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| ITEMS OF LOCAL BTOEff. I Mrs. J. L. Howie is visiting! friends in Lancaster. Mr. T. O. Flowers, of Rock Hill, was a visitor in Fort Mill last Saturday. Dr. J. L. Spratt left Saturday evening for Baltimore, Md., for S a vacation of several days. Miss Nell Mae Ferguson of Winthrop college, spent the past week-end at her home here. I Mrs. Rijchard A. Fulp, of Charlotte, was a guest during the past week of. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spratt. Miss Marian Dove of Columbia, was the guest during the last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ardrey in this city. Miss Esther Merritt, of this city, is visiting her sister. Mrs. companied by Miss Mary Woods, y of Darlington. L x * Ex-senator Ezra Dixon and w Antonio Spencer, two prominent a cotton manufacturers of Provi- tl dence, R. I., were quests during the last week of Mr. and Mrs. George Fish. "Aunt" Laura Sulledge, one tj of the few remaining slave-time w darkies in this section, died at w her home Saturday night, after w an illness of several weeks. jr Everyone who contemplates d hunting this fall and winter s' should read carefully the ad- J vertisement of the county game ? warden which is printed in d another column. a s W. B. Wilson, Jr., has been S( elected city recorder of Rock Hill for a period of four years. B. N. Craijr who has held the office t( since it was created, has resigned nnrl aalroi^ t-n *1." - M*?M VV U<& I^IICVCU at IIIC expiration of his term on Sep- _ tember 1. Mr. M. J. Adcock. manager Of the Cooperative Store since , its opening some weeks ago, has resigned and will return to his former position with the Fort Mill Mfg. company. His successor in his last position has not yet been named. It is refreshing to know thfrt the courty authorities contemplate the working of certain sections of the county roads. Supervisor Boyd has an advertisement in the Yorkville Enquirer asking for bids for resurfacing a section of the road 1 t V 1- l /il uetween xorK anil i^iover. Louise Massey, the 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey. sustained a painful injury in an automobile accident in Rock Hill last Wednesday. The child was leaning against the door of her father's car when the machine turned a corner and the door opened, . throwing the little girl to the street and badly bruising one of her arms. Automobiles licensed by the State highway commission during the present year total 65,501. v The total amount of license fees taken in by the commission up to the end of September totals $300,941.48. Of this amount $246,771.84 has been returned to the various counties of the State to be used by them on road construction. His Fort Mill friends will be interested to know that Lieut. Herbert L. Merritt, of Washing, D. C., has been ordered by the war department to duty in the Phillipines. He and Mrs. Merritt will leave the Capital City about the 20th of this month. This will make Lieut jg Merritt'? third term in .the Phillipines since his enlistment H. J. Brown in Gastonia. ? Miss Margaret Spratt has ac- cepted the position of stenographer in the office of the o Superior Garage. t Mrs. W. M. Culp has been seriously ill for several days at h her home on Clebourn street. Mrs. W. J. Brown and children of Winston-Salem. N. C., have J, been the guests for several days of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Loll is in a this city. j J. L. Howie, a local contractor, s at present has under construction a a handsome brick veneer resi- v dence for Dr. Hand, of Pine- C ville. Miss Harriet Mack and Joe b Mack of Dpnntur fl;t i to their home Monday evening \\ after a visit to their grand- c mother, Mrs. Harriet Mack. d Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Barber ? and their children motored to 1 Jonesville last week and spent 0 Beveral days visiting relatives. K Miss Hattie Belk, a student at Winthrop college, spent the h week-end at her home here ac- ^ j v>< iivu, |jiaiu viwhico li ffice s >! . te Greenville police tl epartmeni, following a raid on gambling game in a negro 1' ettlement in the northwest ection of the city known as 'Bucknertown." Officers Kitchen and Blair, 0j ogether with Sergeant Cooley tl New Fal "Style and These are the tw< favor of our New young men. Our depended upon to J 1-* I ciuu scmsidtJiJOil. l_ suit models that pos ty that accompaniei tailored garment, w: the very highest gra may be worn with ] the price is forgottei (DO f lined <p4iV FALL HATS fc Fall Hats. They lo the other fellow's.* and ties; everything a man look w&ll dr< Get the habit of 1< dows where you wi ing variety of weari The Store Prices An EL W. Kin laptain Allison made his home. *, The cotton ginned to Sept em- o! er 26 from the 1919 crop totalled st ,854,170 running hales, count- ri ig round as half bales, the di ensus bureau announced several n ays ago. Cotton from the 1918 rop ginned to the same date ist year totalled 3,770,611 bales, r almost twice the number inned this year. k Yesterday. October 8, marked it he first anniversary of the big attle over in France in which p tie membrt-s of the Fort Mill c< light Infantry took^ part and in al 'hich a dozen or more were ti 'ounded and Sergt. Eli Bailes a: nd Private Walter Leazer lost r; leir lives. _ p Negro Kills Two Officers. ai Scattered posses of several lousand men, many of whom n rere armed, scoured the high- ^ ays and hedges, swamps and 'oods near Greenville Monday 01 l a man hunt for Joe Turner, a Qj ischarged negro soldier, who S) hot and killed A. M. Blair and 1 I t\loin nlnfUnc it * We thank you- for 1 the-yery short period \ solicit the continuahc < ests at all times. No! Best Pat. Self-Rising Flour, pe Best Pat. Flour, "Presto/' per Fat Back Meat, best quality, p< Best Compound Lard,, ' WrE have a full lin* Also a full line Dry Go Fort Mill M The daylight saving law goes o: ut of effect the last Sunday in ir his month. At one o'clock on o: he morning of October 26th tc locks will be turned back one tc lour. B Capt. J. A. Allison, for forty- * hree years a conductor on the ' iouthern Railway, died suddenly n t Winnshoro last Wednesday Ip lorning, while attending court. [e was 61 years of age and is j, urvived by his widow, two sons P( nd two daughters. The burial ^ /as made in Charlotte, where ^ i .' ^ ? : R.V-yM'q he very libera! patron; ve have been doing bus of your patronage and m be the Following Price r 100,.- $6.00 Good Grade Coff 100. ' 5.90 Irish Potatoes. p< ar lb.,__ .30 Good Quality Pir fr .30 Granulated Supra 5 of Groceries at propor ods, Notions, Shoes, Etc. i Cooperative I. J. ADCOCK, Manager. f the police force, acting upon iformation went to raid a game f craps in a house in "Buckner- j >wn." Sergeant Cooley went i ) a window, while Kitchin and ( lair entered the house, where t ley found a game in progress, ] articipated in by seven or eight i egroes. According to the t irgeant, shooting by the negro, \ urner, began as soon as the j Ticers entered the house, Mr. ( itchin falling mortally woundi. The negro then rWout of a > ack door, closely pursued by J lr. Blair. It yas reported that [ ie negro wheeled and shot the c Hcer down, death being in- 1 anfaneous. Mr. Kitchin was t ished to the city hospital, but ? ied within a few minutes after \ ;aching there. I Census Enumerators Wanted. * Chester, S. C., Oct. 7. \ ditor The Times: Kindly piint the following cm in your issue of October 9: Applicants are wanted for ositions as enumerators for the annus of the Fifth CongressionI District. This work will con nue during the month of Janu- I ry 1920. Compensation will I inge from five to six dollars : er day There will be one numerator for each township nd more for the towns. Applications will be received ow and names listed for the :st to be held on Saturday, ovember 1st. There will be re or more tests for each junty according to the number I applicants. Applicants will end their names at once to me t Chester so that I can send rem information about the test rey will have to stand. Persons between the ages of J and 70 are eligible. S. C. Carter, Supervisor of Census. It is said that the cotton crop f this section will be little more lan half the normal crop. il Suits Quality." ) strong points in Fall Clothes for Clothing may be give real service .et us show you ;sess all the quali5 a strictly hand1th linings and of de. These suits Dleasurelong after a. J to $40 - Y * V )r Men?See our ok different from Shirts, Silk Hose, it takes to make issed. coking at our win- ! 11 find an interesting apparel. ! Where e Right ibrellCo. age given us during iness. We respectrill serve your intergp!B - W~Si ee, per lb., 30 er peck,. .60 tk Salmon, per can,... .22 r, per lb.,___ .11 tionately low prices. ,, and at low prices. j Store, i Infant's Death a Mystery. Coroner McManus is investiratinpr the death of an infant, a'hose charred remains were discovered in a burned stable near ;he home of J. H. Sims, near Mt. Holly, says a Rock Hill despatch. Sarah Edna Sims, dauor :er of J. H. Sims, admitted that ;he child was hers, her father jtates, but declares it was born lead. Is is claimed that the infant vas born the night of September ?3 and that the body was kept between a mattress and the bed Covering until the Thursday folowing, when it was taken to he stable, which was used only is a storage place for hay. It vas hidden in the hay and the milding fired. The father of he woman claims he knew nothng regarding the child's birth intil neighbors informed him of he finding of the remains. DR. A. I OTT, DtNTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. rn. (Dr. Spratt's office) * Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. Enamele We have just received a blue Enameled Ware, iji whi ful articles, such as Dish Pa pers. Etc., and if you need a and select what you want be Also, we have a nice lin< Dishes, in gold band stripes, fix you up in this now. Big Groceries, etc., which we Prices are always right at 01 coming in every day in our ] ment. Call on us for anything ; Satisfaction always guai The Cas S. A. Lee, T. F. Lytle, Devoe Paint is a necessity? not house is a sure sign of econo me iooks but increases the v But to buy cheap pain "Cheap" paint contains san less adulterants. You pay "cheap" than for good paint or a year you will have to p paint all over again. DEVOE Paint is pure?10 to the last drop in the can. And DEVOE is guiranteei in America to give satisfaeti gallons for the job and wear we're authorized by Devoe paint. Come in and let us tell yoi Lytle Dru "The Rexall Store." mb mm < | The Casl t We are still in the ft fr most select line of Fiesl J ter, Eggs and other Cou: * Call on 11s for all kinds t Dill Pickles, Etc. We i price will please you. | The Casl F. E. TAYLOR, Prop. Men, a Wo have j I niching depa I We sell th< ? Hats, Shirts, I Bags, Etc. I I Look at th< I "Schloss" J I44Stetson" ] I' "Ide" Shir "All-StarV | "Wright's' 44 Seward" r d Whv buv %1 -J turers put th< ? right. That* ? p.. 0 d Ware. ~|f \ ' I I Dig assortment of white and ? ch you will find many use- I f ns. Stew Pots, Kettles, Dip- I ? .nything in this line come in I ^ >fore it is picked over. + 3 of Plates, Cups, Saucers and ^ and colored figures. Let us line of Hardware, Cutlery, 4 guarantee to please you. lr atore. More new goods Dry Goods and Shoe Depart i $ you may need in any line. f -anteed. > J >h Store, I 7 *Mrs. S. A. Lee, Mgrs. | s> ! Paint. a luxury. A well painted ? my. Paint not only improves 'alue of vour property. ! t is foolishly extravagant, d, whiting and other worthout more good money for ; and at the end of six months ay out more good money to 0 per cent, pure paint?paint d by the oldest paint makers on. DEVOE will take fewer ! s years longer. If it doesn't : to make no charge for the / 1 more about DEVOE. 1 g Comp'y 11 Phone No. 16. I | ti Market ! t * laiket Business with a 4 a Meats, Chickens, But ntiy Produce. T Sweet and Sour Pickles, J ^ have the best and the 1 1 \ * 1 Market, } | Phone 146. 4 | and Boys { n in exclusive Clothing and Fur- m rtment for men and boys. 1 3 "better kind" of Clothes, Shoes, Colars, Ties, Underwear, Trunks, - ;|~v INM /' * Hats, , <"i ts and Collars, fl Ties, I ' Underwear, a Crunks and Bags. I an unknown article? Manufac- 1 eir names on goods that are made s why we sell them. I I terson 's I - -. - - ? - - I wmmam m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ? Prescriptions. f * ? Your doctor cannot cure you unless | his orders are carried out by the drug- | gist when he tills your Prescription. | Bring them to us and they will be | , tilled correctly by a Graduate Licen- f sed Druggist, with Pure, Fresh Drugs, $ Our prices are reasonable. i Hutchinson's Pharmacy, | "Just What Your Doctor Orders." ^ Ynili1 Familv Qnniront I m. VUi A Ulllll J Lltl TUtl m . That is what we are and what we strive to be. Your table is the shrine upon which we offer ourselvss. We are dealers in "better than ordinary" groceries. Our shelves are stocked with the beat in the market of standard goods. Let us take the responsibility of what-'you put on the table to tempt the appetites of your family. Groceries are the life of any individual. Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory to your pallette. * I FRESH MEATS, FISH and ICE. 1 B. C. FERGUSON. I N SB Highest Prices Paid for Pork. ? <* ? Free Air Batteries Recharged .? We are always looking for trouble at^ the ^ > Superior Garage, f PHONE 71 F'ord. Specialists. : and ^Usfactlo^^uara^