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"v ^*h?& Popular Pr twdffili every oarme ||S|g OUARANTEl |B| T56eCPTiftoti Speedy-Sturd] rpHE ONLY track < X completely equippe< = electric lights, windshiel and spot light. = Commerce Trucks were matic cord tires as stand 3 1 1*11 Deen conclusively aemoi S , cord tires on trucks incre ing vibration?permit gre traction ? triple tire mil * capacity of a truck and = Lei at help yoo 10/oe you ^ SOUTHERN MOTOI Fourth and Poplar S = Distributors oi Commrrr* Tn Aoooiti Des THE COMMERCE MOTC Nutth Year Manufaci WATCHES AND BANK VAULTS I Why Safe Receptacles Ocasionally Have Bad Effect on the Stored Timepieces. t ("Kitsch* men who loft their wntclies long with other valuable articles In tank vaults have In ninny Instances Sound their timepieces erratic or en<rirtj useless on their return. "Mkignetized," the watch expert would say when the timepieces were taken to the repair shop. W.heji u watch is magnetized the hair spring contracts and does other nsrrmly things, and the watch runs nly casually if at all. Watch repairers say they can demagnetize a watch In a little while and It will he Just as rood as ever. Bnt why should m hunk vault cause his magnetizing? That's the odd feature of It, for frequently the very factor that makes the watch's repository safe one puts it "on the frit/," as far as usefulness goes. A watch Is magnetized when some electric current Is ear enough to have an effect. And usually the electric current that does the work Is the current that operates the hank's burglar alarm. Between Thieves. ' "1 got this hat for sprinting." ' "Who did you heat?" ' The owner and three policemen." Quite Edible. That girl Is sweet enough to eat." "You hot. She's a peach !"?Paltlsnore American. Jumpy, Irri Frazzlec when caused bye ed to become i nerves, when a cl Instant This wholesome with a rich ai like flavor is del ing, economical both health ai Made by Postum Battle Creel Sold by Grocers a ?.?.? ? ? 1 MjaaiaM*^ Ut ^-Dependable | lelivered to purchaser J with impulse starter, d, bumper, driver's seat the first to adopt pneulard equipment. It has s tstrated that pneumatic ase the life by eliminate ater speed?give better eage ? double carrying j| are more economical. t transportation problem* *S CORPORATION | t?., Charlotte, N. C. ick? and Commerce Service Jan Wanted ea I >R CAR CO., DETROIT \ororo Motor Tracks : - EASY TO REPAIR WOODWORK i I A Little Labor, With Inexpensive Ma- I terials. Will Put It in Quite Presentable Shape. No mat tor how badly In need of r?- ( pair woodwork and furniture may he. ! you ran put them in presentable sbape 1 If you have care, perseverance and a few Inexpensive helps at band. To lie-in with. got the wood ready for some sort of finish. If It Is badly 1 battered up and the color of the stain Is faded and spotted and worn, trot ' sandpaper and out It In two-lneh ' squares. With this rub off the old paint or varnish. Coarse paper may be needed to Pepin with, hut finish scraping with tine-grade paper and rub the wood smooth. This work is tedious, so do it only a short time at n stretch. After all the old pr.'.nt or varnish is removed dust the wood and then wipe It with an oily cloth. Then make little pads of cotton?tie a six-Inch square of cheesecloth around a wad of cotton hatting?and dip ttuvh In para."flu oil. mm mi ll m -m im< , nun I 11 <'11 |>ltT Tilt' I surface of the wood with them. I'nt the wood until It lias absorbed all the tlulsii It will take. The finish will he attraetlve and durable, but It must be carefully put on. Virtue Is its own reward, which may explain why no one ever advertises Its loss. lie who seeks to follow two trails comes home with an empty pime bag. itable, I Nerves? :offee?are helpnormal, healthy lange is made to Postum | I ; table beverage romatic, coffeeliciously satisfyI, and respects nnrkpthrtnk Cereal Company k, Michigan ^0 r t nd General Stores / .. ; ' ft ' UK TncIfiricuciiT I JENKII& KIDNAPED AND RANSOMED 1 is - ;?- - ' Mexican outrages upon Americans Have become such an old storj that hen the kldnnping by bandits of WllHam O. Jenkins, the American conjulor ugent nt Pueblo, Mexico, did not M ^|lk create any great excitement. To be hire. Senator Meyers (Dem.) of Mon ? ?. a kCOUIUllUU \O. WW. ^Hpp. ' 120) reciting "that it is the sense of nF this* body that the president of the United States and the secretary of HHP^r ^^7 % ' tvar should at once use all the armed fff orces and power of the United States wH& to recover and have Immediately the *nld Jenkins alive or Ills abductors J itut other senators calmed him. The resolution induced the stnte de- Jf$$* nartment. however, to serve notice on Darrnnza that he must ransom Jenkins, even If he had to pay the .<,'100.- Mmm. HN) (Mexican) demanded by Frederleo Cordova, leader of the bandits. The release of Jenklus was effected by Mest re. his personal attorney, who met the bandits, paid the runsoin, got a receipt from Cordova and put Jenkins In a hospital at Puebla. | THE FIRST CONGRESS OF ITS KIND ; Mrs. Raymond Robins of Chicago, president of the National Woman's .. Trade Union league, whose portrait Is cent International Congress of Workinteresting gathering. Speeches In '?Ur 'IU>^UnK<>8 ,,m' sonKs as nuu,y *TT .IK rma ? *- ??|II-iiiiik WHSIOU. *&SRm > x~ m Some 50 of the delegates came from m! V foreign countries. 11 nations and the > jiWi|5k" *\ ' nlted States being represented, htit with the services of a corps of young IV >/% ^ women Interpreters all tile addresses French, I'olisli and Holieinhin generally iis purpose 3BSSrrT^! \ ences 011 subjects which most Intimately affect women?legislation concerning employment, child labor, care of mothers and protection of their sex in hazardous Industries. Kach of the countries had ten votes, regardless of the number of delegates present. MINOR FREE AND STILL SPELLBINDING Itobert A. Minor, an American journalist and cartoonist and a "sensutlonal spellbinder of the snap-box type," Is a storm-center nod has been mi- Minn* iiiih>. tie was arrested in MP ||]jk April of 1919 In I'nrls by the French nt tin' Instigation of the British and P|> : taken to Cohlenz. where lie was trleil i| by the Americans on the charge that llTtji\~ lie hail engaged In a campaign of propngnnda to weaken the military pow- I . er of the allies. . July .r> he was released from the military prison under "i. [ IreuiiiKtnnces which the war corn1- ^"sk? spondents endeavored vainly to ex- &:>' \ . BHQQHHEl July 31 the senate passed a reso- , lutlon calling u|h)u the secretary of war for explanations. October 10 the senate passed another resolution to the same effect. Several senators aB-jaapPj freed their minds. Senator 1'oindex- K||l?Mp\ ter, comparing Minor to Trotzkl, said: "So It Is with Minor, who, by some authority evidently above General I'ershlng, was released from the custody of the courts-martial of the American expeditionary forces, set free, and allowed to return to America to continue his revolutionary activities here, with what consequences the future remains to tell." BASSLER: ALFALFA KING OF AMERICA | ? " The United States has another uncrowned monarch. This time he Is the "Alfalfa King of America." In private life he is E. M. Bassler of Milwaukee. King Bassler Is an engijpiBr ript>r whose specialty Is drying things. ^K| lit- snys he cnn dry anything. He ^ggP|| " ' ' J > |Bi ,IMS hll"t P,ants for drying grain and kind of for hogs ^ * ,jtffriiTO_ Now about the "Alfalfa King" ^ li appears is en ^amsbiiy ti11?mI to the title because he has J nrf patente?l a process for drying alfalfa. JThis process has advanced the price j|of alfalfa. It is stated, from &tt) a ton ||l|lj^V ^SSSBn^ old plan of drying alfalfa in the sun It turns out a dlrtv brown and the ?)MIHIliyyw valuable small leaves drop off. King Hassler's steam dryer changes all lid*- After 20 minutes in it the alfalfa conies out In Its natural color, ready to be put in bags and shipped to the ends of the earth. Also. It Is stated to contain 17 per cent of protein, as compared with 12 per cent. j JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS' LONG FIGHT | ' - - - ~ ? - ? ? - . l' Ity ii vote of 0 to 7, the sennte " ~" tmnkinu committee recommended reof John Skelton Williams to tie controller of ^y " the currency. The Republican memLers of the committee voted solidly wm^i ? ' '^x PIIWtm mralnst eontlriiiation and the DemoThis Indicated, the experts snld. j| ^r*S^ thnt the vote in the senate would also ^ ^ ^&ad[t strictly follow party division. There- %> <;vCj fore they predicted that the senate V < ' >$&} confirmation. ' ij Mr. Williams' nomination has been > i In controversy for nearly a year. Ilnv- -JF" lag failed of confirmation during the lust congress. It has been under Are since the recess appointment was were held hy ' a ^^HflgS^HH the committee on charges against Mr. Williams of persecution of the Klggs National bank of Washington and tmproper otllcial conduct in connection with the Union Savings hank of Washington and a bunk at Cnlontown. I'r. Mr. Williams brought many wituesses and produced much documentary evidence to refute the churgea _ \ v *- * . J; $4 > pp liack | only "It Seems as 1 ^ This is a common on dav after day h* ing symptom. Backache is often requires attention, i later declare itself If it is caused by fe Vegetable Compoi its curative powers .tip*** For U 0 \ resto l#$> _ The Shah in the United States. i Tin* shall of Persia who is to visit the United States shortly, will proh-1 ably Had a great difference between j the Persian and American customs. 1 Ills grandfather it was, who. when he : ' went to Paris, embarrassed high otllclals by dropping his handkerchief at the feet ??f nearly every prttty woman | he saw, until he received a broad hint i : that this form of proposal of marriage, as practiced in Teheran, was quite contrary to western notions. Not to Pe Fooled. Mrs. Suhhul??i told Bridget to string the heanu this morning. Hubbubs?Y?#?. Well? Mrs. Subbubv?Wt-41, she flared up j dihI told mo I couldn't strinn her: Hint i we'd eut them Ioone or^pt at all.? Ih>s- _ ton Evening Transcript. Jfru/f-it'oTi: I ^-5^2?222ESE2^ 32% Alcohol i50 Min. Chlo. to Or. EZIT Almost Instantly Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia Paint Apply with bmth, i.r rub it on affected part*. Manufactured by Pitmb Remedy Compaay, Charlotte. N. C. ECZQUE* Money back without qneation If HUNT'S 8ALVK fall* In the treatment of ITCH, KCZKMA, # ^41 RINUWORM.TKITilRorother T Itching akin dleeaoaa. PrlcJI 7Sc at drugglata, or direct from /*(# # /I AS.licbarStdMlclMCe.kiMraai.Im. ( /\| /I FRECKLES Persistent Coughs are dangeyou*. Oet prompt r*Ucf from Piso's. 8topa irritation: aoothing. Bffective I and aafc for young and old. No opiates in PISO'S ? ache a Symf "hough my Back W< expression among wom< :edless of the significanc a warning of some inw ind which unless relieve in more serious ailment: male derangement Lyc md is what you need. in all those peculiar ail more than thirty year oned root and herb ro< ring American women ^ The Spiers had organic trc A for several weei ^^IrV \ not walk at all i in bed. I suften ^ ^ f^ars 3* MP Mra. Hunt tel jf Detroit, M'ch.?" \ \ \jf! condition, was vei I ? \J backache and oth< V several years, was I and tried doctor s I \ \ % 1 saw Lydia E. Pi I 11 \ M pound advertised, j II I time 1 was much J 1 \ 1 M myself and giving I 11 I B glad to recommen I fl | ^ any time."?Mrs." for CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA A PNEUMONIA Mother* should keep a Jar of Hrauir' Vapom-ntlm Salve convenient. Wheu Croup, Influruia or Pneumonia threatens this delightful IllTS rubbed well lnl? tSe >hpn>* ?w ? "* under the arms, will relieve the choking, break x>*geitlon and promote restful sleep. lltoSSN? WILL r?T SIAin THE CUmtES Mr Mr tod |l.SO st tU drag lUrn or oral prepaid bp llraiue Drug Co. N. Wllkelxiro, N. C. flWrnnnEiwirisfs! yv @inLiLTI?Mn tU far SO Ttsr*. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AM) FCTER. IDs Flat Gsatrtl StrssflWsYsg Teste. At All Oral Stsrsa KING PIN! CHEWING TOBACCO M Has that good |] licorice taste |j you've been | looking lor. f] RAW FURS Ship your nw fur* to the oldest raw fur house in N. Y. OTTO WAGNER 134-136-138-140 West 26th Street New York City, N. Y. Bttebiivhed 1876 HIGHEST MARKET PRICES NO COMMISSION CHARGED Check sent same day shipment is received. Send for price list now. . _ll rtomj Mild Break." Djj in, yet they toil^^ :e of this distressrard trouble that id will sooner or I i. !ia E. Pinkham's It quickly asserts ments of women, s ^ this good old sdicine has been to health. did Recovery of Coventry ?44 The doctor said I mble and treated me Irs. At times I could *nd I suffered with my ?o 1 often had to stay I ed off and on for eight I heard that LydiaE. etable Compound was ine, and I tned it with feet. 1 can now do vork and my washing. ? recommended your table Compound and Blood Medicine and three of my friends ^are taking it to their advantage. You may use my name for 11 testimonial." ? Mrs. 1RESA COVENTRY. 3urnett St., Newark, N.J. Is how it helped her I was in a general run-down ry nervous and tired, had ;r troubles. 1 suffered for * not able to work at times medicine with no results, inkham's Vegetable Com* and after taking it a short better, i am s'.ill taking it it to mv daughter, and am J ' will reduce informed, swollen Joints, Sprains. Bruises, Soft fL j h Bunches; Heats Boils, Foil U 1 ROk Evil, Qui' tor, Fistula and V?JriF^w\ infected sores quickly \ \ ?/ rf'ji as 'I ' fVositive antiaeptic If iLte^VA anc* Bcrmi<"'^e- Pleasa?t to II Jr 1 ua'' doc* nut bliater oi remoe* IPTY ai'v m ,'le ln<1 'ouc,n "o'^tbe Loiml >i >1 t2. SO per bofl'e. debarred. I* S Dock 7 K free. ABSORBINE, JR.,lbe ntlaeptie'iaimrnt for mankind, reducea Painful. Swollen Vrma V'ena. Siraina. Brulaeaj atopa pain and Inflammation. Pri.e SI 25 per bottle at dealera or deliaered. Will tell pou nw e If pou write. L'beral Trial Bottle for iOe In atac pa. W. b. YOUNG. P. 0. P.. 3lOIempl#St .Sorlngflsld. Maa*. ULLLBHAIL AMAO IHL DHALLLiim Cat this A??ortm?nt flnlu Safe and San* of FIREWORKS Uniy wlthlnthaLatw PSOl '.ffiSB^rrep^d, loan. E* 1,1 5,0,1 loodobrata a raal <"orth (4W\i fl requirement* of law governing Ml* L 'I of llraworka. Onnatata of 2 large 44-ft. paper hallrona, 6 parka Oraemekera. 2 colored flro torchca, fl Human candloa. 12 3*-turh Hang Haliiea. 1 da/go early riaar bomb. 60 .lap torpadoea, 1 001 o rani atar ml no, 24 pi area night f.n.worka, 40 aparklera, 12 pi area nlggorohaaora. 12 I placoa ann of a gua. 14 piece* graaahoppara. 12 plaoaa pluwhcela. 12 anakoa Ingraaa. 1 dot. eraty cracker allcka and 1 bundle of punk. All eomploto In a neat wood boa. A dar'a fun for the whole family. Yon can't (teat It for varletr. quantity, quality and prloa. 1.1 praaa la alow tlioaa dayaao l>ottarordar now?don't wait. OirkMklal at aalakraUaa bm4i Iraa, aaafl ?? ?? RRAZEL NOVELTY MFG. CO. 1909 Ella Straat Cincinnati, Oh I* ffiu KODAKS & SUPPLIES Wf nlao do hl(fhwHt claan of flnlahlnr. 1 JttjK.1^ Prlrca and Catalogue upon renueat! fit***** c ri-.iA.a: 1 r_ n> i .. r. a. viiinm ?pimi vo., BKMOM, Vl, INDIGESTION Oulckly relieved by HAL-HPBAIt-XINTO. p.-nd 25 cent* In lUmpi for large trial bo* to The Sal-Npeiar-Mlnlo Ca, New York, who win refund n.oney If reeulte are not aatlafactory. .V.KNTH H AN'TKI*?I'erfect Furnace Carburetor; for any furnace; Increaaea lieei V* ; it'iucn root, ash, labor and fuel; bio prof.ta Weat Furnace Carb. Co.. Denver, Colo. W. N. U? CHARLOTTE, NO. 47-1919~ I