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Of LOCAL INTEREST. , Cotton today 88 cents. !&_ The Bachelor Maids Book club P will meet this afternoon with p MIssEstelle Massey as hostess. Mrs. Hattie Mack has returtied from a visit to relatives Miss Margaret Knight, of Lancaster, was a guest of Mrs. ? L. Howie during the past Misses Bessie and Ola Warren and Louise Parks spent the K week-end in the home of Mrs. IT! \K DL.'ll: r r. . ? trittiicco in. x uiuips OI ttOCK Jtllll. | A neat five-room cottage is being erected for Dallas Stevens on Academy street, near the old i White-Springs ginnery. Elijah Irvin, a Rock Hill negro charged with having criminally assaulted a white woman in that city Friday night, has been taken to the State penitentiary for safe keeping. Mrs. H. J. Brown, of Gastonia, N. C.t was a guest the last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Merritt, in this city. William Ardrey is at home for a short while from the University of South Carolina as he is convalescent from a severe attack of diptheria. Misses Aileen Mosely and Nell Mae Ferguson came uo from Winthrop college Friday and spent several days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ferguson. The Rev. J. B. Black left Tuesday morning for Anderson where he will attend the sessions of Presbyterian Synod which convened there Tuesday night. The annual Chester county fair opened at Chester Tuesday and will continue through Friday. Plans were completed some days ago for making this fair the biggest and best in the long history of fairs in Chester } . county. Dr. A. Theo Neely left Saturday evening for Baltimore, Md., where he will take special courses m tne Baltimore Medical college. Mrs. Neely will remain in Fort Mill probably until the first of the year. All of the school children were permitted to leave their studies for a short while Monday morning and join the large number of citizens in watching the flight of an aereplane going from Charlotte to Rock Hill and York. T. A. Mills is having material placed for the enlargement and remodeling of his dwelling on North Main street. Mr. Mills and family will occupy the house as soon as the work is completed. "The Love Call," reputed to be one of the best Western pictures now playing the circuits, is the attraction today at the rni . ? majestic i neaire. me management of the theatre feels safe in guaranteeing all lovers of Western drama complete satisfaction in the presentation of this production. The Rev. W. R. Bouknight, of the Fort Mill Methodist church, left yesterday morning for Greenwood to attend the sessions of the Upper South Carolina Conference of the M. E. church, South. The conference will be presided over by B:shopU. V. W. Darlington, of Huntington, W. Va. If you happen to have a few grains, or cupfuls of sugar in your pantry, better hold on to it for an emergency, because the chances are slight that an additional supply will be procurable this year. Merchants expect to receive very little sugar before next January. The shortage is nothing like local, various other places throughout the entire country are in the same fix. The management of the Majestic Theatre, of this city, has closed a contract with the owners of the theatre building for the erection of a 30-foot extension to the honse and it is expected that work on the building will gp commence within a few days. This extension will give room for something like 100 additional seats and will relieve the congestion which is at times experienced in the present show room. It is also not unlikely that a building to the rear of the show and facing on Confederate g street of sufficient size to accomodate the plant of the local newspaper. The Times, will be a included in the building opera I WE T ' JV/' | V We thank you for the very short period solicit the continuanc ests at all times. No Best Pat. Self-Rising Flour, p Best Pat. Flour, "Presto," pe Fat Back Meat, best quality, i Best Compound Lard, per lb.,. WE have a full lin Also a full line Dry G< Fort Mil P HDHmmannni Many People Saw Airplane. An aeroplane, flying from Charlotte to Rock Hill and carry- 1 ing a film for the Palmetto 1 Theatre in the latter city, attracted the attention of many Fort Mill people Monday. The rnachine also carried a number of copies of the Charlotte Observer which were thrown out 1 as the birdman circled over ( Rock Hill. The machine when ! it passed over Fort Mill was apparently 1,000 feet up and was > making very slow time, probably ' twenty-five or thirty miles an < hour. It was also seen by a ' number of people as it returned < to Charlotte about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. i I The Rock Hill Herald has this 1 to say of the visit of the flying ' machine to that city: mi * a 1 1 i e use aviaror naa a numuer 01 ' local passengers. Max W. Bryant ' made the trip to York and back, though the machine did not effect a landing at the county scat. During the afternoon , there were a number of flights | and each time a local passenger ? was carried aloft. Rock Hill ; look3 like a huge garden from 3 above, it was stated, her streets | appearing as ribbons would about j the foliage of greenery. The < rough places are obliterated < when looking down ancl im- | perfections are not apparent. It looked like a veritable garden of i Eden, was one expression after j a flight. - ] Mrs. Max W. Bryant had the ( honor to be the first Rock Hill woman to soar to hitherto unknown h< irhts and Mrs. Bryant i stated she enjoyed the | sensation immensely. It was smooth gliding through the hazy atmosphere and she was delicrhted with the birds eye view of the surrounding country. No fancy stunts were attempted | during this trip. , Nose dives and tail spins, also < the loop the loop were easy stunts for the aviator, who flew a distance upside down and asked his passenger how he liked it. Will the Firs Catch You U Have you looked into Coat or Heavier Suit? ^ gone in a few days. Whi and perhaps unsatisfact< now, before the cold wea your decision before the ues in Suits at very reasc New 1 Are now on display in ment. She Ladies' Shoes shou handsome. We have bo satisfy. Blan VVe have a large shif week, the all-wool kind, size. Rain< The kind you'd be pi kind you'll And at this si< Clod The newest styles in let us show you these fin Unusual values in Su E K. Kimbi the very liberal patron we have been doing bui of your patronsgWptd $ >te the Following Prici er 100t__ $6.00 Good Grade Cof r 100. 5.90 Irish Potatoes, i >erlb.,__/ .30 Good Quality Pi 30 Granulated Sug e of Groceries at propoi Dods, Notions, Shoes, ?U 1 Cooperative 4. J. ADCOCK, Manager. It was Rock Hill's first opportunity to see the real aviation stunts and, of course, they were greatly enjoyed. Shortly before 5 o'clock the machine arose for the return trip to Charlotte. Charlie Cobb was the passenger this time and he stated the trip was made in about 18 minutes, though no effort was made to break speed records. The Cherry road looked like a dream, he said, and the spires of the Charlotte churches were (rlimncpH hofnro f Kow crossed the Catawba, which looked like a spring branch during a dry spell in August, rhe aviator took a fancy for a nose dive when over the circus grounds and his passenger was fixing to select a landing in the haystack before the elephants when the machine flattened out and made a graceful, if uneventful, landing nearby. Cotton Reaches 40 Cents. "The great buying movement and wild scramble for cotton has begun and, as a result, that staple is now bringing between 38 and 42 cents a pound," says i statement issued from Columbia by the American Cotton association. The statement declares that the best grades are extremely scarce and that the mills are in a virtual stampede for it. The prediction is made that "cotton in December will reach the highest level it has reached since the reconstruction days following the civil war." Middling cotton was bringing 40.50 in Galveston, Texas, Saturday, according to the statement, and there was a scramble for every bale offered for sale. "If the farmers would hold their cotton off the market and not offer it all for sale now, there is no telling to" what figure the market would go," says the Btatement. WANTED?Salesmen to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission. Address THE LENNOX OIL & PAINT CO. Cleveland, O. it Cold Snap i m i mprepareo r > the matter of a New Varm weather will be V not avoid hasty "and >ry selection by coming ther sets in and make rush is on. Extra valuable prices. Flats our Millinery depart es Id be beautiful?Men's ?th at prices that will # kets >nient of Blankets this both large and small coats roud to own, the only >i e. ling Clothing. Come in and e suits. its of highest quality. cell Comp'y. B| 1 iage given us during | siness. We respect- I ivill serve your inter- I sk I Fee, per lb., 30 per peck, 60 nk Salmon, per can,... .22 ar, per lb., 11 rtionately low prices, and at low prices. 3 Store, wmmmmmmmmmmmmmamammm FOR SALE?Quantity of Seed Wheat at $3.00 per bushel. Edgar Jones. WANTED?Good sound wheat and corn for milling purposes. Highest market prices paid. Let us know what vou have. Catawba Milling Co.. ltock Hill, S. C. Fcrt Mill Candy Kitchen A Cool, Clean and Comfortable place to eat your Ice i Cream. We make a specialty of furnishing Cream at I wholesale to picnic parties | or individuals, at lens cnnt I than you can make it your- I self. Phone 143. We will I bo glad to serve you. fe H. Carros, Proprietor DR. A. I_. OXT , DENTIST j Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) ^ Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. | I The Oldest 1 In York Co Iis proof ? Strength, isfying Se ^ every det< nri _ c 1 he bavin j Of Fori The Casl General Line of Grade of Merct ceries, and Feet, ware, Tinware, Enameled Wart. Notions, Overall: Hosiery, "Star 1 The Casl S. A. Lee and T. F | The Cash I + We are still in the Ma most select line cf Freeh i ter, Eggs and other Count A Call on us for all kinds J Dill Pickles, Etc. We h price will please you. I The Cash F. E. TA\ LOR, Prop. .' r BBw^MBii Wli Every fa ing country, place to trad refer yau to ers who trad as another which is Plt< people right. Just now 1 Suits, Dressc Soes, Etc., tl say it oursel other people Drop in at self. We're Better goo have. Pat * Bank I unty I of our ability for | ? Safety and a Sat- ? ; :rvice complete in ail. 4 4 < < I igs Bank t Mill. I: b Store. I the Very Hest landise ? Gro- | i Stuff, IlardDry Goods, :, Glassware, S Underwear, lirand" Shoes. h Store, \ Lvtle, M^rs. j <$ ?> ? tW . m ? lviarKet ] iket Business with a <> * Meats, Chickens, But- j 1 ly Produce. I i ycct and Sour Pickles, J ^ ave the best and the 4 < Market, j Phone 146. j mmmmm m mmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^ i iat s That? j imily in this town and surround will find PATTERSON'S a good 8 e. As evidence of this fact, we 1 the hundreds of satisfied custom e with us. You will please note, I vidence, the growth of this store, I OOF ENOUGH that we serve the 8 I we are selling more Coats, Coat I s; Skirts, Waists, MILLINERY, | lian all well, we won't | res, but we believe we are, and H can see it. S ; the busy store and see for your- p timid and can't boast. g ?ds for all the people is what we gj I terson s | I 1 ; [ Prescriptions. j I I I I t | t Your doctor cannot cure you unle*? | his orders are carried out by the drug- <> ? gist when he tills your Prescription. < ; Bring them to us and they will be | ^ fll |p/l l??? ?? ~~ ' 4~ * ???vu ww* vviiy uy it Ul ttUUcllC LICL'U t sed Druggist, with Pure, Fresh Drugs. ? I Our prices are reasonable. | | Hutchinson's Pharmacy, f "Just What Your Doctor Orders." ? - - - -UJT Your Family Servant That is what we are and what we strive to be. Your table is the shrine upon which we offer ourselvss. We are dealers in "better than ordinary" urmo#?r_ ies. Our shelves are stocked with the best in Um market of standard goods. | Let us take the responsibility of what you put en I the table to tempt the appetites of your family. a Groceries are the life of any individual. |j Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will |j be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory t# E your pailette. a FRESH MEATS, FISH and ICE. | B. C. FERGUSON. J _ ?'?rsr <& a:- ?*- ~ " xxix jomveries Kecharged * We are always looking for trouble at the ? Superior Garage, ? PHONE 71 :; ; Ford Specialists. i Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Cars. K. S. CASE, Proprietor. \\ | Pan ^ ^ 11 n 1111 n 1111.. I.. I | .t?i n t''