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HflflPlJJ,. 111 ?II I IflflMBBB a ? " ~ ' * y? ... 1 I| T aaC8B8gaSg7?rM THE FOET "SCOT ittlES (?? moor* tic? PobHiMTtanim. B. VV. HBADFORD . Tl Mtlllll O tMOOIPTION KATBS: One Year ...... ...........ELM ti* Month* ,W The Tinte* n vltescontrlbutioneon llresobjeets bit toes not agree to publieh more than MO **Al no an/ subject. The rltkt I* mwtil to ?4M t'f oommunicatlon aubmtttod for oakllettbe. On application to the pablleher. adrerttstna r iter are ipnde known to thoaeIntelaeted. rnlnohdne. local and Ion* distance. No.Ill K-itered at thepoetofflee at Fort Mill. C.. ae mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. DEC. 11. 191&. The Christina* Season. The Christmas season is approaching and everybody ' is planning for a wonderful time. From the smallest to the largest has friends and loved ohes whom they are to remember at the Yuletide season with a gift. *Tis a beautiful spirit, this of giving and remembering one another but what a wonderful gift it was for us when the Saviour was born. For this fact alone, it could be termed another thanksgiving season, for had it not been for Him we would not know the joy of giving and making others happy.' What a thrill of delight goes through us on Christmas morning when we begin opening up our packages, to see how many friends and loved ones have been thinking of us. But what a sad thought must come over those who have^o loved ones, no friends and no mopey to buy remembrances fop^tlTers, aj*4.-h is these that we^hould remem bet most. But lei us not ?6rget the main fact, that we must tell others what the Christmas season moans?that it is remembrance of a Saviour that was born to our Sorrow4 tfft&.dejivsr us from sin. r ? When the' message has been delivered to all the world that a Saviour lias bee reborn, it WilTbe then that vfre'ean sitig "Peace On Earth '/Good Will Toward Men."- ]&. ' ' ' ' * Gat Damage From County. . Mary A. Sims, widow.of. Watson T. Sims, negro preacher, has been awarded a verdict against York rmint v #t> thp sum nf R2 ftOO as the result of the lynching of htfr husdand by a pfctty fcf whites and negroes 4 miles west of,York on the night 6f AugfTst 2f>, 1*917. Suit was brought vender the State statute that provided the family of a person pot* to death by a mob shall b(e pajd .a sum not exceeding $2,000 by the county in which the crime occurred. This was the third time th^ case has been tried. The two previous verdjctsr for the county were set aside by Judge Ernest Moore and Judge R. W. Meftminger on the ground that they contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Three white men and two negroes, who were tried for the murder oJJ3ims in a \ i* 11 _ x* I'm rr x w ii*. 1 i ml* juii ox uui, were acquitted. New Questions in Census. That the fourteenth decennial census, on which the actual enumeration work will begin January 2, 1020, is to be the most important ever taken, is shown by the fact that the act of C(ingress providing' for this census expressly increased the scope, of the inquiries so as to include forestry and forest products, two subjects "never covered specifically by any preceding census act. - > The compilation and gathering of forestry and forest- products statistics will be in charge of a special^ force of experts. The accurate and" cotttprenerislvefig ures gatbercd;'eoncernirrg this vital maurid- resource wiU-be much iu. demand,, and ?the comparisons made with .conditiops existing before the Mr Will be ot' great interest. Baptists Raise $7,000,000.* ' The Baptists of South Carolina closed,.their drive ip {.he ^fitate lor $5,500,000 Sunday with \ total of over $7,000,000 reported. The closing hours, marked . a sweeping victory for the denomination and at the closing hour manv. of the churches had not senNn their reports. The total drive for the week was announced a? $7,000,000 and additional nqboris received from ^associationsjbn^^t in more ' " , ... i * v, ... i : " k Tirk Couty Hews Hitters. (korkville Encnurer.) H At a recent meeting of the ? Hock Hill city council the salary tl of the private members of the ci Hiock Hill police force was in- tl creased from $90 to $100 a rr month. it Coot Floyd, a colored farmer v< residing near Yorkville, will a! ipake thirty bales of cotton this 8 year, according to a story coming ? to The Enquirer yesterday. ? A cropper on the farm of Mr. ii \ W. H. Keller, on the outskirts p of Yorkville, made fourteen $ bales of cotton averaging over a 600 pounds each this year on q seven acres of land. ii There are three United States * prisoners in the York county jail ? " serving sentences at the present ^ time. They were convicted at recent terms of the Federal court of violations of the prohibition laws. ^ A. M. Giles, photographer of f Rock Hill who shot his wife on t a street of that city several days e ago and who is now confined in a the York county jail, has made tl no effort to obtain bond, and it n is hardly probable that any such p effort will be made. o According to figures compiled by the State board of health _ there have been nine deaths in ^ York county from tvphoid fever . this year as against only five deaths from the same malady ? last year. In 1918 ^the total j number of deaths from typhoid . fever was 469 and thus far this J year the total number has been _ only *294. "Ben Hope" Writes. o Editor The Times: In my list ? of newspaper friends I find The h Times; therefore I hope you will F oblige me by reproducing this " carti early'enough to reach your . readers before Christmas. I Among the many who read your " paper are some, I know, who also have read my writings, who have written to me in times past j and who mayhaps would like to , . hear f/om me again. 1 owe it * to myt -many unknown frienus ? and admirers to signifiy that 1 S have not forgotten them; a thing \ that I have no better way ol ^ doing than through the good . new,gpapfcrB which have pub- 1 puuiisueu mii ui my previous ap- L peals lor help, birthday letters I and calls for contributions, Xmas 5 greetings to my helpers, etc. Widely known as the shut-in Writer ahd author. I spend my time in the auiet seclusion of my home, in reading, studying and writing - when I am able. I am not quite so strong this year as formerly, but my interest in the work which I am trying to do is as keen as it ever was. I am making good progress in my studies now; and some day, perhaps, the world will hear from "Ben Hope" the shut-in. I have never ceased to "dream dreams and see visions." I hope to hear from all my friends and admirers this Christmas. Any sort of greeting will ; be appreciated. While I need a " little help sometimes, still I am not writing this especially as an appeal for help. Yet it occurs to me that there are many liberal givers, helpers of the poor and needy, who would love tb lighten the burden of my crippled, poverty-laden life of RPPIlininn onrl Innalinnoo i V>;. ?IIU IV1IVIIIICOO, W11 IO H Christmas, by a contribution. Hence my desire to see this card printed in your paper. I really hope that the response to my yearly appeal this Christmas, for aid and good cheer will be bigger than ever before. My references are good: being hundreds, perhaps thousand*, of good friends both known and unknown, everywhere, far and near, who have contributed to my welfare and happiness, on no evidence of the sincerity of my call and reality . of my need other than my appeals as reproduced in the newspapers from time to time. And without this manifestation of the public's sympathy for, and confidence in. me I could scarcely exist and my life would indeed be full of gloom. Address all of your cards, let4161*, offerings, etc., to J. S. Love ("Ben Hope") Lockmore Mill, York, S. C. I will ac knowledge receipt of ail communications. This fine December morning, las I write,'my heart is made glad by my anticipation of the gnat abundance of good cheer which the po3tman will deliver my front door for perhaps several mornings in succession, during the Christmas holidays. And soon I am going to publish a new booklet especially for, and as a memorial to, the greathearted lovers of humanity who have done so much for me. I can postpone the publication of my new booklet not much longer j now than will be necessary to make the proper arrangements j jfor publishing and setting it tfefore the public. \ 4 Ben Hope/' I Shut-in Writer and Author. h/11 II ifiinpi IB i"SIWJ\li'T" ; ; " ' * ' > v " ' ; Lecsl Chuck Subscribes Qaeta. The congregation of the Fort [ill Baptist church has sub:ribed in full its allotment in le Seventy-five Million Dollar impaign for benevolences, and ie membership is to be comtended for the spirit of gene>eity shown in overcoming a ery difficult proposition. It ppears that the churches were Hotted according to their past >cord for contributing to the enevolent causes and the local hurch has an enviable record i this respect; hence the aportionment amounted to above 100 per member, a much larger mount per capita than was reuired of a number of churches i this section. The fact that in iiv wiigiviaviuu W UIU/ B XfW ien of means makes the showng more deserving as showing very decided spirit of liberality. Only a few years ago the hurch divided the time of a astor with the Flint Hill ehuich ut now supports a pastor for his ull time and at a salary above he amount paid by both churchs formerly. Much money has lso been expended in improving he church edifice which is now lost conveniently arranged eeecially with regard to the needs f the Sunday school. The National City Bank ef lew York city has the record of eing the first American bankig institution to show resources xceeding $1,000,000,000. In a eport responding te a call by he comptroller of the currency hat bank reported its assets at 1,027,938,100. - J- -t. ! Lwe?mpwwweswsi NOTICE. On Friday, December Itth, I will ffer for public aala all of my poraonal roporty, consisting of farm toela, imlements, livestock, ate. Sal* will ks eld at any home, two milea south of ort Mill. J. D. WITHERS. Crier's We test Breakfast Bacon, per lb Jure Pork Sausage, per lb iausage in Oil (small) per lb.,.. 5weet Mixed Pickles, pint Vesson Cooking Oil, pint. Vhite Peas, colored, white and ] jima Beans, quart. test grade English Walnuts, pei iraail Nuts, per lb. ?lixed Nuts, per lb. We expect fruit cake ingred Absolute Satisfaction Guarai Robert F. Telsphoi i i i i Your Fami Thai ie what w* are t* Tour table is the shrliv mItss. We are dealers ia "be# iee. Our sheWes are ato< market of standard roods. Let ua lake Ihe reepoa the table to tempt the appe Groceries are Ike life Lei us supply your son be cheapest to year pure* your psllette. Fit ESI Ml ATS B. C. FEF Highest Prian \ The Oldest 111 YCt na a vi jsi VI is proof Strength isfying ? every de The Savi] Of Foi Ti , ? j If It's ? See us. Wc 8 Lee Tires, J. 9 Firestone Tires, I C Us B I YOUNG Ctrl ef Tkaiki We deeire to thank our friends and relative* who eo kindly ministerad to us during Ike illness and death of our father, John Franklin Lytle. We appreciate every kindness shown us and thank you one and all. T. F. and A. C. LYTLE. NOTICE or ELECTION. Notice ia hereby given that an election will ha held at the usual polling plaee in the town of Fort Mill. S. C., on Tmegdav, January IS, 1920, for the pnrpoee er electing the following to nerve two yeara: Mayor, Two Aldermen at Large. Alderman Ward 1, Alderman Ward S, Alderman Ward 3, and alderman Ward 4. Alao at the same time and place, a Commissioner of Waterworks will be elected for two yeara to succeed S. L. Meaehnm, whoa# term ia about to expire. Qualified electors of the said town aauat have new registration certificate. Herbert Harris, Joe M. Balk and A. A. Bradford are appointed managers for said election. The books of registration for the torrn of Fort Mill will be opened at the office rf C. S. Link, supervisor of registration, on Monday, December 11, 1919. and remain open until Saturday, January S. 1990. B. C. PATTERSON, Attest! Mayer. C. 3. LINE, Clerk. ekly Prices. 40c 37 l-2c _ _ 36c 25c -45c pink beans, quart ..20c 25c lb; 4r~ 45c r,... v 35c j!A/? ?^ ienta by th? end of the week, ntaad on all purchases. Grier, Jr., a No. 11. ily Servant j id what va atrira to b?. N b apoe whiafc w? offer ?wtar than ordinary" rroear*- t' ikad wltJt tba boot w tka ^ nihility af what yon put an M ditaa ot roar frmily. t an/ individual. . ' iriahmact ia a *ray that wHI M > and nod aatWactory ta H I, FISH and IC*. * tGUSON. J Pnirf fw Pork BvsBHniBnnMrnm Bank . i wraty ! of our ability for f , Safety and a Sat- 8 >ervice complete in | lail. rigs Bank rt MI1L / \ ^*\ . ^ ' ' 3fc?T, ^ ^HHk& >4 m^k ^ ^ ^ tti^ a. i rjigjj i are distributors in tl|ii c D. Tires, Diamond Racine [Horse Shoe > 4 U buy Our *" * ,* <& WOLFE, ?S60O8?8686086 ij With 1 * produc ? ers mu are to c our ow | prospe: voice tl IBe COU The fan He has e his credi forts, by w , starvati< p moving weekly 1 the copy tionsev< everywhere he has v ! . regularh I Gentle The F t. r spp i Capital and Su \ j V ; Om: (11 TUU (21 ij (Mr I! (Mjr <aq ? I I 11 I II PBMBH??? I FORT Ml "He We want, e have HHSH Made in our own w in am u A mrb^Ljr 1JT7l^LK^JE%w JL SpccUlii Saturday. \ 5 DR. A. L_. OTT, DENTIST OBU* hours, S a. na. to 6 p. m. (Dr. Sprmtt's offlso) Both Bidding, Fort Mill, S. C. f 1 J kiS&S NEW LIFE PILLS Th? Pills That Do Cur*. PILLOWS FREE Mail ai $10 for M?paand FwUmt Bed and raeahra S-pnund pair pUlowa/raa. FraisM prrpatd. Now mtbara boat tick In*. aatiafaction guaraataad. AGENTS WANTED TURNER 4k CORN WELL, Faffer Oaatera. Da*. 4. CterMta.*M. C. lUfsrtsc#! ComiDsreUl KaU^BbI p*"L ^ A x ' 'm. MUlf^ %1.,, x x $$ ' ^mmW^m ^E?5ral^S& v &TffT "1m ;fB^>^n D ^es You Want 1 / X .-J i vicinity for the following mAkgi: "fi '' Tires, McGraw Tires, Ajax Tires, Brand], Penr.. Vaccum Cup Tires. 6 , Prices will interest U. |" ? ?-. * - Fort Mill, S. G ? v _____? - V - I HIT? > V The Farmer's I Bank Account x)th labor and capital falsely branding ibod L er as the high-cost-of-living profiteer, our ftucmst fight together under strong leadors if they :ontinue to get a living wage for their labor. la rn county this bank will always stand fbr /our | rity. Nationally?internationally?the strong I t, lat is speaking for the American farmer today to J * NTRY GENTLEMAN 1 mer is not a profiteer, you will get in the nonfc arned his bank account, issues may make or savofar/YMi || t rating, his home com- $100.00 to add to your saving*. ' saving the world from If you have an account with m% n Dn. But the world is you can instruct us to charge it w fast, and to keep in $1.00 for your year's subsorip- I touch with farm condi- tion. If you keep your surplus J ? ? srywhere?to hold what cash under the old matties# send fj /on?the farmer should us $1.00 for The Country Gbn- y / read The Country tleman. Or, better still, comei* B*,; man. The information and get acquainted?today. B r irst National Bank, ^TT, President J. L. SPRATT, Cashier rplus, 9CSO.OOO.OO Phone No. 84 ~ m j tlemwrm ' _ : /}'<< > Becauee you know me, enter my name for Thb OOUMIW G0Om~ % __ ,v 4AH for one year and charge the cost, $1.00, to me. f On* * or J ^ l Hera's my dollar. I want Thk Country Gentlbman. Soadtbeoraa. ) b"* NaomXh. _ ? *; , *"*?1 __ * ' - (State) f! J., - 1 u ' - - - biii mm i mm 11 ijmiili t LL CANDY KITCHEN. I , re's to the People!" i iverybody to know that we';* *' -r J Candy Every Day j kitchen, Pure and Delicious. Come 1 try it with your friends. ; A 4 CARROS, Proprietor. Quality and Quantity for Lci% . DOES YOUR **** '"' '* - ( j Automobile Need Painting?! j Does it Need a New Top, Seat ; f < Covers. Cushions. Etc.? If sn. r' Have it done the "Pyramid Way" j '* 1 Pyramid Paint Shop. i ROCK HILL- S. C. ; JAS. A, JOHNSON. M,p- "A.W the Men Who j [