University of South Carolina Libraries
THianainif. r?|7L - * * Bli3*^llMKa '119 d^-4*88Sh^^$K: JM ^[?l He'..:' ' . I I ' I,';- f 9 ' KO*I ' ' ! I . " ^ M b Udow! ?t Mr^^rp^M^MratUlnm wonl* r' ? *nr *abjwt. The rtoht to i < iwt to edit E| ***** OQM?aw?tortton aabentttU (pr wMlwttoi. On appltoatton to the oabHehar. adreattomc rate# are mod# known to thoaaIntaraoted. feleohdne.localand Ion* die tan c?. Mo. alt . Entered at tha ooetottce at Fort Mill. 8. C.. a? "nail matter of tha aoeond elaaa. fi M U KhJJA I . J A AN. AO, LVOV. ? But these are written, that ye might bdicve that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life B through bis name.? John 20:31. Where Women Vote. In connection with the propos ed woman suffrage amendment to the Federal constitution, which the present session of the General Assembly will be asked to ratify, it is a Aiatter of peculiar interest to note that at the last mayoralty election in Chicago over two-thirds of the eligible women remained away from the polls.^ The largest proportion of women who voted in any ward / were in the Second ward, or "Black Belt," which was represented by white men before women voted, but has sent three negroes to the city council since the negro vote was doubled by woman suffrage. . At the fast election in New York City less than one-third of the eligible women registered. The only place where women outnumbered the men v^s in Harlem's netrro districts, accord ing loathe New York Times, Octobeij7, 1919. In* all other sections of the city the men outnumbered the women by two to one. Apply this practical experiencp of New York and Kl? Chicago to States like Mississippi and South Carolina under the Susan B. Anthony amendment I and what, is the answer? Father Boy's Hero. Fathers cannot expect their sons to lead a model life unless they themselves first set the right kind of exapiple. A boy's . ambition to be good mounts no Pjjj| higher than the level he encounters at home, and the father who sets a poor, example should not jApect his son to improve on ft. In his early life his mother is a boy's best friend, but his father is his hero. Hs is the one in whose footsteps the son generally follows. It is , from him he expects to learn the secrets an(f the right and wrongs life. The State organization of the . Confederate veterans is asking the General Assembly to increase this year the appropriation for pensions for the Confederate ' veterans. The' Times hopes the request will be granted. South Carolina is at the foot oft the list of the States which entered the Confederacy in the amount of money set s aside for the care of the veterans and this condition is discreditable to the State. A few years hence there will be ho Confederate veterans left and the General Assembly for this and many other reasons can therefore afford to be generous" with the old men who fought for State rights a half century and more ) ago. Two hundred dollars for 40 days! That's the compensation members.of the General Assembly receive for staying in Columbia attending to the business of the State for over a month. Many of the members doubtless will return home with enough of their salarv left 16 buy some gilt edge bank stock. Miss Liliie HoagLnd Married. A . marriage of much interest to her friends in Fort Mil) occurred in Qharlotte Saturday evening at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. M. Culp, when Miss Liliie Hoagland, third daughter of the la e W. T. Hoagland and Mrs. Liliie Hoagland became the bride of Joseph . v. Myers, formerly of Camden. \ Mrs. Myers has mad# her home with her sister, Mrs. Culp, in Charlotte for several years. The wedding was -attended only by relatives and a few close f riends. XlHffe Mr. and Mrs. Myers will make their home in Charlotte. feriof court to serve thepM^iil of Catawfc^.?&n?i& and Ipic 11 Mill' townships and an act to -Jl create a commission form of \ government for the county, tl Other matters of more jor less J interest also were urged upon a the delegation. . J J. Harry Foster, B. Jennings White and Ira B. Dunlap spoke J I in the^interest of the proposed 1 court. Mr. Foster asked the J legislative delegation to give the J peopld of the territory affected 1 an opportunity to vote on the ,* creation of the court, saying this J is the democratic way to handle the matter; if the people do not J want it, they can defeat the proposition He showed that the court'would not be an expense to the county as a whole, 5 but the cost, of maintaining it would, fall on the people of the eastern section of the county, but that even then it would mean a saving to the people of this section, on*aecountof the distance they live from York and ~ ^ ^ i-J? mi kc auiuuia 1)1 COUrt DU81ness they are forced to transact there. A committee from the Rotary club, consisting of O. K. Williams, Dr. J. B. Johnson and Dr. W. G. Stevens, appeared to ask the delegation to consider a somewhat radical change in the system of county government. Dr. Johnson and Dr. Stevens spoke in favor of a county commission, or board, consisting of five or more members, to he appointsd by the governor; the commission to act as a board of directors in the administration of the county's bssiness, and to be empowered to employ a county engineer and business manager to have direct supervision of the building and maintenance of roads and other county matters. The plan these gentlemen favor is being tried out in Lancaster l county, it was said. * THE ROY. 1 ' ? { fT? 1- Oi._ -' . rt . t ? xraue otreet, nuicnison build h \ Desires the patronage of t year and will strive to deservi before that ever since we hav 1 Call and let us know your v good will and continued patro I . # LAUNDRY > Wc have had a great deal of t service. From now on we will 1 morning, it returning Thursday at better service by enabling him t;o day and receiving it the following collect and deliver laundry on 1 brought in up to Monday morning We solicit your work and cooperat . Robert F. < Telephone I SAFEGUARP CHILDREN This is always of vital imp< ments undermine a child's h and mental progress if not coi A simple, harmless and yet for children's use is Milk recommend it as an antacid flatulence, constipation, bilio tion, dyspeptic diarrhea and h children's ailments which are it according to directions. Rexall Milk of Magn< times more effective as an ant is mildly laxative. Lime watei stipating, a condition we shou dren medicine. It is superior 1 stipates and causes flatulence, disagreeable taste and often c Rexall Milk of Magnesia has 1 Solid forms of magnesia are r cruise dangerous concretions d all Millr of MW ia ?.? i?J VtllVU V the stomach and intestines an with none of the disadvantage Use Milk of Magnesia wher is indicated. You will safegu Rexall Milk of Magnesia is copoeia strength and purity a this brand alone which makes compound; almost tasteless, it efficacious and reliable-and not sure to get Rexall Milk of Ma S^ore. as it is not obtainable a I Lytle Drui I "The Rozal PffaWft m I PS ifkSptC^'SrS^i20t!diy*!f FrfC j nary, 1920, and for the convenience of ; i be taxpayer* of the county, I will be it the place* enumerated below on the At McConneU'tville?Thursday, Jan- ( At Newport?Friday, January 16. 5 At Fort Mill Monday, Tuesday and V rVednesday, January 19, 20 and 21at. At Rock Hill?From Monday, Janu- > iry 26, through Saturday, January 31 \ J At^York?Fan Monday, February | J All males between the ages of twen- ( | y-one and sixty years are liable to a H oil tax of $1,00, and all persons so li- 5 ible are especially requested to give V J he numbers of their respective school f ? listricts in making their retains. 5 BROADUS M. LOVE, ? D 2 i919 ^U(^tor York County. ft ^ i ^ If " O' nr L* , , V. ? O' ;v< ? tc t ? -4H * *VN * S'; ? VIVIAN MARTIN jj Majestic Today n "Molly Entangled," a delightful comedy-drama in fiva acts. AL CAFE N ling, ROCK HILL *' he people of ?\)rt Mill this O 2 it as we tried last year and 5] F e been in business. ? /ishes and we will win your C nage. C . R 'NOTICE rouble of late with our Laundry C send off Laundry on Monday U ; noon. This gives the farmer 11 bring his package in on Satur- fi r Saturday. In town we will C 'hursday and Friday only. If u you will receive it same week, ion. C Grier, Jr., V: No. XI. ) YOUR I J'S HEALTH : >rtanse. Many simple ailealth, preventing physical ? rected. m most effective preparation of Magnesia. Doctors .< and mild laxative. Colic, ^ usness, intestinal indiges- :i ives. are a few of the many y promptly relieved by using * I isia is best. It is many I | acid than lime water antd it | | r on the other hand is con- f ij Id avoid U/hpn oriuinnr ftliil " ' < 1 rs * v???i- | ' ^ ;o chalk, as the latter conBicarbonate of Soda has a Mr auses flatulence and nausea. pB lone of these disadvantages. g ? lot entirely soluble and may ^ urinj? continued use. Rex- B >ly soluble in the acids of B d possesses all the virtues g is of the solid forms. tt ever an antacid or laxative I ard your children's health. made in full U. S Pharma- 4 nd by a process peculiar to* I it a most elegant and st^j^ a is pleasant to take. hiVw I [g t in any way injurious, uf I H gneaia at the Rcxall Drufc | E . { J Comp'y l'? 11 Store." |'? _J1S ? ^ NV >: V -"'4 ' T . / \ has placed its sta 5 ^ S have oil display i it * IF.n^'li nnrl pvdi _ ? ^ V VI P closest in^pectioi YOUNG >roof of the wUr * 9 bargains am offering in SHOES is evienced by the fact that Shoe ealers of this community freuently find that they can save loney by buying Shoes for their ivn feet from my stock. Let me sell you your Shoes, >o. and save you considerable >oney." R. M. Hood. FOUND?Pocketbook containing sum f money; owner may get same by aplying to J. L. Stevens. DR. A. U- OTT , DF NTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. o. 9941 * r REPORT OF THE THE FIRST NATIONAL i the State of South Carolina, at thi RESOI oans and discounts, including rediscot Vcrdial'U, secured |; unsecurei . S. Government securities owned an tock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 pel urniture and Fixtares bwiui reserve witn f ederal Reserve . ash in vault and net amounts due fror et amount due from banks, bankers i than included in Items 12, 13 or 14).. hecks on other banks in the same citi (other than Ttem 16,1 Total of Items 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. hecks on banks located outiatie of cit and other cash items edemption fund with U. S. Treasurei ur^r t iterest earned but not collected ?appi Receivable not past due Total . LIABI apital stock paid in urplus fund. . .. Innivided profits, less current expense uterest and discount collected or cred and not earned (approximate) .mount reserved for all interest accru irculatinor notes outstanding ashier's checks on own bank outstanc idividuat deposits subject to check . dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other tl subject to Reserve, Items, 34, 3? ertitlcates of Deposit (other than for ther time deposits.. Total of time deposits subject to I 43 nited States deposits: r. S. Government securities borrowed al security for same Total Uf the total loans and discounts sho\ nrt discount was charged at rates in e 197, Rev. Stat.) (exclusive of notes u] *nta was made) was NONE. The nu TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA?Cot I, J. L. Spratt, Cashier ot the above ?e above statement is true to the best ubscribed and sworn to before me thi Correct?Attest: T. B. Spratt, J. J, Phon For "the very best tli Groceries Our ye^rs of expe ness has taught us j people want and th ...ill ? in uc saiiMicu> 11 find in our shelves a Polite and prompt Ask Central for your wants. * , B. C. FEF LOST?Suitcase taken by mistake om Southern passenger train between harlotte and Rock Hill January 5th 'longing to a Winthrop 'student. M. . M. printed on it. Return to & W. MENDENHALL. Fort Mill S.C. 1^' '' I I something standard, son imp of approval? a few of the many stanc in our showrooms: paphs and Records, >n Oil Stoves, lichen Cabinets, ns, Schultz Pianos, Covering, ry article is absolutely i of every article we pla & WOLFE, mmamammmmmamammmmmsmga Our Fr IOur business is 1: of our many friends, a pect, as we always hoj friendship, loyalty and At this . time, tl thanks, and most cord ers and friends. Fort Mil : CONDITION OF RANK, AT FORT MILL, e close of business on Dec. 31, 1919. LJRCES. jnts, $275,945 59 tl, $Gz0.29, * 620 L9 d unpledged 107,760 00 r cent of subscription) 1,500 00 ? 2,350 00 Bank r 20.390 98 n not i/\nol konlf o C-l 0.4 1 (?? IIUl I"UIU UUI l(\0 ........ ui | lit I l_'U and trust companies, (other 881 85 ir or town as reporting bunk 588 57 i $05,812.28 y or town of reporting bank 118 00 and due fro pi U. S. Treas 2,000 00 roximate?on Notes and Hills 1,500 00 1 '. $478,487 14 LITIES. $40,000 00 ? . 10,000 00 ;s, interest and taxes paid 5,045 07 ited, in advance of maturity 7,100 00 led 1,000 00 ,... 40,000 00 ling 1,030 56 190,735 81 1,300 00 lan bank deposits) >, 36, 37, 38, 39, ..$192,035.81 , money borrowed) 29,322 f>0 118,555 00 teserve, Items 40, 41, 42 and ... $147,877.60 , without furnishing collater 34,406 00 '. ." $478,487 f4 vn above, the amount on which interest xces* of those permitted by law (Sec. pon which total charge not !to exceed 50 mber of such loans was NONE, inty of York, ss: -named bank, do solemnly swear that of my knowledge and belief. J. L. SPRATT, Cashier, s 12th day of Jan , 1920. W.J3. MEACHAM, Notary Public. . Bailee, Osmond Barber. Directors. te 29 I ie market affords in and Meats rlence in this busiiust what goods the at with which they hese goods you will it all times. attention to all. t. No. 29 and tell us | tGUSON. SALESMEN WANTED-To solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases arffl paints. Salary or Commissi >n. Address THE LENNOX OIL & PAINT CO., Cleveland, O. lething upofi which the buying public jjj lard lines of merchandise which we% j;J , Red Star Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves, - jij Allen's Princess Ranges, - t S Seward Traveling Goods, Gold Seal Corigoleum, Foster Ideal Beds. 0 { OTT A It A "MTTT.TCTl \V? @ ^ a m c lUTitv )uur g ice oil sale. ? ... fort Mill, S.C I ?@?QC5???????????????&???&? ' lends' Support mmmmammmmm irgely what it is because of the loyal support nd we trust that in the future we may ex>e to.deserve, a continuance of this spirit of I cooperation. 1 ere fore, we desire to extend appreciative j ial New Year's Greetings to all our custom I '! ^ We are as glad for this competition j as you should be. It helps to keep us on our mettle. f j Swift & Comnanv. ITS. A. i???- ?. , inbscribe to The Times for the Year 1920. $1^15 in Advance. / ' . - .r I Cooperative Store, I. S. PARKS, Manager. * IHIIII ????BW??B?BB?Bj? r? t How Competition Helps You ! $ The competition that exists , .1 among the hundreds of meat dis- p tributors, large and small, means Rivalry in Prices !'* i Rivalry in Service Rivalry in Economy Rivalry in Quality i } Swift & Company sells meat . at the. lowest possible price, consistent with quality and servica Our profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound on all products is < evidence of keen competition. Swift & Company must provide the f;'n t- A. M _ ? - -- H oesi service to your aeaier or ne will * buy from our competitors. This means a supply, of fine fresh meat always . on hand for you at your dealer's. Swift & Company must keep down manufacturing and selling costs, and use all by-products to avoid waste, or else lose money meeting* the prices of competitors who do. Swift & Company must make its products of the highest quality, or see you turn to others. This means betr ter meat for you and a greater variety I of appetizing, wholesome food.