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"WLLJOYS" Constipation, headache. Colds, Biliousness ended with "Cascarets" Nothing takes the joy out of life falcker than a disordered liver or waste-clogged bowels. Don't stay aide, iffloos, headachy, constipated. Remove the liver and bowel polsoh which Is keeping your head dissy, your tongue toe ted, your breath bad and stomach sour. Why not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experienced? Cascarets never gripe, sicken or Inconvenience one like Baits, Oil, Calomel or harsh pills. They work while you sleep,?Adv. Overreaching and und/rmlnlng do aot make for Industrial solidarity. .*- Save the INFANT MORTALITY is -omething of oil ths children born In civilin or nearly one-quarter, die before per cent., or more then one-third, bef? they ere fifteen! We do not heeitete to soy that e many of these precious lives. Neithei of these infantile deaths ere occasions Drops, tinctures end soothing syrups s< more or less opium or morphine. T! deadly poisons. In any quantity, they to congestions, sickness, death. Ther< toria ir it bears the signature of Chas. as it contains no opiates or narcotics o Genuine Oastoria always bears the ai| KING PIN CHEWING TOBACCO Has that good hcoiice taste uouVeheen looking for. &OPSUFF&W &URE ASP JKCj 3T0RE3 ORUOO BYMAIl SAM E. RICHARDSON J0RUOCIST^^^^^^mi^NNA??A^ |p Samples of Gross's Liver ' VAA Pills. Also how I got relief I | yy and cured myself in one month of Rheumatism. In two years gained 60 pounds after suffering 11 years. Answer quick. L H. CROSS. Box 17, Little Rock, Ark. SIMPLY LEFT IT TO TOM Mother Shrewdly Reasoned That She Needn't Worry About Time to Give Medicine. There Is n Philadelphia mother who Is forgetful and knows It. hut who is clever enough to discount this fulling, as a rule. Not long ago her small son was rather Indisposed, and the doctor ordered a medicine to he given at three-hour Intervals. "Did you give Tom his medicine regularly?" the hushund and futher asked unhopefully upon his return home In the evening. "Didn't miss n time," the mother rebonded with satisfaction. "How In the world did you ever think of It?" the man asked. "I didn't; but It was easy. I Just aid Tom this morning at what hours ft* was to take his medicine, nnd half mm hour before each tltr.e he began > walling that he didn't want to take Waste of Breath. I want a word with you." "What's up?" "Are you the Idiot who told the stage asanager I was a liar?" "Certainly not. I thought he knew." ?Mullaney Brothers. Work will bring success?nnd the tore folks you have working for you the more success you will achieve. The Charmii Haveri Dncimr X VJlUl'l has made this table-drink the. ! thousands. To make it Right, after boiling beg and sugar as de; resembles a hig] but it contains and is free froi JVo Raise Matte Postom Cereal Go. 1 ISold grocers. Two M i a - KR MAKES : REPORT ON BANKS! . i j TATE, BRANCH AND PRIVATE i BANKS SHOW RESOURCES OP $157,712*77.82. , 1 HOW ONE STRIKING FEATURE! 1 t avlngs Dtpedta Largely Increased 1 Sine* September v 12, Date on Which Report Was Compiled. ' Columbia. j James H. Crr.ig, state bank examler, completed his report of the con- { rtionB September 12 of 342 state f anks, 14 branch banks and one r rivate bank, which reports gives the { ?tal resources ot the 367 institutions . > be 1157,872,877.82. striking feature of the report is t le amount of savings deposits, which y ere $35,360,425.32. Little cotton had f sen sold at that time and the amount j as doubtless been greatly enlarged f is last Ave weeks. Individual de- t oslts subject to check amounted to t 50,537,772.02. Undivided profits ap- e roximated 14.000,000, and time cer- c flcates of deposits exceeded $12,000,-! )0. The report shows that the banks j t wn more than $11,000,000 in Liberty v onds. C Q taking Intelligence Tests. Intelligence tests similar to those ^ iven by the United States governlent in examining men for the army uring the war days are now being * iven to freshmen at the University P South Carolina. These examine- v ons are in the nature of experiments 11 ith the university, but they may 51 ave a significant meanina- for future 1 "Carpet- . f If is said that the term ^effp?tb?r J get" was first applied to [ * I venturers In Amerlci- It was designed to describe a needy polltKwI mtrmpB* er who wanders orer the coentry pandering to the prejudices of the Igjsorant In order to try to get Into office. He was so called because he was regarded as having only enough property ( to fill a carpet bag. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas j! Cheney hiakee oath that he ia eenlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney a Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, "(bounty and State aforseeld. and thnt e aid firm will pay the aum of ONK HUN- k HAIiV . ^SaJ&JTSB S S3 F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio, y, j. Cheney St Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Many a man seeins dead to the j* world when he la burled In thought. * i Babies jj frightful. We can hardly realise that w ?d countries, twenty-two per cent., they resell ons year; thirtv-oeven ? ire tnsy are five, and ons-half before hi tl timely use of Castoria would ssvs p r do we hesitate to say that many $t 1 by the use of narcotic preparations. p, old for children's complaints contain . hey are, in considerable quantities, stupefy, retard circulation and lead i can ba no danger in the use of CeaH. Fletcher /y - h< HEARTBURN Caused by J Acid-Stomach j That blttar heartburn, belching. foodrtpeatlng. Indigestion. bloat arter eating? tl ajj gf? caused by scld-stomach. But they ara only flrat symptoms?dancer signals to o warn you of awful troublaa If not stopped. Headache, blllouaneaa. rheumatism, sciatica, that tired. Ilatleaa feeling. Inch of energy. 31 dtaelneas. Inaomnla. oven cancer and ulcer# v of the Inteatlnea and many other aliments are traceable to ACID-STOMACH. Tl Thousand#?yea. million#?of people who ought to be well and strong are mere K lings because of acld-atomach. They really ^ starve In the mldat of plenty because they do not get enough strength end vitality from the food they eat. n< Take EATONIC and give your stomach a " chance to do lie work right. Make It strong, coot, eweet and comfortable. KATONtC brings quick relief for heartburn, belching. T Indigestion and other stomach mlaerlea. Improves digestion?helps you get full atrength from your food. Thousands aay EATONIC ) Is the moat wonderful stomach remedy in the world. Brought them relief when every# .> thing else failed. w. atonic w Our beet testimonial la what KATONH. will do for you. So get a big 60c bo* of tl EATONIC today from your druggist, use it Ave days?If you're not pleased, return U and get your money back. tl FATONIC ; fcP Cfo* TftPft AtlP-STOMACg) u His Chief Trouble. There Is an elevato/ boy In a New York office building who Is among a large number of public servants who resent needless questions. One day there entered his ear a 1 rather fussy old lady and garrulous &1 as well. n "Don't you ever feel sick going up c( and down In this elevator all day?' o she asked. a "Yes, ma'am," said the hoy. ai "Is It the motion going down?" "No, ma'am." R "The motion going up?" "No, ma'am." w "Is it the stopping that does It?" a "No1, ma'am." a "Then what It Is?" Ji "Answering questions, mn'ain."? jj Everybody's. 11 ? c No Inducement Whatever. a "Are you a member of the I. W. w w.r c, "No," replied Plodding Pete. "I know a feller that thought the Initials R stood for 'Idleness Will Win.* The tirst thing the 'aoelatlon did after he Joined It was to try to muke hint set up a private bomb factory uu' work fourteen hours a tiny." * _ T More Scarce Now. "Did you ever see n black diamond?" ^ "Oh yes. Before Ihe war I used to ^ have my cellar tilled with 'em." 'l t< The hen Is a liberal fowl; she gives A a pack when she takes a grain. Sim : I t( sure,healthful ? favorite with I tl n rboiI15 minutes i. ins. Add cream " sired.The flavor e hrgrade coffee, ?"no caffeine, tCcoffee, harm. In Price ty h 3ATTLE CREEK. MlCH. i> | n Si2-es. 15$ and 25$ ,r , t? * $8' m\ m' H lasses as it is planned to judge a c Ludent by the response he gives to f test and thereby be able to place Im in the proper classification. During the last two days a number f f examinations have been conducted . y several professors with interesting 1 ?sults. The tests are what are s nown as mental intelligence exami- < ations cive a c'oir idea of the*c al status of freshman or any a ther rachoma in School. t Olin Shealy, member of the board i f trustees of the O'Neal school in t fewberry county, was in conference t ith the state health officer In regard r ) an outbnak of a disease among the jf chool children suspected of being c achoma. Five or six cases have oc urred in the school and some five or $ ix of the pupils have been brought to 1 'olumbla for treatment. Trachoma i a contagious disease of the eye. c \ 4 everal Million Saved. t Probably u million dollars will be 1 aved to Columbia alone by the Inter- I Late commerce commission's decision ( ot to allow railroads to make a gen- t ral 20 per cent increase on all freight 1 ates. News of this ruling was re- I eived In Columbia by the chamber t f commerce, which body took an r ctive part In the fight agulnst the f dvance. e oord Pays Bethea. tg The Record Publishing company 'lthdrew Its appeal to the supreme t ourt In the case of A. J. Bethea t gainst the company and paid the c idgmcnt of $8,000 awarded to Mr. Iq ethea by the Jury last summer In the c bel suit brought by Mr. Bethea. The t ompany also paid interest on the ? mount from the date the judgment c ^as rendered and also the court d DStS. eorulta for the Army. Bight South Carolinians have been ccepted for the United States army ^ lthin the last three weeks by the g rmy recruiting station in Columbia. f Tiey are: Theodore E. Snipes, Lan- ? aser; James E. Tyson, Blythewood; : .obert L. Baker, Fort Mill; Leonard ustin, Chester; William Harris, Co- \ imbia; Lawrence Chandler. Lancas-!^ sr; Vernon Blackburn. Jefferson; rthur Lambus, Washington. lold For Fifty Cent Cotton. ' ^ Dnftirninor anvnrol Hovo n twr\ avvvui 1>1(>5 ossxwaws u?/o itfju & I Wilt few Orleans, where he attended the t /orld Cotton conference, J. Skottowe t /annamaker, president of the Amer- g ;an Cotton association, issued a tatement in which he declared that j ie consensus of opinion at the con- ( srence was that cotton was going ?uch higher immediately. He is con- ^ inced, he says, that the staple will c e bringing 40 cents within the next >w weeks and that it will be bring- t ig 50 cents before the present crop s i disposed of. |C /III Pay For Lands. ( Washington. ? Ttepresentaive tyrnes called on Secretary Daniels e > urge the department to act prompt- * r in making its award to tlie owners f the lands on Par.a Island which 1 v rere condemned for use during the t rar. Mr. Ryrnes -was assured that c le award would be made within the t evt few days. j A large number of landowners are v iterested. The award ha* been de- ^ iyed because of the difficulties en-jt nuntored In the examination of titles. s ' otton Men Win Fight. f The American Cotton association on its fight for an additional crop d ?port to be issued ahout the first of s [ovember. I, A telegram was received by the as- t relation from Representativj James r Ryrnes. stating that the bill di- s scting the department to issue one ad been passed by the senate. The t ill was Introduced in the house by t .epresentative Byrnes and unani- ? lously passed by that. body. Senn- f >r Hopkins, of Georgia, lod the fight c >r the resolution In the senate. gotten WIN Qo Highs*. Tho oodMsiui of opinio* at th* World Cotton conference wm that cob ton would bring a highor price before tha proaant crop Is dlapoaad of, and that thorn was a hotter understanding >otwooa tho growers, (actors and iplnnors' as a xndult ot tho eonfer?nco, said Governor Cooper., in a itatement. The governor returned from New Orleans where the conference was told. "There was no effort." stated the governor, "to fix any prices, ss his was not the purposd ot the gSthirlng: I noticed, however, what ap>eared to be a fair attitude' on the >art of those present, all seeming to igree that the grower must have s 'oasonable profit. \ -taxing at Annapolis. Washington (Special). ? Senator Dial haa brought strongly before secretary Daniels, Who is personally lirecting the investigation of an aleged recrudescence of hazing at the laval academy, certain statements in -egard to conditions at Annapolis nade by Midshipman Acery Wood and ransmitted to the senator by the calet's father, T. D. Wood, a business nan of Fountain Inn. Midshipman Vood, an underclassman, wrote to ' lis father that many of his fellow calets had dropped their courses, two j lad attempted suicide, two had gone o a hospital for observation as to | heir mental condition and many oth>rs found themselves unable to sleep >r study by reason of the hazing. itate's Share Federal Aid. South Carolina's share in the $25.100.000 of federal aid for the con- j itruction of post roads throughout he United States this year is $359, 04.76. The largest state apportionment of I his fund is that to Texas. $1,465,399. rhe smallest state share is Delaware's. $40,668. In announcing the ipporlionment of the $25,000,000, the iecretary of agriculture announced hat the sum of $750,000 was deducted from the appropriation to take care if the cost of administering the money. This was 3 per cent of the total. dwelling Charter Fees. | If the volume of charter fees col':cted in the offlCc of the secretary of itate may be accepted as a barometer >f business conditions in South Car>lina. the business enterprises of the itate are in a very healthful condiion. The total amount collected from his source during the year^918 was 112.278. For the first nine months of his year the charter fees amounted o $17,277. The remaining three nonths are always very large for the ormatlon of new enterprises, and the fflce expects the full amount at the md of the year to be approximately 25.000, or twice the full amount of ust year. >outh Carolinians Interested. South Carolinians are especially inerested In the national air derby now n progress because one of the leadng flyers is a native son. Capt. John ). Donaldson, close on the heels of ha "Avlne I. n 0?..4k n?? ?iw 11/ jup, |/aiouu in a ouuiu V/rtl u* ina boy. the son of Brig. Qen. T. Q. )onaldson now stationed in Washing on. Captain Donaldson saw several nonths' experience on the western ront and narrowly escaped death sevral times. ~~ i Ihriatmas Seat Sale. County chairmen and other cam>aign workers from every county in he state in the Christmas seal sale >f the South Carolina tuberculosis association have been called by Mrs. F. 1. Munsell, state campaign manager, o meet in conference in Columbia Saturday, November 1. Plans for the ampaign will be discussed and all letalls mapped out. ^sion of U. 8. Court. The United States court will conene in Columbia on Tuesday, Novemter 4 with Judge H. A. M. Smith preilding. F, H. Weston, district attorley, is arranging the docket. Many iffenders will .be brought before the :ourt charged with violating various ictH of congress. Revenue officers have conducted a igorous campaign against owners ind operators of stills and the docket s dotted with such cases. Several New Enterprises. The Eagle Machine and Manufacurintr comDanv of Florence was char ered by W. Bank Dove, secretary of tate, with a capitnl stock of $20,000. The Franklin Corporation of Charenton was commissioned with a pro>osed capital stock of $50,000. The Allendale Grocery company vas commissioned with a proposed 'apital stock of $50,000. The Trenchard Sparrow Lumber :ompany of Florence was commisiloned with a proposed capital stock >f $50,000. Conference on High Prices. A. Mitchell Palmer, attorney genral of the United States, has writ- ! jn to Governor Cooper and S. M Valfe, attorney general, asking that . conference be held in Columbia vithin the immedinte future relative o the/ high cost of living and the coiperation of the state and federal auhorities in reducing this cost. Mr. | 'aimer will attend the meeting or vill have a representative here. No late has been fixed, but ft will likely >e early in November, the date to be ! uggested by Mr. Palmer. / Jo Verdict for Graham. The failure of the Jury to award lamuges to J. M. Graham, who brought luit against the state for approxlnately $24,000 damages in connecion wilh the abolishing of the hosiery nill, doubtless brings to end a long ind Interesting case. The hosiery mill was abolished in he fall of 1913 on an act passed at he last previous session of the general assembly. An act of 1916 allowed Mr. Graham to bring suit on a contract which wan pending when the nstitution was discontinued. * s ~Wt ; .: OH) MY NICE HAIR IS ALL FALLING OUT Hurry! Ut "DawkHiu* MVf your hair and doublo Mo To atop falling hair at once and rid the acalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderlne" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little In your hand and rub It Into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Help your hair grow long, thick and strong and become soft, glossy and abundant.?Adv. AS TO WANTING AND GETTING Harvard University Head Tells Good Story With a Moral That Is Easy to tUnderst?nd. There Is a story tohl In Boston which ought to spur on Hnrvnr^ graduates in their efforts to obtain ''he Harvard endowment fund. President Lowell and a business man were talking over the progress of the campaign. "I know how much you are asking for," said the business man. "hut how much do you really want?" "Well," President Lowell answered with a slight twinkle, "I am like the little girl who went to the butcher's for her mother. She stood by the counter until It came her turn and the butcher said: 'What do you wnnt, little girl?' " 'I want a limousine,' said the little girl, 'but mother wants 10 cents' worth of liver/ " i "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look tongue! Remove poloone | from stomach, liver and bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only?look fof the name California on i the package',' then you are sure your ] child Is having the best and most harm- i less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowets. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother t Yon must say "California." ??Adv. The "Green" Hand. TKa * ^ Hi; ijuw*?n iiui M me IllUlierT xou look Q8 though you had been In a cyclone ! His Nibs?I was trimming the hind feet of my mules, as the foreman told me to, when suddenly there came an earthquake or a tornado or something, and when I regained consciousness I found I had been . thrown clear through the barn-door into the gravelpit. You certainly have some freakish weather here! To Have a Clear Sweet 8kln. Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, If any, with Cutlcura Ointment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c eo ch.?Adv. As'many see It, n good man is the fellow who turns 'tis money loose. [ Middle J I Woitu | Are Here Told the 1 for Their Tr< Freemont, 0.?"I was paising Sriod of llie, being forty-si.* yet e symptoms incident to that el nervousness, and was in a genera so it was hard for me to do n*y vs ham's Vegetable Compound v&s i the best remedy for my troubles,v to be. I feel better and strong' taking it, and the annoying sj Stared."?Mr*. M. Qoddkx, 92tf N hio. North Haven, Conn.?"Lydla ] ble Compound restored mv health bad failed when passing through H is nothing like it to overcome th ?Mra. Fjlo&kxcs Isxuul, Box 197 I hi I LYDI/i I VEGET/ I ks the qreotei v V V- v HAD I TAKEN CA1 1 WOULD BE ! But 1 took "Dodson's Live Grand?Calomel Na Every druggist in town has noticed a great falling off In the 3ale of Cal- t omel. They all glva the same reason, j Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its , place. ^ "Calomel is dangerous and people know it" Dodson's Liver Tone is per- ' sonally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle doesn't ' cost very much but if it falls to give 1 relief in every case of liver sluggish- ' ness and constipation, Just ask for 1 your money back. |: THE RIGHT Wi Xn all cases of Distemper, Pinkeye, Influenza, Colds, etc. of all horses, brood mares, colts, stallions. Is to . "SPOHHTHEM" On their tongue or In the feed put | Spobn'a Liquid Compound. Give the L remedy to all of them. It acts on the 1 blood and glands. It routs the disease M by expelling the disease germs. It wards H ofT the trouble no matter how they are W "exposed." Absolutely free from any-tl thing Injurious. A child can safely take It. Sold by druggists, harness dealers, fl or sent express paid by the manu- I facturers. Special Agent* Wanted. J| SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Wishing Him Luck. At a wedding I attended in Cripple Creek, Colo., a telegram arrived for ' the bridegroom while the guests were j mating the wedding supper. The bride- j crrooui asked tlie best man to read it itloud, saying he supposed it was congratulations. The best man arose ami read: "Here's hoping that you have better luek than we liud." It was signed by tlu; bride's two divorced I liusbuuds.?Chicago Tribune. Business Demand. "The cloekmnker I went to struck lie us rather a sycophant." "Naturally. Doesn't he buve to he i time server?" , { . i _ r A single dose of Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot# * vtll expel Worms or Tapeworm. Its action ! w ipon the Stomach and Bowels Is beneficial. I second dose or after purgative necessary. 1 . 11 _ v Even If the world Is your oyster, it I s well to look out for ptomaines. ' \ IT'S NOT YOUR HI IT'f Kidney disease Is no respecter of per- I s sons. A majority of the Ills afflicting "i people todav can h? h?*>lr t-n Oinl i< kidney trouble. s The kidneys are the moat Important k organs of the body. They are the fil- a terers of your blood. If the poisons C which are swept irom the tissues by the b blood are not eliminated through the ( kidneys, disease of one form or another s will claim you as a victim. Kidney disease is usually Indicated by c weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, e despondency, backache, stomach trou- c ble. pain in loins and lower abdomen, o gall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. B All these derangements are nature's fi kqedW^ [ill Best Remedy >ubles. / 1 r through the critical irs of age and had all f tiange ? heat flashes, /Sy? 1 run down condition, ??I rork. Lydia E. Pink- bSlbm.r\ ccommended to me as ^ tuiuii it sureiy proved K ^ er in every way sicco ''Y///SK^L Fmptoma have disap- Y.\ y/'^BtaSapoleon St., Fremont, EL Pinkham'a Vegeta* l after everything elso change of life. There , North^lavcrT, Conn. l Smsk Cases 1E. PINKfl IBLE COMI rt record for iSte < LYPiA E.P1NKHAE OMEL ' M SICK, WEAK NOW J? ^ V ? 5, ^ S r Tone" Instead and F^cl jf useates?-Salivates! Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasant* tastiug, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults, l'ake a spoonful nt night and wake up feeling tine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause laconvenience all the next day like vlolent Calomel. Take u dose of Calomel today and tomorrow you will feel tvouk, sick and nauseated. Don't lose i day.?Adv. GOSHEN, IND., U. 8. A. 14 MONEY B/UTK fl BBSS without question If Bunt's 8*l*e K A falls In tho treatment of Bsssma. Tetter. Bltik'worm. Itch, eta. Don't boeotuo discouraged bceatit* otbsr '/ " treattnome failed. Hunt's 8alvs ! H has rellovod hundreds of such cases. 1 J mm You ctniloy on our Montp H.irfc Guumntss. Trr It at our risk H TODAY. 1'rles 75c, at drug stores. H Bit H A' U' illcharU# Co-> Sherman, Texas AltllAt.K l'l.ANTS ? KKOST I'ROOF, "* IIAKI.KSTON IVAhKFl Kl.l>, Karly Kiat UU'h. Succession, Surehead and other valet lea. per thousand. two dollars; five thowand <>r more at one.fifty per thousand. CatiIok frie. Coden Nurseries. Coden. Ala. VIM. Ill Y l.KTTKKS WITH 8TAMPH used in 'i i uiiuji'ci ninntpx all count rlfm. Vm. tlrrkman. tn.O Pent. Av?.,Clev?-lt?nil.O. N. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 44--191*. EART* J YOUR KIDNEYS ignais that the kidneys need help. :ou should use GOLD MEDAL Haar?m Oil Capsules immediately. Ths oothing, healing oil stimulates ths idneys, relieves inflammation and detroys the germs which have caused it. lo to your druggist today and get a ox of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours toi? hould feel health and vigor returning. After you feel somewhat improved ontinue to take one or two capsules ach day, so as to keep the first-class ondition and ward o3 the danger ot ther attacks. Ask for the original imported GOLD ilEDAI. brand. Three sizes. Money rs? unded if they do not help you. FRESH - CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS TMt SANITARY MKTHODS WNIID IN TMI MAKIN6 OS THMI BISCUITS MAKE THIM TH STANDARD t EXCELLENCE W DmW has tu?. or if met should. ?4*k him or writs a* qivinq his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKEfTY [AM'ST i >OUND I potest cpodl i