University of South Carolina Libraries
3 ' # ;<3>ttPTtoM Hate* . On.# Yo*r.....d. Sl.K t Six Months ...... ^ ... .16 TtwTimMlnvitcaeontribatloiiinntlToiitablMti k it 'Iq?> not agrtv to publish mot* thsn 200 words t ?ify labjcct. Th# rUrht is reserved to #dtt if? somrnurilcatior. nabmltted for DoHlteatian. R Ob ADD'tcnlion to the nnhli?h?r dv#H*>rv? **ro?nr?> m<ul? known to lhos? interested. r<il?Dho'ne. lornlnnd lonir 'listnnre. No. 113 |< *--- ? Kv.-tSl Entered ol.thp oo?tofRc?- at Fort Mill. 8. C..?? null mutter of the jecoiid cW. THURSDAY. JAN, 22, 1920. Duty of the Legislature. For one time at least, the new$paoers of South Carolina are almost one in expressing; the hope that the Legislature will reject the woman suffrage amendment to the Federal constitution. They see in it the dqaj danger of interference from Washington with the election lawre of the State and the projection into our politics of a class of peoples heretofore content to allow the, dominant race to attend to the selection of our public officials and to write the State laws under which we must live. If there is doubt as to the seriousness of the situation which npvv confronts the people of South Carolina, let those w ho are inclined to view this matter as one worthy of passing interest only acquaint themselves witn couuiuonsjnai ontamed in South Carolina during the years j closely following the Civil war when our elections were con-1 trolled by the Federal govern- j ment. It costs little to say, as 1 many perhaps have said, that regardless of Washington, hell or the devil, this State belongs to the white people and they purpose to continue directing its affairs as tney have done for the last 40 years even should the Susan B. Anthohy amendment be ratified. Such remarks are not meant to be taken seriously, for no man whose opinion is worth listening to is quite stupid enough to believe that South . . Carolina can nullify a provision of the Federal constitution, however harmful to the Slate that provision may be. Soour people had, as well make up their nind first as last to accept radically changed conditions if this amendment to the Federal constitution is ratified. II. there ever was presented to the Legislature of South Carolina a proposition on which there should be unanimity of opinion it is with respect to the Susan B. Anthony amendment. What other States do with the., amendment and regardless of whether it is urged by high or low Federal official, the people of South Carolina expect the men they have sent to the Legislature to stand together ! against this usurpation of the State's right to control its election laws. So far as the white women of South Carolina are concerned, not one in twenty wants to vote. Suggests County Court ^Yorkville Enquirer. > The Yorkvilie Enquirer has for years believed in the idea of establishing a county court in York county. We think thai I ''such a court could more efficiently and satisfactorily handle all cases that now come within the jurisdiction of frmgistrates, and its jurisdiction might very well be extended considerably beyond that now accorded to magistrates. It would relieve the circuit court of much of the business that now takes up much of its time. The magistrates, all or .. some of them, could be retained as committing officers only. The* saving of cost from the magisterial system on the one hand . and fro/n the circuit court on the other should permit the establishment of a county court without additional expense on the! taxpayers. But we cannot see where any good to anybody can . be brought about by the estub- i * lishment of a county court with ' jurisdiction over onlv a nart of t he county. The county is not large enough, in our opinion, to warrant the maintenance of tvvp or more such courts. Opposes New Court. - Editor The Times: Please alfow me space in The, L Times to express an opinion k relative to the proposition tvhich A has recently been made to esn tabliah a new court in York' county to try cases arising in J HBM|Catawba. Fort Mill and Ebenetownships. 'As 1 understand Necessity of a court houae would rise, involving, ot course, the expenditure of many thousand dollars. Already the county ia dollar court house,- built a few years "ago, and this riew court would mean the practical abandonment - of that building by Catawba, Fort Mill and Ebeutzer townships, though they wouid still be called upon to help pay for it. It seems to me that this is a matter in which the entire county is interested and I hope the York county membere of the Legislature will pass it over for the present and allow it) to become an issue in the cam- j paign nexf summer. A. C. Lytl^ Municipal Candidates Announce. Following the announcement made Tuesday by Mr. L. A. Harris that he would not be a candidate for mayor of Fort Mill in the approaching election, a mass meeting of citizens was held Tuesday evening in the Masonic hall in which a committee of six representative citizens offered the name of Mr. F. K. Ardrey as a candidate for the place and the meeting pledged almost unanimously to support Mr. Ardrey. Other candidates who had announced up to yesterday morning were ; '$ $ 4 j FOR 30 I * This store has been in busirn t the wants of the people of F< t is now the one business hou 4 been uninterrupted for so Ion mi .... " ' ' T pride to us that during all th< + to hold the patronage of a nu t began trading with us nearly ? which fact we think is a si - efforts we have made to cone CEUY. ~ ______ mran ; A. O. 1 New Stock i i !VVe are now in position t< public with a First Class Lin FURNI Our buyer kas just retun where he purchased a stock money saving prices. We ex of our furniture business on fore be in position to offer un We are also handling a li Oil Stoves and Heaters in < general merchandise. Potts Supph CITY TREASUI , . For Year Ending I RECE License Tax, Annual Privilege Tax and Collections from Police fines, ...a. Property Tax Cbllections (1918 levy) ... Property Tax Collections (1919 levy) .... Sanitary Tax Collections Cemetery lots sold, Street Tax collections from annual levy, Street Paving (Freeholder's proportion) Fire Insurance Premium (Proportion pa Received from State Trenanror mx-onnl Total Receipts for year, DISBURS Street Work?Labor, teams, dragging, Police Department?Salaries, Uniforms Salaries. _ 1 Salaries?Cemetery Keeper and suppli* Sanitary Department?Driver's pay, die Lights, -j Printing?Annual Adv. contract, $100.0(1 Sinking Fuud ? I/e posits at the First Ns Interest and discount Health Department F r. Department charges Sundries... Parks Wan rworks extension . Legal Services Street Taxes refunded soldiers Fines refunded? Suspense: Advances special police acct. Prisoners, care and transportation City Taxes overpaid, .fiO; License taxes Fire insurance premiums paid Total payments ? Deficjt- ? Cash in bunk January 1, 1919, as per bo ItemB unadjusted from former account Note charged oaek by bank Outstanding notes January 1", 1919, Cash in bonk December 81, 1919, Borrowed from Firft National Bank pri< 44 44 44 44 H j Current approved bills unpaid Total Deficit - - ? lESj.Jt W. L. Ferguson for alderman l| from ward 1,. M. J. Adcock for < alderman ward 2, T. F. Ly tie for alderman from ward 3. J. B. Broadnax for aldermaas from < ward 4, W. R Meacham, W. J. | Steele and A. O. Jones for al- i derman enlarge., and S. L. i Meacham for commissioner of public works. 1 % 1 Special Agent Joseph M. Tay- , lor reports York county ginnings to Jan. 1. 1920, as 43,050 bales, 1 against 36,457 bales to the same 1 date last year. < ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF 1920. ' Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor < for Listing Property for Taxation. , .Pursuant to the retirements of Statute on the subject. Notice is here- < by given that my bocks will be opened | in my offise in York Courthouse on Thursday, January 1st, 1920, for the I purpase of listing for taxation all personal and.real property held in York County on January, 1, 1920, and will ' be kept open until the 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1920. and for the convenience of Se taxpayers-of the county, 1 will .be the places enumerated Below on the dates named: At Rock Hill?From .Monday, January 26, through Saturday, January 31 At York?From Monday, February 2 to February 20. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years are liable to a poll tax of $1,00, and all persons no liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school district* in making their retnrns. BROADUS M. LOVE, - Auditor York County. Dee. 2, 1919. YEARS | < < > 5ss continuously catering: to ? >rt Mill and community and ? se here whose service has g a time. It is a- source of + 58e years we have been able It mber of our customers who + * (w a third of a century apro? ? plendid indorsement of the + luct a FIRST CLASS GRO- | i I "i JONES I *0 % j lUHKwaBiiiiH iiniiiHhaaKESKag, of Furniture t> supply the wants of the e of TURE led from High Point, N. C.f which we are offering at ? :pect to do the principal part a cash basis and will there- * usually close prices. y ne of Ranges, Cook Stoves, | connection with our line of ? / Company. I *ER'S REPORT )ecember 31,. 1919. IPTS. Special License, ..J 965 <>7 615 00 287 47 3,474 30 1,148 45 125 00 , 864 00 SI 47 id by County) 14 46 of Fire Department 63 66 *7,619 48 EMENTS. supplies culvert*, cleaning 1,247 76 ana equipment, 1,014 26 5*3 00 is.... 280 00 linfectant, mule feed, upkeep,. 1,707 09 . 805 37 i; - 100 00 itional Bank, 761? 00 1 1,594 69 31 40 ; 20.96 - 236 18 ? 6 0U 1,740 35 50 00 - 78 00 45 00 $50.00; Police salary *45.00 95 00 1 11 00 I refunded, *1.00 1 6o 48 20 *10,39167 0H65 oka *186.61 -*84.36 61.47 146 82 39 79 *2 ,7*2 30 4,366 25 i *1,683 95 Mr to Jan. 1, 1919, *4,366 25 in 1919 4,774 06 821 61 9.961 81 ~ *8,327 86 C. S LINK, Treasurer. : < ' ' ' 4 ??????? ? I}^O08O080000( ? Why riot buy son . haft placed its stam; ^ Following are a i have on display in P&the Phonograp New Perfection C McDougall Kitch Putnam Organs, Haine's Floor Co , Each and every . closest inspection o I YOUNG & A RESOLUTION. N Whefeas, the Town Council of Fort Mill at a meeting on January 7th, 1920, passed a resolution postponing the regular municipal 'election of said town from January 13, 1920, to April 8, tf920, and Whereas,, it now appears that said election was taken inadvisedly and it is now desired to hold said election at an earner date. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill: . First, That the aforesaid resolution of date January 7th, 1920, be, and the same is hereby revoked. , Second, That a municipal election be held in the Town of Fort Mill at the < usual voting place, Ypung & Wolfe's 1 Furniture store, on Wednesday, January 28, 1920, for the purpose of electing the following officers to serve for two years, mayor, two aldermen at large, alderman ward 1, aldertnan ward 2, alderman ward 3, alderman ward 4, and a commissioner of public I] works for a term of two years to II succeed S. L. Meacham. Third, J. C. Saville, J. T. Young and M Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrick are appointed h managers of said election. ?i B. C. FERGUSON, f. Attest: Mayor Pro Tern. C. S. LINK, Clerk. I The Times is $1.25 per year, strictly fej in advance gg I Phone For the very best the i Groceries ai Our years Qf experh iiess has taught us jus people want and that will be satisfied. Thej find in our shelves at s Polite and prompt at Ask Central for N< your wants. B. C. FER< I The First Nai x I Of Fort Mi I cordially invites your 1 i dnnncr 1Q90 col coo, J ? . x- WW UI1U UOO I courtesy and accomi ent with safe banking Every transaction ^ i treated confidentially t Gulp's S Best patent Flour, per hundred. Cotton. Seed Hulls, 100-lb. sack. Salt, 100-lb. sack, Pan Cake Flour ( Sugar ______ O. T- C > 90000? 00?0???<3 HEN Y' A- 1 Vv nething standard, som p of approval? 5ew_of the many stand our showrooms: % \ ihs and Records, >il Stoves, en Cabinets, Schultz Pianos, ivering, article is absolutely f every article we pla b WOLFE, I (Our Fr Our business is la of our many friends, ai pect, as we always hop friendship, loyalty and 'At this time, tli thanks, and most cordi ers and friends. Fort Mill E I lllllllllHBI^BlHIWMraW? IT BBBBBOBBBBBni & 5 29 I 1 _ .j _ j*i* i-i marivei*ariorus in ^ id Meats j j jnce in this busi- I t what goods the : I with which they | se goods you will j ill times. I | ttention to all. >. 29 and tell us j + = jUSON. j | ?? ? | Nona) Bank j| 11, s. c. ! | 1 Banking business f ; I t ures you of every nodation consist- 1 ; *. u . I? ivith this Bank is * t I f 1 t t t: t pecials f _$7.50 1.15 1.35 lolden Crown Flour Table Syrup Su'pi 9 pjftUY , II icthing upon which the buying public K *$ ard lines of merchandise which we if P? In VflBtf r. Red Star Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves, * Allen's Princess Ranges, g Seward Traveling Goods, X Gold Seal Congoleum, (a Foster Ideal Beds. (v GUARANTEED. We invite your ]| C .j. HA*11 c x - I UIl 1Y111I, J, U g iends' Support I hhhhhhhbh b rgely what it is because of the loyal support | id we trust that in the future we may ex- I e to deserve, a continuance of this spirit of | cooperation. 8 Jftahi I icreiore, we desire to extend apprcfiati$^fc^?a^w al New Year's Greetings to all our I Cooperative Store, I . S. PARKS, Manager. 1 ????? ??w??Mmtmmamm < > < Prices on All Winter || Goods Now Reduced < > Coat Suit, Coat and Dress Sale. We offer big reductions on all :: Suits. Coats and Dresses, in order to make room for our New Spring ; i Goods. We also offer some exceptional bargains in all our Ready-to- :: W ear department. :: Millinery 1-2 Off. Every winter hat in our store miwt ? be sold, and for this reason we offer J: a speciall discount of one-half off. ' Blankets. One-third cff the real value. Now > is your time to buy one of these wool | J or wool and cotton mixed Blankets, | ? ? Children's Coats. L. One rack of Children's Coats at about one-half the regular price. 4 Flannelette Kimonos at greatly re- j> duced prices. j Special price on all winter underwear. j; * * > K i m b r e ll'aw ? ' wJV*; THE ROYAL CAFE MR Trade Street. Hutchison Building, - ROCK HILtiu^R| Desires the patronage of the people of Fort Mill thXgjW^ year and will strive to deserve it as we tried last, year anHSflfr before that ever since we have been in business. Call and let us know your wishes and we will win yotdHlEL good will and continued patronage.