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| ITEHS Of LOCAL HfTOUBCT. 69^1* :3 ^Saturday, November 16th, is the last day for the payment of ^rffa. taxes without penalty of Misses Hattie Belk and Mary Spratt came up from Winthrop college to spend the week end at their homes in Fort Mill. C. V. Bradford, of Fort Mill. IB? has been drawn as-a third-week juror for the fall term of York court. His friends will regret to know that Mr. J. H. McMurrav has been seriously ill for several days at his home in Whiteville Park. Mrs. C. H. Klueppelberg, of Brevard, N. C., was a visitor the la3t week to relatives in Fort Mrs. Richard A. Fulp, of Charlotte, was the guest during the last week of Mrs. J. L. Spratt. Mrs. u. H. Fhillips and children of Spencer, and Miss Zelma Phillips of Winthrop college, were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips on Hall street. The foot ball team composed of boys from the seventh grade of the local graded school deifeated the team of the junior training school of Rock Hill in that city last Friday afternoon by a score of 13 to 0. Capt. James D. Fulp, superintendent of the Abbeville graded schools spent several days in Fort Mill the last week, stopping off here on his way to Mint Hill, N. C., where on Tuesday he delivered an address on "Armistice Day." Report comes from Pineville that the Chadwick-Hoskins mill company, owners of the present Pineville mill, will in the near * future begin the erection of a larger plant for the manufacture of cotton goods at a point just north of the railway station in that town. Local contractors are complaining of the difficulty in getting brick with which to continue building operations, and several jobs in course of completion have been held up on account of the brick shortage. Manufacturers of brick say that * they have numbers of brick ready for burning but that they are unable to secure coal with which to burn them. Concrpssmnn W F Sr#?vor\arm I requests The Times to say he has at his disposal a quantity ol vegetable and flower seed for the people of this vicinity and anyone wishing the seed can obtain same by dropping him a card telling him the varieties wanted. Address the card, "Hon. W. F. Stevenson, M. C., Washington, D. C." Charlie White, a colored man of Fort Mill township, plead guilty in the Federal court at Greenville last week to operating an illicit distillery and was sentenced to pay a fine of $300 or serve three months in York jail. The negro and the whiskeymaking outfit was taken by officers at the home of the negro in lower Fort Mill some weeks ago, ana White had been out on bond pending trial. The ice plant which has recently been installed by Oscar T. Gulp began operation last Thursday night turning out 3000 lbs. of ice in ten hours. The cakes are smaller than is usually seen and will be more easily handled. The plant will operate regularly every day to supply the local demand. An interesting meeting of the | Parent-Teacher association was held in the graded school building last Friday afternoon. A feature of the occasion was an address by Prof. Bruce H. Stribling on the "Business of School Life" and was heard with great interest. A rest room has been fitted up in one of the old cloak rooms for the use of the teachers and is quite an attractive and comfortable place for them to retire for rest or for quiet in making reports. i Amistice Day was celebrated I here Tuesday to a considerable K extent inougn mere was no I official closing of bnsiness. BeI ginning at an early hour fire arms * of all kinds were discharged and | contiued intermittently all day. $ The mills began work at the i usual time but at about 8 o'clock I a number of the operatives | formed and paraded the streets fejj.t', returning later to their work. % Owing to the lack of an audi; BL torium. there were no special P exercises at the graded school > lyhich observed the usual school HONEST GO It hcs been the po only that class of gooi buying public, and tc prices. By following business, and expect t If you are not a c?j us out on the foregoin m 3$ - .r-'- - . I Fort Mil The fine old dray horse belonging to Oscar T. Culp which has been a familiar sight on Fort Mill streets for a number of years, died during the last week. All stewards of the Fort Mill charge of St. John's M. E. church are requested by the pastor to attend a steward's meeting to be held immediately after services next Sunday morning. At the Presbyterian church Sunday night there will be special services in connection with the demobilization of the service flag which has hung in the rear of the pulpit since the beginning of the war and bears a large number of stare representing the members in the service from this Sunday school. The ( Rev. Mr. Berry hill, of r Clover, will assist the Rev. J. B. Black at this service. Organize Local Post. At a dinner given Tuesday night at the Palmetto hotel by ] ! the members of Company G, 1 I One Hundred and Eighteenth < Infantry, a temporary organi- ^ zation of the American Legion * was effected with Captain F. | Murray Mack as commander, j Captain George W. Potts as t vice commander, and Sergeant ( Arthur C. Lytle as adjutant, j The dinner was presided over by ] Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas B. Spratt and was attended by a number of the prominent mem- < bers of the late company. Guests ] of the comnany were Major ' Lindsay McFadden, Lieut. J. C. Dozier, Lieut. Hiram Hutchison, and Lieut. B. Jennings White, ( of Rock Hill, all of whom made ; short addresses. The affair was one of unusual pleasure as each 1 guest was required to give some of his experiences overseas and, 1 as the company saw some of the hardest fighting in Frsnce, a number of the men being more or less severely wounded, the StnflOQ urora nf iinnounl .WW HVIV VTA uuuouai IIIICICAU | Will the Firs Catch You II Have you looked into Coat or Heavier Suit? 1 gone in a few days. Wlr and perhaps uhsatisfact< now, before the cold wea your decision before the ues in Suits at very reas< New ] Are now on display in ment. She Ladies' Shoes shou handsome. We have be aficfv C7M % IOI y Blan We have a large shij week, the all-wool kind, size. Rain' The kind you'd be p kind you'll And at this si< Clot1 The newest styles in let us show you these An Unusual values in Su !.- ? > ."C. ' licy of this store since is which we know will > sell the goods at hoi this method, we have b 0 continue to grow beca istomer of ours any day g statements. 1 Cooperative H. S. PARKS, Manager. Charlotte Cotton Sold Here. Havinpr waited from last February until the present for the Charlotte cotton market to catch jp with markets of the smaller x>wns about Charlotte and hav ng waited -in vain, Lr. Badger Bryant, of Providence township, >ne of the largest cotton prolucers of the county, hauled iO bales of last year's crop from Dharlotte to Fort Mill Saturday norning to get the approximatey two cents per pound advantage of the market over the ocal one. Mr. Bryant stored his cotton lere last February, he said, and lad paid storage on it during ;he interval between then and he present date. He sold it to i Fort Mill merchant last Friday tnd loaded the cotton at a local varehouse Saturday morning. The twenty bales of 1918 cotton oaded on a number of wagons ind beaded out of town instead >f into the cotton buying section >f the city attracted considerable lttention and inquiry. Mr. Bryant said the market at Fort Mill kent from a cent and a lalf to two cents ahead of the Charlotte market all the time. Whereas a farmer from Morning Star township sold two prize jales of long staple cotton here Friday for 65 cents per pound a Fort Mill cotton buyer bought :wo bales of long staple a few lays ago at 75 cents per pound,! Vlr. Bryant said. ? Charlotte Mews. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crayton, if Charlotte, were visitors in Fort Mill during the past week. Compulsory School Attendance. The compulsory Bchool term for York county has been fixed to begin on November 24th, and continue for 80 consecutive school days, EVERY child between the ages of eight and fourteen years is required to attend every day during this period or furnish a lawful written excuse. in cases where the school does not open until later the compulsory term will begin on the first day of the session. Teachers will observe carefully the instructions given at the teachers meeting in York on November 1st. JOHN E. CARROLL, Supt. of Education. it Cold Snap Inprepared? the matter of a New Warm weather will be V not avoid hasty "and >ry selection by coming ither sets in and make rush is on. Extra valuable prices. Hats our Millinery depart>es Id be beautiful?Men's >th at prices that will kets >ment of Blankets this both large and small coats roud to own, the only t>fe. ling Clothing. Come in and e suits. tits of highest quality. rell Comp'y. EST PRICES. .* the opening to sell entirely satisfy the lest, live-and-let-live uilt up an excellent use of this policy, is a good day to try 3 Store, FOR SALE?Quantity of Seed Wheat at $3.00 per bushel. Edgar Jones. WANTED?Good sound wheat and corn for milling purposes. Highest market prices paid. Let us know what you have. Catawba Milling Co.. Rock Hill, S. C. Fort Mill Candy Kitchen / ? A Cool, Clean and Comfortable place to eat your Ice Cream. We make a specialty of furnishing Cream at wholesale to picnic parties or individuals, at less cost than you can make it yourself. Phone 143. We will bo glad to serve you. H. Carros, Proprietor DR. A. I OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) , Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. I The Oldest In York Ct is proof Strength, isfying S every de The Savii Of Foi I I III! BIH IMIillllB Ullll I II "Star Brai And a full line of H paw iery, Overalls, Etc. Call on us for anything j The Cas t The Cast + We are still in the M | most select line of Fresh J ter, Eggs and other Corn * Call on us for all kinds 1 I Dill Pickles, Etc. We price will please you. \ The Cash | F. E. TAYLOR, Prop. I I dred of the a new materia S Ladies' Cc Children's Ladies' Sn B Ladies' Se | to $35.00. I Ladies' an B suits, $15.00 I > Tins week v Ladies, Misses ferent from w jjM New lot Si Hi ?5 Seventy nev ,v just came in b Plenty of jj * \ boys. I Pat J Bank |: mnty | of our ability for | Safety and a Satervice complete in : Time Now M s the COAT STORE. Two hun- I rery best styles to select from?all I Is and styles. I >ats, 812.50 to $50.00. J Coats? $1.50 to $22.50. I lits, $22.50 to $65.00. I | rge and Tricotine Dresses $19.50 I d Misses' All-wool Serge Middy B to $25.00. I lew Millinery S re are showing Mid-Season Hats for H ? and Children. Styles that are dif- S hat you have seen. l llose, all colors, 75c to $3.00. g v "Waist Line" Suits for young men II y express, $19.00 td $4-5.00. |j ;ood, warm Overcoats for men and ? ? I t e r s o n ' s | j J I I | Prescriptions- | i I i V o ? o t Your doctor cannot cure you unless <| ? his orders are carried out by the drug- <> > gist when he tills your Prescription. ! i 1 ; Bring them to us and they will lie f tilled correctly hy a Graduate Licen- :; t sed Druggist, with Pure, Fresh Drugs. ;; | Our prices are reasonable. ; ; o ; '* t f Hntrliinsnn's Ph a rmarv 1 f "Just What Your Doctor Orders." X I I Your Family Servant <_l Thnf 1* a lirV* O F viro o?*n on/1 ti?V*of ??A 4-^v n >?? au niauk n? (II I HIIU ay Mil L nc PM 1 y *5 tu UC. Your table is the shrine upon which we offer eurselvss. We are dealers in "better than ordinary" groceries. Our shelves are stocked with the best in the market of standartl goods. Let us take the responsibility of what you put an the table to tempt the appetites of your family. Groceries are the life of any individual. Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory ta your paliette. T7ir*nnTT nn a mn ntntf a Imparl Mr. a id, riori ana 1UK. g n nrrfci^i to^m. k Lo. c-. rtivuuauiN. 1 Highest Prices Paid for Pork. I ? ?? sets ? ? ?+? ?<? -? ??? f Free. Air Batteries Recharged * ^ We are always looking for trouble at the | Superior Garage, \ phone 71 Ford Specialists. I Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed on AU Cars. E. S. CASE, Proprietor. Gas ^t. tS i "Wit tees > tail. * igs Bank t Mill. BBDOMHDnaaBHBa id" Shoes | Underwear, Sweaters, Hosrou might be in need of. ;h Store, i Market { aiket Business with a 4 [ Meats, Chickens, But- * ltry Produce. J Sweet and Sour Pickles, J have the best and the + i Market, |