University of South Carolina Libraries
. YL . "SiV ii ** niiiSlt^ wftifikth* i B MttU p ' :$*? z. Ji. Bradford.^ of Bladen?r - ?f C.. was iMong the "WSHr**to ^ort ' the past y H. K. Merritt, of Bogalusa, 0 La., {a. a guest ih the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. mff Merritt. in this city. W. S. McLean, who has acted " aa assistant cashier of the First 1_ National Bank of Fort Mill for the last ten months* has resigned? I , to accept a position with the National Union Bank of Rock I Hill. I A recent marriage in Fort Mill vab that of Earl E. Bass and lliss Daisy Robertson. Mrs. Bass is a daughter of Mr. and llrs./John T. Robertson and, vith her husband, has a host of friends throughout this section. : F. E. Ardrey left Monday morning for Charleston where be attended the sessions of the grand lodge Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, which convened there Tuesday and Wednesday. B. M. Lee is relieving him as telegraph operator. ? * , In connection with the fancy baiaar which will be conducted by the ladies of the Presbyterian shurch, for the benefit of the organ fund, in the Red Cros9 tnnm nn F>id*v Hpoprnhpr thicken salad, sandwiches and toffee will be Bold. The public it cordially invited to attend. * 1 *1 * ' Just when'rwe are' going to have some freezing weather is hard to tell Jbut those who own L automobiles would do well to prepare for a freeze in time. When the proper amount of wood alcohol is placed in the radiator It will prevent freezing. In order to facilitate the handling of mail for the Christmas holidays. Postmaster Massey reQuests that all parties having packages which they wish to end by mail to post them early, wrap them securely and address them plainly. If everyone will comply with this request it will be a great help in getting the packages to their destinations on lime. i We hear that rabbits have goop to forty cents each. The ' pre-war rabbit sold for ten cents but you know shells have advanced about two cents each and of Course, if your shells cost two ants more now than formerly you ought to get thirty cents more for the rabbit. That's what you call a "legitimate" Hhflt ?Ex. The congregation'of Flint Hill I ( Baptist church, in upper Fort Hill township, of which Rev. J. E. Smith is the pastor, have ever/ reason to feel proud over the showing made by the church la the recent $75,000,00, campaign. The church was assessed $1S.000 and raised $17,071. Not only was this the largest amount subscribed by any church in the eounty, but it is said that Flint Hill raised more money per member than any of the York churchel / - It will mean a saving to both customer and clerk if Christmas shopping is done early. By buying early you get the best and there is a greater variety for you to select from. A person that goes into a store with only a few minuses to select what they want are never satisfied with their purchase and then too, every clerk would rather have more time to serve youand know that you were satisfied than to i i have you come back and say that 4*the article I bought from you ^ iwwtiiwtttu la r?nf whit. I wanted at all/' Then why not gd early, avoid the rush and be satisfied with your purchase. Captain Richard Fulp who pent several weeks in Chester I with Company G soon after war Vli declared on Germany, is a Chester visitor today. In speak, ing of General Pershing being in Columbia tomorrow he said, it r reminded him of the time when General PerShing reviewed his . division in France. The division \ waa kept in line for six hours and in making the review Genoral Pershing noticed a soldier war Captain Fulp wearing a Wound stripe. The General Mked the soldier in what part of the body he was wounded. The soldier quickly replied, "On the RiodenburgLi ne, sir. "?Chester / WewiL.- * ^ At the annua! meeting of Chwba Lodge No.- 56, Ancient ?> ' vTWM008 of South Carolina, i ^ ipiJWing officers wereelectI .jMj^Wbdled to serve during' ? I _ VHONpST G( I It hiis been the p< I only that class of got I buying public, and t I prices. By following B business, and expect I If you are not a c B us out on the foregoii Fort Mil vorsblpful master; Dr. J. B. SUiott, senior warden; L. M. Masse/, junior warden; A. L. Parks, treasurer; C. S. Link, leeretmry; B. E. Patterson, senior ieaeon; S. J. Collins, junior leaeoa, J. M. Hutchinson and i. D. Harkey, stewards; Rev. f. W. H. Dyches. chaplain; Richard Johnson, tiler. An increasing; feature of the meeting; vas an address by the Rev. fj d r? 1-- < i*. m. uuukiuKui, pastor ox Ob. loha's Methodist church. lapreved Telephone Service. A meeting of the citizens of fork Mill and particularly the lubacribera to the local telephone txebange was called Monday lighk by Mayor B. E. Patterson o consider a petition for improved aorvice and increase in 'ates, the proposal being to have ill-night service at the central itation and to install a metallic lystem of wires instead of the ireaeat single line with ground vire. The meeting was very veil attended by representative mainess men, and the subject vaa thoroughly discussed, the esult being that it was almost manimously agreed to approve he proposal. The State raiload commission had had the >etftion submitted to them, and vas willing to approve the in>e-??ceecce< eo t TK^ r?ol A ML 4 Wi are still in the 1 most seleet line of Fresl tor, Eggs and other Com ^ <H <11 on ns for all kinds I [ Dili Pickles, Eto. We I prioe will please you. I The Cast F. B. TAYLOR, Prop. I Sweeping J Coat Suits > I Coat Suits, formerly $65.00, : 55.00, 50.00, ; 40.50, Dresses ] t lerffs Dresses formerly $37. ? 35. C ! 30. C ; 27. ? " * " 20. ( Coats F > Coats formerly $45.00, now. I " 14 35.00, now. ; 44 44 32.50, now. 44 4 4 30.00, now. i 44 4 4 25.00, now. I Children's C< Coats formerly $21.50, now. I 44 1 18.50, now. : I4 41 15.00, now. 14 44 12.00, now. 9.00, now. Midd> ? Middy Suits, formerly $25.00 : 18.50 ; 14.50 Skirts F ! Skirts formerly $16.00. now ; 44 44 15. 00, now 44 - *4 12.50, now ; 44 * 4 10.00, now Beaulitoi Trimmed i Kimb J Where You Get X>DS at HONI -V/ i r - ;,-... v \ .. . >Iicy of this store since #ds which we know will o sell the goods at hon ! this method, we have bu to continue to grow becau ustomer of ours any day i ug statements. 11 Cooperative E. ft. PAiftl, Manager. * creaae ia rates with the consent of tews eouncil as the telephone ( company is operating under a 25-year franchise granted them in 1901. A meeting of council was held immediately after th<\ conclusion of the mass meeting and approved the increase provided the metallic system was installed, all night service given, and prompt and efficient service given at the central office. At the same meeting of council an ordinance was adopted providing for an election of town officers to be held on the second Tuesday in January, 1920. A mayor, an alderman from each of the four wards, two aldermenat-large, and a public, works commissioner are to be elected to serve for two years. It is understood that B. E. Patterson who has served as mayor for the past four years will not stand for reelection and up to the present time there have been no offerings for the office. The town is confronted with a num bar of important problems in- < eluding permanent street improvement and other public works, ao it is probable that the new administration will have a full opportunity to develop its . capacity and worth. Seal the fate of the white plague with a Christmas Seal. ti Market } [arket Business with a A i Keats, Chicks?** Bat a try Produoo. J Sweat and Sour Pickles, haws the beat and the < < > i Market, Phoaa 146. 4 * I deductions! < < * 5 Reduced < > now $50.00 o 4< 46.oo <: 44 42.00 *1 44 32.00 Reduced < >0, now. $32.50 ]\ K), now 30.00 < > K). now 25.00 < >0, now 21.50 ); K), now... 15.00 < deduced $35.00 X J ? 25.00 1 i 26.00 * 1 22.00 t } - 19.50 1 ] 4 } >ats Reduced ii I $16.00 o i i4.oo :: \ 12.00 < 4 9.00 O } 7.50 ] r Suits ji \ ?, now $19.50 o < ?. now 15.00 :: i , now 12.00 < > 4 (.educed I; j $13.00 < - 12.50 i 10.00 o } 8.oo ] Hats, HALF PRICE :;] rell's ^' " * *V> [> Trade ' . ? % i SST PRICES. the opening' to sell entirely satisfy the est, live-and-let-live lilt up an excellent ise of this policy, s a good day to try ! Store, * 4 " TAX NOTICE-1918-1920 Office of the County Treasurer of Yorl County. York, S. C. Vov. 7, 1919. Notice is hereby given that the Ta: Books for York county will he opene< jn Saturday, the 15th day of Novem aer 1918, and remain open "until the 31s lay of December, 1919, for the collec don of State, county, school- and loca Laxes, for the fiscal year 1919, withou penalty; after which day a One pe :ent penalty will be added to all pay Tients made in the month of .Innnnrv 1920, and Two per cent'penalty for al jayments made in the month of Febru lry, 1920, and Seven per cent penalty will be added to all payments madi from the 1st day of March, 1920, t< the 15th day of March, 1920, and afte this date all unpaid taxes will go int< executions and all unpaid Single Poll; will be turned over to the several Mag strates for prosecution in accordanci with law. All of the Banks of the county wil jffer their accommodations and facil ties to Taxpayers who may desire ti nake use of the same, and I shall tak< pleasure in giving prompt attention b ill correspondence on -the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my offio will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be mad ip by Townships, and parties writinj ibout Taxes will always expedite mat Ujrs if chey will mention the Townshi] )r Townships in which their propert; >r properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer ot York County. FOR SALE?On December 16th, will sell all of my personal property. W. E. Kimbrefl. The Home oi Is at our store this' yea kinds of holiday goods, toy glad to have you come and over what we have. 'p *1 10 More Sh In which to do your Ch vice and buy before the las will be gone if you wait, i much better if you are not < We are For the rush. An ext added to our store, and we way. Phone us your want* of Fruits, Candies, Nuts, el Prices right. Satisfacl The Ca I The J. B. ( s Heavy and ; Fancy Gro | Hardware General Fa ; Come to S f t : The J. B. glMMM ?*? $ i - ' ' f Subscribe to The T wgjmsgEGBmEg I' 3P & ' : THE I Ladi I Drei a Skii I Begin mil I every garme k I ufacturer's c ? most popular K ft Big stock to i II liv \| niwn I All Ladic out at HALF No Goods charged for a ! S Come ea || move quickl} I Pal I f Santa Claus. r. We have a bit? line of all s, novelties, etc., and will be bring the children and look opping Days ristmaa buying. Take our adt minute, as possibly the best md then, too, you can buy so crowded. Prepared ;ra force of clerks has been are ready to serve you in any 3. Big line of the nicest kinds ;c. -ion guaranteed. sh Store, , Mills Co., | i I T ceries, 1 and irm Supplies | ee Us. | Hi Mills Co. 1 imes, $1.26 Per Year mmi bbmmhmbmmbbbb I : BIG SALE ies' Suits, Coats, I >ses, Niddy Suits, I ts and Hats. g Saturday, Dec. 6th, wi will clesa tat B nt mcutioned above at le9s than rnai- fl ost. All Suits and Coats are made of fl materials---all this season's stylus. fl select from. ? lery at Halt Price I s\ Misses' and Children's Hats to close | PRICE.' All good styles, no two alike. || charged at Sale Prices. Alterations it cost of work. || rly and avoid the rush. Stock will ^ i at the Extremely Low Price Sato. fij ? ; t e r s o a's f I mmmmmm m mammmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrn f o i Xmas Gifts? \ t t , ? .We have something in ear Christ**** Qoo4s Mitable J L) for a gift for anyone jou may wish lo ransoabsr. Com i* ? \ and look over our line before yea Way. , \ A ' * l Jewelry, Comb and Brush Sett, Stationery, Manicure Sets, | Fountain Pens, Perfume Sets, Razors, Cigars, I Flashlights, Pipes, : Norms' Candy, Whitmea's Candy '> + Tell us your wants ai4 we wM hs*?; yea to sutka ft J ^ selection. ;; | . j Hutchinson's Pharmacy, | I "Jtul WUl Y*m 0M? f!^?W | a Christmas Cods.! i We cordially invite jroa to rltot ?nr atare and inspect % our line of Christmas good*. We have one of the uiftieal | lines ever brought to Fort Mill. and tor will have na trouble in selecting your gi/to If yam oaxna early. | I .SnlTlP Rift RiitftfiictSnne wmv WAR A W f.JWfUUj) Kodaks, Floranes Brail teft* Wsatsafrs It*. Military Brushes, ShumaU Rawra, lately R*mta* Flo4aJk AHudi, Ladies' Purses and Bajca, VTukmrnm Poenlste Pea*, Work Baskets, Mirj Gtrdta Totefe flat* IL*% SUrv Ydkt late, Mavis Toilel Sate, Vktei Mb Seflel Isls, Iptslsl boxes of Stationary and Ci^rtrs | Wfl nrtnk ?AH in mmm .M? M I -li ** *'* .. . ..... w mmmm. r?WP1f UU) S?U, I and many otAar Itop ! ? HtMflMi lo mm/Htm 1 All colors ?f ertpc |ij? tar taibMi Imatac, Christmas cards and M<ik . See our lins of NUNH ALLY'S mmd MVXIT'fi CAA< 1 DIES. J . I Lytle Drug Comp'y i Phone 16.; A. 0. I < j