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~ ' t A Voiom Front Bioux PE-Rl Worth Its Wot i i ii in iiObxi . Too cannot mistake tho words of Mi Strsot, Sioux City, Iowa. Holsmthoafc thomoritsof PE-RUN A sad wants ev oont letter from him fjB oodtka* After oali 5 much bet I JsM I oUccatt V9Kl B cred me. IHtlk.* J E tn your a] I I ' I aedlclae ?'I hotltllC tl There are thousands Just like Mr convinced by a trial of PE-rtU-NA. DON'T BE AN UNBELIEVER. . 11 your trouble is of a catarrhal natui v friends. It la fine after an attack of gri| mold Evrywher* ram amrjurmM and a at a sou Far MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. ? ? , Mean Thing. Edith?How do you like my new photographs, dear? wi llarle?Why, one of them Is very th pcetty and the other Is quite u good an likeness. wi all Important to Mothers ? Examine carefully every bottle of ?ASTORIA, that famous old remedy i tor infanta and children, and see that It In Use for Over 30 Years. ? Children Ctv for pletehpr'a r na^Aria I ^ " fo Exactly. c*' keep telling my l>oy to al.n high. et Impressing on lilin that 'not failure ve kot low. nlin is crime.'" ac **I see; In tenchlng the young Idea to to shoot you use a Maxim." by Sa How's Thlf ? U| ? "We offer 9100.00 for any case of catarrh Ml that cannot be cured bv HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la tak- CI ?n Internally and acta through the Blood n the Mucoua Surfaces of the System. Sold by drugglata for over forty years. Price 76c. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Oh'o. OLD-TIME RULES OF CIVILITY ve Undoubtedly Were Taken Seriously in 1675, but Would Seem Somewhat Elementary Today. There was published In l(VTfi n ourl U8 hook culled "The Rules of Civil- tqi My." and one of the things Impressed pon the render Is that 'Miring In discourse with n man, 'tis no less than ridiculous to pull lilm by the buttons, to play w^h the bandstrings, belt or cloak, or to punch hi in now and then in the stomach; 'tis A pleasant sight, mi well worthy of laughter to see him athat Is so punched, fall hack, and re- |<< tire, whilst Jhe other. Insensible of his absurdity, pursued and presses him Into some corner, where he Is at lfd be * glad to cry quarter before his comrade Yt perceives he Is in danger;" Further, the reader Is informed that "It argues eglect, and to under-value a man, to sleep when he Is discoursing or rend- to v. ' lug; therefore good manners command I tlf It lo he forbid; besides, something I there may happen In the net that may ?v (Tend, its snoring, sweating, piping or dribbling." in. ? to Down Come Prices. Darby?I saw In n Main street win- "1 4ow about 100 articles on wblrb the all price bad lieen reduced ?r?0 per cent. fa Jonn (excitedly)?Het you've been Hi drinking! But what were they? Darby ? Knitting needles.?Buffalo Express. yo I } Off-Coloi j are usually the ref y upset to bodily he P Coffee drinking us j ates such condil I quently produces I I That's why sov 3 coffee drinkers no d Ane uri POSTUM | Boil fully fifteen | delightful beverag g for children as wel I Everywhere i 1 Two sizes, usually si 9 ' ii ~ : \ ??! ?! ? City, Iowa, amym f l-N A BlU In Gold 9 . v r. W. W. Northrop, of 908 Fourth astlo about his present hMtlhud nrooa to know U. Bar* bote* LU-NA to worth Mi weight la gold (j imm. I M*d to tUak it only a woMdr M bora changed ay mind. cough. oopsrlaHy la Jhe aoniag. nghslf a bottle at PS-RU-NA ?u I V tar. I would cough up chanln of ad mocu*,my ayss itched and bothJudging from the symptoms girea tmanac it vras catarrh. Mystomsch h better condition since using your ft you wish. Don't > advertise the merits of PB-RU-N A" (Signed) W. W. NORTHRUP. t] CI o Northrop, skeptical at first but K * t< e re, try PE-RU-NA, than tell your ti ?or Spanish nu. t] Tablete or Liquid n llMMAt CONDITIO MB b wm^ 1 L*n?MnC ; O FOR BO YEARS. l SO A PINC GENERAL STRENGTHEN* J 0 TONIC. Sold hy All Drug Stereo. ii Making Him Feel Good. t Percy Noodles says that when he ote to the capitalist's daughter at ,i e seashore not to eat lobster salad d Ice cream at the same time, she C red back: "Haven't seen a lobster c ice I parted with you at the depot." c Dallas News. - g BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION > always admired, and It Is the lauda* t e ambition of every woinun to do ull u e can .to make herself attractive, any of our southern women have g und that Tetterlne is invaluable for earing up blotches, itchy patches, { c., and making the skin soft and ^ lvety. The worst cases of eczema id other torturing skin diseases yield 8 Tetterine. Sold by druggists or seut v ' mail for 50c. by Shuptrlne Co., Lvannah, Ga.?Adv. EARD OVER THE TELEPHONE f 0 ty Editor Gets a Little Important 8 Information Concerning a Certain 8 Uriah Umson. 1 Here's a bona tide telephone con- \ rsatlon: 1 " 'Do." "Hello." u "I gotta little ad for the paper." c "An advertisement?" "No. It's about a friend of mine." ^ "Oh. I'll be pleased to take It." "Just say Uriah Umson Is convass- ft Ing." * s "Con-VASS-elllng?" 1: "Yes." d "What kind of a business Is that?" 1 "It isn't a business. It's a sickness." "Oh, I'm so sorry." h "Yes. lie's a soldier boy." "Well, that IS too bad." h 'You see, ho wns hurt, and now ho h eon-vnss-elllng." u "Oil, 1 8PP. I SOP." t "Yes. lie's eon-vnss-elllng after a lag on the cas-u-AL-lty list."? >uugs'town Telegram* f 'W Safe. ( "I Rave up cocktails and rouge just ? please hlin," sohhed the fair plain- o f, formerly of the "Follies." t "Order in court,'* cried a halllff as a C mpnthetlc Juror groaned aloud. a "I,ook here," said the defendant to e s lawyer. "I'm afraid we are going c lose this case." c "Don't worry," answered the lawyer, 'lie fellow who groaned Is a man- f otlt-town. The other Jurors are oldshloned men."?Birmingham Age- t erald. J t Before attacking an enemy, map out a air line of retreat. r Days ( : lexion of some I , alth. I sually exaggerdons and fre* them. | many former | >w ravor iginal I Cereal | minutes and a g e results. Fine | 1 as grown-ups. | at Grocery I rid at 15c and 25c. | IALEGH IHVfcDED I BY WOF BOGS IIITOM CAMS UNHERALDED, AND REMAIN WITHOUT ANY WELCOME OR INVITATION. I0MIN6 VEILED IN MYSTERY fltty Reporter Interviews an Oldest Inhabitant Who Recalls a Similar Invasion Along About '18. Raleigh. Forty million hopping huge! Raleigh, the capital city, invaded by ie great green host. The visitors ame unheralded and remained wlthut receiving an invitation to stay. Illlions upon millions of them were > be seen along the white way of Faytteville street, and a billion or two iirned into McDowell for a peep into He lighted windows of stores. Where the visitors came from was ot ascertained. Whither they were ound was likewise a mystery. The ldest citizen recalled that back in '18 here was a similar visitation, while nother said it was a common thing Dr these visitors to drop In on Raligh to give it the once over. Bill McDevitt, of Kinston, who is an uthorlty on bugs, says these hopping ugs are matured from the green lover worm, which has started such ,avoc recently. They cams to Kinson last week and put things out of usiness for a while. Like some city oiks, they seem to like the country n their youth, but in their maturity hey hit for the towns. 'oung Reserve* Judgment. Mr. P. W. Schenck was here from Ireensboro as special agent for The Uobe and Rutgers Fire Insurance lompany, and conferred with the State Insurance Commissioner relaive to violations of the North Caroina Insurance laws by thdt company. One of the special violations that he company promises to explain is the ise of other than the Standard policy described by the state law. Commisloner Young has reserved his judgnent in the case against the company o allow time for officials from the lome office of the company to appear nd present their case fully from their lewpoint. No Hitch In Webb Matter. Washington (Special).?Many North Carolinians Inquire about the status if the federal judgeship which Repreentative Webb is to have. There is a uspicion that a hitch somewhere Is lolding it up. But that is not true, che President is ready to act when he department of justice completes he preliminaries required by law. The Webb nomination Is certain inless something most unexpected omes. lew State Epidemiologist. Dr. F. M. Register, former physician t the State Prison, reported to the Itate Board of Health and immediately began his new duties as State Eplemiologist. Dr. Register succeeds )r. A. McR. Crouch, . who resigned LUgust 1st to accept the position of iealth officer In New Hanover. For the last two years. Dr. Register ias been employed as whole-time iealth officer in Northampton county inder the triple arrangement between he Rockefeller foundation, the state nd the county. Meeting of Superintendents. The west central district of North Carolina county superintendents of iducations comprising superintendents if 20 counties in the western part of he state held a two day session in Charlotte last week. Fallowing the iddress of welcome and response, seviral pertinent discussions on matters onnected with education in its vari>us phases in the state were held. Requisition Honored. Governor Bickett honored a requlsilon from the governor of Virginia for [ess Martin, wanted in Norfolk couny, Virginia, on the charge of stealing in automobile. ralk on Fire Neglect. "We exercise too little care in btilldng our homes to make them less 11a>le to burn and even less to make hem safe for ourselves and family In rase of Are. How many of us give any ittention to this or have our archleots do so?" Thus did North Carolina's insur?nca commiss'oner and fire marshal. Fames R. Younr. stress a countrv-wide Icreliction that entails appaling toll a lives and property in on address bolt re the annual convention of lire mardials of North America. rare To Be Big Subject, Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Uraham has been informed by officers of the cotton convention to be held at Mew Orleans October 13-15 that the subject of tarc-bagging and . ties for cotton bales, will be one of the live topics for the convention on which ihftro Iq r? itfllnrmlniitlnn to tnke nrtlnn that will Rive cotton growers much needed relief. It is a subject wnich lie will not fail to impress on the .:ouvention when the subject is broa :hed. Action by the convention will be watched with keen interest. N. C. F. Convention Officers. The election of officers came at the close of a busy session of the North Carolina Farmers convention, and resulted fn the following selections: President. Dr. Clarence Poe, Raleigh; vice president, L. A. Lipe, Mount Pleasant; E. J. Ingram, Fayetteville; C. C. Parsons, Qrassy Creek; J. D. Bullock, Beaufort county; secretary and treasurer, S. J. Kirby. Mrs. A. L. Capehart, of Oxford, was named as president of the Farm Women's Convention, and Miss Laura M. Winaflsld. of Raleigh, secretary. tov > - , B ' .r Salvation Army Pledgee. Facing the Immense task of home sqprk* reconstruction throughout Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, in the afterma^i of the war. aa it stripe for action to befriend the poor through the coming winter, an urgent appeal has been'issued by the Salvation Army tKht pledges due September first be met promptly. "The Salvation Army kept faithfully its trust in the?4rorld war and stood the acid test." declared Brigadier A. W. Crawford, in charge of the Salvation Army work In the department of the southeast, with offices in Atlanta, In his appeal for payment of these pledges. "And I believe the people who subscribed to our Home Service Campaign Fund last spring will keep faith with the Salvation Army," he added. "The work this fall and winter wtll be four-fold. The full quota of soldiers who went to war will be back.Thousands will need jobs and the helping hand of the Salvation Army, j "The Salvation Army stood by them I to the last on the battle line?it will not desert them now." i Farmers Enter Pretest. Washington (Special).?North Carolina farmers are worked up over the efforts to reduce the cost of living by hitting the tiller of the soil. They are i writing to their congressmen to see I that they are not made the goats. Senators Simmons and Overman have received a number of protests. On the other hand builders and manufacturers are urging that something be done to reduce the cost of materials so that they can continue in business. The cost of lumber has advanced to such an extent that it will be impossible for one to build a house. a ieuer irom a doming man protested that It would not be right to make it illegal to exact more than 33 per cent on clothing. He has heard a report that the limit would be fixed at that figure. Most of the North Carolinians who write do not want the price fixed on foodstuffs. William J. Bryan was here. Once more he denied tLa story that he is to be a candidate for the senate from North Carolina. "T am not from North Carolina." he aid. "I have a summer home there, and a winter home in Florida. I live in Nebraska." State May Take Charge. When Governor Bickett. who has. been rummaging about in Old Joe Smith's kingdom. Frisco, vellowstone park. Reno and the Great Divide, gets back to North Carolina, he is going to be advised to Invite Buck and Ben Duke, particularly Buck, down to North Carolina to find out if those gentlemen wish to run their street cars any more. Whetner tne governor has any such thought in his head?and it is said by men not hostile to his politics that he has?it is going to be put there by Democrats weary of what goes on In Charlotte and Winston-Salem. The governor has spoken his mind too many times on capital and labor to guarantee silence much longer. Then, Bickett's counselors say, the governor will suggest that if Mr. Duke's policy is to go hack to mediaeval times, the state will undertake to run the lines and will recognize the right of union men to organize. North Carolina Oversubscribes. Matthew Hale, president of the quasi-public South Atlantic Maritime rnrnnrnttnn nnH r?noml rhnlrmnn of the sister company, the South Atlantic Export company, is on a tour of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida in the interests of the latter organization now being formed by the business men of the south Atlantic states for the purpose of stimulating trade with Latin America. The export company, like its sister corporation, the South Atlantic Marltime corporation. Is a quasi-public company controlled by directors representing both the stockholders and the four south Atlantic states. At the offices of Mr. Hale It was announced that North Carolina had oversubscribed her share of the organization fund. The city of Wilmington alone had oversubscribed her allotment by 300 per cent. The organization committees in the three other states were reported as actively rounding up the bankers and other business men. Other New Enterprises. One new Raleigh company and one for Mount Airy filed incorporation papers with the Secretary of State. Amusement Facilities Company, Raleigh; social clubs; authorized capital $20,00, subscribed $4,500; duration, SO years; Fred C. Jones, William H. Wynne, H. H. Nowell, all of Ral eigh. incorporators. W, S. Wolfe Drug Company. Mount Airy; authorized capital $25,000, subscribed $f?,000; W. S. "Wolfe, F. G. Wolfe, both of Mount Airy; W. M. Taylor, Winston-Salem, incorporators. Of Interest to Tourists. It will be an announcement of distinct interest to hundreds of members of the Southern Presbyterian church, nnd to many others in the territory of this church, to know plans are being formulated for extensive improvements at Montreat, the summer assembly of this church, before the opening of another conference season, which will be in the summer of 1920. Announcement has been made that the Mountain Retreat association confidently expects to erect another hotel at Montreat. Robertson Wins Agent's Prize. A prize was offered North Carolina county agents soma time ago for the best definition of what a county agent really ia. The prize of $5 hnc Just been awarded to A. K. Robertson. "A county Agent is a farmer trained to serve his rural people as tin apostle of the high ideals of living; as a teacher of the progressive principles of the business, the Industry and *he pro fession of farming, and as a promoter of whatever will mean for the welfare of individuals, communities and states." ' 1 ' To BuTTd Concroto Highway. Macadam road construction ha ring proved to be Inadequate (or a traffic of more than 2.000 tons a day. the state of New Jersey has undertaken to build a concrete highway for 17H miles between Metuchen and Rahway and between New Brunswick and Kingston, that will cost $1,157264. or $06,500 a mile. The new rood will be graded to a width of 90 feet This will Include a concrete driveway 18 feet wide, tar macadam shoulder of three feet on either side and graded shoulder of three feet 90 either side outside of the tar macadam. The concrete will be unusually heavy, being eight Inches thick at the sides and 10V4 Inches in the center. Freshen a Heavy Skin \ W'th the antiseptic, fascinating Cuticure Talcum Powder, an exquisitely , scented convenient economical face, | skin, baby and dusting powder and ? perfume. Renders other perfumes su- s perfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).?Adv. Experience. Miss Sentiment?Were you ever disappointed In love? Eligible Widower?Two and a half times. Miss Sentiment?Two and a half times? Eligible Widower?Yes, twice married and once rejected.?Boston Post. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN * I foAVBcA v 5 J ? ^ LI "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to b( i? genuine must be marked with tht safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy ail unbroken Bayer package which con- pj! tains proper directions to sufely re- _ lleve Headache. Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores?larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mouoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld.?Adv. Desperate Remedy. "I have a fine remedy for the high cost of living, but It's desperate und I hesitate to try It." "What is It?" "Just to quit entlng food altogether." Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs 1 to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, headache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritable and may be despondent; it makes any one so. ! But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see i what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, ! liver and bladder medicine, will dr? for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghnmton, N. Y., you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores.?Adv. ' True. "His word Is law." "I never could see much to that expression." "Why not?" "Most laws require so many words." Ll GIGA / /^ET a packag tice the flavc some taste of Ke tobacco. Why do so i men" buy Li cigarettes? T1 for the special toasted Burley t< There's the bi toasted, and real Lucky Strike yoi " v -v. ' '' Savory beans, Mexican pepp< *?all in a hot Spanish sauce! Carne?ask your grocer for Mil 1 1 wiui rice, masncd potatoes c Ubby, MfNeill & The Proper Treatment. "I have a terrible cold," he contained. "My head feels all stopped >." "Have you tried a vacuum cleaner?" ie queried sweetly.?St. Louis (llobeeraocrat. To Purify and Enrich the Itlood rite GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC ilch la almply IRON and QUININE ausnded In Syrup. So Pleaennt Even Children ke It. Tou can soon feci Its Strengthening, vlgoratlng Effect. Price 60c. A pneumatic hammer for tamping ivlng stones has been Invented. kRETTI *e today. No>r?the whole ntucky Burley \ nany 4'regular icky Strike ley buy them ^ flavor of the obacco. fI ig reason?it's 1 yjjj Burley. Make \NVv ur cigarette. ? /) Guaranteed by <f\lS *STTAAJ^rveciAA*> mm mm i.. ' ' . * IgaSMHiiirHVHnnB ? :rs, choice bits of tender beef Such is Libby's Chili Con a package today. Try it >r spaghetti?it's delightful. Libby, Chicago - * , If u newspaper Is dull, tiling doesn't A torpid llvo- condition prevent* pi'BPW rood analmtiatl >n. Tone up your Uror with "Wright's Ind'-vn Vegetable Pill*. They MS gently and nu.ely. Adv. A Mean Remark. "I hear he got h*s wife out of a department store." "He must huve pro posed on remnant day." Spanish City Short of Bread. A great shortage of bread exists In Rareelonn as a result of the prevailing 11. iii . i Hour ie "Gold Bond" Cer- - . cate in each garment - -**4 solutely guarantees * . 1 ur satisfaction in ery respect. Popular Prices ( (to. - ? itT\ 1 lastedy HI