University of South Carolina Libraries
How Many Wome [ ', Can anything be more wearing round of household duties? C work and drudge; no time to b not stop. There comes a time v they find themselves u simply w worse,have contracted serious fc always follows the constant ovei Then they should remember Ljdla E. Plnkham's "Vegeti rlence of these two women ei Cedar Rapids, la.?" After the birth ot inr last child I bad inch painful spells that would unfit ma antlroly for ray housework. I suffered for months and the doctor said that my trouble waa organic ulcers and I woulanare tto hare an operation. That was an awful thing to > me. with a young baby and four other children, so one day I thought of Lydla R. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and how it had nelped me years before and I decided to try tt again. I took flye bottles of Vegotable Compound and used Lydla E. Plnkham's Sanative W ash aiAl since then 1 hare been a well woman, able . / to take care of my house and family without any trouble op a day's pain. I am ready and thankful to swear by your medicine any time. 1 am fortylour years old and hare not had a day's Illness of any kind for three yeais." ?Mrs. H. Kokniq, 617 Ellis JUvd, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. All Worn Out Woi SEW FRONTIERS VERY REAL Nothing of an "Imaginary Lino" About tho Border* of the New European State*. Frontiers used to be "imaginary lines" or marks on a map. . The mile* and miles of new frontiers In Europe are not "imaginary" and not confined' to maps. You can walk right up and touch them. Out there in central and eastern Europe, frontiers arev fine-tooth combs, * Chat delay trains for hours ut every erassing point. Some of the new frontiers are "flying walls" of soldiers with fixed bayonets. Others are guarded fences. Travelers without exceptional credentials go through searching examinations, ofteu bodily "frlsklngs." Soldiers armed to the teeth guard the trains and passengers during examinations and customs Inspections, to nee that nobody gets out or In without the official papers. ' Roads at frontier points are also guarded by soldiers who preside over striped gates that go up and down like the crossing gates of American railways. Passports and vises In the new-countries are made as difficult as possible. Business men are held up weeks, as a rule. The official Idea seems to be to keep everybody that's In the country la. and to bar everybody else out. Ton seldom love your enemies unless you And out they are not what you thought they were. man of mystery has never been so Interesting since the advent of the ssodern newspaper. r^"^^lealth;Bui | orapc I ij^ 1 I v | Pleasing alike 1 i "There's e Advantages of Silage. Silage Is a succulent feed, and although serving the same purpose to ' nn extent as other feeds It fits Into ration ns no dry feed does. Foundation of Oalry Ration. The foundation of all good da'ry rations Is a succulent-feed. either silage or roots, and a legthno hay. ' ' Handsome Profit Follows. Muke the coop?comfortable, cnli n Are Like This? I for women than tlie ceaseless I \ hi the monotony of it all? I c 9 sick; tired, ailing, yet can* i rhen something Msnaps" and I 1 orn out," and to make matters I minine disorder which almost I ? taxing of a woman's strength. I that there Is no remedy Ilka B fcble Compound?the expo* I stabilities that facts I ? Sandusky, Ohio.?"After the birth I 1 of iiiT baby I had organic trouble. My doctor said' it wm caused by s too heavy lifting and I would have to have an operation. I a would not consent to an operation t and let It go for over a year, having my sister do my work for me as ? a was not able to walk. One day my aunt came to see me and' tola me I s about your medicine?said it cured 8 her of trie same thing. ItookLydla I n E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I s and used Lydta E. Pinkham's Sana tive Wash and they have cured me. Now I do myown housework, wash- fc ? ing and ironing and sewing for my N family and also do sewing for other I people. I still take a bottle of Vege- Eg t.ihln flnmnnnnti ?v?nr unrintr for a I n tonic. I recommend your medicine B to others who have troubles similar to mine and you can use my letter " if you wish.'?Mrs. Paul Paras- t rus*,1323 Stone St.,Sandusky,Ohio* 1 non Should Toko I || | iVI p I I ? Greek to Father. Son?Father. I passed Cicero today. Father?Did he speak??Boys' Life. One bottie of Dr. Peery*a "Dead Shot" will save you money, time, anxiety and health. One does sufficient, without Castor OU la addition. Adv. Government Jobs. Judge Gary, arguing at a dinner I party against government ownership, said: ' r "People don't work for the govern- 1 ment the same as they work for an individual employer. t "I know a man who has to call dally at a certain government office. He < says the hours are from ten to four, ' and the way the employees loaf Is c scandalous. * "He says that one employee, every afternoon when the clock strikes three, puts down his newspaper, gets up out 'i of his armchair, yawns and remarks: a " 'Fifty-nine minutes to four?only a q'-Colion ot minute*?I as well T light out.' "And out he lights." i t Not Tied. A small boy of Columbus was out 1 riding with his mother one day re- t cently, when he saw several pumpkins l tn a held. He wished to stop the ma- c chine and get one, but the mother ex- ( plained that this would not do, that ( the pumpkins on the vine were the t property of the man who owned the ( held, and that In due time he would j gather them for winter use. The boy t was convinced, and said no more un- f til he happened to see a pumpkin un- j attached to a vine, lying at the side of the road. "Well, mother," he said, ( "I guess we can have that one. It Isn't tied."?Indianapolis News. f ilding Cereal f ; f=Nuts ; *atisfyind food# 1 Greatly pleasing < o taste, full of? ich nourishment tnd ready to eat J f without cooking. | ! beds noSct^ar ! .o vounfi anil old. 1 ,^aar j ; Fresh Water Is Necessary. When It Is considered that an egg Is more than half water and that a hen's . body also contains a large proportion . of water. It Is easily seen that a supply of clean, fresh water to drink at ! all times Is necessary. Favor Baby Beef Industry. With the growing scarcity of feeder * cattle and the advance In value of ' farm lands, the baby-beef Industry Is of 1 increasing Importance and la receiving 1 the attention of farmers In all live ' Stock sections of the country. ' j ^^ ^ ^ I ItSWE P Awl IUL14 Hii ' yI ;jHiliw [i ? i IE NATS ADOPTS RESOLUTION j1 APPROPRIATING $150,000 TO h FIGHT BOLL WEEVIL. (600,000 FOR THE CITADEL reachers to bo Paid Ihcreaaed 8alarloa In 8choola Operating Under the Equalizing Act, Columbia. After consuming the greater part of he legislative day in elections, the general assembly adopted a concur- . ent resolution to recess from business intil 8:30 o'clock Tuesday night. The 8enate. Jan. 30.?The first thing the state lid was to adopt without a dissenting rote the favorable report of the finance lommittee on the joint resolution >ledging an appropriation of $150,000 0 fight the boll weevil. Among the new bills introduced was >ne by Senator Padgett, providing or an appropriation of $600,000 for he new Citadel buildings. The House. Mr. Bellamy; To provide fof the irection of a state executive building n Columbia. Mr. Graham: Authorising increased lalarles for teachers in schools operiting under the equalizing law approv- I ,d February' 21. 1919, No. 37. The Senate. * Feb. 3.?The state senate had a ;hi>rt session, owing to the absenca of ' 1 number of members, but it did coniderable business. Bills passed and sent to the house ire: To provide a fl^'d agent for the >outh Carolina School Improvement is^ociat'cn. The shews preVbited in Chester- j 'e'd. Dor"'" "tCTr :vfl Marlboro coun'es are ern^-els or t<*r>t shows of n 'he nature. Tt is provided that the nanpgeme-<t ef coiioty fairs may permit such shows to exhibit during the airs. ! The House. I Members of the lower house of the general assembly pave their consideration largely to local, and unconested measures. Two contested* measures were debatul briefly. One would have provided or the payment of an informer's fee >f $100 in cases of conviction of an ifficer whe had filled to perform his lutles relative to the enforcement of he prohibition laws. This bill was cilled by an overwhelming vote. j Another by Dr. Barnwell of Chnrleson was to regulate the practice of nedicine in South Carolina. The Senate. Feb. 4.?The following bills were >assed and sent to the house: Relating to the tax levy on towns ind cities containing over 1,000 inhabt&nts. Increasing the fees for examinations o be !>aid by the banks of the state. Authorizing the attorney general tocontract for the collection of 'claims ; igainst the federal government on ac:ount of the direct tax levied on colon during the Confederate war. House Bills. Feb. 5.?J. B. Atkinson. To create a uihlic service commission for the itate of South Carolina; define its | luties and powers and to provide com-lfi >ensation therefor. Mr. Mims: To provide for the elec- t ion of the state tax commission by a he general assembly. f Both Houses. \ *>b. 6.?A Joint meeting of the two c louses was held at noon when a trus- a ee for the University of South Caro- \ ina was chosen to fill the vacancy c aused by the resignation of Dr. W. T. c }. Dates of Columbia. The name of t Christie Benet was placed In nomina- i ion by Representative Mann of Pick- j ins. That of W. J. Ccrmack was t >laced In nomination by Representa- t ive Hart of York. Mr. Cormack was f 'lected. he receiving 58 votes and Mr. ^ 3enet 42. r boosting Mutual Insurance. > In the state senate all the benefits >' mutual Insurance and state Insur- t ince through the sinking fund com- c nission with incidental condemns- p ion of the stock companies which c vltfidrew from the state in 1916 were r old earnestly and eloquently. ' \ The hill under discussion was that r if Senator Balles of Lancaster, which s leeks to rive the trustees of rural c tchools the option of placing inaur- c ince on school buildings either in oral mutual companies or In the i linking fund. c ro Organize Rifle Club. 1 The University post of the Ameri an legion is planning great things to I ake place "after exams." Including a t 'swell" dance or some other enter- r ainment, and the organization of a f ifle club. Rifles will be shipped at 1 in early date, if not already on the 1 vay. The government will furnish f nany rounds of ammunition, and the c dub will put out a formidable team, c In the meantime things are at a' itandstill on the campus except for the 1 >raiu tests being perpetrated by the j acuity. 11 i Promotions In ths Navy. J I THfl rA^riilt in or A.fflon Is* aeaaila I milding has received word tbat the t 'ollowing South Carolina lads have 1 >een promoted: Elliott J. Jackson of 1 Jugoff has been advanced to seaman (I recond class: Clarence W. Sherbcrt js >f Spartanburg has been promoted to 11 lospital apprentice first class. He is t it present stationed at the naval train- s ng station, Groat Lakes, 111. Many i r?en who were in the navy during the 1 rrar and who got out after the armis- s ice, are now re>enlistlng and taking I dvantage of the increase in pajr. f mm llHtf All* hn ever been la the llstory oltbf tuple. rhen flbUet goes to 4t cents, at it neat, -there are many Umm who rill be willing to let looab their 14BSfcWPhla would be diaatrrous to hamsalvM and to the cottoA growng Industry. "For, according to the laws of supply and demand cotton today is worth >0 cents a pound, and the farmers scald be getting it but for the tact hat there is now going on one of the >iggest and most exasperating coinlines to depress . the price and tho iean speculators are exerting every levice to force the price of cotton lown. "The range of futures -has been iltght in the last few days, except iemi-occa8lonally. The mills are rapdly and surely grinding up the relerve stocks' laid in when cotton was -elatlvely cheap last August and Sepember, but the day is surely coming vhen they are going to be compelled o buy short or shut down their ml!! tnd any one who knows the wide nargin between the prices of raw coton and the price of cotton goods will lever think thatthe cotton" mills W/V..1.1 J 1 ? - At I- . tuuiu buui uunu us luug tut Lucre is ?* >ale of splnnable cotton. "The fact that there'has not been a naterial change in the market since November does not mean that one is lot coming. This is an unmistakable dgn of strength in the market. The armers have sold enough to make hemselves comfortable and they will lot have to market any more?unless he banks refuse to carry cotton as :ollateral. and this they con not aford to do." flany Injured In Seaboard Wreck. Savannah. Ga. (Special)?Fifty lassengers were injured, more or ess seriously, when four passenger oaches of a Seaboard Air Line train * dunked down an embankment, near Savannah, and four others were de a'lod. It is not thought that any faal't'es will result. Among the injured are the follownp: S-rth Carolina?Mrs. F. P. Trues1-le. Kershaw; Mrs. W. H. nnd Wm. P. Ol'ver. Matthews; J. S. Mathews, "/>ck Hill; R. B. Quarterman, Lime !rk. >Torth Carolina?Mr. and Mrs. R. H. rob-"on and Mrs. H R. Daughter, all >r r'mrlotte; C. D. Tucker, Raleigh; X. H. Fant, Hamlet; Mrs. J. A. Kelly, Henderson. I Certificates of Honor From France. j Certificates of honor by the French rovernment will be presented to the 'rarest of kin to SO sa'lors from South >rolina, who wore killed or died durng the war with Germany. These var diplomas are a beautiful tribute 1 ] u ma mail nuu u:au lur me causa md they come with a deep apprecla'"n of what the sons of America sac Iflced for France. I 1 _ive Stock Meeting Coming. South Carolina live stock men will neet in annual session here February !5 and 26 at the Jefferson hotel. A ommittee from the South Carolina | jive Stock association has Just docld>d upon these dates. A large number if cattle raisers, dairymen and other armers engaged i^e th live stock in- , lustry will he here for the annual wo day meeting. aovernor Hiri Rv Auto. Governor Cooper had his leg severey bruised by having his car thrown dolently upon him. his car being itruck In the rear by a transfer auto. The governor and his family with wo friends had been out for a ride, md upon coming to Gervais street rom Harden street he found, that he vas out of gasoline. He parked his ar on the north s'de of Gervais street tnd phoned for a supply of gasoline. Vhile waiting for It he was standing in the curbing Jiut in front of his ar. A street car was passing at he time, when a transfer car rushing ip the hill ran Into the governor's car u uit; rear, ifiirum me gasoline lanK o pieces, smashing a fender and hrowing the governor's car forward Ivo or six feet, the front bumper of rhich striking the governor on h(3 leg tear the knee. f. M. C. A. Scholarships. The national war work council of he Y. M. C. A. announces that local lommittees have been appointed in tach county in South Carolina to pass tn applications for the hundred or nore scholarships offered to ex-service men in this state. These comnittees are the probate judge, county ichool superintendent and principal if the county seat high school in each :ounty. These scholarships are awarded ipon recommendation of the local :ommlltees. To Aid in Influenza Fight. The house approved a resolution by > lepresentative McMillan of Oharlpson, authorizing the governor to borrow $10,000. if so much be necessary, or the state board of health to comiat the influenza epidemic The state tealth authorities are without funds or this purpse and It was deenrjed idvisahle to make some provision, in :ase an emergency should arise. The house sent to third rending the folk bill to prevent children under 14 rears of age from driving automobiles. May Secure Calhoun Statue. 1 Governor- Cooper has sent to the ipeaker of the house and the prestdng offlcer^of the senate a letter from i\ W. Ruckstull who offers to set up n Columbia a replica r* his Calhoun itatue in the Hall of Fame at Wash- 1 ngton. In concluding his letter to he two houses the governor says. "It leems that the state could afford to >urchase it and place It in the State louse." Ruckstull designed the itatue of Wade Hampton on the State -louse grounds and the Woman's Conederate monument. ' * IHSmmbH We\ \ TP FARMERS their* Fertilize ample supply" want the genuine, o RO\ FEI I The F Fis F. S. ROY I Norfolk, Va. Rich Charlotte, N. C. Wash Atlanta, Ga. Ma ^ A Matter of Precaution. The Boss?You young Indies nre getting worse every day. Miss I'layne i Is the only one among you who doesn't teep her eyes glued on the clock. The Stenog?She would, too, only die's afraid of stopping It. 8have With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. No mug, no illmy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irritation even when shaved twice t dally. One soap for all uses?shaving, bathing and shampooing.?Adv. t Good Cause. t "Do yo\i helleve In signs?" "Certainly, wflen they warn me to 'ook out for the locomotive." t (fw llSTK ^^CIOA "YVTHEN you s * * trade-mark, 1 Think of the del % *+ * a slice ot iresh to That's the real i success of Lucky ! Toasting improves to as bread. And that'i Try a Lucky Strik) It'sto I Ou^rmnteed t JhtS lliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde Were Small People But Not of Pygmy Type ! The Mesa Verde National park. In ' Holoradtt. wna created for the presor- | vntlon of Ita wonderful prehistoric j cliff houses. The bureau of American < ethnology. In co-operation with the lepartment of the Interior, has In- i reared their educational Importance i the excavation and repair of these < mnuments. t 9 v ' MMK*^BfflBWWHl*l?i^fiB^^BBB ^lx lave the who know the value of 1 r, we announce that w< of fish scrap to meet all riginal Fish Scrap Fertiliz rsTE hi uz I TRADE MARK I tSCL^ ertilizer That 1 h Scrap Famo STER GUANO CC imond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. lington, N. C. Columbia, S. C con, Ga. Columbus, Ga. M< iltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio Opening the Flood Gates. "Did Marks take a prominent place n the late "war?" "Did he? Ask Marks." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Ray Rum, i small box of fiat bo Compound, and >z. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a iveelt until it becomes the desired shade. r\ny druggist can put this up or you can nix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, ind will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or treaty, and does not rub off.?Adv. Clean up the little tasks of today ind be ready for the big tasks of touorrow. What can be put In a loving cup, lereafter? SSI RETTEy^r^ ee this famous think a minute! licious taste of asted bread! dea back of the Strike cigarettes, bacco just as well s a lot. s cigarette? ; v A ddlCU \ a \ There nre m^wknown mummies of h* cliff ?how thnt i he Jj [yajSt.a people. fnwPWBPP^B^^j^flple*. The widespread belief tha? they were lygmles very naturally arose from the unall size of the doorways and rooms >f clIfT dwellers. '] Prehistoric htilldlnps In the reclon nentloned. made of hnpe stones called nepallths. were built before the bulld>rs had developed the skill shown In he later constructions. Evidences are , ? Pish ' 1 ish and want it in 3 have laid in an demands. If you :er% insist on 1 R'S 1 ER | * %ijk S>1?* . Made Jfe us )MPANY 0$ 'mptuc ; Tarboro, N. C. I. Spartanburg, S.C. $ ontgomery. Ala, ; i _ When t!ie Actors Struck. "How was the piny?"'v " "Well, they had a millionaire producer playing the port of a butler and he overshudowed the rest of the eats." 1 -9 MKN >VANTKI> for Railroad passenger and freight braketnen. flrnndn, baggagemen. $1E>0$200 mo., free passes. promotion to coa(lurtor, engineer quick. Also conductors, rnotormen. street cars. Interurbans. near home. 1140- $1*0 mo. It. It. Service Dlv., Dept. SS, f'hnmhi-rlnln Ttldg . Chattanooca. Tennessee. I f|U KODAKS & SUPPLIES rGlmV alao do ^'ftheHt claas of finishing. I Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galciki Optical Co., RickosaJ. Va. n.OHIDA COM UlN ATION 1IKAR1NU Or>nir and Grapefruit Grove. $600. $10 csah, til month. I stand nil expense for five years end guarantee ship you not less than ltd hoses fruit. Write for facts ami photos. Judd C|. Hoy d. 320 Magnol la. 13 rook gvlll*. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 7-1?2a !! . i j cumulative tlint there existed In a UfMe geogruphlctti area of the Southwe?t a people ^ha^Wng differed No much from th?? of jgy other secrlon of North AaSferfsfl^Hpt the area fn which they oemr riHp&e designated a characteristic one. On the Sand Dunes. Eyery kind of flower known on the American continent grows In the sands near Clary, ImL 1