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IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORU) OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OP THIS ANO OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS QIVEN THE NEWSJjTTHE SOUTH What la Taking Plaoa In Tha South land Will Bo Found In Ertof Paragraphs OomHic The New Year received a widely and varied welcome in New York City on ! New Year's Eve night. In the big hotels of the White Light district the newcomer was welcomed by the private stock-holding class with all exuberance of days when prohibition'was still a reformer's dres and a Jest. The exuberance of the privateotockless citizens was, however, decidedly restrained. The customary crowds thronged Broadway, but the cowbells ... ana norns wmcn on previous New Year's nights threatened the eardrums of everyone within hearing, were much modulated in tone and there was little of the riotous horseplay that previous years had known. Prizes aggregating more than two ' million dollars will be divided among aviators in competitions being arranged throughout the world in 1920 under the direction of the International Aeronautic Federation, according to ^announcement at New York City. All ' American competitors will be selected by the Aero Club of America. A survey of the medical centers of Virginia and other southern states has begun to arrange for an allotment of the one hundred million dollar ltocke feller fund. Major Qen. Leonard Wood filed a formal announcement of his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination with the South Dakota secretary of Btate at Pierre. Four unmasked robbers, shortly be fore noon, entered the Farmers and Merchants National bAnk of Benson, a suburb of Omaha, Neb., lined six employes and Ave customers of the bank against the wall and robbed the vault of one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars, most of which was in negotiable paper and Liberty Bonds. An experiment in psychology was tried at the county jail in Chicago in the grizzly dim hour of dawa recently, when two hundred prisoners were forced to witness the hanging of a convicted murderer. The most hardened criminals were selected to witness the execution. Continuation of government nitrate plants at Muscle Shoals, Ala., to manufacture fertilizer products during peace time, ie urged by Secretary Baker upon a special house committee investigating war expenditures. He Bays only twelve million dollars ia necessary to be appropriated to make the venture a success. Turn K1ru>lra In th? wHoIaraIa rillllrict were destroyed bv fire on the. water . front, entailing a losa which early estimates placed at between $350,000 and $500,000, and plunging the business section of the city of Tampa. Fla? into darkness by cutting off the electric light and power before the flames were checked. p v JiVnchln*rfon Toe government deficit from railroad operation during November will be approximately $64,600,000, a low record for the year, accordlhg to statistics compiled by the bureau of railway economics. Proposals for the purchase of the former German passenger ships seized when the United States entered the war?the Leviathan, the largest vessel afloat^ the Agamemnon, the George Washington and others?will be received by the shipping board up to January 20. Only American buyers' kbids will be considered. The greatest round-up of radicals In the nation's history was conducted ft by the department ot jugtlve agents in thirty-three cities?the larger citHH ies .being New York, Baltimore, BosBS ton, Buttalo, Chicago. Cleveland, Denver, DesMoines, Detroit, Grand RapIB Ids, Hertford, Indianapolis, JacksonTitle, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Lou isvllle, Milwaukee, Newark, Omaha, MB Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Portland (Maine), Portland (Oregon), Provi|^M deuce, San Francisco, Scranton, Spokane, St. Louis, Si. Paul, Springfield (Massachusetts),, Syracuse, Toledo ^^B and Trenton?stretching from coast W to coast. Over fifteen hundred rad^ icals are reported to have been taken in cusfody. New Year's greetings from the heads of a number of foreign governments were received by President Wilson. Messages came from England, Belgium, Luxemburg, Sweden, Italy and several other European countries and from most of the South American reI HB? Publics. Evidence gathered by the department of justice relative to the alleged leak In decisions ot the United States 8upreme court will be'submitted to a federal grand Jury in January. It is announced at the department ot JuaiJ^MLegialation subjecting the manufacture and sale of wood alcohol to the same restrictions as grain alcohol will be recommended to congress m a re;*alt of the many fatalities from the nee of wood alcohol as a beverage. Commissioner Roper of the bureau of Internal revenue in Washington baa % I ? ! Ellhu Root, former - secretary of state, at Washington, will be called upon to give hia assistance and advice to the launching of the great international supreme court provided under the league of nations. Of the instrumentalities which are to be set in motion almost immediately upon the proclamation of peace, the international court of justice is regarded by the supreme council as of ranking importance. Consequently, that body, through its secretariat in London, already had gone so far as possible in advance of the actual declaration of peace toward the creation of the.court. An army M 85,000 enumerators are at work counting the men, women and children of the United States and of collecting certain information about resources of the country. The taking of this census, the fourteenth in the history of the nation, is expected to require only about two weeks, but figures showing the total population probably will not be available until the I end of April. President Wilson has signed the Mc! Nary pill continuing the United States sugar equalization board through 1920. It was announced at the White House that his signature had been attached before midnight, Jan. 1, 1920. Because the successful solution of the economic and financial problems of the coming year domands the concentrated efTort of every American citizen, the savings division of the treasury department urged that each adopt | and live up to an individual financial creed and course of conduct. Celebration of January 18, the first Sunday after constitutional prohibition, as Law and Order Sunday was indorsed by Daniel C. Roper, commissionor of internal revenue, at Washington, in a statement appealing for an "aroused public conscience" with regard to law enforcement and promts ing that prohibition would be enforced strictly by his bureau. Coat plus contracts fostered fraud and Inefficiency, Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, technical expert in the army engineer corps, testified before a house sub-committee investigating war expenditures. Samuel Qompera, president of the American Federation of Labor, In a New Year statement, pledged America's workers to do their full share in working put the country's problems in 1920. Continued industrial activity is predicted by the committee on statistics of the chamber of commerce of the United States in its annual end-of-theyear review of business and crop conditions. Manufacturers, the report said, have orders in excess of their ca, pacity. and in the retail trade there Its a feeling of confidence of the continuation until another harvest at least. For el en | Germany's armed forces are estimated by the British war office at London to total close to one million men. These are divided into the regular i army of four hundred thousand, the ' land forces of the regular navy, twelve thousand; the armed constabulary, for' ty thousand to fifty thousand; the temporary volunteers, or regular army reserves, one hundred and fifty thou, sand to two hundred thousand, and . the civic guards, three hundred thou' sand to four hundred thousand, wh}ch is a formidable force. The first step toward peace between Esthonla and Soviet Russia was taken by the signing of a preliminary armistice at Dorpat, Esthonla, stipulat1 ing an Immediate cessation of hostilities, and covering questions concerning Esthonlan and military guarantees with regard to the frontiers. Bolshevik Russia is willing to make great concessions to the big powers j in the interests qf peace, but will not hold out the olive branch to General Denikine, according to M. Klish ke, secretary of the Soviety delegation 1 conferring with Esthonian delegates ' at Dorpat. "A j oar ago we would j have considered peace with General Denikine, but now it is a fight to the finish," Klishke said. M. Tchitchenkin, Bolshevik foreign minister, has proposed to Italy a re sumption of relatione between thai v?< >. j hiiu oviioi nuBSia, uuiumg ouI that the imminent capture of the Black sea coast by the Soviets will open the Bluck sea route to Italy, is : the news received in London from | Moscow. Bolshevists have occupied the importalant stations of Yusovo and Dolia, and are marching towards the seaport of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov, A quantity of guns and booty were captured, us was also the entire Mark hoff division, one of Denikine's finest corps. Until the Germane complete the sweeping of the mine fields they laid in tne North sea there will be considerable danger to shipping in waters adjacent to the British Isles. Even after that work is ended, some time next summer, there will be some danger, it is predicted, but will gradually diminish. Three exhausted and half-frozen men, sole survivors of the crew ol twenty-nine of the Belgian steamer Anton Van Driol. were taken to St Johns, Newfoundland on the steamer Ingraham. For two days and two nights the three men had clung to the wreck of their steamer as it lay on the Jagged rocks that barred the entrance to St Mary's bay. The avalanches which recently occurred at the mountain resort of Davis, near Geneva, canned terror among residents and visitors and resulted In a number of deaths la the vlilsgs itself. > ' THE CONGRESS HAS MUCH IRK AHEAD .. . '' | ONLY EXPECT RECES8E8 WHEN PARTY CONTENTIONS ARE IN FALL 8E88ION8. HOPE TO CLOSE UP TREATY f General Tarolff of Internal Revenue Tax Revision Legislation is Not EXpected at Present 8eaalon. Washington.? Congress reconvenes after a fortnight's holiday with months of hard work in sight and adjournment expected by few leaders before the presidential campaign. The only recess looked for is a brief one in summer when the national party conventions are in session. Innumerable domestic and industrial problems await the attention of Congress, with partisan politics of the coming presidential election prominently to the fore. Political speeches of presidential candidates and mem' bers of Congress up for reelection are expected to flood the record. The senate returns in the hope of disposing of the German peace treaty \ this month, but without substantial results trom compromise negotiations ( during the holiday recess. Many investigations will be pros- 1 ecuted by both senate and bouse. Besides the house war expeditures inquiry, senate committee will continue j the Mexican investigation, here and on the board. General tariff of internal revenue | i tax revision legislation is not planned during the present session of Con| gress, although minor house bills af- t fecting individual tariff schedules will < reach the senate. MANY LIVES ARE LOST IN EARTHQUAKES IN MEXICO. Mexico Clt>. ? Scores of persons have been killed in a violent earthquake which occurred in many parts ' of Mexioo. The center of the disturbance Is believed to have been near th? volcano-of Orizaba. ITALIAN PREMIER TO MEET ALLIED STATESMEN. Rome.?Prdmier Nitti left for Paris where he has been invited to meet Premier Lloyd George and Premier Clemenrean. nnH imooiKi,. * 1 ?? ?? ? pv/uui uijr a i-i AlllOll* I can representative. It is understood an effort will be made to settle the Flume question. AN UNRELENTING SEARCH FOR , REDS AND RADICAL8 GOES ON. New York.?Armed with more than 800 warrants, federal agents and police detectives continued their search for radicals accused of plotting to overthrow the government, who escaped the government's dragnet which has netted 700 prisoners in the past 24 hours in Greater New York. i . SECRET TURKISH CIRCULAR FINDS WAY TO WASHINGTON. Washington. ?A copy of a secret Turkish circular, dated November 28 addressed to the provincial authorities and bearing the seal of the minister of the interior, reached Washington, ordering the forcible conversion to Islam of a few non-deported Armenians and those who have e?i raped massacres and death by privai tlons and sickness. I i international market for i international securities. i New York.?Establishment of an International securities market as the most normal and exnedltlous means of providing the war-stricken countries i of Europe with lone term credits, was | recommended hv Eugene Meyer. Jr., i managing director of the war finance i coporatlon, in rn address before the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents. 4750000 FIRF IN DANVILLE, JWIRGINIA Danville. Vn.?Fir* originating In the dhhrdl usrdlu hshrdlu uu ourni no the department store of Z. R. Johni son, In the heart of the ctty here, at I I>:30 o'clork destroyed the department store and eight or ten other buildings ; i in the block from Market to Union 1 streets and Is still raging. The dam- 1 i ape Is estimated at $750,000. Five comapnle8 of the local Are depart* ment are endeavoring to prevent tho , blaze from spreading. 1 I RADICALS HOPE BY LEAVING TO E8CAPE DRAGNET OF LAW ' New Yoric.?Characterizing the lat- ' i eat government raid on 'reds" as an i "tdlotle and cruel' method of "perse- { cutlng and suppressing people," Chas. i Recht, an attorney retained by many of the radicals sent to Ellis island, Issued a statement In which he declared many of the alien radicals wUl leave I the country as soon as possible to escape the government's dragnet This may, or may not be winked at by government officials. Jr. FIVE YEARS OF SUFFERING Eupora Lady Broke, Down and Was Most Miserable, But Cartiui Brought Reiief and Now She Is Well. En porn, Miss.?Mrs. B. EL Tedder, recently spoke as follows: "About Ave years ago ... I broke down und took to my bed. What I suffered no one knew, I was In so much nolo from ni.v knees to my waist, cramping and drawing, until I thought I would certainly die. I grew so weak I couldn't eat. and to dizzy und faint and every time I stood on my feet I had the most miserable and heuvy feeling in the lower purt of my body. I began on Cardul. It strengthened me after a few doses and diminished the . . . after the first bottle. I commenced to feel better. [ regained my appetite ... I took the Cardul right along . . . 1 am well und strong. That has been four years. I can do ull my work aud [eel fine." ? Curdul has been found to be a valuable tonic for women. It Is composed of harmless medicinal ingredients, which act In a mild and gentle way on the system and help to build up the body and nerves. Youft. druggist sells Cardul. Try It. Adv. ' There Is n vast difference between the lay of a pdet and the lay of a pullet. Two can starve more quickly than tine. Watch Your Kidneys! That "bad back" is probably due to weak kidneys. It shows in a dull, throbbing backache, or share twinges when stooping. You have headache*, too, dizzy spells, a tired nervous feeling and irregular kidney action. Don't neglect it?there is danger of dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease! Use Doan'a Kidney Pills. Thousandth h^ve saved themselves more serious ailments by the timely use of Doan'a. Ask Your Neighbor! A South Carolina Case E. H. Field, Wahalla St., Seneca, 8. C.. jeVj says: "My kidneys were weak and my back ached. I wna nervous and had head- 'eejv \i aches and was also - M \<J troubled with dizzy X Jkr/VM spells when black specks would come be- ?-L/ J* / fore my eyes. Sharp -J ,/fl fcspC pains wo\tld shoot fl J5E5 through me and morn- H41 ri lei lngs I was so lame tP3f. ttMl.HTQ ana sore 1 could hnnl-W !y get around. My kldneya were weak iw>fct_y/ and acted too fre- * ??? ^ quently and the secretions were highly colored. I used Doan'a Kidney Pills .and they made me feel like a new person." Get Dean's at Any Store. ?0e a Bo* DOAN'S "/."JLV FOSTEg-MILBmW CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. J| Horse Owner & who haaerer tried r Yager's SJ Liniment m will readily admit c? that it is by Or the * but and ami*conomIcal liniment for general stable use. For strained ligaments, spavin, harness galls, sweeny, wounds or old sores, cuts and any enlargements. It gives quick relief. It contains twice as much as the usual 60 cent bottle of liniment. At all dealers. Price 35 cents YAGER'S LINIMENT L GILBERT BROS. * CO. Baltimore, Ed. "ONLY ONE THING ~~ 8REAKS_MY COLD! That's Dr. King's New Discovery for fifty years a cold-breaker" NOTHTNO bat sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Noth us inii sure rener rrom stubborn old colds and onrushinc new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King's New Discovery the nationally popular and standard remedy It Is today. Fifty years old and always reliable. Rood for the whole family. A bottle In the medicine cabinet means a shortlived cold or cough. 60c. and $1-20. All druggists. Give It a trial. Regular Bowels It Health Bowels that move spasmodically? free one day and stubborn the next? should be healthfully regulated by Dr. King's New lJfe Pills. In this tray you aeep the Impurities of waste matter from circulating through the system by cleansing the bowels thoroughly and proibotlng the proper flow of bile. Mild, comfortably 7?t always reliable, Dr. King's New Llfo Pills work with pieclslon without the constipation results of violent purgatives. 25c. as usual at all druggist*. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Mrs. J. Christm&n Proved That Lydia EL Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound is a Kemedy tor this Trouble. * Binghamton, N. Y.?was In a very nervous condition for over a year, my ild see nought on /thing, could not re anyone^ to see le^didnotlhel^rne i m^s ^Vegetable ration."?Mrs. J. Christman, 193 Oak Street, Binghamj ton, New York. I The success of Lydlu E. Pinkham'a I Vegetable Compound, made from roots 1 ana herbs, is unparalleled. It may be : used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from nervous prostration, displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion and dizziness. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is the standard remedy for female ills. If there are any complications about which you need advice write in confidence to Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Moss. RELIEVES COLD THE CHEST j You can't afford to trifle with a cold in the chest. It ; may lead to pneumonia, influenza, on other serious trouble. MoteehSJOY jn ^"Ptmd, ftATtnc lives quick relief and prevents pneu> I mortis. You Just apply*it to the P throat and chest, and rub it in. It K quickly penetrates to the seat of the P < Inflammation, and congestion dis- I appears like magic. I I Mother's Jqy Sal re is harmless I and soothing, and can be applied to I the tender est baby akin without u Irritating effects. Thousands of MM users testify thct It never foils to MM relieve congestion and croup. Caesa Cress* For CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA A PNEUMONIA Mothers should keep a Jar of Drama's Vapomrathe Helve convenient. When Croup, lnflueasa or Pneumonia threatens this delightful saiTv HHH Wfell into UJ* Inroat. chml and tinder the arms, will relieve the ebokiatf, blMk oBfMtlon and promote restful sleep. who. hot auin me domes Ms. Wt el St sa Irag mm m seat pespalS fcy BrsmeDrniiCo. N. Wllkeeboro, N. C. { SMB v#*i I AflBS tmj$* I g a nc viu rviiduiv ( | BLACK-DRAUGHT I | for Stock and poultry B | | Ask your merchant! | I Merchants: aak your Job txria pj | saloamon sMout B?C Dee! U Polk Miller's Liver Pills The Good Old Fashioned Kind that have been doing Good Work (or 50 years without change of formula. More popular than ever. Great in Malaria, Sick headaches. Constipation and Biliousness. At all druggists. Manufactured by Polk Miller Drug Co., 1 A. Inc* Richmond, Va. lUCe A Bad Cough If oagbctad, often leads to Mriow trouble. Bafecuerd yonr health, roUeva your dtitwi end soothe your Irritated throat by tatHim PISO'S Igg9 neither Qgttin,>^r^nen? BBRSHU I ( Exact Copy of Wrapper. ^ Watch the Little P They are N Unsightly and Disfiguring Sig- ui nals of Bad Blood. Pimples on the face and other n< ?>arts of the body 'are -warnings l'' rom Nature that your blood Is r sluggish and impoverished. Some- b< times they foretell eczema, boils, th blisters, and other skin disorders pi that burn like flames of fire. w They mean (hat your blood needs ly S. S. S. to cleanse it of these im- at pure accumulations that can cause Li MADE HIS ARGUMENT GOOD R Small Johnny Drew on Biblical Knowl- R edge to Convince Mother of Danger He Was In. Ten-year-old John lives next door to a little girl near his own age. The d< mothers are good friends niul insist on pi their children being playmates. Rut ?U this doesn't suit John, who wishes to D get out with the hoys. So he tries his ol best to start a quarrel whenever play- h< time with Edith arrives. And the ex- Y plnnntlons for this trouble, which he s< offers to his. mother are often elnb- vl ! orate. st Last Wednesday he had succeeded dt In making Edith angry. Like a little m fury she flew at him and pulleda his A hair. Then John went home to make Q the announcement that no longer d< would he play with this girl. "I can't Q ?that's all," he ended. "It's danger- si ous for me." K Ills mother smiled. "Oh, I think la not." she comforted. "It Isn't such nl a cnlnmlty to lose n few hairs." h( "Well this Is Just the beginning," ei John returned, "and remember whnt In | happened to Samson Just on account In of a woman." al G Politics Is generally the defense when It Is an offense. The greater the extravagnnce the m sooner the crash. fli ~| j coffee ti I Vani [ v/hen the tat changed froi \ Postum Its rich flav S it fully accei H -LI -- * ? mose wno n but find coff ( like ihem* ( This healthful ia has not incite at ( At Grocers and C i Two Si: j Usually" sold ai ( Mad?"by Po stum'Cereol < V | ' **5-Si L-; \ ' ^ ' v.*)?*- "46i iS 'ASTORIA for Infants and Children. lathers Know That Genuine Castoria Always A, ears tho nlr 1 Jr vX- Use j For Over Thirty Years iASTORIA TNI OINTAUR COMPANY. N?W TOR* OfTY. imnlpc* r? ature's Warding ilimitcd trouble. This remedy is ie of the greatest vegetable impounds known, and contains > minerals or chemicals to injure ie most delicate skin Go to your drug store, and get < ittle or S. S. S. today, get rid of lose unsightly, disfiguring pimes, and other skin irritations. It ill cleanse your blood thorough. For special medical advice free, Idress Medical Director, 41 Swift aboratory, Atlanta, Ga. ARE DOUBLES TO MONARCHS esemblances, Fancied and Real, Have Given Rise to Some Highly Imaginative Stories. Most inonnrchs possess nt least one . jtkji mible, hut so far the double of the resent shah of 1'ersln has not been Iscovered. His grandfather, Nasr-edIn, had a famous double In the person ! Edmund Yatee. The resemblance stween these two was so striking that ntes* photographs were sold In Brus?ls as the shah's when* Nnsr-ed-Dln Islted thnt city. However, ho never * lffered through the possession of a juble as another monarch did, if we my credit a theory of Andrew Lang's, ccordlng to that Ingenious historian, ueen Elizabeth and Darnley were aubles. The second husband of Mary ueen of Scots was not, as Is generally jpposed, blown up In the exploslpn of Irk o' Field, but escaped Into Eng* ind.. He then somehow got Elizabeth \ his mercy and ultimately secured f>r throne, posing as the queen to the id of his days. Thanks to the amatig resemblance between the two, the uposture was not discovered until Tter Darnley's death.?Manchester uardlap. Case of Wait. "Do you believe In long engageents?" "No, but where you gonna id a flnt?" < n roubles [| sh ! tie drink is > m coffee io ) Cereal j V/JL lllCLlYtJO > piable to \ ike coffee . ) ee doesrii ] ' j hie Beverage ) red in price , \ Leneral Stores > tea ) b i3i;an<T29^ j CaBattUCfceelc.Micfi. J I I I ^