyterian churcl irffi have a a pedal program ar ranged for February 22, and ser irions of the pjStors will dea principally with tithing. It ii hoped that the goal of 100.001 jj^p, yriM be exceeded. . gay i'i i. ,ji 11111 'i 1 >r, S Street Bonds for Fort Mill l The house of representatives \ last week passed and sent to the ? m. senate a- bill to empower the 1 town of Fort Mill to issue bonds j for street improvements not to i exceed $30,000, to create a com- 1 mission, composed of Dr. J. L. \ Spratt, L. A. Harris and N L. i Carothers, for the expenditure of the proceeds thereo4', and ? names A. L. Parks secretary to j the commission. The commls- < sioners are to receive no salary i for their services, but the secre- 1 tarv is to be paid $200 annually. ' This bill is independent of the , M action, of the town council of i Fort Mill which at a recent 1 ^ session ordered an election to 1 j it provide for a similar bond issue. | It is now understood that town i council will take no further steps 1 in the matter, but will rely upon ; ? the commission to be created by J _ the bill in the Legislature to im- < " prove the streets of the town. _ At an informal meeting of the ' proposed commissioners a day or j "e two ago it was agreed that the I If election on the bond issue will 1 t- be held at the earliest practica- 1 m ble date, taking into account the j law requiring the necessity of ; 1_ giving every citizen of the town ; *y an opportunity to secure both a y county and municipal registra- , ie tion certificate. Every provision , j] of the general election laws will 1 be rigidly observed in the bond l~ election. r_ Sections 3, 4 and 5 of the bill it are as follows: I |l? * "After the approval of this act said K commission Bhall submit to the qualified 38 electors, after Riving at least three i w weekB' notice thereof in some news- i ! LAST1 >y If you have cotton to gin pi ig urday, March 6. This positiv r. day this season. ? 3i .d t /n, r : I Varocery ? 3.1 w t s- f re t ie f The many years we 1 ^ ^ n?w/?nvtf Dnptv?ftoei Y VJi I WW! J MJ UOIHCOO 11 a v the wants of the peoi 1- t is t holders will always ?d t 3l < they desire for the di Grocery wants from t u t is the markets afford, to to I 3 I A. O. JO] >f f in t Ip You want t< t- t " that apprec !f IF You want y ? K 11UL dllCCLin h t >h- * IF You want | ** according I ,y | IF You want tJ ^ | " that is hanc ;e 1 * le ^ Trad' : 1 Hutchinson's c i h | Phone I h f, * i n <?> ?* *? <* * * ?* <* e s> jj This Bank Kei ' j With Modern d I a 4 No business institution c | advance or retrograde; i * Practicing what it preacl n t is keenly alert in its eflfo 0 | plan that furthers its bu ~ f Our methods and system n vice to our depositors an B community. ' II The First Na 1 < I Capital and Surplus, w < Resources, - - - : ;; j. l. spratt, t. b. spry v-p and Cashier Presiden i i ? osmond BARBER. V-l roa. J < < \ '"****. ) - . . . .. . paper of general circulation within the laid town, the question of the issuance *[' ?f said bonds, and shall .provide for 09 laid election a sufficient number, of ( a ballots to be voted thereat, in form as ! a follows: 'For the issuance of Street ( 9 Bonds'?'Yea' or 'No,' Those voting I n in favor of said issue shall deposit! : r Sal lot with the word 'No' erased; and ( 9 those opposed to the issue shall deposit i n a ballot with the word. 'Yes' erased X therdon. 09 "in case a majority of the votes A sast at said election shall be in favor of x the issuance ot said Lynda. then the (9 laid street commission of Fort Mill, 8. A D., shall issue and sell said bonds, in J C iuch denomination and at such time as | [ ) they may deein best, and use the pro- 4, j coeds thereof for the improvement of ! If the streets and sidewalks of the said ( j ) town and complete- the same on or 4,1 before the 31st day of December, 1922. ! i f Said bonds shall be signed by the chair- (J ) man and secrets ry of said commission: k| Provided, Their names may be litho- J i f graphed upon the coupons attached to ( j ) saiu bonds: Provided, further, That f,| the secretary shall keep a full and J I f accurate account and record of all acts 09 and doings of said commission and shall A S publish in some newspaper of general circulation within the said town, at least once every six months, every gg claim approved and paid by said com- X mission, itemized: Provided, That no 09 claim shall be paid by said commission M before the same has been approved by J* a majority thereof; and any claim 09 amounting to more than $100 the vote A as to its approval shall be entered on JK record in the minutes by the secretary, 09 and the records of the secretary shall always be open to inspection, and upon X the completion of the work of lm- 09 proving said streets and sidewalks the ^A said record shall i;e filed as a perma- X nent record in the office of the clerk of 09 court of said county. "To provide u sinking fund for the SJ retirement of said bonds at maturity 09 and to pay the interest thereon after ^A the issuance of the same, there shall be levied on all property returned for 09 taxation within said town an amount ($9 annually equal to 1-20 of the said bonds issued and sufficient to pay the interest 09 annually thereon." CALL! I ease let us have it on Sat- CO ely will be the last ginning 09 Fort Mill Ginning Co. CO ft** !? Jjj Service f ? ? t T <?>4 iave been engaged in the < e given us an insight into 2 $ 4 )le of Fort Mill and house- r ?> < i ? 4 ) find here the very things 1' ning table. Let us fill your 2 I > i > he freshest and best stock $> * < $ 4 ! | MPO Phone I lNE-O, No. 14 | ? || J? I ^ ft d patronize a store t t :iates your business t $ our cash to count, g quality of gocds t ? I A prescriptions filled | Nf! to your Dr's orders ? su Y 'n he best of anything pur lied in a drug store f | Cot be I '1 rua e at t the ; Pharmacy, I t p?1! lo. 91 i ? dist _ t ep Pace ) Progress |L an stand still; it must either % JI t must succeed or fail. * 0 ties, the Fir3t National Bank t b rts to grasp and adopt any % sincss success. X enable us to be of real ser d to the best interests of our ** j w\ tional Bank !;! , - - >50,000.00 o - - $500,000.00 ?> tTT, W. T. BARRON. 1 m t Asst. Cashier 7 R. II. ARDREY, Teller t | ~ c.:, .Sl SVO088O600686 "The I ' ' RA?4 J ol I I YOUNG & ? * Patrons of the City Markc know just what to serve for bi as we always have on hand FH and make a specialty of Chickt appetizing foods found in a fin We buy and sell Milch Co^ for Beef Cattle and Hogs. The City F. E. TAYLOR, Proprietor <??<??? + ?*?? ?os???ee??eo?e NNUAL ASSESSMENT Of 102O. tioe of Opening of Books of Auditor Ej or Listing Proportjr for Taxation. K ursuant to tna remiirements of tuto on tho subject, Notice is here- H given that nay books will be opened my offiee in York Courthouse on H irsriay, January 1st, 1920. for the pasu of listing for taxation all peral and roal property held ia York inty on January, 1, 1920, and will kept open until the 20th day of Feb* ry, 1920. and for the oonvenience of taxpayers of the county, I will be the places enumoratod below en the es named: .t York ?From Monday, February > February 20. .11 males between the ages of twen>ne and sixty years are liable to a I tax of SI.00, and all persons so lii are especially requested te rive numbers of their respective school .ricta in making their returns. BROADUS M. LOVH. Auditor York County. >eo. 2. 1919. DR. A. I OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. as. to fc p. as. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, 8. C. "spec 5 pounds of Susrar 3-pound can of Tomatoes .. 2 Packages Grits 6 Packages Washing Powd FLOUR - HULLS - C O. T. ( lbscribe to The Tim ^ > . . K " V-IF V ** 00??S6?0000?e ,> ?* :}t. t , . - - .: S ?, >: h F a Nation" c WOLFE, The Furn sr, rorK j k Products. I it are never at a loss to ^ eakfast, dinner or supper, t :ESH MEATS of all kinds | ms, Eggs, Fish and other | it class market. jj vs and are in the market ? Market | Phone 146 1 Our Bi We are adding all tied patrons of this st 4.U ~ TJWt aLIU tllt7 ill C pUS cut price store, but prices, and that's wh} Phone or bring us above claim is true. Fort Mil ] IALS | $1.00 20 25 ers 25 OTTON SEED MEAL ?ulp ?es, $1.25 Per Year BEDS 1 j and if CRIBS I I (C\ I II II I ?V X *"Tl^ ~ ? 1. ' l| v - - - Fort Mill, S. G iture Men. 0 $??@??@???@???@???????????? I Fruits and Candies You will always find the choicest assortment of FRUITS and CANDIES at the CANDY KITCHEN f i -V FRUIT is prescribed by many physicians for sick or convalescent people and the best qalities to be had are kept in stock here. The Candy Kitchen H. CARRQS, Proprietor. I isiness is Growing I nost daily new names to the long list of satis- | ore. People know good goods and good ser- | ted on prices, too. We do not claim to run a 1 we do sell honest goods at live-and-let-live i our business continues to grow. ?an order and w^'li prove to you that the Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. / . 1 11 Cooperative Store, E. S. PARKS, Manager. THE ROYAL CAFE Trade Street, Hutchison Building, - ROCK HILL Desires the patronage of the people of Fort Mill this . uoor nnrl twill J mw w?u oMivi' _? ueaerve it as we tried last year and before that ever since we have been in business. Call and let us know your wishes and we will win your good will and continued patronage. \ r. 9