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^/Mr. and*Mrs. & G. Lee, ol I^P^Ghreer, visited relatives here thii [ff Mrs. C. W. McNealy, ol < Columbus, Ga.. is visiting friendf in this city. Miss Dora Grier, of Charlotte, spent the past week-end in Fori > Mill, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimbrel] ^ ' f with their children from Charlotte, were guests the past week V" of Mr: and Mrs. D. G. Kimbrell. Mrs* Mabel A. Stewart, ol Charlotte, was a guest the past week of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Miss Isabel Massey, of Char2|5e' lotte, wa& the week-end guest ol Mf. and'Mrs. Iy. M. Massey in lower Fort Mill. .Edwin S. Reid, o^ Chatham, Va., spent several.days of the past week in this city in the home of Dr.* and Mrs. J. B. Elliott, where Mrs. Reid has been a guest for several weeks. V-Fd :V; Carl H. Jones, of Bridgewater, N. C., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, during the past week. ' ' Mrs. Dorian Sykes and her sister, Mrs. McManus, of Charlotte, visited Misses Julia and Mary O'Connell during the past week. J. A. Greer, of Bessemer pity. N. C., is relieving F. E. Ardrey as operator for the Southern Railway, the latter having left on Friday with his wife for a 10-day visit to friends in New York City and Bridgeport, Conn. Joe M. Taylor, special agent for York countv for the collection of cotton ginning statistics, reports that up to September 25 this year 4,128 bales of cstton were ginned in the county. Last year to the same date the ginnings were 3,585. Fred Ritch, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ritch, of this city, is at his home on a month's furlough. after nearly four year's service in the United States < . army. Mr. Ritch reached "the States several weeks ago, after duty with the Expeditionary Force in France for about IS months. Mr. C. Cook has on display at the store of the J. B. Mills Co. a mammoth bean of the New Guinea variety which he raised on his plantation in the Belaire section this year. The bean is something more than one yard long and weighs slightly more than 11 pounds. The friends throughout this section of Dr. A. Theo Neely will regret to learn that ho is tc give up residence in Fort Mill within the next few weeks. It is Dr. Neely's intention to go tc Baltimore, where he will take a several months course in the study of diseases of the ^ar, eye and throat. He will then go tc New York to complete his course. Dr. Neely does not knpw just yet where he will locate upon leaving New York, but is considering several points in this State. Will Meek and Boysie Wilkes, negroes, have been lodged in the York county jail chartred with 0 shooting Claude Thomasson, a white youth, in the McConnellsville section last Thursday. The negroes claim that the shooting was accidental. The bullet from the .32 calibre Germari automatic pistol pierced Young Thomasson's lung and it was first believed the injury would prove fatal, but he is now recovering in a Chester hospital. A negro, thought to be Joe Turner, wanted in Greenville foi the killing several days ago ol two police officers, was chased for more than an hour in the normern eage 01 rort miii Monday night. About dark a negrc was seen to make a hasty retreat from the barn of Mr. J. Lee Capps, in Whiteville Park and go at break-neck speed towards the big woods just north oi town. His actions led the officers to the belief that it was Turner and a pair of bloodhounds were secured from the count? chaingang and chase given as quickly as possible. The dogs struck the trail without trouble and followed it back and forth through the woods for more than an hour. Finally it seemed that the chase would prove futile and the officers and others of the posse, thoroughly drenched and cold from going through the rain, returned to town. None of the party got close enough to , the fleeing negro to give any description of hiin. | ?rn+mmamammmmmmmm : WE T ' [ We thank you foi the very short period solicit the continuan< t ests at all times* .. N< I Best Pat. Self-Rising Flour, Best Pat. Flour, "Presto," p Fat Back Meat,'best quality, Best Compound Lard, per lb., WE have a full lii Also a full line-Dry G Fort Mil } I | Born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Wilson of this city, a son. 1 Miss Mannie Culp, of Greensboro, N. C., spent several days I this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Culp. Mrs. J. W. Nims returned to her home in Badin, N. C.,? sev' eral flava airn ? visit tn relatives in this city.. She was accompanied by Mr. Fred Nims and Miss Beulah Parks. J. L. Lyles who has been ' living for several years ii> Huntersville, N. C., has returned with his'family to Fort Mill and will make his future home here. Osmond Barber, one of Fort Mill's progressive farmers, sold a lot of eight bales of long-staple cotton Tuesday to a Columbia concern for 52 cents a pound. Estimating the cotton at 500 pounds to the bale, Mr. Barber received for th6 lot $2,080.00. Relatives in the upper part of Fort Mill township several days ago received information of the death of Arthur Hill, which took place in Los Angeles, California. The telegram gave no par1 ticulars regarding the young 1 man's death, only stating that ' his death was sudden and that the body would be shipped to this place for burial. I A most pleasant social affair took place at the Palmetto Hotel ' Friday evening when George Fish entertained at dinner a number of the nvprspprs thp 1 two cotton mills under hip 1 management. together with the 1 superi'itciid rut of mill Mo. 2 ' and several of the prominent ! business and professional men of Fort Mill. Twenty-five covers ; were laid and a most excellent dinner was served, concluding , with a smoker and a number of I short addresses. New Fa i ; "Style and These are the tv favor of our New i young men. Our depended upon tc and satisfaction, suit models that pc ty that accompani< > tailored garment, v the very highest gr; i may be worn with the price is forgott< ; Prices $2< hALL HATS i Fall Hats. They 1< the other fellow's, and ties; everythinj a man look well di Get the habit of dows where you w ing variety of weai The Store Prices Ar E. W.Kk M ? n, ^ ... V I -v~VW- */? ? t5 .** tfSvR \ Sf ^ ^ v . ?.'i tli e~ very liberal 'patro we have been doing' bi ; of your patronage and "> * ote the Following Pric per 100,.. $6.00 Good Grade G erlOO,... 5.90 Irish Potatoes, per lb.,__ -.30 Good Quality 1 .30 Granulated Su :ie of Grpceries at prop< roods, Notions, fc>hoes, Et 11 Cooperativ M. J. ADCOCX, Manager York County Fair Next Week. The York County Fair begins at the fair grounds in Rock Hil next Wednesday and continues through Friday,? and "preseni indications are that the oc casion will witness the -largest and most varied line of exhibit* and the biggest crowd of visitor* in Rock Hill since the inceptior of the fair some years ago. The opening of the fair is tc be marked by a big automobile parade and is to be known a* Victory and Home-Coming Day. Thursday is Agricultural, In dustrial and Commercial Day. Friday is to be Winthrop anc Educational Day, at which time will be featured athletic stuht-, bicycle races, and other contests, and School Day. Other attractions each day wil be horse races, livestock anc poultry shows, merchant's anc manufacturer's displays, schoo and miscellaneous exhibits, automobile show, home and farn demonstration work, high-class midway shows, band concerts, etc. The'fair management is offer irig season* tickets for $1.00,. or sale up to October 20. Officer Uses His Gun. John McCullough, a white mar who recently moved to Fort Mil from Concord. N. C.. was sho in the leg on Saturday by J. W Lynn, chief of police, after Mc Cullough had refused to be ar rested under a warrant issued bj the mayor. His companion. Mar shall Turner, was also arrested the charge being a violation oi the prohibition laws. Turnei was living in one of the mill ten ements. His place was suspect ed and a search warrant was se cured. Finding the men abseni the officer afterward locatec them a short distance from th< town limits where the arrest anc shooting occurred. A still was found in a trunk and the wornr 11 Suits 1 Quality." ro strong points in Fall Clothes for Clothing may be give real service Let us show you >ssess all the qualiss a strictly hand^ith linings and of ade. These suits i i ' pleasure long arter sn. n (t?iiA 1/ 10 for Men?See our ok different from Shirts, Silk Hose, g it takes to make "essed. looking at our winill find an interesting apparel. j Where e Right. nbrell Co. -^-gggj [ YOU page given us during jsiness. We respectwi^l serve your inter<AO> -*** jffee, per lb.,". .30 , per peck, ?_ 60 ?ink Salmon/per can, .22 gar, per lb.,..,. .11 xrtionately low prices, c., and at low prices. e Store, concealed in the chimney of 3 Turner's house. Several bottles j of '"white rabbit" were found 3 and taken with the hien. The | wounded man was brought to a !Rock Hill hospital in order that " the pistol ball be removed?Rock t Hill Record. 5 } Negroes Want Own State. 1 M. M. Madden, a negro from } Oklahoma City, Okla., is in i Washington interviewing mem' hers of Congress on a plan of Oklahoma negroes who want Congress to buy -500 square miles in the Rio Grande valley -of j Texas and 500 square miles along the northern boundary in Mexico for the purpose of establishing a negro state. * The plan is so large and there I would be so many difficulties I connected with it that it is hardly j probable Congress will do any j tning aoout it. 1 DR. A. L_. OTT , 5 v DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) ' Belle Building, Fort Mill, S. C. I Sweaters Sweaters for men, boys, r Underwear for ladies, mei f Hosiery for the entire fan r "Star Brand" Shoes for e Overalls and Jackets, larg Blankets from $4.00 a pair Baby Blankets, $1.15 and ; t tylen's and Boys' Caps. Many, many other necessa I winter which we have not sj ' Come in and see us and yo t Best goods at lowest possi Satisfaction guaranteed. * I The Cas I S. A. Lee, T. F. Lytle, i?BgaiB w.iaaMawarn Devoe Paint is a necessity ?not i house is a sure sign of econoi the looks but increases the v But to buy cheap paini "Cheap" paint contains san< less adulterants. You pay "cheap" than fprgood paint or a year you will have to p; paint all over again. I DEVOE Paint is pure?10 to the last drop in the can. And DEVOE is ffiiamntpp/ in America to give satisfactii . gallons for the job and wean we're authorized by Devoe paint. Come in and let us tell you Lytle Dru "The Rexall Store." I { The Casl { We are still in the M most select line of Eic&l J ter, Eggs and other Coui * Call on us for all kinds I 5 Dill Pickles, Etc. We price will please you. t The Cash F. E. TAYLOR, Prop. " P * '% ' in J Men, I ? I We have j nishing depa We sell th Hats, Shirts, H n -n j (nags, Look at th "Schloss" I I "Stetson" "Ide" Shir "All-Star" | "Vt right's' I "Seward" Why buy ? turers put th I right. Thftt' I -Pat 1 for Ladies, j ;irls and ladies. : i, boys, girls and children. 'u lily. ; verybody. g ^ e and small sizes. B ^ " up. I ^ $2.00 each. |j '4 iry articles for this fall and g ? aace to montion * II 5 1 >h Store, I Mrs. S. A. Lee, Mgrs. I "1 I <* S s Paint. ! a luxury. A well painted my. Paint not only improves alue of vour property, t is foolishly extravagant, j, whiting and other worthout more good money for and at the end of six months ay out more good money to \ 0 per cent, pure paint?paint 1 by the oldest paint makers ? on. I)EVOE will take fewer s years longer. If it doesn't to make no charge for the * i more about DEVOE. j ^ g Comp'y ! Phone No. 16. I ; J i Market J t Market Business with a 4 1 Meats, Chickens, But ltry Produce. 1 Sweet and Sour Pickles, ? ^ have the best and the 4 ^ / l i & Market, } Phone 146. + wrnMmm* ? - ^ mmmmm m x Young Men and Boys. I -I m exclusive Clothing and Fur- * rtment for men and boys. B e "better kind" of Clothes, Shoes, I Colars, Ties, Underwear, Trunks, Suits and Overcoats, B Mats, i ts and Collars, 1 Ties, I ' Underwear, g Trunks and Bags. I an unknown article? Manufac- S eir names on goods that are made ? 2ZZI I ter son's | J ! ? | Prescriptions. | : I Your doctor cannot cure you unless | his orders are carried out by the drug- | gist when he tills your Prescription. V> Bring them to us and they will be < filled correctly by a Graduate Liceused Druggist, with Pure, Fresh Drugs; ;; <. Our prices are reasonable. ;; * > Hutchinson's Pharmacy, fc "Just What Your Doctor Orders." Your Family Servant That is what we are and what we strive to be. Your table is the shrine upon which we offer ourselyss. We are dealers in "better than ordinary" groceries. Our shelves are stocked with the beat in the market of standard goods. Let us take the responsibility of what you put on the table to tempt the appetites of your family. Groceries are the life of any individual. Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory to your pallette. FRESH MEATS, FISH and ICE. B. C. FERGUSON. Highest Prices Paid for Pork. I II l? HII I?B ISIIIS M I?S?1 Free Air Batteries Recharged t We are always looking for trouble at the ^ '? superior Ciarage, | PHONE 71 Ford Specialists. Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Cars. ? R. S. CASE, Proprietor. t ii?r ij/ilfti s^Tm