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in Fort^^'l^oiidiiy afte$- ^ 'if Mi'ts Carrie Sadler of Rockv 1 Hill * has come toJFort Mill to 1 'Ki teach the fifth grade in the pub- 1 lie school. 1 Charles W. Mortr left Thiirs- \ day for Gulfport, Miss., having , enlisted in tjie service of the t United States navy. ] Miss Annie Thomas, a student I at Queen's college, from Ridge- ) way was a guest this week of j the Misses Ott. i I ml i e n_i u - roe nome 01 J&a weeiy. col- , . ored, near Fort Mill, with all its contents was destroyed by fire , Thursday night. Robert W. Hamilton of Jones- < ville was a guest during the past 3 week in the home of Mr. and | Mrs. L. M. Massey. jc As a precautionary step against 11 . a" further spread of influenza,'* the local board of health" Wed- r nesday night ordered that the Fort Mill schools, and picture show be closed until conditions show improvement. Miss Kathleen Armstrong, who has been teaching near Mebane, N. C., has returned to her home here, her school having been closed temporarily on account of influenza. Fred E. Long and Miss Ellie Kimbrell were married Tuesday evening at the Baptist parsonage by the pastor, Rev. J. W. H. Dyches. Both the young people are residents of this city. "The influenza situation in Fort Mill and the township has con- I tinued to grow worse during the last few days . scores of Deonle being confined to their homes with the disease, which, however, is not as virulent as it was during the epidemic of 1918. If the old story that 40 days' inclement weather follow sunshine on "ground hog day" is true, this section may confidently look forward to much disagreeable weather for several weeks, for Monday of this week was "ground hog day" and un- ? less the little animal has lost his ? K eyesight he did not fail to see ; his shadow about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. 1 Many Fort Mill citizens have 1 signed a petition to the State 1 railroad commission asking that * body to grant an order directing 4 the Southern railway officials to 4 make the town a flag stop for : train No. 32, northbound, due here at 6:40 p. m. It is under- 1 stood that the commission will < grant the petitioners a hearing ^ at an early date and that the 4 spokesmen for the petitioners : will be Senators Beamguard and Bailes and Representatives Hart t v and Bradford. i ^ 4 New Council Holds First Meeting. 4 The recently elected town coun- i cil held its first business meeting 4 Tuesday night and organized to | take up the affairs of the town | by the appointment of standing | committees, the election of a i chief of police, clerk and treas- | urer, attorney, the appointment < of members to the board of \ health and other duties which < come with a new organization. < Five condidates offered for the J place of chief of police of whom < James A. Wagstaff was elected. Council also elected two assist- ' ants, patrolmen who will serve J principally at each of the two .< cotton mills. B. J. White was < elected attorney, C. S. Link clerk ( and treasurer, and the present < board of health is composed of 4 Dr. J. B. Elliott, chairman, and 4 Dr. J. R. DesPortes, Dr. A. L. 4 Ott, Oscar T. Culp and E. L. | Hughes. Arthur L. Parks was 2 elected mayor pro tern. The mat- ^ ter of reorganizing the fire de- 1 partment, building inspection i and the sanitary service was giv- 4 en special attention and referred | io commutee lor investigation 1 and report at the next meeting ? of the council. A proposition to concentrate the work of ceme- j tery keeper and the supervision ] of streets, parks and lights un- <] der one man with an adequate salary was well received and i V will be reported on by the street committee and final action taken Z at the next meeting. The mat- \ tor of the town's finances re- \ ceived much consideration and I after a careful study of the M budget a resolution was adopted requesting the York delegation J in the General Assemblv to se- * cure legislation authorizing an 4 increase in the levy upon real : and personal property to 20 mills, the limit of 10 mills effective at T this time being inadequate. It ^ is likely also that there will be a i revision upward of the privilege ! tax ordinance. 1 York. Schools Close. t As a precautionary measure | against a general outbreak of influenza, a number of cases of <! which have developed within the \ | ' past few days, the city schools . of York have suspended exer- * cises for a week, the picture hows have been closed and ? public gatheiings banned. ? riding Spr a bounty levy of faro nills. The ohjection is based lpon the claim that Bollocks Jreek and Broad River townships, In the western section dl he county,' would be the princi)al beneficiaries of the fund thus -aised for road purposes and that inder the bill, as it is understood n Rock Hill, no provision is nade for road improvement in he eastern section of the county, t is said that il Mr. Hart's bill )ecome8 a law Rock Hill citixens vill ask the courts for an inunction to 8top the levy on the ground that it is discriminatory. One of the reasons given by lock Hill pitiypna ection to the proposed Hart bill s the contention' that the cost >f road construciion in the western section of the county Is $10,000 per mile against $5,000 >er mile in the eastern section >f the county. These citizens herefore suggest that the imount raised by the levy be Get y % 1 For the past week we hw Cotton and Fe At prices considerably under TEN DAYS ONLY we are ofl $25 Felt Mattresses for $15 Cotton Mattresses $12.50 Combination Ma If you don't see what yoi "house, ASK for it. COME?let's talk Furniti n .. r? i rotts auppii JNO. 9. PO \ Kimb We please yoi > pleaded, no matter : In case of rain, > Guaranteed Rainc< Just a few more > and Coat Suits left ; tual Cost. | A Special Coun I made up of Gingh \ Suitings. ? All Millinery al Price. New selections Waists, all colors. Try one of ou Proof Corsets. H and give satisfactio Kimh I DOES ^ Automobile N( Does it Need a Covers, Cushions, Have it done the Pyramid P pnrK" ui J AS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. on why i able, tha at (two?' toil! levy l?e equuliy divided between the western road and oui two projects here," the twi projects referred to. as under stood in Fort Mill, being the imMovement of the road from Hock Hill, through isetheoda township, to connect with the new Chester county road, ant the building of the road fronc Fort Mill to the North Caroling line. _ News of GoM Hilt Corrospondooce of Th? Time*. Gold Hill, Feb. 2.?As this section has not been represented in The Times in quits a while, w? concluded to let you know how this wee portion of it is getting on. Well, we are just sitting in the corner chewing and spitting "ham gravy." There is some sickness around, but none of i rours I re sold quits a number of J It Mattresses I the m&rkat. For the NEXT g faring: g $15 for $10 f Urease? for $ 9 i want in Furniture in our lire. ??? \ / Company. TTS. M*r. rell's j i and keep you || what the cost. > try one of our | 3ats, $7.50 to $20 o those Long Coats \> at Less than Ac- \\ ter of Remnants, ?? ams, Percale and j t Less than Half j / < i of Fancy Spring <> r Warner's Rust- <? ley are sure to fit j; n. r ell's { ???? <? ? ? >#? ?i> roua j; ied Painting? jj New Top, Seat , Etc.? If so, "Pyramid Way" 'aint Shop, ? 11s. C. * uA*k the Man Who Knows." | sympathy of th^comrounil^. Ed Lathan, who left this aec; tion some 3Q yean ago, visited relatives ' here, two weeks ago and viewed his old tramping ground. . v The Gola Hill school, which is being conducted by Mr. Lester Therrel), assisted by Miss Maye Epos, is getting along nicely, a i goodly number of the cubs being i in attendance. "Splinter." " > CALLED COMMUNICATION. i m A called communica/TW tion of Catawba Lod^e, JA _ No. 56, A. F. M., of South Carolina, will be jMHrX held this (Thursday) /\^/\ evening, beginning at 7:80 o'clock for the purI poee of conferringthe second degree. \ By order of the worshipful Master. C. S. Link. Secretary. 1 Proof of the p ; Bargains I am offering in 3HOSS is evidenced by the fact that Shoe dealers of this community frequently find that they can save money by buying Shoes for their own feet from my stock. Let me sell you your Shoes, too, and save you considerable money. R. M. Hood. TAX NOTICE?1919-1930 Office oI tk? County Treasurer of York County. York, 3. C. Vor. 7, 1919. No tic* is hereby given that the Tax Books for York county will bo opened on Saturday, the 16th day of November 1918, and remain open until the Slat day of December, 1919, for the collection of State, county, achool and local taxes, for the fiscal year 1919, without penalty; after which day a One per cent penalty, will be added to all paymenti| made in the month of January, 1920, and Two per cent penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1920, and Seven per cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1920, to the 15th dav of March, 1920, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and ell unpaid Single Polls i will be turned oyer to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. 1 ' All of the Banks of the county will offer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who mav desire to make use of the same, and 1 shall tfdce ' pleasure in giving prompt attention to ; all correspondence on the subject All Taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be made , up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if thev will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer ot York County. NPUl I icc nino MHW'9 ??V1I kit k riLLO The Pills That Do Cure. | New A o 0 We have just received a 1 Dress G in pretty shades and pattern Poplin, Dress Suitings, Midd; 1 eling. Bleaching, Nainsook, | Collars, Etc. I We also have left a few I , Shirts, Heavy Hose, Underwi t for the remaining cold weath< %' Don't forget we have a 1 r Hardware, Etc. Get the hal 1 it will pay vou to see ua. < Thf*r.a? | S. A. LEE and T. I The J. B, < < <t < < _________ 5 =^^==== epy\ | The J. B. Subscribe to The Tii K ^ '" r ;->Sfl *' f H ' : Aa / '' * Ginghams, in plaids, stripes and I IP rnlnrc ar<=> rrr^r\A A 1 ? ' I New I New Spring I solid colors, rompers anc I Good stoc I PRICES. . > Biggest ar I at reasonabl I Belle of B Red Ridii | Pat SCHOOL TAX ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at Riverside school house ia Riverside School District No. 26, oa Friday February 6, on the question of increasing the local levy for scheol purposes to eight nulls on the dollar. The polls will epen at 7o'clock, a. m., and close at 4 o'clock p. m. B. F. BENNETT S. H. SUTTON ALT A NIVENS Trustees. MWRMWIIIR Lirivals j j . shipment of New Spring <j inghams is. Ale? Shirting Madras, t f Twill, Cannon Cloth, Tow- ^ Notions, Hosiery, Shirts. I I Sweaters, Knit Caps, Heavy | \ jar, Etc. Let us fix you up | cr. , f irst class line of Groceries, <? bit of tossing to this store? ? h Store, \ P. LTTLB, Hen. ; <V ?eeetnt#niMei>>j3e??<3^??^?<? I I I *+++*+*+*>++ f| Mais Co. chare receiv- t I ^ed another ship- t meat pf splendid I Kentucky Mules | and Horses. See Jthein at our stable | 4 C ?????????? < ( o Mills Co. i; * <t P nes, $1.25 Per Year w wwav/* W VII V/ i 1l15U SjC VCI cJLl \ Suitings for children's dresses, M * 1 blouses. 9 v i \ SfiD tats and Suits I :k to select from at CLOSE OUT i|| Shoes, Shoes I id best stock of Shoes in town || e prices: H ihoes for Men. Eg Shoes for Women. || roadway Shoes for Women. p ig Hood Shoes for Children. p, ter s on's I v>a/*VJ~s!il^,^ 'ypHgawarBgcgBB?BaBBKg^^ Ia n d? Fresh shipment ol AL fti-ninr ih.>~ n J--- ! J. yu.llllU.LLLf O S i Received by express eaoh week. Give us your orders for CUT FLOWERS. We are agents for Scholtz, the Florist, \ and The Flower Shop. \ ; _ v" y Lytle Drug Comp'y "The Boxall Store." I ~7T I ' Tllic 1C tlin HIiIacI D??l? * V?J. ?1? ? 11MU IO ui%, UlUlrOl UOllA U1 IWR umuij you* tk* *? * we*ld (TtKBANKI r^^L'J: ittlll HMtWHUl them. The safest place is where you cam always jpft it always know that it is secure. Let us wiggist that ymm with us. THE SA KINGS BANK OF FORT MILL. I 1 -FERTILIZERS We have just closed a contract with the Roek Mill Fertilizer o. whereby we are enabled to supply your wants with any grade f Fertilizer, but more especially with the grades they hare found > be most profitable to the soil of this section. W# are hi posion to deliver to this or any other nearby station any gmmtrity on liort notice. Considering road conditions, this mar pasrs a great aving to you. Call in and figure with us, on either a cash orHma garment roposition. Robert F. Grier, Jr., Telephone No. 11.