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^v'V** ' v,% \ ^k| the TORTwt.t. tikes i PwKowrwti.?P?tlhlw< ftmiiTi. i Wfa;' B. df. BRADFORD . Kditoennd !' ? U** j o t?w8i rnoN katra : On. Teu tl.M f?a Time* n vite-< -ontrthntlone on liraubiiect* bat Ines not mare, to nubltoh more than 800 word. .1 any labjeet. The right I. rwerred to adit '?r* eo nmunieatlon mbmltted for pablieation. In anplleAtion to the puhlfalwr. adTarthing I r >?? ?rp mmhi Known to tnoo* intt?too. rolnnhffhp.lnoaland I on* distance. No.lit. 1nt?r?l tt th? pootofllM at Fort Mill. 8. C.. natl mat tar of the Mrond elaaa. THURSDAY. OCT. 16. 1919. An Enormous Corn Crop. The country's enormous corn crop has "run unharmed the gauntlet of dangers that faced it during the doubtful days and nights of September, and lays into the lap of mellow October. 43,000,000 bushels more of ripened ears ^than it could Dromise at the beginning of that month," the department of agriculture says iji issuing the October crop report forecasting a yield of 2.900,511.000. Practically without frost damage, assuring high feeding value. Husking and cribbing has begun. Blight, scab and black rust, together with minor ills, brought the good early prospects for spring wheat in north central producing section down until the reckoning now shows almost . t AAA AAA I 1 1-1 1 1 M o;vw,uw uusneis less tnan rorecast a month ago, the total crop being placed at 204,170,000 bushels. Cotton Fife in Rock Hill. Sunday night the central compartment of the John T. Roodey - warehouse, just north of the Southern railway station in Rock Hill, was discovered on fire and but for the timely arrival of the fire department, it was believed that the entire btiilding and its contents would have been destroyed. The central compartment of the warehouse is rented by Mr. Roddey as a State wareroom, with John A. Black as custodian. Mr. Black stated that there were between 600 and 700 bales of cotton in the building, some of it belonging to the 4 Victoria cotton mill and some to the farmers of Rock Hill section. The loss was estimated at I about $100,000, which was fully covered by insurance. Has Boll Weevil Expert. The State Crop Pest Commission has decided to station a boll weevil specialist in Columbia for the remainder of the season, and has sent Mr. J. A. Berly to Columbia for the purpose. He will have headquarters at the Livestock Sanitary Office of Clemson College, Union National Bank Building, and will be prepared to issue information with promptness and to grant necessary permits to all who need - them without loss of time. The rapid advance of the boll weevil and the great activity in the shipment of cotton, seed and hulls makes this step advisable because of the necessity for frequent, changes in the boll weevil line. Shippers and the public generally will find Mr. Berly's services easily and quickly available. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McMurray, of Rock Hill, and Joe H. McMurray, of Charlotte, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. H? McMurray in this city. FORT Mil "He We want e have Fresh ? ?Made in our own in and | HARRY Special* Saturday. > '' *' * J Ytrk Ctuty Newi Hatters. 1 I totkTille Enquirer.) f Hat, Resuming the inquest into the finding of the charred remains Ja of a new-born babe in the ruins ** of an old stable admittedly fired by Sarah . Edna Sims, a white jP girl of the Mt. Holly section sev- jJJ eral days ago, a jury of inquest ** presided over by Coroner Mc- n! if anus on Monday, afterrn on dccided that the child was not m burned to death alive. The wo- p man said that it was dead born. n< J. B. Johnson, of Rook Hill, g< Chairman of the York County uf Cotton Association, said Wednes- fh clay that trustees of the various re York county school districts hi oe asked to exert themselves in a the work of soliciting member- re drips in the local branch of the it South Carolina Cotton associa- ? tion. Chairman Johnson propos- * es to mail a personal letter to 3 ?ach of the trustees in the coun- 1 :y asking their respective co-op- I iration and interest in the matter ? )f increasing the membership of I he association in York county to I L.700. | The plant, * equipment and lands of Winthrop college at . Rock Hill, are inventoried at J 52,029,366.76, according to the report made by Dr. D. B. Johnson, president of the institution to the South Carolina budget :ommission. Of this amount 51,181,500 is for college buildings, $424,645 for lands, $401,721 for equipment and $21,500 for for farm buildings. In a letter to Governor Cooper, Dr. Johnson explains that the inventory does not include the new dormitory and students' buildings, which are in course of coustruction. He likewise shows that, smce the school's foundation in 1886 to June 30, 1919, the State of South Carolina has appropriatedonly $487,301.17. Delio Phillips was arrested by Deputy Sheriff J. E. Watkins a few days ago charged with violating the prohibition law, by having in her possession four and a half gallons of contraband booze. It is said by the officers that the woman has been going to the mountains of North Carclina by automobile and bringing back the contraband which she would dispose of at fancy prices, thus making a handsome profit from her investment. The officers sav that. thnr#? is on organization backed by an influential citizen who furnishes the funds for the nefarious enterprise. She was held by a local magistrate in a bond of $500 for her appearance before the next term of the court of general sessions.?Gaffney Ledger. WANTED-Good sound wheat and corn for milling purposes. Highest market prices paid. Let us know what B you have. Catawba Milling Co.. Rock Hill, S. C. NOTICE?The Norman Grist Mill in Pleasant Vallsy will begin operation next Saturday and will run each Sat- ei urday until further notice. J. F. Moore. Old Newspapers for sale at The Times OHice. t DOES Y< 1 Automobile Ne 4 ; Does it Need a I Covers, Cushions, I Nave it done the' t Pyramid P; ; ROCK HII ; J AS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. .L CANDY re's t6 the Peopl verybodv to kn \ Candy Every kitchen, Pure and D I try it with your friei CARROS, Pr< | Quality and Joe Turner Escape* Ajtia. Joe Turner, the & negro who Etyed two Greenville police the ght of October 5th, is still at rge a^d there appears no clue i to his present hereabouts. ') Saturday night just obfore idnight Charlotte police offers got "word from Greenville iat\ Turner had boarded a irth bound freight train and the ficers at once made arrangeenta to effect his capture, if >ssible, when the train reached har otte. But not so. The jgro had secreted himself in a )ndola car and when the ficers approached he opened re on them, one of the officers iceiving a slight flesh wound on s cnin and the other receiving scalp wound. The officers (tui tied the fire and in the melee le r> gro made a get-away. THI The Yoi R< \ Octobe A Revelat Winthhrop (College a work will be rep Hamilton Carhartt product. I cucat Big Autoniohiie Bars Victory and Hon t" Thursday, October 2 Day. Friday. October 24stunts, bicycle ra Big Dairy Exhibit, si HOF Splendid Li vesto ugacturer's Display, mobile Show. Hon Class Midway. Bain Come the Openii Wo are in the market for sevral small farms and will be glad > c< nFer with those who wish > se 1 at a reasonable price. SPRATT & LINK, Inc. * , l OUR % Ed Painting? f lew Tcp, Seat : Etc.? If so, : 'Fyiamid Way" ? aint Shop, .L, S. C. . J &sk the Man Who Knows." ^ KITGM(rM I e!" ow thai we Bay elicious. Come I ids." |j jl >prietor. Quantity for Less. , 1 ' The Ideal Bed. ZSHOW WE ALL ENJOY . _ I I rk County Fair, )CK HILL S. C., ;r 22, 23, 24, 1919 ion of the County's Resources and Progress. l young fair in itself. Every phase of college' resented. Mil! booth, showing front raw to finished ional. ide Opening Day. Wednesday. October 99 le-Coming Day. I 3?Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial * ?Winthrop and Educational Day. Athletic ices, a feature of School Day. towing the "Milky >Vay to Health." . ; - - -. tSE RACES DAILY L'k and Poultry Shows. Merchant's and ManSchool and Miscellaneous Exhibits. Autone' and Farm Demonstration Work. High i Concerts, Etc. ig Day and You'll Come Every Day. ! The J. B. Mills Co., | ! ' | ; Heavy and I I . Fancy Groceries, t I I Hardware and * I General Farm Supplies j | Come to See Us. | j The J. B. Mills Co. z * < i > ' 4 I - NOTICE! * We are now prepared to do vour Blacksmith and Repair Work in our new shop in the rear of the Garage adjoining our plant, and will appreciate your patronage. i Fort Mill Lumber Co., J. J. BAILES, Proprietor. A Solid Gar Load 1 1 I Of Thse Beds Just Received. j All Sizes aod Colors, in Iron. Also many (f /jj&B * beautiful styles in Brass. & Young & Wolfe, | l!t | GET ONE I Fefore Hunting or Trapping any Game Animals or Birds * | get for yourself a HUNTING LICENSE. IT WILL RE | % CHEAPER. This means Anyone who Kills or Attempts to Kill or Catch Game. ^ ? For YOUR convenience I have placed on sale with the ^ % following named gentlemen, both State and County Li- ^ t censes?for Non-residents of the State, only the Clerk of ^ ? Court or myself can furnish licenses. ^ S C. S. Link, Fort Mill. F. E. Smith, Tirzah. ^ T W. L. Whiesides, Smyrna J. P. Williams, McConnelUville | T Leon M. Allison, Hickory Grove J. M. Burnett, Barnett's Store J. C. Bell, Guthriesvtlle * Roy M. Neil, Rock Hill Y L. L. Dowdle, Bullock's Creek R. R. Brown, Ramah ^ T W. B. Flanagan, Bowl'g Green J. C. Faris, Catawba Junction y T. F. Lesslie, Lesslie J. S. Hartness, Sharon / T J. A. Page, Clover S. G. Strait, Smith's Turnout A f X Wm. S. Moore. York York Hardware Store, York ' Jos. M. Taylor, Ebenezer 2 The followiner nampH orpntiomon u ? ? gvnviv.i.i\. 11 nave uet-n reqnesiea to ? < , act as my assistants in their respective neighborhoods, ? 3! working under commission from the Governor?others will ? 3 3 be appointed as rapidly as possible. Any violations of the ? 3 3 game laws reported to either of us will receive prompt at- X 33 Mention, but unless you are willing to act as a witness, if ? 3 3 necessary, please do not report. ; E. G. Brandon, S. M. Gordon, G. F. Thomas, W. J. ? McMarter, H. C. Gourley, Lon. L. Dowdle, \Y. F. ? ^ Steele, Frank Windle, Kenneth Nims, Dan Mitchell, ? ;; T. Howard Riddle. ? ? A Hunting license does not permit Trespass on any per- ? son's property, nor does the game warden or his assistants ? have any jurisdiction as to trespassing. The Hnnting Li- ? cense only gives to the person holding same aright to hunt, % but has nothing to do with the lands on which the holder may desire to hunt. That is a matter entirely between the ? holder of the license and the land owner. ? f Training (?) dogs in close season is a violation of the ? ? law and is punishable under the same. ? I Dan T. Woods, 3 ? Game Warden for York County. ? ? < > J'# -' > " * * ' % !We Want Your! & S Name. j. < > I ?7 . * We are Preparing for distribution I- on the 15th the first of a series of | | Farm Booklets j i to be issued monthly. Each month \ | a different subject will be used, in- i | eluding? | i M t Cotton, Corn, Cattle, Hogs, I Poultry, Alfalfa, Gardening t X \\ and other subjects particular to this | I community. | | We will be glad to have YOUR f * i on our mailing list and see t I that you receive a copy of each | | issue, I | There is no charge, of course. f |g| |[ The Savings Bank I Of Fort Mill. |