University of South Carolina Libraries
* " vjB ?? | I FEEL GRAND! I TAKE NASTY ~ Uodson's Liver Tone" Dot Next Day?Best when )/2 J Don't take sickening, salivating Calo- t H when a few cents buys a large f bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone?a per- > feet substltut^for Calomel. i It Is a ploasnnt vegetable liquid ! which will start your liver Just as sure- i ly as Calomel, but It doesn't make you ( s?rk and can not salivate. i Children and grown folks can take t Dodson's Liver Tone, because it Is per- ( fleetly harmless. t Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is i Three out of every four Germans how thnn ninety yenrs old are women. ( "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE I < LMfc at tongue 1 Remove poison* from stomach, liver and bowels. j Accept "California" Syrup of Figs ( mtij?look for the name California on tte package, then you are sure your < child is having the best and most harm- 1 Seaa laxative or physic for the little slemacli, liver and bowels. Children . are its delicious fruity tuste. Full Afrectlons for child's dose on euch hot- j e. (live It without four. 1 Mother 1 You must say "California." 1 ?Adv. 1 SWATMAN, SPARE THAT FLY! I Marat Not a Single Wing; They Tell ' Us TIs a Syrphus Fly and a uaeTui untie thing. Not nil flies are enemies of man and deserving of being hunted with the ratter and trapped with flypaper, acaawdlng to C. P. Fluke, entomologist at Ar Wisconsin experiment station. The oyrphus flies, commonly called "sweet bees" and "hover tiles," nre the chief monies of plant lice, according to Mr. "lake, and the latter would cause mormons loss If their numbers were ot kept down by the flies. The syrphus flies are mnrked with Mack and yellow hands on the abdop in. but they neither sting nor hlte. The adult lays eggs among the colonies of plant lice, and when the larvae batch they feed upon the lice. But far the flies, plant lice would destroy Mrge areas of fruit trees and field .1 crops, especially pens. Mr, Fluke says, aod they should therefore he protected, rather than killed. Underrated. To afraid I'll never he able to teach you anything, Mnggle," was the * ' ' - m * y?u inn uiiriniH C <M it x ronton vmd to n new Irish domestic. "Don't |M know Hint you should nlwuys hand mm notes and cards on u salver?" "Sure. mum. I knew," answered ! Haggle, "but I didn't know you did." ?Harper's Weekly. More Ecom Ti Better for H and ( Instant i A table drink t "quick as a wink placing a spoonful cup, tnen adding water, and sugar cream to taste. "There's a for PO: Mad* Poatum Cere Battle Cr?< Sold by Grocers or i ' v KfjiV? x I'LL NEVER CALOMEL AGAIN! . isn't Sicken or Upset You Bilious, Constipated I nercury and attacks your bones. Take i dose of nasty Calomel today and you ivlll feel weak, sick and nauseated touorrow. Don't lose a day. Tuke a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and you will wake up without ?ny biliousness, constipation, sluggishies.i, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your, druggist says If you lon't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts setter than horrible Calomel vour noney Is waiting for you.?Adv. Rather Skeptical. "Dpsp yt?re nvlatahs clams de.v kin Jew 'bout everyt'Ing a bird kin," ob erved Shlnbone; "but when yo' sees >ne fas' asleep holdln' onto a branch vlth his feet. Ah sho wishes you'd nil me to hah n look." A. Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you enow that the medicine you are about to ake is absolutely pure and contains no larmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp[loot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength end excellence is maintained in every rattle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically comDounded from regetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in easpoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving ind overcoming kidney, liver and bladler troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with svery bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamploot. If you need a medicine, you should lave the best. On sale at all drug stoics n bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to tey this treat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., liinghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and nention this paper.?Adv. VIONKEY BRIDGES ARE MYTH Famous Scientist Attempts to Explain the Origin of the Story. From our school geographies we used to leurn that South American monkeys cross alligator-Infested dreams by linking their tails and legs to form a living bridge. In school 'readers" published as late as 1897 there are pictures of this extraordinary feat of monkey acrobatics, l'rof. E. \V. Oudger, in an article quoted by the Scientific American, nttompts to explain the origin of this story, that Is not believed by any recent explorers. So far as it can be traced it was first told by Padre .Tose Acostn in 1,189. The first person to dispute its ferocity was Rnron Humboldt. Finally Messrs. Leo E. Miller and George K. Cherrle of the American Museum >f Natural History, who have done to much traveling nnd collecting In South America, suggest to Professor 3udger that the story of the "monkey bridge" has come about through observation of a procession of monkeys rrosslng a ravine or stream on a peniant liana. In Bad. "Can't ye put something over on the Sheriff, pnrd, nnd make a getaway?" "Naw," replied the man in custody. "Dls alnt no inovle sheriff." imical h? ? null VUIICC [ealth -osts Less P oshim nade in a : I IhstaStT#] ! r hot #>DSniM ; (J I * wiwm*^ ; 1 ^rriiTw'~'?i f*-pry | J i*swu H i Reason" STUM Wr al Company sk, Mich. wf General Stores in Price f ' '.A ' " . ^ 4 * ' ''. > ' RELIGIOUS BELIEF (FAILS TO EXCUSE , ? EVERY CITIZEN OF WHATEVER 8ECT MUST OBEY THE LAWS OF THE STATE. VACCINATION IS NECESSARY ' _v Constitution Guarantees Religeoue Freedom, but Frowns on Practices Detrimental to Health. Columbia. Morris C. Lumpkin, assistant attorney general, gave an opinion in which he held that parents or guardians are bound by state statute to have their children in school vaccinated, claiming that his religion forbids the use of any medicine. Mr. DeLong took the position that the constitution of the United States and of South Carolina rendered him immune in that they guaranteed religious freedom. Mr. Lumpkin holds that although the constitution does guarantee religious freedom, but that these articles do not guarantee the practice of a religion which conflicts with the laws of the state for the protections of the citizens and their health. Mora Rewards Offered. Governor Cooper offered a reward of $100 for the apprehension of Joe Turner, the .negro wanted for the killing of two policemen in Greenville. This brings the amount now offered up to $650. Greenville offered $250 for the capture of Turner. H. T. Mills, chairman of the police commission. added $100 to this amount, the Red Men $100 and V. C. Cheshire of Anderson $100. Wlnthrop Worth $2,000,000. The plant, equipment and lands of Winthrop college at Rock Hill, is inventoried at $2,029,366.76, according to the report made by Dr. D. B. Johnson, president of the institution, the South Carolina budget commission. Of this amount $1,181,500 is for college buildings, $424,645 for lands, $401,721 for equipment and $21,500 for farm buildings. To Complete Hearings. Lieut.-Col. Edwin Bell of the board of appraisers, Washington, and Capt~ I. E. Lambert, judge advocate general's office, Washington, have returned to Washington for a stay before hearing all claims relative to damages to Camp Jackson lands. They expect to return here within two weeks to complete all hearings on claims originating at Camp Jackson and probably some of those at North Camp Jackson. Y. M. C. A. Must Work. In connection with the statewide campaign of the Y. M. 0. A. October 20-30, T. B. Lanham, state secretary, said that everything possible should be done for the success of the campaign. if for no other reason than to provide the budget necessary for the international committee. School of Roads. The establishment of a good roads institute to which every road building authority in every county in South Carolina is to be invited is favored in a resolution which was adopted at a meeting of the state highway commission held in Columbia. New Library List. The office of state superintendent of education has just completed its payment of library applications and building applications for the third quarter of 1919. The new* library list, adopted by the state board of education in May, contains some 600 desirable titles. Baptist State Convention. The South Carolina Baptist state convention will be held in Columbia November 10, 11 and 12. An attendance of at least 1,000 delegates is expected. The Baptist ministers of Columbia appointed a large reception committee. It Pays to Creosote. "Cresoting Fence Posts" is the title of a new publication by the South Carolina experiment station. It was written by Prof. H. W. Barre, botanist and director of the station, and is published as station bulletin 201. It contains discussions of the kinds of posts used in the experiments, preparation, methods, cost, and results of treatment, together with tables showine relative economy of treated and untreated posts- 7 ne bulletin is timely in view of the rapid extension of our live stock industry. Lowest Death Rate. South Carolina foots the list with regard to the number of deaths from diphtherin per 100,000 population for the first six months of 1919, according to statistics received by Dr. James A. Hayne, state health officer. In this state reports sent in show that during the first six months of 1919 eight deaths occurred from this disease, which is at the rate of .97 per 100,000 of population. In Mississippi for the same length of time the number of deaths have been 114 from diphtheria. May Move Cotton Offices. B. P. Mceod, state manager of the South Carolina Cotton association, said that unless the association could secure ofTices here within the next few weeks it would be necessary to move state headquarters to some other city in the state. Mr. McLeod also called attentjon in his statement to the fact that Columbia is one of four cities and towns in the state in which the merchants, bankers and professional men had not united with the farmers io forming the association. (load Building C-ontracts. Darius the present' ye&r, contracts to tall ins $1,100,000 have been let by the state highway commission tor read construction In various parts of South ^Carolina. Before the year closes, additional contracts approximating $160,000 will be let In the opinion of Capt. Roy Pennell, statp highway engineer. The greater part of the contracts let up to the present date have to do with work in the Piedmont section of the state. The construction work has been concentrated, to a certain extent, in that part of South Carolina. During the remainder of the year the counties in the lower part of the state will come in for their share of road construction. * The highway department is receiving almost daily additional road building equipment from the war department. Recently four five ton trucks were received at the depot and no I tice was received that two five ton trucks were being shipped together with three transit and two levels, 1 Five hydraulic pumps have also been shipped to the department. The equipment will be distributed to the vari ous counties over the state as the need for it arises. Canal Proposal Rejected. The canal commission rejected the proposition of E. W. Robertson, pres ! Ident of the Columbia Railway, Qa & Electric company, to complete the Columbia canal to Rocky branch, a point three miles below Gervais street contingent upon the suspension ol ; litigation during the process of comj pletion and withdrawal of the right to forfeiture when the original con ; tract'has been fulfilled. The commie sion will suomit a counter proposal | within the next few daya. The act of the general assembly of 11887, whereby the canal was trans ferred by the state to the present ownership, provided that the canal ; should be completed within a reasonable time. The general assembly of 1917 passed an act declaring the canRl had reverted to the state because of failure to complete the canal south of Gervais ; street and created the canal commis' slon, which was authorized to begin litigation to cause- the canal to revert j to the state. Auto Licenses Total 05,501. Automobiles licensed by the state highway commission during the present year total 65.501. The total amount of license fees taken in by ' the commission up to the end of September totals $300,941.48. Of this ! amount $246,731.84 has been returned to the various counties of the state : to be used by them on road construeI tion. According to figures recently comi piled by the highway commission. Richland county heads the list in the number of automobiles with 4,570 licensed. Greenville has 4,300; Anderson 3,829; Charleston 3,470; Spartanburg 3.925. and Orangeburg 3,331. | In the number of transfers in oper- | ation. Richland aguin heads the list of counties by a wide margin. In Richland there are 317 transfers; Anderson 82; Charleston 87; Greenville 95; Spartanburg 75. i To Close Employment Offices. Regret was expressed among bust- , ness men that all offices of the Unit- j ed States employment serrice had ( been closed due to the lack of funds j to continue the work. John L. Densmore, director general, wired federal officials throughout the country that , no further money was available to continue the work of placing jobless men and women. < Calls for New Dfcpot. Frank W. Shealy, chairman of the railroad commission, has directed a letter to Edward C. Niles, assistant director of the railroad administration in Washington, calling his atten- < tion to the failure of the commission to procure adequate passenger station facilities on the Seaboard Air uiue runway at ^nosier. Georgetown Treasurer Appointed. Bennett W. Jayroe has been appointed by Governor Cooper to the office of county treasurer of Georgetown county to fill the vacancy caused bv the death of the late J. A. Hemingway. Farmers to Get Rock. Washington (Special) ? Ex-Got. Richard I. Manning was in Washington as a trustee of Clemson College to interview officials of the United States railroad administration in regard to car service for the movement of raw phosphate rock. Senator Dial has had this problem under discussion with Traffic Manager Edward Chambers for some lime and recently the administration ordered the regional director at Atlanta to give rock moving from the pebble fields in Floi? I tun pretereuimi uuuuuug. More Money for Teachers. So many call3 for teachers are coming in that J. H. Shealy, state registrar of the 'teachers' bureau, again issues a call to all teachers who are unemployed to send in their names There are hundreds of vacancies and the schools are ready to open. Increased salaries and good inducements are being offered. All lady principals are being offered salaries from $75 to $100; high school assistants. $75 to $90; grammar grades, $f>0 to $75, and primary teachers, $65 to I $80. Roads Must Furnish Cars. Failure of the railroads in the state to s;?pply needed cars to move cotton seed from various points in South Carolina to the oil mills caused the South Carolina railroad commission to older the Southern and Seaboard to dispatch cars to the state immediately. Complaints of a serious nature were received fVom cottonseed men at Kingville, Wateree, Plnewood, - Rimini, Angelus, Bethune, Jefferson, chesterfield and other places that no cars were available and failure to I move quickly means heavy losses. ' Hon 11 'HIS fa a topic we all 1 * exaggerate. let has remedial properties for Fie ourselves, we know what t That it has all the 1 to be found in its increased our assurance that its stai Imitations are to be tnat Mr. Fletcher created. Honestly advertised, Honest expects to receive his rews 1 Hj?Sfi&9H similatin^thcFood by Ke^uia^ lS SMI UngtheStemadiS and BqweujL |flf?l Thereby PromotSS^S Cheerfulness andHestCoctwtf M?M neither (Wam,MorpUnenof BH?| Mlnernl.JtoTNahcotig AheJpfulReroedy^^ Constipation and DUrrbow Ep PM and Feverishness and ) Loss OFSleep^ fp?|%M f^dtjnd thefcfrfq^""'^ ?BCBI,tWYORKlfi ?Yp^?3nEEfiSS^Bs^^S Exact Copy of Wrapper. COLT [?[ r "' \ y\ You can prever f2L L^f through your stal lot It lw\ J* 11?I It when you beRli Mr Mm yiy mpohn's iustk* / (.( it it Is wondt matter how colta SPOHN MK The hen Is a liberal fowl; she gives i peek-when she takes a grain. Cutlcura Comfort* Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also make use aow and then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cutlcura Toilet Trio.?Adv. Both salt and fresh water fish are aught In Lake Maracalho, Venezuela. Infection* or Inflammation* of the Eye*, whether from external or internal caunea. are promptly healed by the u*e of Roman By* Balaam at night upon retiring. Adv. Could a man forsee events he would never he poor.?French proverb. SAFE, GENTLE RI BR] For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has enabled Buffering humanity to withstand attacks of kidney, liver, bladder and stomach troubles and all diseases connected with the urinary organs, and to build up and restore to health organs weakened by disease. These most important organs must be watched, because they filter and purify the blood: uuless they dc their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness. despondency, backache, stomacb trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago all warn you of trouble with your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are the remedy ECZEI rpHIS isn't one of those fake f * ment offers you have seen times. We don't offer to give 3 thing for nothing?but we do gunn you can try this wonderful treat ureiy nt our risk, nnd this gun bucked by your local druggist. J. W. Perkins of Atlanta, writes: "I was afflicted with a ver; of Eczema for 2/5 years, which was I legs nnd hips. Through all this til different remedies nnd doctors' tlons, obtaining no relief until I 1 HUNT S SALVE. "One Box entirely cured me, ni two years have elapsed I have h turn of tho trouble. Naturally I as the greatest remedy In the woi TTnnt's Salve Is compounded es Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and other Remember Hunt's Salve costs ; so do not delny but get a box now 75c nt your druggist's or direct by A. B. RICHARDS MEDIC WEB - ^ est>Adverti: hear now-a-days because so n i any physician told you thai tehees Castoria? Just ask 1 he answer will be. rirtues to-day that was claian I use, the recommendation by idard will be maintained, i found in some stores and 01 But it is not the genuine 1 Jy placed before the public ai urcL Children mm Special Car That Baby 6hould have a bed la more reasonable for an infant to a man's medicine in an attempt to that same infant. Either practice . be tolerated by specialists in childr Your Physician will tell you t pared with even greater care than A Baby's stomach when in go by Improper food. Could you for t your ailing child anything but a m fants and Children? Don't be dece Make a mental note of this:? should remember that to function Baby must receive special care. ] desired results may be had from tl pared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS A GENUINE CAS1 . Bears the TMK CIWTAUB COMPJ DISTEMPER it this loathsome disease from running lie and cure all the colts suffering with i the treatment. No matter how young. II'KR COMPOUND Is safe to use on any srful how It prevents all distempers, no or horses at any age are "exposed." DICAL. CO., Go?hra, Ind? II. S. A. Sign of the Three Ball3. "What are the principal place* of interest here?" *t.~ ? " ^ ut uuivra ui l lit- nullify inilll'I'S, $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local dlaeaae greatly lnflu' anced by conatltutlonal conditions. It tharafore raqulraa conatltutlonal treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la taken Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucoua Surfaces of the Systarn. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroya the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and asslata nature In doing Ita work. $100.00 for any case of , Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH inCDIClNB falls to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Wlmmen Is dear things, all right, ! when th* annual crop 'f Easter hats Is 1 harvested. ,MEDY NGS SURE RELIEF you need. Take three or four every day. The healing oil aoaks into the cells and lining of the kidneys and drives out i the polaona. New life and health will i surely follow. When your normal vigor I has Seen restored continue treatment ' for a while to keep yourself in condii tion and prevent a return of the dis' ease. ' Don't wait until you are incapable of fighting. 8tart taking GOLD MEDAL . Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your i druggist will cheerfully refund your ? money if you are not satisfied with i results. But be sure to get the original i imported GOLD MEDAL ?nH J! ooant nA i I substitutes. In three sizes. Sealed I packages. At all druff stores. I'' Id." ipeelally far the treatment of Eczema, skin diseases. you nothing If yon are not Ratlsfled. on our money back guarantee, l'rlee ' mail if he does not handle It. JINE CO., Sherman, Texas ? SOLD FOR 80 VEARS nnTTTm^ For MALARIA, Llil 11 Ifjj^ CHILLS and ?MAC StZi&tfPZ? MLB BY ALL BtBC HC5X - ' 1 sing. ! :JH iany people are inclined to1 Vi t we claimed unreasonable "M diem. ^We won't answer it | ^ Bd for it in its early days is ' prominent physicians, and ily because of the Castoria Castoria that Mr. Eetcher id from which he Honestly; ^ry For 1 ^ w\ e of Baby. of its own all are agieed. Yet ft i sleep with grown-upa than to use '^\ regulate the delicate organism of is to be shunned. Neither would p| en's diseases. hat Baby's medicine must he pre- < Baby's food. j od health is too often disarranged i moment, then, think of giving to edicine especially prepared for InIt is important, Mothers, that yon well, the digestive organs of your No Baby is so abnormal that the tie use of medicines primarily preR0UND EVERY BOTTLEOF FLETCHER'S CA8T0MA "ORIA always \ Signature of kNV, NIWYORK CITY. ? ?w The Open-Handed. "I low many figurs do you smoke a I <iuy?" I "That depends on the kind of people I meet." . SKSgftar \Jr/j?*r A/VP w AT drug ^ U KE> STORES OR MOO BY MAN. SAM E.RICHARDSON DRUGGIST URPANNA.VA. Polk Miller's; Liver Pills The Good Old Fashioned Kind that have been doing Good Work for 50 yeara without change of formula. More popular than ever. Great in Malaria, Sick headaches. Constipation and Biliousness. At all druggists. Manufactured by Polk Miller Drug Co., *| f\ Inc., Richmond, Va. JL UC. Bad Sickness . Caused by Acid-Stomach If peopla only realized the health-deatroyIns power of an acld-Htomach ? of the many kinds of slckneaa and mlaery It caueea?or the lives It literally wrecks?they would tuard against It as ctrefully as they do gainst a deadly plague. YoU know In an Inatant the first symptoms of acid-stomach? pains of Indigestion; distressing, painful bloat; sour, gassy stomach; belching. food repeating; heartburn, etc. Whenever your } stomach feels this way you should lose no time In putting It to rights. If you don't, ! serious consequences are almost sure to follow. such as Intestinal fermentation, autointoxication. Impairment of the entire nervous system, headache, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver; sometimes even catarrh of tho stomach and Intestinal ulcers and cancer. If you are not feeling r'ght. see If It Isn't acid-stomach that Is lite cause of your 111 health. Take KATONir, the wonderful modern stomach remedy. HJATONIO Tablefg quickly and surely relieve the pain, bloat, belching, and heartburn that Indicate acidatomach. Muke the stomach strong, clean and sweet. Hy keeping the stomach In healthy condition so that you can get full strength from your food, your general health steadily Improves. Itrsiilts are msreeloualy quirk Just try RATONIC and you will b? as enthusiastic as the thousands who have used It and who say they never dreamed anything could bring such marvelous relief. So get tt tdg SO-rent box Of KATON1C from your druggist today If not satisfactory return It and ho will refund your money. P ATOMIC OkS) C TOR Y6UR ACID-STOMAClp PUBLIC SALE OE REGISTERED BERKSHIRES Orangeburg, S. C., Oct, 21, 1919. Under the auspices S. C, Berkshire Breeders and Clemson College T THE STANDARD IIOO OP THE WORLD For catalogue and other information addrean The Berkshire World, Chicago. III., or jaa. M. Moss. Jr., St Matthews. S. C. The C. & B. Hat Factory 123 Broad Street Jacksonville, Florida Is the owner of and is carrying on tha Mail Order . ! business formerly handled by the H. W. Clarke Hat : , Company. AU orders should be sent to C. A B. Hat i Factory. ^ I AGENTS WANTED SEND FOR CATALOOUE W-ir-:' 91 1 ARKER'S IfCk HAIR BALSAM I -jH Restore* Color and .; r\ > V "aHBnautyto Cray and Faded Hair 60c. And f 00 at drnrrista I -MtyjU ^y^jHtseni t HINDERCORNS Re mo see Corns. Oil. J . A. rt<v, atone ail pais. ensures comfort to u?I t, makes walking ea,y. 1.-. l>y tnall or at 1T1V>J IX iiiscox Vbemieat woraxfatcaogue,*. L __4 X vi