University of South Carolina Libraries
*ijj^ ' . ,, ?; : THf TiflMa In vltMMntributtoDi on llfp?objMt? b it io*>i not ifffM to publish moro than f?0 words o i mny aabjoct. Tho rifht Is mmrtd to odtt ?f/ camrnanlcatton ?ubtsilttod for publication. L On &nn1lM<UM 4U- ?-U*uw^- --1 *?t?n nrc made known to tho?e Intoreatod. relenhor.e.locnland lonK dlatance. Mo. lit wintered at the Doatofflce at Fort Mill. S. Cam nail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. FEB. 12, 1920.? 1 Two Kinds of Justice. America has not yet learned from th?? mother country all that is worth knowing. Over there they still do some things better than we do them in this country. For instance, the man accused of i crime and placed on trial in an English court, whether he be a friendless wanderer* or of the nobility, is certain to receive ex act, even-handed justice in the disposition of his case. Neither wealth, social standing nor political power can be relied upon as a refuge of escape for the man accused of violating the law in England. If the defendant is found guilty, he receives a sentence commensurate with the enormity of his offense. The a laws are not placed in the statPutes of England for the punishment of poor white folk and "niggers," with the understanding that they are to be inope rative against the rich and powerful. If there is discrimination in arty degree of punishment for offenders, it is in behalf of the poor and friendless, on the theory that more should .be expected of the well-to-do members of society. Not so in America. Take the case of Truman H. Newberry for instance. Newberry is a senator of the United States from Michigan?that is, he is the occupant of a seat in the senate accredited to that State. Newberry is accused of having debauched the- electorate of Michigan in securing more votes than his opponent, Henry Ford, and is now facing a federal jury in Grand Rapids on criminal charges which should send him to the ' penitentiary if he is convicted. Newberry may or may not be guilty; there possibly is room for difference of opinion as to that; but there is scarcely any room for difference of opinion as to whether he will ever cool his heels as a convict, knowing how we do things in this coun. try. Many people who were in position xto observe the virulence of the influenza epidemic and its consequent heavy death toll in this section in 1918 are skeptical when it is suggested that the affection now prevalent in many communities is a recurrence of that disease. The newspapers, ??VTT VT VI I UU I1IUVII llV/ UIVIU |JUL'IIL opinion and the average man, havjng recently read the glaring headlines about the number of Victims of the disease, in this or that town, has made up his mind that, another epidemic of influenza is abroad in the land and nothing will convince him to the contrary. Meanwhile there is the question in the minds of many whether the closing of the public schools and churches in this section does more harm than good. Many Cases of Influenza. For the last week Fort Mill has been under a more or less strict quarantine' against the spread of influenza, the local board of health having issued an tyder last Wednesday closing the i>uh lie schools, churches, moving: picture theater and warning: against public gatherings of any kind. The disease has continued to spread, however, notwithstanding this precautionary measure. In a number of instances whole families have been stricken with the disease and there have been several cases of pneumonia, but up to the present time there have been no deaths traceable to the disease and it is thought that conditions will warrant the raising of the quarantine within the next day or two. ? JUST RECEIVED?Car load Cotton ofW?l Hulls. How many do you want? j 3W** Star* Fwt Milt tL C jf i ly in the house and senate Mo? day evening. The bill provides for a dual system of State and county highways, but is silent as to the material which shall constitute the roads. It provides that the State highway department will construct the system of State highways linking up the county seats of the State, covering such main arteries of the State as the commission deems advisable. With the consent of the county authorities the highway commission will have the right to lay out county systems of roads, the cost of construction to be pai^ out of county funds, and the county to I retain the title to the roads and .bridges. A provision of the bill is that beginning with next year all automobiles weighing 2,000 pounds or under shall pay an annual license of $6 and an additional tax of $2 for every additional 500 pounds. The measure provides a license fee of $10 a year for one ton trucks, $20 for two ton trucks, $50 for three ton trucks, $100 lor four ton trucks. $300 lor five ton trucks, $500 lor six ton trucks, $1,000 for trucks of seven tons or over. Each motorcycle must pay an annual tax of $5. Dealers' license are $25 annually for the first make of motor driven vehicles sold and $15 for each additional r.i<*ke Of the amount accruing from the license tax 80 per cent, is to be spent in the county in which it originated for the maintenance of the State system in those counties. Any surplus can be ^ used in the county for roads and bridges in such manner as deci!j Grocery 15 t * The many years we 1 I Grocery Business hav the wants of the peoj > holders will always ? they desire for the di v Grocery wants from t * the markets afford. * | during 1920 and as t courtesy and accorr | ent with safe bankir | Every transaction I | treated confidentiall i " < i . I A. O. JOl i ! ' "4 ?" V IF ^ou want t( " that apprec ; |P You want y ^ not affectin I IF You want ^ " according 1 | IF ^ou want ** that is hanc | Trad< ; Hutchinson's I Phono h j The First Ni Of Fort N V t cordially invites you Jersey, Shar'eston vflkJoSd"';sJccesT sion, Flat Dutch, f. o. b. hare. 1,000, 12; 5,000. $J.76; 10,000, $1.60. Postpaid, 100, 35c; 800, $1; 500, $1.60; 1,000^50. Full count ana dslivsry guaranteed. D. F. Jamison, SummerviUe, 8. C. FOR SALE-"FORD CARS," New and Rebuilt. Also carry in stock Ford Roadster, Touring and Sport Bodies. We do high grade painting and top building on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS. Charlotte's Reliable Car Market, 26 Enst 6th Street, Charlotte, N. C. ... i TAX NOTICE-1019-1920 Office of*the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C. Vov. 7, 1919. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books for York county will be opened on Saturday, the 15th day of Novem* ber 1918, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1919, for the collection of State, county, school and local taxes, for the fiscal year 1919, without penalty; after which day a One per cent penalty will be added to all pay- ' ments made in the month of January, 1920, and Two per cent penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1920, and Sevpn per cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1920, to the 15th day of March, 1920. and after mis date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. All of the Banks of the county will offer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, and 1 shall take pleasure in giving prompt attention to all corresjK)ndence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mentioii the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, # Service : ===== t i a iave Iteen engaged in the ^ I re given us an insight into 2 )le of Fort Mill and house- t I find here the very things ning table. Let us fill your 4 he freshest and best stock ^ * $ nes, s?r: . | v* 0 patronize a store i :iates your business t < our cash to count, g quality of gocds ? nfpsr r 1 r*H rtr*i c i T to your Dr's orders |* he best of ahything lied in a drug store | e at ; Pharmacy, I lo. 91 | <?> s^- * itional Bank j lill, S. C. I I j r Banking business t t sures you ot every } lmodation consist- t| lg | with this Bank is | <> I y' : <> I at Ih BQu ' /- ' ^B" <'> ':M9SK ^ )g( DO g X fjoi^ oa. DO t Jr C9 it i 1 X Durable 8 1-2 pound ^ than coal, wood or gas. x Positive valve eontr< S 4 turnirig valve. x Double flue oven ball Handle always cool. x Convenient, full long X Black enamel finish : jo? polished. Gas stove app 1 YOUNG 4 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF 1920. Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor for Listing Property for Taxation. I Pursuant to tne requirements of Statute on the subject, Notice is here- I by given that my books will be opened ? in my offioe in York Courthouse on E lnurauay, January jbi, 19ZU, ior me purpase of listing for taxation all personal and real property held in York County on January, 1, 1920, and will be kept open until the 20th day of February, 1920. and for the convenience of the taxpayers of the county, I will be at the places enumerated below on the dates named: At York?From Monday, February 2 to February 20. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years are liable to u poll tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to rive the numbers of tneir respective school districts in making their retnrns. BROADUS M. LOVE, Auditor York County. Dec. 2. 1919. DR. A. L_. OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. I SPEC^ 5 poqnds of Sugar 3-pound can of Tomatoes . 2 Packages Grits.. 6 Packages Washing Powd - > FLOUR - HULLS - C O. T. ( Subscribe to Tbe Tim |Ril ' 11' ' -I I' mBE^ if* l^l^oypS** I V ^B I p3/^ nBHHmEa&3B8H Points to be burner without wicks or wi< Heat directly under cooking >1 regulates heat like city ga :es perfectly as fast as a gas th high shelf. Fuel supply requires no blacking. Easib earance. iz WOLFE, Our Bt i We are adding air tied patrons of this st< vice and they are posi cut price store, but ^ prices, and that's wh> Phone or bring us above claim is true. Fort Mil 1 JLALS ?1 ATI A . W .20 25 lers _.i .25 JOTTON SEED MEAL Gulp es, $1.25 Per Year ,__1?^ rVuS^Pf^r?v flPai'ifcS -fi TSc , TmSH tBUBsJBSlmB^BJ/iEES^lffSBlS^^fUBtS^^fJj^^^^^^ v^ Considered | ,k substitutes. Lights instantly. More economical y utensil. 00 S. A nil inlr Hnf flra nr n 1 n < . . (ft ? , , ? ?w vi a Diuw, oieuuy lire Dy simply V range. Linings are rust resisting. Glass door. ?? back of stove. Double tank makes refilling easy. g 7 cleaned with a dry. .cloth. All nickel parts highly @ - - - Fort Mill, S. C I I.I , ' I isiness is Growing I nost daily new names to the long list of satis[>re. People know good goods and good serted on prices, too. We do not claim to run a ve do sell honest goods at live-and-let-live r our business continues to grow. an order and we'll prove to you that the Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. I Cooperative Store, r E. S. PARKS; Manager. * . -yft v x . ' u -.01 ?? 1 II T*T XT' r A ? ? * 1 irxc RUIAL GAt^fc Trade Street, Hutchisofa Building, - ROCK HILL Desires the patronage of the people of Fort Mill this year and will strive to deserve it tried lant v?or before that ever since we have been in business. Call and let us know your wishes end we will win your .fijSttgtffe. good will and continued patronage : i 'ti'r'i