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Sjj^^* ' W-' ? i jr. V yon feel billons, headachy, con- in straighten yon np better and9 quicker pi HMmffinOml Mwey back without ijiiettlon J'r )1 kl^JWORM n'CHj5?CZB:*A' 11 ? 1 I P/ IkdIdk akin dlMMM. Price aJ J A 75c at drufftrlRte. or direct from , "4* : &.I. lickartft MtkidM Co. JheneaaTa* 11 ] WANT' A STEADY JOB? Uet in the Government ScrVlce. allrrajr Mall Clerk Departmental Clerk tC It era I or I'oatal Carrier Ouatoma Service tr *Wd Clerk Revenue Service 11 Make up your min<l now?Pick out the Joe ol r? want anit go after It. "We Train to wlm." Thouaanda of thene positions now pi even. Clip out thla coupon, check the poM- p *ter? $ou are Intereated In and mall It to the " fCDBKATi TRAININO SCHOOL,. I01? D St., til . >,( jJ^J^^fashlnaton^D^^^Ajk^orbookle^^C. ^ BEGINS TO SEE THE TRUTH JJ CM Oliver Onken Realize* He I* the ,M ' Captive, and Not the Victor-My son-in-law, Luther Stuckey, I ^ yet, paradoxical as It sounds, he Is a ^ fetm-llng success in his chosen special- n< Ity." related old Oliver Onken. "He ^ dnpi a squealing tenor, lie can second 01 toe motion all right, and will be as ^ ?efnl as anybody else to count on when the cholera breaks out. He Bight possibly do well managing a mD farm. In short, he has never "l rally accomplished anything except fi' to work me so adeptly that he Is able 1,1 to keep better'dressed than I can af- nt tor* to, and by that means malntnin 1,1 a higher standing In the community 06 than I enjoy. Just how he manages m >1 1 do not exactly understand,' but Wl aaraefcow he keeps right on putting nt over aie. 1 cannot kill him, and he E' "not leave. When he broke Into Rt the family I thought I was getting n M>-tBr4?w, but now it Tooks painfully ln B?e my son-in-law has got me."? Kansas City Star. 80 Conversation. jr Tfhla business of conversation Is a tmj serious matter. There are men tfcat It weakens one to talk with an boor more than a day's fasting would nc 4a Mark this that I am going to say, ftar It b as good as a working profesoftmtt? man's advice, and costs you nr settling: It Is better to lose a pint ln ef Mood from your veins than to have m nerve tapped. Nobody measures yew nervous force as It runs away, ear bandages your brain and marrow ^ after the operation. Y< impression Verified. " Hamlet' is one of the longest parts Be the English-speaking drama," re- 8e . Marked Mr. Stormlngton Barnes. "1 never measured It," answered the ffred business man, "but It certainly given you that Impression when you Is Why pay high pri coffee y Posi E jpER] costs les better fb There^bee: inpi I I Usually Sold s g you tick, just go get your money ick. If you take Calomel today you'll be ck and nauseated tomorrow; besides, may salivate you, while If you take odsoc'a Liver Tone you will wake p feeling grand. It Is harmless, ieasant and safe to give to chll vn.?Adv. FRESH CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS YIN SAMfTMY MSTNSOS WHIID IN TNB MAKINS OS THIS* BISCUITS MAKE TNIH VMS % STANDARD -f EXCELLENCE tr Mir U hsf, or if S?t ho thwU. k him or write as drau bis name. :hattanooga oakery ??? -wl ? Learning About Nitrogen. Recent experiments with the alplni IV Kll VU lo/l tl* Pit A <1Ioaa??a?m Aa*?a < ?,? i><? ? V IVU IV IIIC UIOW1CIJ, CV1J fl lilt; ? ngllsh Mechanic and World of Scl- ' nee, that nitrogen, which for n cen- 1 iry and n half hus been regarded < u nh element, may not be an element f t nil, but a coni|)oand of hydrogen and ? ellum. It Is an Interesting colnclence that Doctor Dalton, according y the now accepted account, was led > his theory of the atomic structure | f matter by n study of the physical { popertles of the atmosphere. Sir ( rnest Rutherford, by experiments on le same gases, now sees In each of , niton's atoms of nitrogen an atomic j stem In which two distinct elements ay n part, and nitrogen Itself apirentl.v Is to disappear as an element. < -Youth's Companion. ' ( Cuticura Comforts Baby's 8kln ' 'hen red, rough and Itching with hot 1 iths of Cuticura Soap and touches of 1 utlcura Ointment. Also make use * >w and theq of that exquisitely scent* : I dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, < le of the Indispensable Cuticura I ollet Trio.?Adr. Good Field for Films. Severul picture-producing companies ive of late secured English estates j r their work ; and It Is reported that ie Ontlands Lodge estate, of twenty ' res, has been acquired by one of e oldest British fllm-muklng eonirns. This lodge Is n part of the for- ! er roynl domain of Oatlands, which ns u veritable rendezvous of tnon chs In the pust. Henry VIII, Queen llzubeth, James I and Charles I all ayed here at different times. To(tlyr with Its historic tradltlonsv Outmfs Lodge bus such an utt ruction i the remains off a subterrnneun pasge, a relic which no doubt will be iry useful to the film producer. Musical Vamping. . Manager?I like your, voice. Miss irgle, but I can't understand your tlons at the beginning of your song. New Souhret?My actions? "Yes; the business with your -eyps id shoulders. I can see no excuse the song for that." "It Is In th# music." "In the music?" "Yes. Right here after the Introtctlon It says 'vamp till ready.'"? >ungstown 'fele'grnni. Its Kind. "He got furious when he found h|mlf In a box." "I Buppose, then, It was a hot box." Many a man who Imagines that he a born leader Isn't even a success1 follower. ' r ces for when ruM j EAL is and is . >r you! . i nno raise _ < ice. st 15*and 25* 1 ? i > by Battle Creek,Wk3i. success in prosm * do. Other Organisation ofr the Kind Hu Even Developed Ae Hae the Amerieen Cotton Association.^ t Columbia. That the American Cotton assortsion haa been of immense value to the :otton growers of the South is the >pinion of R. H. Edmofids, editor of he Manufacturers Record, expressed n a fetter made public by R. M. Mixton, president of the South Carolina Cotton association. Every-cotton grow>r in the South should be Identified with the association says the Baltlnore editor. "1 am In hearty sympathy with your :ampaign for building up the America Cotton association," says Mr. Ednonda in his letter. "That organlxaJon has been of immense value to he cotton growers of the South. It las been the first aggressively and sontinuous agreasively managed orranisatlon which in all my experience las eier undertaken to save the coton growers * the South from the ter iflc fight which ?as been made hrough the last century to hold down he price of cotton. We have had nany attempts tojio this work in the ?ast; we have had some splendid cotion conventions which have steadied ^.e cotton situation, but none of them sver developed into an organization luch as that of the American Cotton issoclaMon." Wants Swamp Areas Surveyed. B. Harris, commissioner of agricnl:ure, will ask the general ^ssembly to jnact legislation which would provide !or a resurvey of the lands of the I state, particularly the swamp areas in which thousands of acres of valuable ands are escaping taxation. Governor Calls Meeting. Legislators from the 30 or more counties in South Carolina where the ?oll weevil has appeared in menacing lumbers* and every interested individual in these counties have been called 10 meet in the state house on January L5 to further discuss plans for fightng the pest. Governor Cooper issued .he call for the conference. 1 K To Suspend Dry Doctt Work. Washington.?Pending investigation >t necessity ror a naval dry dock at :he Charleston, S. C.t navy yard, Sec etary Daniels was aBked to suspend vork on the project for a period of two veeks in a resolution adopted by the lenate naval committee. Roller Kitchens Coming. Forty-six roller kitchens will be sent o the state highway department from he war department, according to adrices reaching the department. Theee citchens will be distributed to the :ounties and will be of much value 0 the chaingangP operating over th? 1 tats, Appropriation Is Increased. An Increase of $100,000 was-allowed he Baptist hospital by the r",neral >oard at its meeting, thus bringing the otal of this institution up to $260,000 rom the $76,000,000 campaign. The >oard reached an agreement allowing he percentages of oversubscription as mnounced during the campaign to obaln up to Ave and a half millions for ill commissions. Sardinians at Washington. * Washington.?Among well known touth Carolinians who are in Waahngton and who attended the Jackion Day dinner Thursday night are Jov. Robert A. Cooper. John Gary Evans, national committeeman, and 3apt. W. E. Gonzales, ambassador to 3eru. Others will arrive later. Enlistments In the Navy. Out of 80 applicants 21 were ac:epted for the United States navy by he central recruiting office here durng the week. Twenty of these were Irst nllstments and one was previous ?ervlce. Florence furnished three. Greenville 'our, Spartanburg four. Anderson two. Columbia four and .Charleston four of he recruits. Recruiting in South Carolina continues good, officers of the service say. and as the young men of he state realize the nnnnrtnnitifia nt. !ered a larger number will enlist. Lieut. McChesney Discharged. Lieut. J. Allen McChesney, for nearly two years In charge of navy recruiting In South Carolina, will be discharged from the navy this week and later In the year enter business. Lieutenant McChesney has asked that tie be relieved from duty and his discharge will be at his own request. He has done excellent recruiting work in the state while in charge of (he forces here and has been highly complimenfed for his able efforts. He and Mrs. McChesney will go to Florida for a visit after leaving Columbia. I General Palmer Takes a Hand. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer has entered South Carolina political circles aa a proponent of the federal suffrage amendment in a letter addressed to members of the state legislature. Both of the groat national parties. Mr. Palmer aays, have Indorsed the ratification of the amendment and with other nations granting suffrage to their women he does not wl$h* America to lag behind. The eg; tension of suffrage to the women, he thinks, will also act as a preventive ot movements of unrest. ;v / ? y tnp?rvlMn Want Control. Couaty supervisors of Sooth Caro:ii^?puUnwr i^wwnwiy w ijw ODlftldtt tkil SDIIAtT chliACAHCi fthoold iMMh?V>.b? mwi^rM tMr aro to ?Im? would work t hardship on soma roumtie# and result la a demoraMaattoa of. i4d construction work, actardlg^ to expressions voiced at a meeting of supervisors held |t the Jefferson hotel. The meeting of the supervisors was hsld primarily for the purpose of organising. but during the meeting several speeches were mads having to do with the management of chalu gangs, i the attitude of the state board of char j itles and corrections toward the gangs. th+ state highway department, and good roads legislation. ryan to Speak in State. William J. Bryan will come to South Carolina for a day this month according to a telegram received by J. McSwain Woods at the Anti-Saloon League campaign headquarters in Columbia. He will speak at Oreeuvllle and Spartanburg. Vacant Scholarship at Annapolis. Hid C. Mann, member of Congress from the' Setentb district, has addressed a letter to Dr. W. S. Currell, president of the university, asking that h? present an offer permitting one member of the student body to enter the naval academy. Applloants musC be from the Seventh district and Lot over 20 years old. r-- n.LA? ? 4.? *? ? - -? ror Bluer rroiecxion OT run. Wade Hampton Glbbes, chief frame warden, in hie supplementary report if the activities of his office during the calendar year of 1919 to the governor and the general assembly, asks that the present deficiencies in the game laws be corrected and recommends the passage of a statewide law to protect the game fish. Gonzales Soon to Sail. Washington.?Capt. W. E. Gonzales, ambassador of the United States to Peru, who has been in Washington for several days, has announced that it will not be possible for him to begin his long Journey to his new post of duty until February, at which time he will sail. In the meantime he has gone to his borne at Columbia and will remain in South Carolina until the time for his departure arrives. ?? , 0 Native Negress 115 Years Old. Los Angeles, Cal.?Anna Prater, a negress, officially was listed as 115 years old by federal census enumerators. She was born id South Carolina, she said: was sold 15 times as a sieve; acted as "mammy" to 52 white children and ran away from three masters, only to be recaptured each time. While telling her life history, she busied herself with sewing. Would Extend Prevention Work. As a method of perpetuating the good results of the "No Accident" drive, recently staged on the railroads of the country, E. H. Coapman, federal manager of the Southern railroad lines, has addressed a letter to all employees of the company asking them to extend the preventive work to outsiders. Each employee is expected to impart to his friends and acquaintances the Information -and advice offered him during the safety campaign. I Annual Report Lunatic Asylum. The annual report of the board of regents for the State Hospital for the Insane shows that the institution the* last 12 months had a deficit in its resources of $141,560.73. This is the result of ever increasing prices of almost every item of food and supplies. The average daily cost of feeding a patient is 82.06 cents. University Well Represented. The University of South Carolina was well represented at the recent conference of student volunteers at Des Mblnes. Iowa, the delegation of eight Carolina men being second In number only to Wlnthrop college. Three other university students attending from the city of Columbia brought the Institution's total up to 11, equaling the representation from Wlnthrop. No other college in the state approached the two leaders. * Governor Issues Proclamation. Gov. R. A. Cooper issued the following ^atement: "The week beginning January 17 has been designated as national thrift week. I heartily commend to all the people of South Carolina the idea that under lies the observance of this week as one in which the principle of frugality will receive nationalwide consideration. Thirst means ?far more than the mere saving of money. Its results are far greater than the mere accumulation of a bank account. Thrift is not penurlousness. Woman at Jackson Banquet. Mrs. W. C. Cathcgrt, committee woman from South Carolina to the naf I r?_n n 1 nomnrrotl/* nortu o Hnn/lo/l V? j/iu ij i aitciiutu HIC1 committee meeting in Washington, also the Jackson day banquet. Mrs. Cathcart says, in speaking of this meeting: "It was the moat wonderfully interesting, instructive and thrilling meeting I have ever attended and I consider it a great opportunity and experience to have been present at this great democratic Wieeting of meu and womn planning together for the great cause of Democracy. Work of Game Warden, * During the calendar year of 1919 the sale of hunting licenses, county, state and non-resident through the game wardens of South Carolina and the collection of fines Imposed for infractions of game laws amounted to $89.160.91, according to the report of W. H. Olbbes, chief game warden, submitted to the state treasurer. This is an increase of $60,323 13 over 1918. The chief game warden said that the total receipts for the fiscal year from Jnly 1, 1919. to June 30, 1920. would certainly exceed $100,000. ' v V:S I " BBSS)as*-' V . ' y ? . * ; , ..I GERM RO FEI \' \ > We have i enable us furnish al Potash Sa are prep a other gra< KAINIT KAINIT ' MANURE SALTS MURIATE OF P< See your Roysl r. s. ro Norfolk, Va. Richmond, .Washington, N. C. Colui Columbus, Ga. M I His Smile Betrayed Him. "Henry, you weren't listening to whnt I sold." Mrs. Peck's voice wus t suddenly acid. i % "Kr?what makes you think that, t darling?" asked Henry In quick alarm, f "I asked you If you could let me t have ?3 and you smiled and said, 'Yes, 1 dearest.' "?London Tit-Hits. Important to Mothora t Examine carefully every bottle of t CASTORIA, thnt famous old remedy , for Infants and children, uud see that it Signature of < In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria COULDN'T FIND LADY'S NAME Young Man, However, Had Done His Best, and Probably the Editor Appreciated It. The editor was busy writing an ar- ! ( tlcle on the evil effects of the I slve use of tobacco nnd how It nf- J fected the heart. But he needed Information on u certnln medical point. . "Baxter, find out all you can about angina pectoris," he said to a budding young journalist, "and be quick as you can." Twenty mlntttes passed before the aspiring Journnllst returned. ^ "Well," queried the editor, "you've been long enough about It; what have j you learned?" "Well, I've done my best," was the answer. "I've looked In all the local directories, nnd the London directory as well, nnd there Is no such name as Angina Pectoris. Then I made n thorough senrch through some of the hi- ' ographles In the office library,* but , found nothing. No one In the building has heard of such a person. ' Perhaps she's mnrrled now, and thnt was her ^ maiden name. Are von nnlte snrp you've got her nnme right, sir?"?Ix>n- 1 don Tit-Bits. 1 ? Feed Them Milk. Young women on refreshment committees need not fret over what to provide for future parties. Just let .c them serve the men a quarter of an v open-fnced apple pie half-submerged ^ In a howl of milk. v f At a hotel coffee shop, where th's 8 dish Is becoming very popular, a y Ionian waiter takes much delight In r serving ft. "I never saw such a lot of big v babies," she said the other day after ji she had set out four bowls In a row. ?Indianapolis News. h . v The production of wealth ought to r be the production of welfare. I h s Grape supplies wl . | . breakfast a ?solid 'nourish the vital mine necessary tc normal ^rowtl . A body-bull j tbat taste? ~Ther 1 s V* ? 1 ' ~ V ' AN PO - - * ''r lYSTER UTILIZE TRAOC M AWI ,pgh, - M0I8TCIUO imple supplies of German Potas to say to the trade we are pr 11 grades of mixed goods wit Its EXCLUSIVELY and, in ad< red to sell Genuine German K ies of foreign potash Salts. t ^ > OTASH er dealer and place ) YSTER GU/ Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, nbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. / [ontgomery, Ala. Baltimore, M The Optimist^ | j We met In the midst of n raging i dlzznrd, at a corner where the wild vyndes \vhlzzed the snow around us i iritll we were almost hurled from our I eet. lie grinned broadly, though his are blazed from the Icy kisses of the last. "It won't last." he yelled over the oar of the storm. "The goose bone, Ire bark on the north sides of the rees, the squirrels' scanty stores of tuts and Hostetters' faithful old nlnonao all predict an exceptionally nlld winter. Hl-lo! hl-lee 1"?Kansas Jlty Star. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, . i aniall box of Harbo Compound, and ^4 ?. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a ??L, ...Oil ^ 1 .L- J?; 1 L I uum m urvuiiin ilit* ucmrru hiiuiis. i \ny druggist can put this up or you can nix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, ind will make harsh hair soft and glosay. j It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or tre&sy, and does not rub off.?Adv. JOT CONSTRUCTED AS MAGNET ndianapolia Woman Flattered Herself When She Thought She Was Being Followed. A woman looking Into corner shop vlnclow recently turned angrily to a vell-kHown Indianapolis man who by liance drew up alongside her to look nto the snme window: "Sir, are you following me?" she mapped. To which the astonished Innocent eplled with a gasp: "No, madam, I was not following ,'ou," and quickly recovering himself ind noting her looks and lines added: 'Not after getting a good look rl roti!" "Well. If I HTfmght you were falowlng me I'd call that policeman," sne etorted. And to this our now perfectly >olsed. but outraged hero replied: "I don't think he would follow you, itiier!"?imiinnapoiis News. ^ ? , Reasoning. Mother wns telling Cyril of some ] eeurrence In the neighborhood In rhleh n mnn hnd been ernel to his j lop. "He Qupht t?? he arrested and Ined," Cyril said hotly, when the tory was finished. "Mother, don'' j on think we ouplit to have liim arested?" ^ I Mother shook her head. "We'll Just inlt and let God punish him," she pro insed. Cyril thoupht a little while. Then ie rnme bnek to his parent. "Mother ihy not wait after this when I'm lauphly and let God punish me, too?" ie asked. j m Ml 'AS m ir ' Nuts I "tat many . ?reals lack tent including ral salts so jj > encourage F] c K in children. I j eUng food ! real ^ood Reason" , i , }; '} - i%,0f ' ' *' ?jj% ;V " r I ..^^bv>>#*^y.t^cf *awcmmh t'S * RS ? | vjjwij '? A / i ' ' $' m ' f ir 3 ' v ' ih Salts to | ? flu, y epared to h foreign # iition, we lainit and t .12.40% Potash .14.00% Potash .20.00% Potash . 50.00 % Potash 'our order now iNO CO, N. C. Chnrlntf-p TO r? Ltlarita, Ga. Macon, Ga. d. Toledo, Ohio lU'Y A 1IARKKI. OF FAMOUS SOUTH UKOKtilA HK1AK CANE SIRUP. par [illon. 35 gallon barrels. Ten pound can* 11.<0, all f o b. car*, l.anx & Co.. Ofnega. Oa FRECKLES Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest ' After Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c,Ta 1cm 25c. II Will reduce Inflamed, Strained, 11 Swollen Tendons, Ligaments, || or Muscles. Stop* the lameness and rl pain from a Splint, Side Bone or II Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair r\. gone and horse can be used. $2. SO a fi'Tk bottle at druggists or delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and interesting horse Boole 2 R Free. ABSORBINE. JR.. the antiseptic liniment foi mankind, reduces Strained, Torn Ligaments. Swollen Glands. Veins or Muscle*: Heals Cuts. Sores, Ulcers. Allays pain. Prka 11.25 a bottle al dralrra or delivered. Book "KrbUncc" free X F. YOUNG, P. D. F? 310 Tempi# Strut, SprtoplUd, Man. TRAPPERS Since 1*7# thoounAi of trappers ' have shipped Pa tnnmlljr their entlra catob of RAW FURS . They know they would receljre_ epot cash and absolutely fair anasquare treatment. Send us your next consignment of| Skunk. Fox. Bear, Muakrat, Opossum, Beaver, Raccoon. Lynx. etc. Highest Market Prices No commission charged. Bend for price list today. OTTO WAGNER 134. 136. 138*140 West 26th Street NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. &(vj<f iWtlLLy&LA, S KINGPINI CHEWING I - The tastiest I tobacco you I ever tasted. I Eld puimii? utLunoiiu Caused by Acid-Stomach Let EATONIC, the wonderful modnra ' itomnch remedy, give you quick relief rom disgusting helcnlng, food-re peat in*, ndlgestlon, bloated, gnssy itomach, <1>?pepla. heartburn and other atomuch mleerlea. They are all cnuaed by Arld-Sf omnch front vhlrh about nine people out of ten suffer n one way or another. One writes an folowa: "Before 1 uaod KATONIO, I could not iat a bite without belching It right up, Sour ind bitter, I have not bad a bit of troublo ilnce the firm tablet." Millions are victim* of Acld-fltotnaefc* vlthout knowing It. They are weak and' tiling, have poor digestion. bodle* linproprly nourished althourh they may eat heart, ly. Orava disorders are likely to follow if in acid-stomach I* neglected. Clrrhoata of he liver. Intestinal congestion, gastritis, atarrh of the itomach?tbene are only * ew of the many ailments often caused by l.U Oi - * IH-UIUIIUiUn. A aufTerer from Catarrh of tha Stomach . if 11 yeare' atandlnit wrltea: "1 had catarrhr if the atomach for 11 Ions year* and I nerar ound anything to do ma any ?ood?Juat emporary relief?until I uaad KATONIC. It a a wonderful remedy and I do not want t? ie without It." If ran are not feeling quite right?lank nergy end en'hualaam and don't know inat there to locate the trouble?try BATONIO ?d eee how much better you will feel In very way. >, At all drug atorea?a bit box for Me au4 'our money back If you are not aatleded. PATONIC b s \. m mhi