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TM FORT MUX TOTES Ito niotto-Pitlhlm fhwiTi. 8. W. BKA.DPORD . TTIlTll- llll rilHllmt ?- _ ? UMoumoM KATU: Ono Y?r HlJK Montha .<6 t^TiiSU avltea -;ontg!*? <? ? llwifclMli hot tea not Airw to pqbHob oiri ttta W woooo i any aobjoct. Tho right to mwwi to OOit rt aooununUotton JQbmtttori for poMfaoaoo. Oo Application to tho pobltohor. ilvotMBg ratoo m*bai1? known to thoooleteeoeted. faloohdno.loaol and lonrdjotoopa. No.til. i Rntaoari at the pootoflteo at Fort MOI. 8. O.. oo ? ntall mattnr of tha aoeond eloao. THURSDAY. NOV. 6. 1919. Just where the trouble lies we Ho not trnour hut V?v iivu n 11\/ TV f vuw **rrM* there is something wrong in a mercantile way in this town. We do not believe that in the history of the town there has been as much trade going out to Rock Hill and Charlotte and the mail order houses as there is this season. Whether the local stocks are incomplete (they don't seem to be), whether the prices here are higher, or whether iris the novelty of the visit to a larger town that is pulling the trade away, we shall not attempt to say, but it is observant to anyone that our merchants are losing a great deal of trade whibh they ought to get. Our business men ought to get together, learn the trouble, and turn the tide homeward. Nothing Doing. >. Not long ago a man came into this office and stopped his paper because he said it was always printing a lot of things about the same people and he said he was sick of it. Now, when something goes wrong with the country the government appoints a commission to investigate and find out what is the matter, and the first thing a commissioninvestigates is the man who made the holler to see if the holler was a reasonable holler. So the editor appointed himself a commission to investigate this man's holler. We just followed the man's career ever since we knew hira. The first thing that happened to that man was that he was born, hlif kn Vin/1 oluAlnf A)U /> MUt IIC I CAVA UUOVIUtVIJ Ill/UIIUK tV do with it. However, the paper mentioned him, although his parents were entitled to the credit. When he was in his early twenties he got married. The paper mentioned that, including the name af the bride, the preacher, etc., in fact it mentioned everything but thefee of the preacher, which was not worth mentioning. We never mentioned the fact that he never won any premiums at the county fair, because he never exhibited anything. We never mentioned his name in a list of committees, because he never attended anything. We never mentioned his name in the list of donors, because he never donated as much as a doughnut. We certainly have been treating this man shamefully, bat we will agree to run a nice obituary when the time comes. Will Bring Bodies Home. The war department has announced that preparations are being made for the removal of the bodies of the America* dead from Italy, Bblgium, Germany, Great Britain, Luxemburg and North Russia, and that such re movais win not nave to wait upon the approval of any other government, as is the case with those who are buried in France. At the same time the department gives warning that the project is so extensive and pn sents such different phases in the various countries involved that it cannot be carried into effect precipitateiy and without well-perf ected arrangements. Regardless of whether or not the return of these dead has been requested no bodies will be left in Germany, Luxemburg and north Russia. All bodies from north Russia mill be returned to the United States if they are not already interred in France. l.OST?Monday on public road between Fort Mill and Flint Hill church folding puree containing $22 in paper money. Finder willpleaae return same to Carl Belk at J. B. Mills Co. ItKWAKD?I will pay $10 reward for arrest tnd conviction of party who m utilated aigna of Superior Gwr?ge on r. ad from Fort Mill to Ftoaaant Vadey. * Ysrk Cmty Rmi Kitten. |~ tlorfcrriUe Ebourw.) Curtis Bryrat a young white a man of the Filbert section has been eopomitted to the State 4 hospital for the hisane. g CoL C. B. Armstrong presi- * dent of the Lockmore Cotton u mill of Yorkville, has donated w $1,000 to the orthopaedic hospital q in Gastonia, founded by R B. Babbington, n i b A lot of two hundred and three q bales of cotton, the property of ft I the estate of the late Martin D. h Halt, wns sold this week to T | J. D. Hope, a cotton buyer of * Sharon for a total of $21,248.26. 2 Some of the cotton was eight g 1 and ten years old. ^ Approximately 145 acres, a S portion of the estate of the late c< D. E. Finley, lying on the outskirts of Rock Hill, were sold at * auction * Wednesday by the Catawba Real Estate company, t] The lands brought a total of a< about $22,844, the average price 0 per acre being $157.50. Land o offered for sale included six t< building lots, one of which n brought $1,975. ^ Came a story out of the Ogden it country Tuesday that the son of g a well known fainter had been held up by a negro who looked b just exactly like Joe Turner, P panted for the murder of Police- c man Joe Kitchen and Alfred ^ Blair of Greenville, which oc- ^ curred several weeks ago and n LI 1 _ ? - 1 . ?nn .1 ruuueu ur auoui tne proceeds of the sale of the seed of a bale of cotton. The story had it f that the negro appeared on the V roadside with a gun and told the J boy to come across pronto, which S the boy did and then gave the ^ alarm. A posse appeared and g began search for Turner; but there was no negro answering a the description to be found. Now b comes a story from the same t neighborhood to the effect that t it was all a fake and that the r story was invented by the boy ? who wanted to devote the $30 ^ seed money to his own use and J; sprung the story to fool his 8 folks. s York Teachers Reorganize. Reorganization of the York Cdunty Teachers' association, which has been inactive for the ri last 12 months on account of con- u ditions incident to the war. was v effected at a meeting Saturday g in the conrt house in York, t About 40 teachers were in at- ii tendance, representing virtually v every section of the county, b Unanimity of opinion prevailed a as to the need of the organization ii is a means of keeping the peda- ii gogues in touch with each other o and abreact with the educational t nrogvess, and much enthusiasm I was maaifest in formulating <2 plans for future work. j1 No formal program was car- J ried out, the meeting being held primarily for the purpose of re- a organization, but there was a a thoroagh discussion of the com- d pulsory school attendance law. s The following officers were c elected: President, J. F. Thomas- t wpn, Rock Hill; vice-president, y W. D. Maginnis, Rock Hill; j: secretary and treasurer. Miss Belva Saundew, York. " The division of the association a into two wings, one composed a of teachers of eastern York and g the other of teachers of western y York, was agreed upon. Separate 11 meetings of the two divisions b will be held with the exception ^ of the initial and final ones of the scholastic year, which will ^ be joint sessions, or rathor meet- rj in?:8 ? ?ne county association. t 'Ihe Times is $1.25 per year, strictly P in advance } [" MAJESTIC I TOD Happy Bill! in a picturization of Marj< "The Lo\ Chugwater wasn't much of a of saloons and a gr< "Kid Allen" wasn't much of a g little rougkneck, bu as she is portrayed ii Open 4*30 P. M. Slat's Diary. "]|j cu^home^frmaatbe IJ wbm iM^M^her what the mat- I at have nothin else 2doonly to j s found * tellin lies on her. Pa < ?d That ifl bad enuff of corse J at just spoee they wood go 2 1 labbin the truth on you. then ( hat Otherwise it was a very ( uiet day. j Saturday?They was a man ar- i 2sted for speedin in a ottomoeel today & when he was put < n in front of the Mayor ti e ( iayor as him what excuse he i ad 2 offer fur drivin so fast. { he man sed Nothin only he * ras a takeing his mother In law the ralerode-trane so she cud o home. He was set Free. I Sunday?ma went 2 the country | >day & she expecks 2 stay fur j everal days, pa & me has 2 ook for our own selfs. He says ' re will hev a good time. These re a goin 2 be grate days for he , nd me. I expeck. Monday?When I got 2 skool iey was a package on my desk ddressed to me. 1 wore the skin ffen 11 or 12 fingers a try in 2 ! pen it & when finely I got to j > the inside I found a unnannyious letter which sed let me < now if this is hard 2 open. rores truely. But I suspeck who nrno JPt T fViinlr w*r?KH\r T will 0 ff oo? v* A tllllin 11J A WTIII et Even with her. Tuesday - Blisters has got a new aby brother today. Pa sed that eopel buys babys. If that is the ase it aint eny wonder the poor eopel stays poor because they uy most of the babys which is ought. The rich peopcl with rconey buys ottobeels & diamons 1 everything. Wednesday?We had a letter rum ma. She is Home sick for is. pa & me. She sed there is ust 3 things out there in the 'ountry where she is visitin at. "hose 3 things is Mornin & Noon i Nite. Well I have ate better :rub than now. Thursday?pa sed sum men was i comein 2 our bouse to tawk lisness tonite & for me 2 stay in he settin room & not to bother hem. I guess they tawked bisless for I herd them sayin a lot f figgers like 7 & 11 & come 8 i etc. Then they was quiet & iritty soon they musta caught a at for I herd them say Heres um for the Kitty. I went 2 leep in my chare & they left afer mid Nite. Speeding Auto Injures Child. After an exciting chase Sunday light iu automobiles and having ised the telephone to great adantuge, Roy Stockson, T. C. Itockton, N. G. Hambrick and 4ash Magress, white menclaimng to be from Lattimore, N. C., fere arrested in Charlotte and irought to Fort Mill for trial on , charge of criminal carelessness n running down and severely njuring Edna Broom, a 12-yearId child, in front of the office of he Fort Mill Manufacturing Company. The accident ocurrtd about 7 o'clock Sunday tight and witnesses state that, taving caused the injury, the [river heartlessly put on ail peed and tried to get entirely way without any effort to be of ssistance or desire to repair the iamage. In a few minutes everai cars were chasing the ulprits but were unable to overake them this side of Charlotte, yivere they were arrested, havng just been discharged from he police court thereon a charge f speeding. The men were aken to Rock Hill Sunday night ,s feeling here was running high ,nd a considerable crowd had ;athered among whom there iere many threats. Monday norning the men were brought lefore Mayor Patterson, who ined Stockton $60. E. S. Parks, laving issued a warrant in the ame case, they were hound over 0 court in the sum of $500 each, "he little girl, having received empornry aid from local ihysicians, was taken to a Rock iill hospital and on Tuesday theatre" A Y ie Rhodes jry Benton Cooke's novel re Call." s 1 town?a couple jcery store?and irl, just a plain t you'll love her i this production. Regular Prices. mmmmmmmmammmmmmmm mm I 1 ROCK HIL j JAS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. I The J. B. II ' * Heavy and * Fancy Grocc Hardware ai * General Fari ^ Come to See I The J. B. o. rv, ^-uy uierK. I MHHB ( SERV Our stock has been enlars are in position to supply your < your entire satisfaction. We appreciate your busine appreciation bv carrying only Highest Class of Drugs. Out- Prescription Depa GRADUATE LICENSED DI who your doctor is, we can fill We are in business? FOR YOUR SATISFY FOR YOUR GOODWI Lytle Dru| | "The Sezall Store." I t DOES Y? I Automobile Ne i _ .... I Does it Need a i f Covers, Cushions, | Have it done the1 | Pyramid Pi I NO NEEDLES TO | Ge/ These While 1 I YOUNG 6 8888888888088? showed such marked improvement that she was brought back [" to her home here. AN ORDINANCE "" Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill, S. C, in council assembled and by authority Df the Bame: Section 1. That a levy of ten mills on each and every dollar of real and personal property, not exempt from taxation, held, owned or liable for taxation. within the corporate limits of the town of Fort Mill. S. C., on the first" day of January, 1919, be and the Bame is hereby made for dhe following purposes: For interest on bonds . 3J mills For sinking fund . . . 1J mills For ordinarv Durnoses 54 mills See. 2. That said taxes shall become due and payable at the office of the Town Treasurer on the first day of November,. 1919. Said taxes maybe Said up to and including the fifteenth ay of November, 1919. Thereafter and up to the first day of January, 1920, a penalty of 15 per centum will attach to said taxes not paid by November 15, 1919. Sec. 3. After the first day of January, 1920, executions will issue against all delinquents for the amount of the taxes, penalty and costs, in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina and the municipal ordinances. Done and ratified in council this 7th day of October, 1919. B. E. PATTERSON,. Attest: Mayor. r* C3 T T\TT/ /-IIA ovember Recoi nhey're New t WOLFE, owwaoflaflsow FORT Ml "He We want < have Fresh Made in our own in an HARRY Specials Saturday. MCE ' fed and improved and we every Drug Store need to ?ss and try to express our the Purest, Freshest and rtment is in charge of a UJGGIST, and np matter your prescription. , ACTION TO-DAY, IiL TO-MORROW. I Comp'y Phone No. 16. a OUR ed Painting? j lew Top, Seat ! Etc.? If so, | 'Pyramid Way" | aint Shorn. I " 1/ A .L, S. C. I Ask the Man Who Knows/' ^ Mills Co.. I sries, > nd 11 Supplies ! Us. || Mills Co. I > < i I lONOORAFIHsl 1 uid RECORDS ? | rWi PLAYS ALL MAKES OF RECORDS ? 3 rds Now on Sale. j j 9 8?88088808??0??8Q0?Q88?8Q8i '.3 LL CANDY KITCHEN. I j sre's to the People!" everybody to know that we ' - is i Candy Every Day kitchen, Pure and Delicious. Come d try it with your friends. CARROS, Proprietor. Quality and Quantity for Less. . 1 V !??? ? nil IIMiaMMTo*. i ? ? ' Criticism and I Citizenship I | * X ?n #V?A ?A /4li4?v a r ?*? 1m a% juj uic piam, puuiic uuijr ui cvciy w citizen to criticize proposed govern- I ment measures believed to be harmful. r] Swift & Company is in a better pos- | ition perhaps, than others, to understand the meat packing business in all its relations to public and private interests, even though the others may have been <nving the subject a great deal of sincere attention. Swift & Company is convinced that interference with its legitimate business function by governmental agencies, however well intentioned, would be an injury to every man, woman and child who wants meat to eat, as well as to the men who raise the meat and to those who dress and distribute it. Maximum service that cannot monopolize because of keen competition and lack of control over sources of supply is furnished at a minimum of profit?a fraction of a cent per pound from all sources. Therefore Swift & Company is taking every legitimate step of citizenship to prevent such interference. , These advertisements are intended I to help you, and to help Congress / decide what is best to be done. Mis- I J takes are costly and apt to?be harmful P * in these trying times. i Let us send you a Swift "Dollar." ^ Address Swift St Company; Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. I t j Cvw.Jfi. O T T n A 'i Lowm oc company^u.^ a. 1 //<S> ^W\\. /r THE AVERAGE DOUAP \ rft&AAI N -, II 5 AND BY HfJOOUCTS 'mmA \\J2.96 * / OBd ? 1*1 - ? CENTS IS nSIO/0* TH* \ '? - f 07 r _ W<\ uvi animai fl WB# T r ?t * Q / H ' \ Its* CENTS TOR LABO? B f VsT^W toStocAJtamr/f < \ 'Yhscnscs awd emimt / 4 0y B \ a.04 CENTS REMAINS # i I N^A'sirx '; Subscribe to The Times, $125 Per Year