University of South Carolina Libraries
Sj- V[Z^ 'Tlwr ^ i^BiA \\ Ny liJ V7 I ^( j j ^ ' WRK >y ' Other ben breath, ap That's a set for 51 - * ' I Sealed Tight -"The Rav MEANT TO SERVE AS BEACON Statue of Liberty at New York Is Not ? Fulfilling Original Purpose of Designer. The .statue of Liberty, in New York harbor, is electrically Illuminated? tlwt Is, so flooded wltli light as to be ' rendered brightly visible at night. Originally, however, the Idea was to make It serve as a beacon, and for this purpose the "flame" of the lady's torch was cut at the sides, the opentogs fitted with glass, and nine duplex arc lumps placed inside. mhos was obtained a light which, uphold at a height of 3Qf> feet above lie water, was visible 24 miles out tit sen, or ten miles beyond the anchorage of theputslde llghtshln. Its inn in. twnnce jwiis assigned to the govern tent lighthouse honnl. But tlie lighthouse hoard declared that it had little or no usefulness as an aid to navigation, Its value being purely sentimental,'"'and hv 1002- the fefct wis extinguished, tjie business of illuminating the stintue being hand* ed over to the war department I ' -v. v Distinguished Family. The Itodrlguez family from Porto Rico, according to tile flies of the bureau of war risk insurance, sent 804 men into the American forces and among this number, which wns almost large enough for a battalion, there were but seven first names as follows: 'Domingo, Francisco, Jose, Juan, Homos, Tomas and Antonio. The aerial number of each man wns In the (100.000 clnsjK I Coffee Pri S Bl ,! Mrft ii j. J In ?>rz\ INSI I PCS' g 'Try this deli | drtok. of" co flavor in pi next pound Note the se . not only tc to health. Continue this delidh J>evero.^e. Made by ftj.tun, Betile Creek . ar =s After a hearty meal, you'll avoid that stuffy feeling If you chew a stick of GLEY5 \ eflts: to teeth. 'Petite, nerves. good deal to cents! ?Kept Right or Lasts*- i m ' FRESH'CRISP'WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS < THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IN THK t MAKING OO THEll BISCUITS MAKE , , THEM THB ' STANDARD -f EXCELLENCE femr PmW has twm. or /? ! k* shamli. Nsk him or writs u ^yinf his mim . CHATTANOOGA SAKE BY CHATTANSSSA | | ^ ] NUT-BEARING NATIVE TREES J Of Them All the Hickory Is Easily ' the Best Known, and Grows ( Nowhere Else. Of the nut-bearing American trees, 1 hickories nre perhaps the best known, being strictly North American trees, none now growing In any other part of the world. Of the 14 known spe- 1 cles one Is Mexican, the other 13 grow- 1 Ing east of the Itocky mountains. In- 1 dlann boasts of six species, qf which I the shnghark, or shellbark, is the most * noted, because of Its nuts and peculiar bark. 0 1 The wood of most of these species I is tough, strong and flexible, bat because of Its value for implements and fuel tho finest trees of our forests have been sacrificed, the crop of wild nuts decreasing as a consequence. The pecan Is the largest of our hickories, being a uatlve of the southern and southwestern counties of Indiana and growing to perfection in the rich, moist soils of river bottoms. The black walnut grows west from western Massachusetts to Minnesota. Its branches are stout and spreading, forming a round-topped tree when grown in the open. No Harmony. Patience?Do you huve harmony in your church choir? Patrice?I>o we? Listen. Last Sunday the soprano wore u pink hat and a green waist, the alto appeared In a green waist and a yellow hat, and the tenor wore a green necktie and a very red nose! ??*r cesAreUp I it I i VoJRaise I ce Of* | 'ATSIf I ruM I clpus table ffee-lfke : ace of your . of coffee* Ltisfaction* > purse but and. yo-u.ll ' ., to cLrixvk_> 1 tfoi family teeason.* I > Cereal Compute I Michigan. J POWER TO CONDEMN LAND FOR t SCHOOL PURPOSES EXTENDED i BY THE PEARCB BILL. | i 'ROSTiTUTION STILL LAWFUL i 9111 Is Introduced in House Which t Provides for the Abolition of State Pension Commission. ? i Colombia. a Several bills of statewide interest s vers introduced a number killed and t uany others advanced one reading, t 3ome of those of general Interest are r im follows: t The Senate. ^ Jan. 23.?Mr. Pearce: To amend an g ict entitled ' An act to grant unto the c :lty board of public school commis- y loners In cities containing over 40,- t 100 inhabitants the power to condemn and for public school purposes so as J n. tVin """ -5 ? ... ?.w ? W hwamv M|/j>tivuuiO iV WIUCB sontaining over 26,000 inhabitants. The House. t Representative Fulmer of Orange- b iurg introduced one to abolish the A itate pension commission and to have ill pension* paid as formerly through * he office of the comptroller general md county officers. C On motion of Mr. Dreher of Lexingon the bill by the Judiciary commit- u ee. brought over from last year, to 0 prohibit the practice of prostitution p was postponed Indefinitely, which kills q he measure. ? The House. u Jan. 26..?The Dreher amendment to h he Australian ballot law was return- tl ?d to the house from the senate with tl slight modification by the upper house, > The law now allows the illiterate vot- t ;r to choose one of those who are to f issist him at the precinct in Ailing u nit his ticket. If he does not desiglate one of these, the managers name ^ wo assistants as formerly. The benate. c Jan. 27.?Mr. Bailes: To require " iwners of land paralleling public roads :0 in Lancaster county to remove trees a iherefrom. Messrs. Alexander and Wideman: ? To amend Sections six and 16 of an I1 ict entitled: "An act to put upon 6 Lhe honor roll all Confederate soldiers 1 and sailors, and compensate them for t; services rendered from 1861 to 1866." The House. d Kershaw delegation: To authorize * Lhe board of trustees of school district c Mo. 1 of Kershaw county to borrow money to meet current school reve- f nues and to pledge the anticipated taxes to secure such loans. g Mr. Preacher: To devolve the du- g Lies of the chief game Warden and ? the state boar dof fisheries of the ? itate of South Carolina on the depart- T ment of agriculture of the state. ^ The Senate. Jan. 28.?Mr. Friday: To amend , v lubdivislon 2 of Section 3555, Volume c [, code of laws of South Carolina, 1912, j io as to permit the mother along with the father and brothers aqd sisters of i ^ the intestate to Inherit. The vote of 31 to 4 passing the Williams rejection resolution and killing s the Chrlstensen. ratifying resolution r 3oes not mean that the state senate of & South Carolina is opposed to woman I suffrage, many senators favAr woman o suffrage but oppose a federal amend- a ment. ' .1 The House. y C Mr. Busbee: To prohibit the utter- t Ing, publishing or circulating of any J disloyal, profane of seditious lan- e guage against the government of South * Carolina and to provide a penalty therefor. t The Senate. Jan. 29.?Mr. Young: To provide for appeals from committees or canrassing officers in prljnary elections v held in cities and towns of this state. v Mr. Shelor: To require drivers of 1 automobiles, mortorcycles or other mo- 1 tor or power driven vehicles under c certain conditions to stop when ap- * proaching a crossing of a railroad A track at grade on public streets, roads R or other ways. ^ - 1 Counties Being Organized. State officers of the South Carolina p Y M. C. A. met in the office of the state secretary, T. B. Lanham, and ^ went over the work done in the past 4 month and discussed plans for the . Future development of "Y" actlvites 'p In South Carolina. Reports of the * activities of each department were 1 nade by the various secretaries show\g that much good work had been 1 one in the last 30 days. * 11 B. A. Schnell, county work secre- p tary. reported that one county had t already been organized. Series of Meetings Open. j ' A series of meetings in behnlf of , A the South Carolina division of the n Vmerlcan <Cotton association was * >ened with a rally at Newberry, s he schedule of the meetings for the d next two weeks follows: Gaffney. Feb- F ruary 2; York. February 8; Chester, r February 4; Lancaster, February 6 a (morning), Camden, February 5 (after- .c noon); Greenwood, February 8; Abbe- s vllle, February 7; McCortnlck, Fefcru-' r ary ; Saluda, February 10; Edgefield, a February 11; Aiken, February 12. r To Fay Sevier Claims. C Washington. ? Special). ? Senato.*: Dial sent the following telegram to W. h Q. Slrrlne at Greenville regarding h claims against Camp Sevier: Just talked to General Lord, director of fl- s nance, who says Camp Sevier claims have all been approved and are now n in hands of disbursing section of h<s a offioe tor eheckluy and when this Is p lalahed, which should requite but few I It 'ays more, provided no defect is noted h equlrlng further action, payment wlM !i be made Immediately. He expeata no b further delaya. a be "county chalngang iy?Uqi . of forking prisoner* la the modt ccotomic. the moot expedient and the abet Just in that labor 1* tree, there s no cost of transporting prisoners to emote parts of the state and the icalth and physical care of the prioners is under the supervision of the ibunty physlcan, who should be and a almost all cases is a man of h|gh noral and professional character." Two committees have been appolntd, one to see the governor about his ecommendatlon and another to work mong the legislatures to see that no uch"policy is adopted by the'general tssembly. D. M. Miles, president of he association of supervisors; has aleady flamed those committees and hey are at work. The supervisors say the county ;ang is the best system, and they laim that the members of the state lighway * commission are backing hem in their attitude. itate "Y" Convention Postponed. The first annual state canvention of he South Carolina Y. M. C. A. has een postoned from February 19 to farch 4. The change in dates was nnounced by T.B. Lanham, state ecretary. Confederate College Item Omitted. The omission from the state's edcational budget this year of an item f $2,000, formerly included as an apropriatlon for scholarships at the Confederate college at Charleston, rill prove a serious loss to the state nless the Item is restored by the leg ilature. It will result, in the end, in he cutting off from the benefits of his school, which have a special alue not to be compensated for by he county or state schools, of glrV rom various sections of South Caro na. Erection of County Warehouses. R. M. Mixaon, president ,of tha iouth Carolina division of the Amerian Cotton association, roturned Yrora , week in the Piedmont section of he state in the interest of the assoiatlon. During the week he spoke In lewberry, Laurens, Greenville, Pickns and Oconee counties. He reports he people in all of these counties vtally interested in the association. Mr. Mixson says during the week efinite programs for the erection of /arehouses were planned in several ouhties. "Ight Against Propaganda. Organized effort to defeat propa:anda of any of the revolutionary roupe trying to find a footing in iouth Carolina was begun at a conerence, reld at the Jefferson hotel, rhich was attended by about 30 leadrag citizens of the state, representrag all sections. The new association ri!l be known as the United Amerl ans of South Carolina. f. M. C. A. Committee Appointed. Dr. B. R. Pendleton, director of the r. M. C. A. fund for ex-service men' cholarships and general educational lollcy, announced the appointment of South Carolina committee to handle his state's money and to have charge f all matters in the program to be lnugurated for the former soilders. ^he,committee Is composed1 of Wilson" leg, professor of rural economics at he University of South Carolina; uilen C. Rogers, cassher of the Dibrty National bank, and Dueco Quner, state supervisor of rural schoods -Ugh School Contest April 20. The final contest of the South Care Ina High School Debating league rill he held at the university April 20. rith practically every high school In he atate expected to be entered is he contest. The entry lists will lose February 10 to permit time fa* he holding of the prellinary contests, larch 20, which will decide the three chools which will contest for th*? fanning cup in the final debate a* he university. Notice to Sheriffs. Sheriffs of South Carolina hare >een sent the following telegram by he state health officer: "Reports indicate a return of Influnza in epidemic fornj In many sec ions of South Caroling Please asceraln Its prevalence in vour county id advise me of the location of the utbreaks. In the event quarantine aeasures seem Indicated to control pldemlc, please communicate with his office before proceeding. (Signed) JAMES A. HAYNT5. pworth Orphanage Benefits. Hammer. lPmer & 'Darby of the motion and Realtv company of Renlettsville wero In the city and made p t.p.t??ment In regard to the sale of the otate of the Iste W. V. OU1 of Allendale, the proceeds of which ero to the Jpworth orphanare. The sale of th's iroperty took pdace January 27. 28 ,nd 29 and wp.s In the htjnds of this ompany These men state that th< ale far exceeded their expectations, ealizing the total sum of $248,547, nd this In spite of the continuous sin during the days of sale. Xaloyalty Bill Introduced. Representative Busbee of Orangeburg county introduced In the lower touse of the general assembly a bill o check disloyal utterance, either poken or written, or to Incite insuborlination or resistance to the governnent. Penalty for violet tin would be . fine of not less than $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years, a the discretion of the court, or both ?y fine and imprisonment. Thie act s somewhat similar to a large number now pending in the national conxeas. ^ ^ ^ aW#!^ from your ft % ROl i f ' 77ie Fe Fis/ F. S. ROl Norfolk, Va. Richmond, ^ f Washington, N.C. Colum Columbus, Ga. Mi I Steel Needles Chinese Invention. The Chinese were the first people In the world to use steel needles. The Chinese needles slowly made their way westward until they were brought Into Europe by the Moors. li CREAM FOR CATARRH \ OPENS UP NOSTRILS \ !j Tells How to Get Quick Relief X !| from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! ? In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penertates through every air passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instnntly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh?Relief comes so quickly.?Adv. The forceps, or pincers, is nn instrument that dates hack Into the times of antiquity!\ CIGJ /^ET a packa tice the fla^s some taste of K . v tobacco. Why do so men" buy L cigarettes? T1 for the special toasted Burley There's the 1 toasted, and rea Lucky Strike y< 9 fertilizer will I t if you use fSTE trade mark t RJLCISTTRXO ? T?f rtuizer 1 hai i Scrap Fam fSTER GUA /a. Lynchburg, Va. Tarbor bia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. j ntgomery, Ala. Baltimore, A Handrcap Race. The Sire?You lonf too much. If you hustle prosperity will be sure to follow. The Son?But I don't want prosperity trnllin' after me all the tliue. I'm glvin' It a chance to catch up. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Reason. "They sny England Is crazy over spirits." ,4V<? wnn/lnt* with ? 1#** stock probably going over there." RECIPE FOR GRA HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and \4 oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired shade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off.?Adv. In Korea the ninrrlnge certificate Is equally divided between husband and wife. ' kRETTE tge today. Nofor?the wholeentucky Barley many "regular ucky Strike icy buy them flavor of the ^ tobacco. M/ lig reason?it's If IBurley. Make Vvl1 our cigarette. I. Guaranteed ty V |Kfv \t/W. J Results greater R'S ? Made . * ous JMO CO. o, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga /Id. Toledo. Ohio t 1^??? KING PIN 1 CHEWING I The tastiest I ' tobacco you fl ever tasted. 1 FOR THE BOOK OF 1 ft? 101 BEST songs : a ?containing mora than XX) favorite ee? lection* for home, school and meeting. . Words and music complete: heavy paper cov^r; postage prepaid. Send 10c. now. coin or stamps. Thervricvrpmoaaa Deportment W Richmond, Virginia ' "The House That Made Richmond Mimical"* Farms in Lancaster County, Pa. * The richest county in America. lias led all others for fifty years. No. 664?89 acres, good X-rootn house, bank barn, alio, larga Implement shed, spring house, hog pen. cortt crib; near school, church and railroad. Acat-' ylene lights In bouse. Price $7,000. No. 67H?127 ucres, large house and bars, with growing crops. 11 cows. 4 mulea Only $9,260. Send for list. O. H. Shenk, Lancaster, Pa. i W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 6-1920. 1 > , '? .> UhmiI V* * I f w*<, ' . ' /' X J i s . oastedJ