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v\ i' / .** ** "GLAD I DIDN1 s C-*.| <:V* . ' *' " ?'* " ' -.> * . ' " tltf ''*." ? - k " * You Never Wake Up W< Taking "Dodson's Ugh! Calomel makes yon sick. It' horrible! Take a dose of the dungc; ous drug tonight and tomorrow yo lose a day. Calomel Is mercury! When it come Into contact with sour bile, it crashe Into it. breaking It up. Then Is whe you feel that awful nausea and cram] Ing. If you are sluggish, if liver I torpid and bowels constipated or yo have headache, dizziness, coat* tongue, if breath is bad or stomac ECZEI THIS isn't one of those fake ment offers you have seen times. We don't offer to give thing for nothing?but we do gun you can try this wonderful trei tlrely at our risk, and this gi backed by your local druggist. J. W. Perkins of Atlanta writes: "I was nflllcted with a ve of Eczema for 25 yearR, which was legs and hips. Through al> tills t different remedies nnd doctors tlons, obtaining no relief until I HUNT'S SALVE. "One Box entirely cured me,i two yeurs hnve elapsed I have turn of the trouble. Naturally sr tlie greatest remedy in the w< Hnnt's Halve is compounded < Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and othe Remember Hnnt's Salve coeti ?o do not delay but pet n bcx no% 75c at your druggist's or direct 1 A. B. RICHARDS MEDI If For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVEF QUEER KIND OF OLD COOGEI Tybalt Totter In Fair Way to Be Rea Out of the Aged Men's Protective Union. "I have reached the age of eight: three years," admitted old T.vha Totter, "and yet 1 do not think thi uian Is only as old as he-ee?bee hoe!?fools, and that all tho cornel widows are aftor me, moroly becauf they treat mo with civility. I lia\ never had much Cfiu^o to complain t nyhody's lack of respect for the age ?I Had that the aged generally get a the respect their behavior entlth them to. And I have found that tli average busy citizen Is not deeply h terested In the trivial happenings ( 1854 and thereabout. "As well as I can remember, tli weather back yonder was usually Jui about the same as It is now. I cannt say that 1 am greatly surprised to tin profiteering going on, for to the hei of my recollection a considerable pr portion of the people have hoggt each other at every chance they go But wfcat is especially queer about n Is that. I do not make a prnctlce < denouncing and raving at young pe pie for cutting the same fool capei that 1 did when 1 was their age."f Kansss City Star. And sometimes when a man's faali re buried with his hones, the lntt< have too much company. Bookkeepers are merely flgurebeai <n the business. feiWfflfimtfwainwnwniOMtnHtwiiofiirnnnttg 1 Steeples g and coffee-dri: f . linked togett n people. fv Tf WA11S MAMA Sm I *4 JWUi uisc 10 Instant I ?awholesome I a really rich < 1 that meets the i as the beverag I test of health. | Economical, Read j Postum C< j Battle Cr in'', Vvir hi' .U* JBpiB iak, Gripy or Sickened After liver Tonei^-Ustenl j '8 sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless 1 > Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. ' u Here's my guarantee?Go to any i drug store and get a Lottie of Dod- ' s son's Liver Tone for a few cents. 1 ts Take a spoonful and If It doesn't n straighten you right up and make you it feel tine and vigorous, go back to the t Is store and get your xnoney. Dodson's \ u Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of f d Calomel because It can not salivate or * h make you sick.?Adv. I ah free treat* 4^ i so ninny you some- ^flL rnntee that ttment, en- J|an^S^BT inruntee is x^nflMFRHHl Georgia, / f WlwijyjjMMg ry had case ? Xv|SMIJmM|B i tn my feet, vltHSf^SHBill Ime I tried MWuiSnRIB ;' prescrlpused your though UBWroiPB hud no reI regard it orld." especially for the treatment of Eczema, r skin diseases. t you nothing If you are not satisfied, v on our money back guarantee. I'rice >y mail if he does not handle it. CINE CO., Sherman, Texas LILT?HI1I SOLD FOR BO YEARS. > ALauA riNC GENERAL STRENGTHEN* , m ING TONIC. Sold by All Drag Store*. ( ^ Have You Heard That? * Canaries in their wild state are of a 1 ^ striped greenish color? The yellow i canary Is due to breeding. i c The next airships to h? built In ; England are to be 694-foot length, --'Ith , . a lifting power of 82,7 tons? , lt Certnln landlords In Scotland are | ^ bound under monetary penalties, to ; < if marry at the king's command? 1 A ring Is usually worn on the third finger ot the left hand because It Is ( " the least used of all our fingers and ^ on the least used hand? ( Prisoners In the Massachusetts state ' prison wear grny uniforms and not striped clothes? *8 Spy suspects In the A. E. F. were 10 given baths In lemonade In order to reveal any secret writing which they ( might have written on their skins? The acid In the lemon disclosed "invlsie Ible" Ink. Artificial legs were used by KgvpInns 700 years before Christ??Boston Post. st 1 For His Own Good. | "What became of Niblick who used J to be In the ribbons and laces?" I , ^ "We've transferred him to the hard- | 4 ware department," answered the man- I ^ ager. "He wns getting too sentimental , with some of otir feminine patrons. If | he's cnlled to wait on a woman in the hardware department she'll probably (s he the kind who won't stand any fool?r ( Ishness."?Birmingham Age-Herald. , No one has a more vivid Imaglnais ! tlon tlian the man who imagines he < knows it all. iiititninwqiwwHt?"i'Hf"iMn'"|*"|"? |"""?|Mn s Nights I nking arc closely 1 ier with many | like that, try J Postum J ! cereal drink with | coffee-like flavor g test of taste, just 1 e itself meets the * ? y Instantly, Delicious 1 !ade by | ireal Company | ftek, Michigan | mod General Stores I Br RW. P. B. FITZWATKR. D. IX. TmcImt ot English BlbU la th? Uoo4y Blbto Institute of CMcmco.) Co>yr%fcU 1111, Wsstara Nt?ip*p*r UsIob) LESSON .FOR NOVEMBER 10; WITNES8ES OP CHRIST'S OLORV. LESSON TEXT?Luke ?:?-N. GOLDEN TEXT?This Is my bslovsd ton: hear ye him.?Mark 0:7. ADDITIONAL MATERIA L-Matt. 17:1* i; Mark 9:8-8; II Peter 1:16-13. PRIMARY AND JUNIOR TOPIQ? Peter ind John with Jesus on the mountain. SENIOR AND ADULT TOPlC-Tb# flory of Jesus Christ. While It Is true that In this lesson he disciples are witnesses of Christ'* (lory, the full truth Is that the uianlestatlon of Christ In glory wits to Rive o the discouraged disciples a foretleutn of the Messlunic Kingdom. The lopes of the disciples were crushed vhen Christ aunounced his death on he cross. They were unable to see low victory could Issue from death. Jesus took with hhn 1'eter. James, ind John, and went Into the innuutaln o pray. Ills chief aim In retirement vas to get the disciples apart Into a itate of receptivity so that lie might how them the method of the Kingdom, lefore going to the mountain he de luPfifl tllut thoi*A .? vw n.av. iuciv ?tj ouiuc r?inuuuj^ ; n his presence who would not tnste I if dcntli till they should see the Son ! if Man coming In his Kingdom (Luke ; :27; Mntt. 10:28). Thut their droop- \ ng spirits might be revived and their oufldence restored, he Is trnnstigured iefore them. Two men from the upper vorld are sent to converse with him ibout his uppronchlng death In .lerus- i ilem (v. 31)?the very thing about j vhlcli the disciples refused to talk, j Then, too, (lod's own voice wns heurd ; n words of approval of Christ's course. Ilrectlng them to hear the Master. Surely they cannot doubt his ability low to carry Into execution his king- | lorn plans. The purpose, then, of the rails figuration Is to give the disciples i foregleam of the coming Kingdom, o enable them to see the Kingdom In 'tnbryo. That this Is true Is not only | hown by the context and circumstances, but by the Inspired Interpretation if one who wns with him and knew til that happened. I'eter said. "For ve did not follow cunningly devised ables when we made known unto you he power and coming of our Lord Testis Christ, but we were eye witness's of his ninjesty, for he received of 3od the Father, honor and glory when here came such a voice to hiui from he excellent glory. Tills Is my helovh1 Son In whom I am well pleased: ind this voice we ourselves heard coine >ut of heaven, when we were with him n the holy mount. And we have the vord of prophecy made more sure; vhereunto ye do well that ye take heed, is unto a lamp shining In a dark place, rati! the day dawn, ami the day-star irise in your nearis t? I'eter l :iu-w It. V.).4 To those who believe In the nsplrntlon of the Bihle these words j ?re final. Let us therefore note the nitstandlng features of the Kingdom is displayed In the transfiguration. I. Jesus Christ the Glorified King >n Mount Zion (v. 29). The glorified King on tlrs Mount ,vas Intended to symbolize the Messltnlc Kingdom when Christ returns to he Mount of Olives In Jerusalem 1 [Zech. 14:4-17). This Is still In the [uture, uud will he literally fulfilled. II. The Glorified Saints With Christ tvv. 30. 81). 1. Moses who was once denied an en- ' trance Into Palestine, uppeurs now in glory, representing the redeemed of the Lord who will pass through deuth into the Kingdom. Many thousands of the redeemed have fallen asleep and ut the coining of the Lord shall be awakened to pass into the Kingdom. 2. Elijah, now glorified, represents the redeemed who shall puss Into the Kingdom through translation. Many shall he living upon the earth when the Lord shnll come, and shnll without dying he changed nnd thus pass into the Kingdom (1 Cor. 15:50-53; 1 Thess. 4:? 14-18). 3. They talk of the very thing which (he disciples refused to believe, namely, the death of Christ. III. Israel, in the Flesh, in Connection With the Kingdom, Represented by Peter, James and John (v. 28). ' Israel shall he called from their hiding ; olace allium; all nations of the onrth i nnd shall he gathered to Jeans Christ j the King, as the central people In the ' Kingdom (F.z. 37:21-27). 1. I'eter proposes to build three tub- , ernacles (v. 33). The Feast of Tuber- | nncles looked forward to the glorious reign of Christ. I'eter caught a glimpse of the significance of the transfiguration. Ills proposition showed that he thought of the Feast of Tuber- j nudes, nnd therefore of the Millenium. | 2. The divine voice (v. 35). At this time God himself uttered his words, as- | Miring int'iii mat hum one in glory waa his son Jesus Christ. IV. The Multitude at the Foot of the Mountain (vv. 37-48). This Is representative of the nations which shall be brought into the King- ! tlorn which shall he established over 1 Israel (see Isaiah 11:10-12). The peo- j pie here were grievously oppressed by I the devil. There ure times when the I devil is especially active In his op- ! presslon of men. About the time of j Christ's first coming he did his best to harass men. Just before Christ's coming again he will be especially active. for he knows that his time la short. One's Life Another's Bible. I)o not forget that your life mny be the only P.lble your neighbor ever rends. Your words, your actions, are sprend before him like so mnny pages to be read. You may think lightly of some inconsistent action; he does not. and is quick to tnke advantage of such to defend his own shortcomings. "The one argument I never could answer," said an Infldel after conversion, "was the consistent life of my Chri*> dun mother."?Selected. HURRY! YOUR HAIR 7 NEEDS "PANDERINE" QM rWefwrwy kit ?f that ugly log k?i?* To atop falling hair at once and rid f, the scalp of every particle of dandruff, g get a small bottle of "Danderlne" at al any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and a rub well into the scalp.. After several 0! applications all dandruff usually goes und hair stops coming out. Every hair In your head soon shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color. b ?Adv. b Why. The new high-school teacher thought that she was making u decided hit with the older hoys because they gathered aroutul her to talk at many of 11 the Intermissions. The principal, who hnd noticed this, commended her on her Interest In the boys and then told the hoys how they should appreciate her for this same Interest. "I guess you like to have her tulk j footlmll with you." he smiled. "Oh, no," hastily corrected one of them. "She doesn't know any football. We talk It before ber and then we. like to stand near so we can' bear all the foolish questions she asks the fellows about It." ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Namo "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin?say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package." containing proper directions for Colds, Pain, Headnche. Neuralgia. Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" mean* genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcucldester of Salicyllcacld.?Adv. When money talks to the most of us It Is at the other em) of a long distance phone. Arid Stomach Heartburn and Nausea quickly disappear with the use of Wright's Indian Venn able I'IIIh. Send for trial box to 17 2 Peart St.. New York. Adv. A woman seldom means all the mean things she ?iys. , Courtesy Is a rare gem, but may be had without price. Chaasia Pricmm: I ! $1590 to $1965 ! f. o. 6. Detroit, Mich. | j j Two Chasse* i 1-1K Ton j 1H-2 Ton | Capacities 8 Open Exprmtu Body Exprmat with Canopy T< n/Anrb Grain. Tight and Looao IJj Hmmh Looam, Poehaai, or Box INDIGESTION J* ^'*' $ "Pipe's, Dbpepain" makM Disordered Stomachs feel fine at onoel Lumps of undigested food causing sin. When your stomach la add, and i gassy, sour or you have heartburn, atulence, headache or dyspepsia, here t speedy relief?no waiting. Eat a tablet or two of Pape's Dlaepsin and Instantly your stomach eels fine. All the indigestion pain, ases. acidity and misery In the atomch caused by acidity ends. Pape's Dlapepsln tablets cost little t any drug store but there is no surer r quicker stomach antacid known. Adv. Resemblance. Fond Mother?Don't you think the nby resembles 'his father? Culler?Well?er?they are both uld. One Form. "What Is camouflage, pa?" "Staining your fingers with Ink to inke people think that you are a riter." >LGOHOL- OP^R^CEI^^^ HI b jij; ^Wcre^ftwn^in^W^tiOT I lMjjJ Jj Cheerfulness and RestCoatainsf KjgS* Jj neither Opium, Morphine norl nv?C! ,fl Mineral. Not Narcotic j Atp^afOidDc^AMXLfnWS. | I, I Ayto Sm! i I [t'81 ' li AcMSt sub H^| 'j? f ii {?&$ | A helpful Remedy for i Wi- '"] Constipation and DiarrhoeiJI I nno Fevcrishness arui fl Icvt^' i Loss of Sleep II l^j'e ~ result in C therefrora-inliifancy j fac simile Signature of fll |fg 91 Jej.^ecr Tut. flnnnimCcMPAHE. HI 0?l g=~^^u?~K'liinI ExMct Copy of VTnppet, I ^ niiii^iii^iiiiiiMJiiaii^^ imMiag ^ Solves City a lljfe-* Transportatit 'T^HE Commerce c -* by 9 years of in building one s truck chassis? There is a type boc ments? Service ? durability &Sar incorporated in thei V-/ ? providing rapid transportation? dj} Pneumatic Cord 71 Equipment on the i ^ i Fully Equipped Mfe Southern Motoi Fourth and Poplar Street Ditlribui Commerce Trucks an< Material* Associate Deal ?jfo the commerce mot ad Material* Stack Rack with Wat ' ^ M \ r"v * ;#**> ' * KIDNEYS .WEAKEN! BET if BMxy Hi hliMir troubles don't m< I'lssprUr of ttoudrw. Thsy grow ^ upon 70a, slowly bat steadily, under- , wtwing your health with deadly cer- on tainty, until yoa fall a victim to in- qu curable disease. Oi ol Stop your trooblea while there ia mi time. Don't wait until little pains be- 0f come bis aches. Don't trifle with disease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with QOLD MEDAL Bur- bo lem OB Capsules now. 'Take three or n. four every day until you feel that you if ore entirely free from pain. dr This well-kuown preparation has been Ia one of the national remedies of Hoi- th land for centuries. In 1690 the govern- bo INFLUE fpy j f 1 \m And all diseases of tl I?ft Mg|U i2| cured; colts and hors IWll 1 tl^l lner them by usInK vPML /O/ * ?'ten cure. Safe foi all ares and conditio HFOHN'S Is sold by pox spohn mi:d MB?ill iilHnlM III! Children < What is CA Castoria is a harmless substitute for and Soothing Syrups. It is pleastfnt. Morphine nor other narcotic substanc For more than thirty years it has b< relief of Constipation, Flatulency, 1 allaying Feverishness arising theref Stomach and Bowels, aids the as: healthy and natural sleep. The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTC y^Bears the Sig In Use For Ove The Kind You Have THI OINTAUN COM^ANV BESS tag nd Country g )n Problems hasses are backed specialized effort ch tandard type of ^ag?. ly for all require- ^ /?economy are fcHBBBflft sc sturdy chasses and dependable Platform and < 'res are Standard tl | Commerce Chasses pjE~| Service In-Built IflSS ?Corporation m Charlotte, N. C. I Commerce Service lers Wanted ? 4 OR CAR COMPANY innorr. mick jjjgjjg mndmr body ^ Handle* Hay? TER LOOK OUT! M r?& saagr trai'-"*! J The |oo4 housewife of Holland smM . nost as soon be without food as wins ,s )Jm it her "Real Dutch Drops," as M > aintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 1 Capsules. Their USS rwtolSS wngth and Is responsible til a grist a.nre^ for the sturdy, rohost health ^ Do not delay. Go to ynor dragftot d insist on his supplyink you with a x of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OA f : ipsules. Take them as directed, al you are not satisfied with results fMT uxgist will gladly refund your money. >ok for the name GOLD MEDAL o* e box and accept no other. In sealed >y* xes, three sizea RESIl - CRISP - WHOLESOMI- DELICIOUS * TMt SANCTMTY MSTMOOS WHIID M 1M HAKIMS OS TKSSm SISCUITS HAKE TMKM TMt STANDARD .f EXCELLENCE Sir Dsslsr has Iwai. or if est hs should, k him or writs as giving his name. AagrrAtiAAna__Mavwna? VAMMiR IVI A Catarrhal Fever 1 111 4L A Fink Eya, Shipping Fever, Eplzootlo he horso affecting his throat speedily e.s in the same stable kept from taavSI'OHN'S COMI'OltNDi 3 to 6 dosea r brood mares, baby colts, stallions^ ns. Most skillful scientific compound, your druggist. ICAI, CO., Mfr?_, Goshen, Ind. Cry For STORIA Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drdps It contains neither Opium, e. Its age is its guarantee. ;en in constant use for the Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; \ rom, and by regulating the similation of Food; giving Children's Panacea?The >RIA ALWAYS :r 30 Years Always Bought , MCW V.RK CI TV, P11PM Sturdy j? Speedy Dependable imp with I Convertible Stake Body | Jroduca tuui foaaangmrm ?3 * '