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*' |^J;. "v ' ? v- A f . %. <jjj ? . ,* .* ?. V 4^. ?s3 '' ! THE MOST DANGE * B9 organ* of tho human body ax* ao fenoirtant to health and long me as the C Mi STs^sa.'&fi^'Si; Stater la In sight. * , _ ml out what the double is with- _ at Mar. Whenever you feel nervous, T weak, dissy, Buffer from sleeplessness, " or have pains in tho bade, wake up at " once. Tour kidneys need help. These are * aigna to warn you that your kidneys p are not performing their functions I properly. They are only half doing a theur work and are allowing imparities j to accumulate and be converted into t arle add and other poisons, which . are causing you distress and will de- * strey yon unless they are driven from J your system. I SPOHN'S D1 [cyf f s \q\ is the one indlspeni Kb Ug|n ,1^1 tious diseases arnoi ton I-. B |j?| preventive and c PvVllfl viJ COUGHS and COL.I JO&K^JcrJ the highest tribute dorsed by the best XtYij c.Oyr lea. Buy it of you SPOHN Mi: 1)1 A rich uncle's will power Is often the making of a young man. 1 Dr. Peery'i "Dead Shot" U not a "lorenae" T "ittud. but a real old-fn?hlon^fl dona of 1 ?fit11 in which cleans out Worms of Taps* 1 with a slncle doss. Adv. In the Right Place. j "Where was that tongue of land sit- j aated you were tnlklng about?" "Joat at the mouth of the river." ! i Important to Mothera examine carefully every bottle of j CASTORIA, that famous old remery Jar Infants and children, and see that it "*",ore \ la Use for Over 30 Years. , Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria | Principal and Interest. "What are the principal places of \ Interest here?" I The offices of the money lenders." ( GREEN'S AUGUST . FLOWER. ' Constipation Invites other troubles 'wblch come speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green's JLngust Flower which Is a gentle laxative. regulates digestion both In focnarh and intestines. ; cleans and mreetens the stomach nnd alimentary i canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile nnd Impurities from the blood. , 1 is a sovereign remedy,used in many thonsands of ^households all over the , efviiixed world for more than half a Mnfnpv he u-hn Wr? n.? ?w*j iiivou n iiu imvr auirtrrt'u ; ] with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal- , litation, constipation nnd other In- 1 tmtlnai troubles. Sold by druggists nd dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, Hake no substitute.?Adv. Dinner Invitation Declined. "We're Invited to the Browns for dinner tomorrow night," said he enahnxiasti cully. "We're not going," she replied. "Why not? We have no engagement for tomorrow evening. The Browns re good friends of ours." "Thai's all right, but we're not goteg there for dinner. That man Brown i tea altogether too much liquor In his rellnr. If you spend an evening there TW have to drive the enr home. I'm taking no chances." Consolation. "I-gash, you'll have to excuse me, Mr. Mulllnnx!" apologized through the ctased door the landlord of the Petunia tavern to the Kansas City newspaper man who had been aroused front Ma slumber by mine host's knocking. *^1 jWurnh forgot to call you at slx-thlrttr-^t's eight-thirty now, and your train lkos been gone forty minutes. So you ?an sleep Just as* long us you want to."?Kansas City Star. I Brought to the Test. T)o you think there's a chance of imbibition being repealed, after nil?" "I hope not," answered Uncle Bill Mottfetop; "anyhow, not soon." "I thought you didn't quite appfnve %M prohibition." "1 don't quite. But for years folks lore been talking about a lot of chaps Suit 'ud he such wonders if they didn't drfnk, an' I want to see 'em get a little more time to make good."?Washington Star. Batter and axle grease look alike to m nifin In )nvn ' ??? Nervous? Res Ever Have H How about y cup of coffee' Suppose you t Instant' This delightful < possesses a fine vor, but has nor ful after-effect ^ coffee so' often ous, red-bloodec less, too. Mad< Potttim Cereal Company, ' \rfav (jyy >-, . ^ yX Sold by Grocer# ai p?RCHJS >F ALL DISEASES Q?t some GOLD MEDAL Hitrlm Ml Capsule* at one*. Tbey are an old, ried preparation used all over tba wld for centuries. Thar contain only ld-fashioned, soothing oGa combined 1th strength-firing and system-desnsag herbs, well known and used by phyiciana in their dally practical. GOLD 1EDAL Haarlem Qnl Capsules are fan* orted direct from the laboratories in lolland. Tbey are convenient to take, nd will either aire prompt relief or our. money will be refunded. Ask for hem at any drug rftore, but be sure o get the original imported GOLD XEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes, n sealed packages. Three sizes. H EVERT STABLE ISTEMPER COMPOUND table remedy tor contagious and lnfeclg horses and mules. Its success as a ure for DISTEMI'GR, FINK ET1C, >S for more than twenty-flve years Is to Its merit ns a medicine. It Is enhorsemen and live stock men In Amerr druggist. ICAL CO.. Goshen. Ind., V. 8. A. Sninrt pupils are turned out by I eachers who wield the rod. TONIGHT! Take "Cascarets" if sick, Bilious, Constipated. Enjoy life! Straighten up! Your system is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, pour stomach upset, your head dull and aching. Your meals are turning Into poison and you cannot feel right. Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without griping or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too?Cascarets work while you sleep.?Adv. Those Girls. Kitty?Jack was miserable when he kissed me good-by at the station. Catty?I don't pity him one bit; he didn't have to kiss you. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the Mucoub Surfaces ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor any case of Catarrhal n?afn??? b? cured by " HALL'S " CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Rightly Named. Two well-dressed women ml led on a rather hurd-up neighbor. One of these women commented on her hostess' dress, making the poor little woman blush with pleasure. When the call was over and the two friends were outside one said crossly: "Why did you call that thing Mrs. Illank had on 'a creation?' It wasn't new, to say the least." "I know. That's why I called It n creation. It was about us old as that." ?St. l'aul Dispatch. Not So Shrinking. Orayes?She seems a tltuld, tlowerllke girl. I.elgh?Well 7 Orayes?Do you think her mother would allow her to go to the theater without a chaperon? Leigh?Why. I think so. mv boy. Phe drove an ambulance in France during the war.?London Answers. New Torms. The tonst at the breakfast table was uiuri in ,1, 1-.''|IITIHI1,V I lit* pit'W IIHIQ Joseph got. Ho 8U*veyed It in cop* corn for n minute n'Ul turned to the niaUl who was fixTig his oatineal. "Milk it, Mary, milk it," he commanded. Enigmatic. Father?Can the girl you are courting tnafce a good batch of bread? Son?Well, she can handle the dough all right. tless at Night? eadaches? our daily \ > ? ry a change to 1 Postum :ereal beverage * coffee-like flale of the harms thru which prevents \vigor1 health* ^(Zosts I \ .by , Battle Creek, Michigan id General Store*. rnr-, COTTOK KILLS PAY LARGE DIVIDENDS UNEXAMPLED PROSPERITY IE SHOWN IN REPORT OF THE WOODSiuH MILLS. RICHMOND GETS CONVENTION The Convention of the Cotton Manufacturers Association at Greenville Was Largely Attended. Greenville.?At a meeting of the directors of the Woodside Cotton Mills company here, a 20 per cent stock dividend on all common stock of record December 15, and payable January 1 was declared. In addition to the regular semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent on the common, and 3V4 on the preferred stock. rucnmona, va., was cnosen ior me 1920 annual convention of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association at a largely attended meeting of the board of governors of that organization held at the Poinsett club here. Gen. L. D. Tyson of Knoxville and the chairman of the executive committee and president of the South Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' Association also met with the American manufacturers. Charleston.?John Young, a freight conductor of this city for the Atlantic Coast Line, lost his life when caught between a flat car and a tank at the Standard Oil works. He was crushed fatally, dying before medical aid could reach him. Heath Springs.?Leslie Horton, the bright little 10-year-old son of Postmaster A. P. Horton here, was seriouly injured when he fell from his father's horse. He sustained a fractured skull and was still unconscious when carried to a hospital in Rock Hill on the evening train. Columbia.?Mose H. Mobley, county treasurer, said that he intended to file a statement with the supervisor showing the income derived from salary and fees, in accordance with the recommendation of the grand jury. He is keeping a record in his office and will turn over his statement at the close of the year. Chester.?At the request of the headquarters of the Southern Public Utilities Company of Charlotte the exhibition window lights of the mercantile establishments of Chester were not used in an effort to aid this hydro-electric company conserve all current possible that the textile mills may run on full time. I Gaffney.?A number of those who have been charged with exceeding the speed limit on the highways of the county, were before one of the local magistrates in Gaffney and were fined the minimum of $20 in cases where they submitted, and entered pleas of guilty. Saluda.?Mary Timmerman, 12 years old, daughter of Mrs. Maggie Uimmerman, was painfully bruised about the body when the steering gear of an automobile driven by Legare Gunter broke, the car swerving from the road and knocking her down. The little girl suffered no broken bones and it is believed she did not sustain any internal injuries. Clemson College.?Farmers of Latta made a successful co-operative sal? of hogs through the aid of the county agent and the agent in marketing Fifty hogs ranging in weight from 150 to 200 pounds were gathered at Latta and sold to W. W. Love for the Carolina Packing Company of Wilmington, N. C., at an average of 1H cents above what would have beer realized on the Richmond market This was accomplished by means ol bids from the outside and the presence of buyers brought to Latta foi the occasion. Damages Awarded Negress. York.?Mary A. Sims, widow ol Watson T. Sims, negro preacher, was awarded a verdict against York coun ty in the sum of $2,000 as the result of the lynching of her husband by a I party of whites and negroes five milei west of York on the night of August 26. 1917. Suit was brought under the stat< statute that provides the family of ? person put to death by a mob shal be paid a sum not exceeding $2,00( by the county in which the crime oc curs. Oil Painted Agitator. Anderson.?H. T. Lawson. said t< be a textile union organizer, who ar rived here fr^m Atlanta, was seizet by a party of unidentified men, whip ped, divested of his clothes and paint ed from head to foot with heavy leat oil, according to reports brough here. Lawson then was placed in an au tomobile, it was said, and taken t< Seneca where he caught a train foi Atlanta. He left his haggage ant overcoat here as well as a quantity of union literature. Chester Is Law-Abiding. Chester.?All of Chester's storei and manufacturing enterprises care fully observed the fuel administrator'i orders regarding light and heat. Capt J. Baxter Westbrook, mayor of th< municipality, who is local fuel ad ministrator, had cards printed statinj the national fuel administrator's or ders and these cards were placed al about the city so that no one woub be ignorant of the orders, which h< intends to enforce to the letter. Thi business people here have accepter the orders In a philosophical manner Thirty sr Mora ImlihM M?n An to A|tm to fcufM a Residence, Each to COM $2?t? to $6,000. ? Rook Hill.?There Is now on toot a plan by which it is hoped to giro Rook Hill SO or more new residences by July 1. 1920. The interest in this new plan is keen and it is not believed any difficulty will be met in putting the movement across in short order. In brief the plan is to have at least 30 business men to agree to build a residence, the price ranging from $3,600 to$5,000 each, each person subscribing to the plan putting up a guarantee of good faith. Columbia.?One of the most recent evidences of the progressive spirit now animating the business men of Columbia is shown by the formation of the American cotton mills. Inc., i with an authorized capital stock of $250,000. Darlington.?The death rate from typhoid fever has been reduced in Darlington county 80 per cent, during the past two years by sanitation and education, according to the annual report of Dr. L. A. Riser, director of the department of county health work for the state board of health. Chester. ? Constable Lonnle W. Wood, of Leeds, tells of the capture of a still with its complete equipment on Broad river in Fairfield county, also the arest of the operators, a white man and a negro, who were placed in the Winnsboro jail by Sheriff Macfle. Orangeburg.?The prospect of oil in urangeourg county la growing brighter. W. I. Brown, a farmer of the Vance section, has drawn about 20 gallons of oil from an open well on his plantation. This oil burns In a lamp and blow torch. L. A. Carson of the Providence section of Orangeburg county has also found some oil in an open well on his plantation. Greenville.?A movement to raise by public subscription $100,000 or more in Greenville city and county for the erection of a public library has been started among the lawyers of Greenville. The lawyers plan to set on foot a county-wide campaign making large pledges themselves first and turning them over to the chamber of commerce or some other public organization to be used as a nucleus for the campaign. Six leading attorneys of the city have already agreed to , contribute $1,000 each. Kingstree.?An interesting and enthusiastic meeting of the ParentTeacher association was held in the school auditorium. The association heartily Indorsed plans for a teacherage for next year as well as other important matters of school improvement The association will undertake i at once the purchase of a new piano i for the auditorium, and a committee composed of Misses Petty, Lancaster and Mrs. L. W. Gilland was appointed I to undertake this matter. i Charleston.?In the federal court an old negro man. A. S. Hamilton, of boll weevil, whose vanguard has al* ! the mails to defraud, was sentenced s $1,000 and costs by Judge Smith and a year In the federal prison at Atlanta, following his plea of guilty. He has been sentenced before for this same offense. The old man is a "voo doo" doctor, who is said to have reap1 ed a rich harvest from his sales of love tablets, charms and other "magic" commodities. Greenville. ? Because the word "slacker" followed his name on a blackboard after he had failed to subscribe to war charities in 1918, M. A. Bass brought suit for the sum of $10,000 against the Victor Monaghan mills In the court of common pleas. The plaintiff, who was an employe of the Monaghan Mill, alleged that his name appeared on a blackboard near the entrance to the mill and that the word "slacker" was written after it, which. In his opinion, was ground for libel proceedings. Work of Boll Weevil. t Batesburg.?Certain of the baneful i effects following the invasion of the boll weevil, whose canguard has alt , ready appeared In this section, a i 1 party of from 30 to 40 of Leesville's i and Batesburg's leading farmers and L ; business men left here for a week's tour of inspection through portions of > ' Alabama. This trip will include a i two days tilp to Enterprise, Ala., 1 which has gained renown through the I erection of a monument to commem orate the benefits following the boll weevil invasion in that section. Will Not Oppose Grace. j Charleston ?At the second meeting - of the "Anti-Grace" voters, Lawrence 1 M. Plnckney. nominated for mayor to oppose Mr. Grace in the general - .Mectlon, declined the nomination. No 1 other candidate was put forward t which means likely that Mr. Grace will be elected mayor of Charleston - without opposition. J Mr. Pinckney said that he could not r as a democrat run on the "Anti1 Grace'' ticket as he considered such 1 action would constitute a bolt from the party. Latest Ginning Report. Laurens.?According to official ra port from the census department at s Washington, received by Charley Mc Cravy, cotton census reporter for e Laurens county, this county had gin ned 40,927 bales of cotton from this ? year's crop prior to November 14, as - compared with 30,043 a year ago, 1 showing an increase of more than 10,i 000 bales over the 1918 crop. Hows ever, it is not exoected that the final e reports will maintain this lead, as the \ crop is more nearly gathered now '. than at the same period last year. # JK. } 01)1 "stomachs ^ Indigestion, Acidity, Sourness and Gases ended with "Pape's Diapepsin" The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, heart* burn and belching of gases, due to acidity, vanish?truly wonderful I Millions of people know that It Is needles^ to be bothered with Indigestion, dyspepsia or a disordered stomach. A few tablets of Pape's Diapepsin neutralize acidity and give relief at once?no waiting! Buy a box of Pape's Diapepsin now! Don't stay dyspeptic! Try to regulate your stomach so you can eat favorite foods without causing distress. The cost is so little. The benefits so great.?Adv. Happy Thought. Butcher?"Do you want this pig's hend. ma'am?" Lady?"No; give me the friendly looking one." WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many year* druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. bwamp-K>ot is a strengthening medicine. It helpa the kidueya, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they ahonld do. Swamp-Root haa stood the teat of yeara. It ia aold by all druggists on ita merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine haa ao many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test thie great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Squaring the Circle. "I'll get square with you." "I hope so. I'm sick of seeing you j round." KEEP IT HANDY ' If you paid a specialist $25.00 for ? prescription, you would not get anything that would give quicker relief for Croup, Catarrh, Colds, or Sore Throat, than VACHER BALM, which only costs 25c in jars, or tubes. Write for Samples and Agent's Prices. Beware of Imitations. E. W. Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La.?Adv. Some engagements end happily, but the majority end in marriage. Freshen a Heavy 8kln With the antiseptic, fascinating Cuti- J enra Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, ! skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cntlcura Toilet tfVI/v / rvi.. i s. *w?_e v ? - a>iu \uua|i, viuiuieui, xaiCUED).?AQV. Those who cultivate diamond fields must be supergentleinen farmers. Oranalttad Kyellda, Sttea, Inflamed Eyee relieved over night by Roman Eye Balaam. Ona trial provea Ita merit. Adv. I Creosoted pine posts cost twice as s much but last four times as lonp. I from your R0\ I . ' . \ The Fe F. S. RO\ Norfolk, Va. Richmond, \ Washington, N. C. Columt Columbus, Ga. Mc i - : ' ill f R?J Your dealer can supply you. J. L STlFfcL & SONS, Ir Wheeling W. V?. B?q?q??awmrnmnwaw imiinidmar ECONOMY DOUBI t Never In tire hfiitnr Tht cont of the Kcono one-fourth of your pr^sr ! the irreateet r?comm RELINER FRI 32*3vJ S. S Only 7 b 13*4 S. 8. Only 9.0 It does not m?tt"T rlc Reconstructed T1rr? < ()U*r*nt?? of (.000 mtlei Send 12 deposit fo tub*. B*l*nc? C. O discount of b% allow* Stats whether Straight I difference In pr*c*. Ordtr Sow ana Rea ECONOMY TIRE & RUBBER CO. Deo One Class. "Do you know of any one class ol nen who are always upright and square In their business methods?" "Certainly; piano manufacturers." fertilizer will I if you use fCTF . k J1JL TRADE MARK RtCISrTRED rtilizer That Scrap Fam rSTER GUA ~#s ' ** FT- ra. Lynchburg, Va. Tar bore >ia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. J witgomery, Ala. Baltimore, N Bach garment contain* fl ffij I aeertncate which guar-- m?j ? -nteea your absolute satisfaction in every. , If *6 H respect. II Popular Pries* ffj ^^^^Oncinneti We are makers of the cloth only.. idigo Dyers and Printers 260 Church St. H. T. ^ niyirMiiii Lt i AdKit TIDFC _E MILEAGE I 1KL3 y tiai ruch a rat la price bean made. < my Double Fabric le now reduced to n: tire roat. Itio.uwo ant tatted euatomere rndatlon of Economy Tlrea. EE WITH EVERY TIRE tluaranteed Freah Stock. a Tut)" Hlaa Tlrea Tubea 0 12 00 34x4 t* 20 12 It 0 2 10 34x4 14 10.70 Mt 0 2 30 36 x 4 V4 11.00 >.* 0 I 40 30X4 <4 11 ?? 3 00 t 6 2 46 26x6 12 26 1.20 0 260 37x6 12Tl 220 . whether you uae Economy trouble Fa fern City pavementa or Country roada, our 1 holda mod. r each tire required and tl for each l>. aubject to examination. A apeclal d If full amount accompantea order. Side or Clincher. Plain or Nonekld. No 'ucr Your Tire Cost to a Minimum! t 75 1208 W. 15th St, Chlctjt?. Ill FRE5K-CRI5P WHOUSOMC-DEUCJOUS I | TMt SAMITAKY METHODS APFIIID IN TNI I making or TUBS* 'SCUIT5 HAKk . f HIM TNI i STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE W PmW tuu Kun. or / n?l lu ihokli. <A%k. htm or writs w qivinq his nami. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY mATZi2??*M FRECKLES ItiMiUkrr|iini( mill Nhurlhiinil Tliorwly Taught. Winter term Jan. 5. Ailtl Qreenaborq Com* in** re In I Soli.. Greenabnro. N. C.. for oittlot, W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NOJO-lfli "" " ' Results ie greater . 'D'C J IJ.%. tJ ...:: '^*.* v^di/ | 1Made ;; ^ j /j -* tws / I NO CO. K J-* r i >, N. C. Charlotte, NX, !' Atlanta, Ga. ^ Macon, Ga! r ^ ^