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-r- iWtii i ^ vhfc# StnrSy ^ort v V Hiss Margaret. Spratt has accepted a position as bookkeeper Hff&. Mrs. Effie Hunter of Lancas^isvisidng her sister, Mrs. fe&' Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Fulp, of Charlotte, were week-end guests in^ the home of Mr. and Br- . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whitesel! have begun housekeeping ii^he (residence of Cap. Richard Fulp on flail street. . Mrs. M. L. Ross of Charlotte, was the guest during the past week of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Young. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spratt entertained as their guests for the past week-end Miss Mary Henley Willis of York, and Miss Annie Lee Adams of Clover. Friends of Mr. J. H. McMurray, Who has been ill at his home in the Whiteville section of the town for several weeks, will regret to learn that his condition has shown little improvement recently. One of the largest hen's eggs seen in Fort Mill for some time was put on display a few days ago at> the Hutchinson Pharmacy by T. C. Creighton. The egg weighed 31,-2 ounces and was the product of a Rhode Island Red h^n. Col. T. B. Spratt of Fort Mill is expected to be one of the distinguished York county veterans of the World war to speak at a banquet of Catawba post, AmerLegion, in Rock Hill this Hvhacker" Smith, World war vflyran who was presented with distinguished service cross for gallantry in action with the Fort Mill company overseas, is decidedly of the opinion that the town council made a mistake in rescinding its action in postponing the municipal election until April 8. Mr. Smith is one of the big majority of Fort Mill citizens who are not qualified to vote in the election next Wednesday. mi m* _ a ine limes is picasea to aaa i this week to its list of advertisers the firms of A. O. Jones and Potts Supply company. Trie Jones store as will be seen byits advertisement is Fort Mill's oldest grocery. The Potts Supply company has recently added a line of furniture, in which business Mr. J. S. Potts, the proprietor, was for several years engaged. Town Election Wednesday. Next Wednesday, January 28, Fort Mill will elect a mayor, six aldermen, one from each ward and two at large; and a member of the public works commission Pjto succeeds. L. Meacham, whose j term has expired. At a special meeting of toWn council last Thursday evening the resolution passed by council two weeks ago postponing the election until April 8 was rescinded and the election ordered for January 28. The action of council in setting the new date for the election apparently brings to a close an unusual situation brought about by the ambiguous wording of a letter received a few weeks ago by Mayor B. E> Patterson from the attorney general's office relative to the registration laws. In the letter it was stated that 30 days must elapse between the issuance of a registration certificate and the town election. Council construed the opinion to mean both county and town jr^^fcKfigistration certificates, a meanL ly|HHMvhich it now seems the W , ^^^^^^^eneral's office did not believing the oninion ^H^^Hlng upon itself ordered th^n^Pbn postponed for three months. B. E. Patterson, present mayor of the town, is understood to have sold his interest in the Port Mill Wholesale grocery comnonv orif) loft- tfouorol rlovo om. for Memphis, Tenn., where it is said he will make his home. Since Mr. Patterson left B. C. Ferguson has been acting mayor. Only 51 citizens are qualified to vote in the election next Wednesday. these being: C. S. Link, J. H. McMurray, W. R. Bradford, W. L. Ferguson, T. F. Lytle, S. A. Lee, D. A. Lee, O. T. Culp, W. B. Meacham, Jr., H. D. Harkey, W. B. Meacham, S. L. Meacham. W. J. Steele, B. C. Ferguson, A. B. Sheppard, J. W. Lynn, J. C. Saville, W. T. Parks, A. J. Broom, J. C. McElhaney, R. E. McKlbbon, J. M. Brackett,L. M. Gordon, L. A. Harris, R. P. Harris, R. F. Wilkerson, M. J. Adcock, A.. L. Gordon, J. T. Young, Sam Stevens, J. H. Bailes. J. S. Harria. F. E. Ardrey, A. L. Parks, J. W. Gunn, J, B. Mills, T. R. Garrison, B. E Patterson. R. P. Gordon, Z. V. Gordon, R. F. Grier, E. W. KimbreP, J. Sam White, J. W. H. Dyches, E. S, Parks, Fred Gordon, W. D. Wolfe, RK. J- B. Broadnax, T. S. Kirkpatrick, * T. B. Ayers, A. O. Jones. POUliD ? Package was left in our .... store some time during Xmai containing several Xman gifts. Owner can bygdeacr, bing artkJea and The Rock Hill Evening Herald Tuesday afternoon published the following communication- from W, R. Bradford, member of the house of representatives from York county, which it is thought will prove of interest to the readers of The Times: Kditor Evening Herald:? Sinre there seems to have been Rome misunderstanding in Roek Hill and perhaps elsewhere in York county over the motion I made in the house of representatives last Wednesday to postpone on sideration of an amended bill introduced in the house last session by Mr. Belser fo Sumter fixing the compensation of members of the state highway commission, 1 would be grateful to you to allow me u> nuiKe tne iollowing statement in the KvtVmg Herald with reference to iny motive in making the motion: Like many other members of the houae 1 am anxious to assist in the passage of a good roads bill at the present session of the general assembly. With thin end in view and to try* to provent a repetition of the fight similar to the one we had in the house last year, it occurred to me and to other members of the house that the best thing to do was to start the session with a brand new good roads bill, which is now in course of preparation and which, it is hoped will meet with the approval of both houses of the general assembly. I await the opportunity to vote for a good rouds bill, fair to all sections of the state; or, for that matter, to vote for nil unfuir "good" roads bill similar to at least one "good" roads bill introduced in the house last year if the people of York county wish me to do so. It isn't necessary for mo to say, except for the saying, that I have no person^ interest in this matter; but if I am left to exercise my own judgment it will be aguitist a niisbranded "good'' roads bill designed to upbuild and put money in the pockets of the people of one section of the state at the expense of the people of all other sections of the state. 1 should like to see York county treated fnirly in Btatc road legislation. Am I wrong in this solic*?..a~ f? u? :-a ? *1 iuuc iui me uiiercain 01 cue county or | should I support any sort of measure, however dishonest and selfish it may be, aimply becauao it bear* a "good roads" label? What did the people of York county artul me to the house for?to try to see that they got justice in statewide legislation or to help aaddlc anything and everything proposed on thcmf If a state highway bill proposed at the 11)10 session of the general assembly had become law York county certainly would not liavo been treated fairly tinder it, in my judgment, though it would have meant tens of thousaiids of dollar* :n the pockets of certain interests, part GINNINGSE The Fort Mill Ginnery will January 28, one day only. ^ day's ginning of the season. Living C Are you interested in reducir ' so, 'come in and take advsntage Sugar, per lb_ Tomatoes, large size Fresh Corn Meal, bushel Fhesh Kit Mackerel, each Best brrrel Coffee, lb Small red and yellow Onion Set Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. Fresh Fish every Friday and S We solicit your business. Robert F. Telephor, | DOES I Automobile Ni | Does it Need a | Covers, Cushions I Have it done the ! Pyramid F ROCK H I JAS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. * <&> <?> ?rr??r?^ i i> 1 I i ? I Hutchinson': ; ' Phone ;; "Just You < > j; < | j IwbthW word or Ivo, if mm , pita* > about the amsnded Belser biH. A* i bill, to Ax the compensation of the mem bers of the highway commission, hi year. The bill passed the house aai was sent to the senate, not as a Ugh way bill, but once in the senate a lit tie legislative sleight of hand was prac ticed and the bill returned to the hou* a full fledged "good" roads measure which, so far as I am informed, hai never been referred to a house committei for upproval or rejection. When the gen cral assembly met last Tuesday wi found thin bill, bearing Mr. Belser'i name, on the house calendar. Printer copies of the, bill were not put on th< desks of the house members this yeai and not a great muny perhaps recalled if they ever knew, just what was in it Isist Wednesday morning before th< house, began its session for th< day a number of members who art interested in the passage of good road? legislation held an informal meeting anc agreed that the best thing to do in \h< interest of such legislation was to mak< a new start by postponing the amended lielser bill and submitting a new good roads bill. I was asked to make th< motion for postponment and did so. 1 hope I have made my position on thii matter plain. 1 ask your indulgence for one other ob serration: This is the sixth session 1 have sat in the house as a member foi York county. 1 have takeu my dutiet seriously, proof of which is found in the fact that I have not missed a session of the body since my service began. All the votes 1 have cast as a member of thi house have been disinterested, and as 1 am not a candidate for re-election 1 hope you will permit mo to say, especially to the people of Rock Hill, that I do not believe my service has been without some good results. For one thing, I invite attention to the Winthrop college appropriation for 1010 and suggest that perhaps I had something to do with it. Very respectfully vours, W. R. BRADFORD. Fort Mill. -Ian. 17, 1920. SCHOOL TAX ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at Riverside school house in Riverside School District No. 26, on Friday' February 6, on the ?uestion of increasing the local lev) or school purposes to eight mills or the dollar. The polls will open at 7o'clock, a. m., and closs at 4 o'clock p. m. B. F. BENNETT S. H. SUTTON ALVA NIVENS Trustees. NOTICE?We are expecting a cai load of Hulls to arrive Friday. Pbont us your orders. THE CASH STORE. MwWfiW~ be operated on Wednesday fe hoD6 for this to be the laal < ( s Pharmacy, j No, 91 -I r Doctor Orders." ' \ ^ Fort Mill Ginnery. ost Cut ig the high cost of living? If s of these prices: 20 20 ..$2.00 18 30 s. aturday. Grier, Jr., ie No. 11. YOUR | i n ^ I eeo rainung? \ New Top, Seat j Etc.? If so, \ "Pyramid Way" I >aint Shop, | ILL, S. C. \ "Ask the Man Who Knows." | J ai auDdSftS I for Akteratan At-Large, election JanoJ *** ^ . " -. jF. B. MEACHAM, ? W. J. STEELE, J > A.O.JONES. The Times is authorized to announce - Mr. W. L. FERGUSON ss s candidate B for Alderman Ward 1, election Janu,, < nr 28. . ? TDF AU^sea. Ward2.^ ' B The Times is authorised to announce - Mr. M. J. ADCOCK aa a candidate for ? Alderman Ward 2, election January 28. ------- A|d-ni|w^ Waw| ^ The Times is authorised to announce ! Mr. T. F. LYTLE as a candidate for ] r Alderman Ward 3, election January 28. Aldermen, Ward 4. . The Times is authorised to announce , Mr. J. B. BROADNAX as a candidate : for Alderman Ward 4, election January 28. [ NOTICE. Parties who have been taking or want to take the Yorkville Enquirer L are advised that as club maker I have 1 sent on all names that were on my ( club last year and the publishers will I send you th j paper, but I can't carry them for the year as I have been doing, as * you will see by looking over the prospectus of the paper, so you must get in touch with me at once if you [ want the paper to come on. Price in clubs $2.25. W. H. CROOK, . Fort Mill, S. C. 1 Proof of the I RftvAni?tft " uuigaino I am offering in SHOES is evidenced by the fact that Shoe 1 dealers of this community frequently find that they can save money by buying Shoes for their own feet from my stock. Let me sell you your Shoes, too, .and save you considerable money. R. MTHoocL j TAX NOTICE-1B1 ?-1020 j Office of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C. Vov. 7, 1919. 1 Notice ia hereby given that the Tax Books for York county will be opened on Saturday, the 16th day of November 1918, and remain open until the Slat day of December, 1919, for the collection of State, county, achool and local taxea, for the fiscal year 1919, without penalty; after which day a One per cent penalty will be added to all pay menta made in the month of January, . I$>20, and Two per cent penalty for all paymenta made in the month of Febru| ary, 1920, and Seven per cent penalty will be added to all paymenta made from the let day of March, 1920, to the 15th day of March, 1920, and after thia date all unpaid taxea will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polla will be turned over to the several Mag iatrates for prosecution in accordance ; with law. All of the Banks of the county will offer their accommodations and facilifioa fn Tov?\a???w ? ? ? J?* 1 . ...v. w ihauijiuo wnu iimy aesire 10 make use of the same, and I shall take pleasure in giving prompt attention to all correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer ot York County. | Men's and E < > < $ ??? i> We have a large assor Pants, and Young Men's Pa 4 colors, in grey mixed, blue, b I can give you a very satisfacb | ^sterested. ? I , Men's Pants, good qualit > i; And a good grade mixed > ;! Youth's Pants from $4.5 > !' Boys' Short Pants, all > \\ ranging in price from $1.2 > o $2.50 for the larger sizes. > o Also, our Dry Goods ar > | larger every day and it will > 4 patronage will be appreciated > | Satisfaction guaranteed. The Casl \ ] > S. A. LEE and T. * <? b 11 The J. B. !!~*^ H" The J. B. II j IB I J ' ? ' " ; ftJ^ S B T Xb rompers and 39 rv g Biggest am S at reasonable 91 Crossett SI | Craddock i H Belle of Br I Red Ridin; |g None bette 1 Pat FOR SALE?Few nice Shoats. Alao milch Cow. W. H. JONES. FOUND?Pocketbook containing sum of money; owner may get same by applying to J. L. Stevens. DR. A. L.. Ol T , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Port Mill. S. C. toys' Pants 1 tment of Men's and Boys' I nts in assorted styles and J irown and stripes, which we ^ ory. price on if you are in- 1 y, wool mixed, pr. $7.50. $ goods, pr., $5 and $6. 1 0 to $7.00. I sizes, from 3 t^ 20 years, | 5 for the smaller sizes to ^ id Notion Line is growing + pay you to see us. Your i ? li i Store, \ { F. LYTLE, Mgrs. | ~ , Mills Co. 1 I =?? i We have receiv- I ^ed another ship- j! i ment of splendid j: Kentucky Mules if and Horses. See :: r them at our stable ]! ? f% ft 1 i|i& I Spring Goods m\ ' ' 5' ' ' TWltTr* received a shipment of Pfetty I Ginghams, in plaids, stripes and 5 colors are good. Also several i. I luitings for children's dresses, ' ats and Suits ||fl c to select from at CLOSE OUT P1U Shoes, Shoes ?1 d best stock of Shoes in town H : prices: ei loes for Men. H Shoes for Women. || oadway Shoes for Women. M g Hood Shoes for Children. i| tprsnn '? I SAFEGUARD YOUR ^ J CHILDREN'S HEALTH Y This is always of vital importance. Many sunpJs ailments undermine a child's health, preventing phfskel and mental progress if not corrected. A simple, harmless and yet most effective prapaontiss for children's use is Milk of Magnesia. Doctors - recommend it as an antacid and mild laxative. Colie, flatulence, constipation, biliousness, intestinaJ indigestion, dyspeptic diarrhea and hives, are a few of the mmy children's ailments which are promptly relieved by wriag e it according to directions. * Rexa.ll Milk of Magnesia is best. It n may < times more effective as an antacid than lime water sod it is mildly laxative. Lime water on the other hand is osbstipating, a condition we should avoid when giving children medicine. It is superior to chalk, as the latter amstipates and causes flatulence. Bicarbonate of Soda baa a disagreeable taste and often causes flatulence and aaaaaa. Rexall Milk of Magnesia has none of these disadvantage*. Solid forms of magnesia are not entirely soluble sad stay cause dangerous concretions during continued use. Recall Milk of Magnesia is entirely soluble in tha aaids sf the stomach and intestines and possesses all the vffcfcass with none of the disadvantages of the solid fortna. Use Milk of Magnesia wherever an antacid or laxativa is indicated. You will safeguard your children's health.. Rexall Milk of Magnesia is made in full U. 8 Pharmacopoeia strength and purity and by a process peculiar t* this brand alone which makes it a most elegant sad staabis compound; almost tasteless, it is pleasant to bake, highly efficacious and reliable and not in any way injurious. B? sure to get Rexall Milk of Magnesia at the RacsH Dvag Store, as it is not obtainable at any other. Lytle Drug Comp'jr I "The Rexall Store." 1 George Washington is known at tht Father of his country because ht wat / FIRST IN WAR, \ FIRST IN PEACE, FIRST AND FiasT in I THE HEARTS OF HIS 0#U*\ TRYMEN This Bank is the father of bankt because it is / FIRST IN STRENGTH, \ FIRST TO SUPPLY YSUR FIRST WANTS AND FIRST ( FOR THE INTERESTS \ OF ITS DEPOSITORS /' j X 1 * * xi you nave never naa ail account with m? I y open one today. I. USE THIS BANK AS YOUB BANK. I \ The Savings Bank /'The Oldest Bank in York Count#." Subscribe to The Times, $ 1 I I -<>* f > JBMH