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^ ^-r ^?^"StS/ tt #_ # ** J|;jfc ' : < ,_., ? ItodwihkdH^H v. J^B 71M Ifttelt^ AUMI IDCSi cfl^odw 8fttAD0 Simply uk your drouht for' Anuria fet^?ffV you^reS?r feriin|i; uj> to Memohis. 1entu>?"Dr. Piam'i'Anuria 9 fc tb^ for kidneys and backache that I have tvw total. *ta aoans thna nay Udotyi have been giving ntatot of trouble. I suffered with backaches and limb* ceusing'me ?lot of misery. On learnins of the Anurio Tablet* I began their una and they have given dm real relief when ether kidney medicines had failed to help,1' ?MBS. E. C. WILSON. 660 N. 6th St. Memphis, Tend.:?"Ever since I had typhoid fever my kidneys and bladder have caused me a great deal of suffering and inconvenience. I have Cased various advertised kidney remedies but until I took Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablets I could get only temporary relief. I can truthfully aay that Anuria has given m* more relief than anything I have eves taken." ?MRS. EVA GATES. 923 Tnomas St. KNOCKS OUT PAIS " jj-ffTHE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment* x This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to Penetrate xvithout rubbing and produce results. Clean, refreshing. At all drug stores. 35c, .70c, $1.40. Comfort Your Skin WithCuticuraSoap and Fragrant Talcum Soap 25c, Ofato-t 25 ml 50c, Talc? 2Sc. . In Hopeless Mood. Hkh "la your family trying to economize on clothes?" "Can't be done," declared Mr. Orowcher. "The leas material they put in gowns the more they uppear to f ARMISTICE! Constipation, Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Surcender to '' Cascirets' * Bring back peace! Enjoy life! Your system Is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin fallow, your stomach upset, your head dull and j||n aching. Your meals are turning Into ml poison gases and acids. You can not feel right. Don't stay bilious or constipated., Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without griping or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts Oil or nasty, harsh Pills. They cost sc little too?Cascarets work while you sleep.?Adv. ^ Photographs are seldom true to na* ture. No one qver saw a small boy as clean as he appears in a picture. The maiden hand of hope is a husband. L* * . } ' % To abort a cold and prevent com* plications, take lalottJas i. /The purified and refined fffjlomJ tahleta that are naueealeaa, aale and sure. Medicinal virtues retain* . ed and hnapmed. Sold HS v >^iAotx6f Afir&inst fijtBBW - . I h?:1 \ tvy ' -7 W- i| II WOBMUI t rlCWi ] ?? , Wtlfmr 7. Ombood, Oolondo'i I pur# food &n4 drug commissioner, | dm prepared the following article I foe reproduction In %everaleastern I magaalnes: I "It seems that It Is the eonsea^ aos of opinion, liow among aathorl- I ties that pellagra, which has been I so prevalent in thy southern states, I is caused by some error of diet. I Some food,fa eaten in excess, that I lacks the neoessary oonstitnenfs I to promote good health, or els? I some food is eaten which has bac I the desired elements extracted or I destroyed.' Soientists are groping I blindly in the dark -with as yes I only a measure of success in find- I lug what the trouble 1b. "They have about oonduded I that it la oansed by the lack of an I , element oalled vitaminee. THEY ARE A MYSTJRY.^ ''Nobody knows exactly' what I ' vitamtnea is. No one has been I able yet to catch one. None are I on exhibit in the national muse- I urns. But, still, it is known that they exist. "It is pretty definitely understood that vitamlnes do exist and what the lack of them produces liellagra. In endeavoring to ascertain what particular food Is lacking peculiar substance, we arrive at conclusions by eliminating one food after another, and then ticking np another for consideration. "At the present time, selfrising flaur is unqer consideration. This fl3ur ia considerable of a fake. Its p/lce is outjof all proportion to its j Intrinsic value. It's a lazy worn- | an's delight. Any woman who is I fool enough to puy the flour trust J irv .>rw *- ??? av uu w poi wiiu iiiuru lur a Dag of flour because she Is too lazy to Sut a teaspoonful of baking power in a quart of flour ouglit to have the pellagra. In fact, she ought never to be on speaking terms with vitamines. ORDINARY FLOUR. "Selfrlsing flour is simply ordinary flour containing a certain per cent, of phosphate of lime, or burnt alum, or both, and bicarbonate of soda. These are lust the ingredients that are usea in baking powder. The only difference is ihat in baking powder the water is dried out of all of <its inEedients and they are kept dry a tin can. uWhen they are putin the selfrising flour, however, the flour oontains a1 great deal ff moisture, and in a warm climate like in the southern states, when brought into contact with certain elements resembling nitrus acid in the flour, caused* by bleaching, the phoaf?hate of lime, or burnt alum, bong dampened and warmed by moisture in the flour, and in the , climate, attacks the bicarbonate of soda, decomposition takes place and the carbonic acid gas escapes through the flour. "It is thought that perhaps this slow prooess of deoomposition, or ' sweating, might result in robbing the flour of its vitamines and thus producing and spreading pellagra, until this is satisfactorily determined, we should take no chances unless wo desire to swell the coffers of the flour trust"?Denver "Express >Tov. in, 191th ?Adv. * Qood Neighbors. **Hpve you good neighbors?" "Fine. They haven't refused to lend as n single thing we've had to borrow, Sg far." ftRPPM'Q AlinilCT CI niAICD 1 Constipation invites other troubles which coine speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green's August Flower which Is a gentle laxatives regulates digestion both ' In stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach nnd sMmentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and Impurities from the blood. > 'It Is a sovereign remedy used in many thousands of households all over the civilized world for more than half a century by those who have suffered (with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, j sluggish liver, coming up of food, palpitation, constipation and other Intestlnol troubles. Hold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, take no substitute.?Adv. s Times Change. "In the old days a man had to be engaged before he ventured to address a lady by her first name." "Well?" "But now frequently a girl never knows the chappie's last name until they apply for the license." SHE THOUGHT DRESS WOULD LOOK DYED But "Diamond Dyes" Turned Her Faded. Old. Shabby Aonarel Into New. hon't worry nhout perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," gunranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,?dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings-1everything i The Direction Book with each pack* age tells bow to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer Show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card, r?AdV. > You can always tell an Inventor by the cloud of heckles who disappear when the Invention works. It's difficult to keep your circle of friends or. the square. MM ^ Morning sfiMn FCeepYbur Eyes saw ',> ' t\ ^ >''1 * ' ' r' ^ rC^fsi' 3^ JT i7 Z^SS^BE.*. .. _ - FlS2x?J i - ' ''' '. *- * :^C^^JP#< **y WP* to Bono tjllyqSMsny apMattuthat the tlasas ^WM^eahhy by taking The world's standard reined r lor kidney, Bw? bladder sad uric add troubles. Fuaou atnc IMS. Take regularly and keap in good health. In three sixes. All drufffata. Qoarsnteed as represented. leek fee the seie Csld Medal en seery baa aed accept no Mtatioo ' p*BSBS 1 Ward Off Influenza > by taking Si | at the sign of the first symptoms. _ Pepsated Aspirin is purex aspirin and pepsin compounded in tablet form. Retains all the medicinal qualties of aspirin, but I Doee Wot Upset the Stomach. TRAPPERS I Since 1876 thousands of trappers i have shipped us annually their en- i tire catch of ) n a ui e- n#* I catv ruK9 They knew they would receive epot cash and absolutely Jair and square treatment. Bend u your neat conslitnment of 8kunk, Koa, Bear, Muskrat. Opossum, Beaver, Raccoon, Lynx. etc. Highest Market Prlcsa No commission charred. Send tor price list today. OTTO WAGNER 134. 136. 138. 140 Wast,26th Street NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. I Whin Stomachs do their work*? 1 aid Itowels move uterallr. | DR. TUTTS UVER PILLS | make the stomach digest food I aad Bowels move as they ahoukfc | Diplomatic. "But how did you get lier to believe such mi outrageous lie?" "I told It to her lo strict confidence." ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin?say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' In a "Bayer package," containing prop er .directions for Headache," Colds Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bnyer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin toxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sal Icy Ilea eld.?Adv. The Fitting Place. "What action did the club take on that resolution to have an annual dinner?" "They laid It on the tnble." Constipation ctntrtlly Indicate* disordered ' stomach, liver and bowels. WrlghtVs Indian Vegetable Pills rsstors regularity without griping. Adv. You can forgive a person for almost anything except vocalizing. Don't look a gift horse In the month, | but try hlin In the trnees before dei cluing he's worth his feed. This most remarkable remedy tw 4 causes the stomach to act natu- ^k'| rally and keeps the bowels open. fggjrj MBSk?fi5Sfeovrs n? yw nifMin'i i niiiin AbMlutdy harmleM? compteta l?i ??h on ??> bottla?only very but faundUDU UMd. At mU drumgimtm. cQ^o?tt^%jUy<AA I KING PIN PLUG TOBACCO I Known as I "that good kind" I cIry it?and you wmhuwwhg DEATH RATTLE OF CALOMEL IN SOUTH Mm I* OMtmyiftft tate ef Dm|w>> mb ttmi wH^rMje *Uver You're billow, sluggish, constipated Bad believe you need vile, dangerous tttoawl to start your liver and dean ?4m bowels. Here's Dodson'a guarantee 1 Abk you druggist tor a bottle of Dodson'a Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. It It dpesn't start year liver and straighten yon right op better than ^calomel and without griping or making you sick | I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don't lose g day's work. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson'a Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly harmless, so give It to your children any time. It can't salivate so let them eat anything afterwards.?Adv. I Hint to Reformers. Doubtless the w?rld Is wicked enough, but it will not be Improved by the extension of a spirit wHlch self- ' righteously sees more to reform outside of itself than In Itself.?J. G. Holland. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. (1=4111 ' Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only?look for the name California on the puckage, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give It without fear. Mother I You must aay "California." ?Adv. Distinction of Grammar. "Does your wife play bridge still?" "No," replied Mr. Meekton ; "not If by 'still* you mean 'silent.' " WHEN MEALS DON'T FIT ' "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest Indigestion and Stomach Relief When meals bit back and your stomach is sour, acid, gassy, or you feel full and bloated. When yon have heavy lumps of pain or headache from Indigestion. Here Is instant relief. Just as soon as you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Dlapepsln all the dyspepsia, Indigestion and stomach distress caused by acidity ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape's ftlapepsln never fall to neutralize the harmful stomach acids and make you feel fine at once, and tbey cost mo little at drug stores.?Adv. Not Recognized. "What's to become of the social glass now?" "It will have to be cut glass soon." COLDS breed /jsSX Spread INFLUENZA^Pp KILL THE COLD ONCE WITH HILL'S ^ CASCARA^QUININE k &ROM\Vfc Standard cold remedy for 20 year* ?in tablet iorm?aafe, sure, no opiates?breaks up a cold in 24 hours?relieves grip in 3 days. Money back it it falls. The genuine box has a Red III!) with Mr. Hill'a Niilli/ vBh At Alt Dm* Star? HEARTBURN Caused by Abid-Stomach That bitter heartburn, belching, foodrepeating, Indigestion, bloat after eatingall are cauaed by acld-atomach. But tbay are only flrat aymptoma? danger atgnaia to warn you of awful troubles If not stopped. Headache, biliousness, rheumatism. sciatica, that tired, listless feeling, lack of energy, dtsslneas. Insomnia, aven canoer and ulcers of the Intestines and many other aliments are traceable to AC1D-8TOMACH. Thousands?yea, millions?of peopla who onght to be well and strong are mere weaklings because of acld-atomach. Thay really starve In the mldet of plenty beceuse they do not get enough strength and vitality from the food tl|ey eat. Take BATONIC and give your stomach a chance to do Its work right. Make It strong, cool, sweet and oomfortable. BATON IO brings Jgutok relief for heartburn, belching. Indication And hthhP ifnma/ih mlaarua tm. pro*** digestion?taalpa jrou cat fell strength from your food. Thousand* say MATONIC U tha moat wonderful stomach remedy la the world. Brought them relief whan a varythin* alaa failed. Our heat testimonial la what BATONIC will do for you. So gat a big Ue box at ATONIC today from your druetlat, uao It * day*?If you're not pleased, return It and gat your money back. FATO NIC AlBPUMJt QLVS-MIXD8 ANYTHING but h broken heart, {to Urge sample. Thomas Aircraft On, Ilf Mason aide., Houston. Ttx * * "DANDERINE" PUTS^l BEAUTY IN HAIR ' rv I Girls! A mass of lomg; thick, gleamy tresses ffPf^ Let "Da.nderine" save your hair and double Its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let It stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back Its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 85-cent bottle of delightful "Danderlne" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return?Hurry!?Adv. The Difficulty. "What do you think of street paving In the abstract?" "How can you take abstract views of a concrete subject?" Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggist who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there ie one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is roon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It ia on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this Seat preparation send ten cents to Dr. ilmer & Co., Bingharoton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Books. Some books are edifices to stnnd ns they ure built; some are hewn stones ready to form a piirt of future edifices; some are quarries from which stones an* to he spilt for shaping and after uy.?Holmes. Dont Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, rendering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 25c each everywhere.?Adv. Even real estate men occasionally build castles In the air. Most of life's shadows result from standing in our own light. "Wei TO FARMER! their* Fertile 'j ample supply want the genuine, The 1 Ft 1? c nrvi B r. o. i\u I Norfolk, Va. Ri I Charlotte, N. C. Wa I Atlanta, Ga. N j i , fV V v. * ' nFfc* -4' *- V ?* ; .\ \. Kills Germs To Tbote Who Raise Horses, PER-SUL IB AN ENTIRELY NEW Ol IZKR AND ANTISEPTIC. PER-SUL has two marked charactc GERMS?the other; RESTORES HBALT1 IT CORES?WHITE DIARRHOEA. Q. HEAD) AND CANKER IN POULTRY. QUADRUPEDS Has dona wonderful work In arrastln The constant use of PER-SUL Is the can buy. Valuable for coagulating and stopplni NOW SOLD BY Kir People's Drug Store. Smllmbury. N. C. Th< Purlins A Bonnoltt. Darlington. A C. Mitchell's DrUg Storr. Sumter. A C. Murrey Drue Store. Columbia. 8. C. """"We want a dealer In every town. If to us direct for information and for free of cattle, poultry and hogs. Ninety cents In postage stamps will 1 by parce) post. WESTMORELAND CHEMICAL A COI *? X^yUU12=yJL!=y UV^ No "Garage" for Him. Edwin hud seen n cemetery where there were ninny mausoleums. One day he snld to his mother: "When I die. n I don't want to he buried In one of j n> those Karaites in the cemetery." 1 o , s< "Cold In the Head" p Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. PerRons who are subject to frequent "colds | m In the head" will And that the use of I fl HALL'S CATAHKH MEDICINE will E build up the System, cleanse the Blood | I and render them leas liable to colds. , V Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may M lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINK la tak- I % en Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tne System. d All Druggists 75c. Testimonlala free. I I $100.00 for any case of catarrh that I HAI.T.'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. | _ F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. j L When the spider captures u fly he B considers it n net gam. u I si ! $1 There nre no Hies on Father Time. | ? He Is nlwnys on the fly. 1 BOYSTnraM fflFmuzeRmi jgy ^VSi^^l have the ] S who know the value of fis ;er\ we announce that we r of fish scrap to meet all d original Fish Scrap Fertilize TRADE MARK REGISTERED fertilizer That A sh Scrap Famov fSTER GUANO COl chmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. shington, N. C. Columbia, S. C. [aeon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Mot Baltimore, McL Toledo, Ohio. ?Is a Tonic , Cattle, Hog* and Penny >ORLE88 DISINFECTANT. DEODO*? Jjp? ' iriatlca. One; DE8TROTB DISBASB '^riP APES. ROUP. CHICKIDNPOX(SORN AND NUMBERLESS DISEASES Dt J * /. g the ravagee of Hojt Cholera. very beet Live Stock Insurance |W r the flow of blood. kland Distributing Co., Colombia, t CL 1 i i Qeer Drug Co.. 8partanburg UN 4aiai Charleston. S C. , Oordon Mdee. Co., Oreenvllle. S C. The Wohltmann Co.. Charleston. 8. C.. | there Is none in your locality, writ* M ..'49 booklets on treatment of all diseases >rlng you a IS os. bottle of FKR-8UI* I ,OIt COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA # _ Q BOU) rOK 00 YEAKS trwfo for malaria,1 Htl In chills and fever DKIIIC S?s?*?iS*3S ML# ?T ALL MM ITMBA DANCING-FREE an expert dancer. Learn at home. Mjr J 'vr. wonderful. Illuatreted method of danec. Send 11.(0 for Walts. I will give free ne-8tep and Fox-Trot with every order. nd for free booklet on Dnncln*. PKOF. O. r.RICKSON . O. Box ?? Joplln Mek c /V?v \ Money back without qceatloa ~ \l If HUNT'S SAI.VK falls In the ?^;vy- \l treatment of ITCH. ECZBMA, ^VT K/J RINOWORM.TOTtTERorother 1 f py Itching akin dlaeaaea. Price J A 75c at ilruatriata. or direct from < I/) || llchirti Mteiclnt Co. Stitrmsja. REGKLES ISsSSk I'V A ItAKKKI. OK KAMOl'H HOUTH KORtilA HlliAR CANR $1.25 par niton. 35 Knllon barrrla. Trn pound cnna 1.40, nil f.o.b. earn, l.ann A Co., Omega, (la -r?- - : ? ? . -a l/V. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 2-1920, md Coveralls Jigo Cloth are the most VuS :nt? for farm work. The _ VS pattern* of this sturdy jrfTfjhL VI abric positively will not M the cloth in your work \L. .1 1 ives the wear?so look r jrV I emark on the bach of JTK i intiJe the /rarment to ?_? - I FRESH - CRISP - WHOLESOME- DELICIOUS THI *AHITAJ*Y METHODS APPLIED IM TNI MAKING OP THESE BISCUITS MAKE THEM THE STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE &MT 0mIit tuf Bus. or if not h# Komld. AoV. him or writs ss ^iniii) tus name. :hattanooga bakery Fish .t~ a .... >n cluu want it in have laid in an lemands. If you r, insist on j y lade ' % is VMPANY ' v, fell Tarboro, N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. ltgomery. Ala.